Read Five Page 35

  Sister Mary Margaret wasn’t in her office. I had expected the staff to question us, but no one seemed to notice us at all. Jessica led me to an ordinary looking door in the basement. What I wouldn’t give for some fresh air. The hall was dim because a bunch of the lights were burned out.

  Out of nowhere foreboding flooded into me. I stepped on Jessica’s foot trying to get away from it.

  She touched my shoulder lightly. “It’s going to be okay. I really appreciate you doing this. You have no idea how much.”

  She sidestepped the door as I opened it. I smiled at her then yelped when I saw Roger Wayne glide into the hallway.

  Jessica whirled around, eyes wide. Alex followed Roger out of the room. Roger looked back and clenched his fists. “Do I have to tell you guys everything? Get out here.”

  Two burly men staggered out of the doorway. I didn’t recognize either of them. Satisfied, Roger turned and leered at us.

  I raised my brows at him. “I’m sure if you look hard enough, you might find some brawn that comes with brains.”

  He glared at the two giants; they looked confused. “What are you flushed turds waiting for? Get her!”

  My fear overrode my urge to giggle. I was going to have to remember that one, though.

  I grabbed Jessica’s hand and ran. I had no idea where I was going, so I let her ahead of me. Her pace was too slow. They would catch us if we didn’t hurry. She raced through the first door we came to then came up short. I slammed into her as her body flailed to keep from falling.

  Taylor approached us smiling gloriously. Roger caught up to us and pulled me roughly against him. I shot Alex a pleading look, but he glanced away. That told me all I needed to know about him.

  Taylor soundlessly reached out a hand toward Jessica. He didn’t even look at me. She blinked hard and shook her head. With what appeared to be enormous effort on her part, she backed into me and slipped a note into my hand.

  Roger pushed us both forward then pulled me back. Jessica turned, giving me a farewell smile. “I’m sorry,” she said. Tears streamed down her flushed cheeks. “Tell Adam I’ll miss him. Ask him to forgive me.”

  How did she think I would be around any longer than she would? Her words were those of someone desperately in love. The way she had acted with Adam made perfect sense now. “Fight it,” I screamed. “Don’t let him in your head. Build a wall. You have to fight it!”

  For a moment I thought she might be able to resist him. She retreated a few steps but halted at Taylor’s command. The air picked up around us, blowing dirt into my eyes. My hair whipped violently around.

  Roger pulled a strand out of his mouth, and yanked me toward the other end of the tunnel. I fought him, but he threw me over his shoulder as if I were a five year old. I looked up as Taylor took Jessica into his arms. She smiled at him as though he was the only man alive, her real life completely forgotten.

  I pummeled Roger’s back, but he just ignored me. Jessica didn’t react to anything I shouted at her.

  Someone stepped from the shadows. At first I thought it was Zach. I was wrong.

  Luke smiled charmingly before he turned a warning expression to Roger. “I sincerely hope you were not planning to renege on our agreement, boy.”

  Roger twisted around slowly. I could feel his tension when he set me down. “Whatever would make you think otherwise?”

  Luke stalked toward me; Roger skittered away. The other men were already out of view.

  I felt Luke trying to break into my mind. He blasted at my walls, but for now they were holding.

  “Interesting,” he said. His graceful brows furrowed before he came at me stronger.

  I gasped. Cracks were forming. I couldn’t retreat and concentrate at the same time. He broke through my barrier when his hand came to rest lightly at my nape. I couldn’t take the physical contact and combat him mentally.

  “I don’t want to see this,” Alex spat as though the scene repulsed him. I thought he had already gone. Why wouldn’t he help me?

  The door shut. Silence reigned. Luke brushed the hair from my face. His eyes were kind. His fingers traced my lower lip. “I have waited far too long for this.”

  I shivered under his touch. My entire body ached with need. He was stronger than I had anticipated. My will faded into the distance like a faltering sunset. If I waited much longer, I would be gone, and some girl I wouldn’t recognize would emerge.

  My eyes stung with restrained tears. This was it. I would never see my family again in this life. I would never get to laugh with Cassie. I would never feel Zach’s embrace. I thought it funny he was among those I would miss. I said a silent goodbye.

  Luke’s cerulean gaze scanned over me warily. I smiled at him, imagining he was Zach. I licked my lips invitingly. He studied my expression but didn’t come nearer, so I pulled his golden face toward me.

  His lips brushed mine then pressed firm. He groaned and pulled me flush to him. It had to be soon. I couldn’t resist much longer. I felt him at the door, knocking. He wasn’t supposed to do it this way, but I had counted that he would cheat.

  I opened the door, gave him a sultry look.

  And slammed it in his face.

  He dropped me as though scalded. I gazed up at him, sucking in a lungful of stifling air.

  My chest hurt. Every breath was agony. Why was I still breathing?

  His brows furrowed as he slowly shook off his stunned expression. With pure determination on his face, he reached for me again.

  I scrambled away. “That proves it,” I hissed. “You have no claim to me. I should be dead.”

  His mouth turned in a disgusted frown. “How could you do that? Am I that repulsive?” His eyes were bright with unmistakable hurt as he backed away from me.

  I stared dumbfounded. He was reacting as any man would. I had expected him to leave with a shrug void of any real emotion when his bonding attempt failed.

  He stood a few feet back, legs in a wide stance, and crossed his arms. Why was he just standing there? He studied me for a while then he narrowed his eyes and stepped toward me again. “I feel you, Rayla. You have my element within you. Do you not recognize the connection we have?”

  “I…” I didn’t know what to tell him. I could feel him as well, but I didn’t know him. His emotions scared me. He was full of passion for me, for life, for his people, but there were darker feelings, as well: jealousy, rage, hate, depression, even self loathing. How could he expect me to want to be with him?

  He reached a hand out to me. “It has to be the tunnels. It will not be the same when you are in my land.”

  I jumped to my feet. “Leave me alone!”

  He spoke in a monotone, “I cannot do as you ask.” The heat in his eyes turned cold with resolve. “You will be mine one way or another.”

  I set my shoulders. “I do not love you. I don’t know anything about you.”

  My words made no difference in the hard set of his shoulders or his unwavering expression. “The dark court needs you. I need you. Love can come later.”

  He was from the dark court? What did that mean? Besides I already loved Zach and look where that had gotten me. I felt something other than attraction for Luke, but I didn’t know what it was. Sympathy, maybe? This was way more complicated than I wanted to feel. I slunk away from him. “I can’t go with you.”

  For every step he came closer, I retreated two. I had no idea what to do now.

  A heavy weight encircled my throat. I jerked it off. Pearls the size of grapes clattered to the ground. I had never seen anything so pretty. The weight was back instantly. I reached up and slid my fingers wonderingly across the necklace.

  He smiled warmly, knowingly. “I can give you riches untold, but so much more than that.”

  Heat flooded through me as he attacked my senses. Regretfully, I was not immune to him. I gasped for breath as my pulse raced. My feet slowed against my will.

  “Have you ever felt the full measure of passion, Rayla? Has any man ever shown you
how special you are? How extraordinarily beautiful you are?”

  Not even Zach had affected me so strongly. How was that possible? I closed my eyes, hoping it would give me an edge, and shoved him back. He didn’t relent. He covered me in a flood of emotion.

  If only I would give him a chance, I would see he was the best one for me. If only I would open up to him, he would help me understand what we could be together—what we could do together.

  “No!” My scream echoed around us, giving me strength. “You cannot have me!”

  His onslaught vanished suddenly. When I opened my eyes, bright light blazed through the dim corridor. I squinted from the glare. Then I jumped back.

  It was coming from my hand. The light suddenly flickered and died.

  Fear radiated from Luke. His voice was a harsh whisper. “What are you?”

  A Rambo moment came to mind, but I couldn’t bring myself to say, “Your worst nightmare.” I let out a ragged laugh, surprised by the wildness in it.

  Jett came rushing into the tunnel. Furor lined his face as he stalked toward me.

  I blinked, recognizing something familiar. Memories flooded through me as a protective barrier shattered in my subconscious. I had seen this man when I was a child.

  The scene replayed as though it happened yesterday.

  I rushed into our small living room to give mom a picture I had colored for her. Pride shone in her eyes as I handed her my masterpiece. She hugged me and pulled me to the floor, tickling me mercilessly. I laughed, writhing to escape her light grip.

  She suddenly went rigid, telling me to keep quiet. She picked me up and rushed me to the closet. She covered me in a strange sheer cloth and slammed the closet door, plunging me into blackness. I moved quietly and turned the handle, pushing until a sliver of light made me squint. I peeked through the door. Mom threw herself onto the couch seconds before Jett appeared in a thunderous clap.

  He towered over her, blazing like a small sun, blasting her with angry sounding questions. I froze, not daring to move a muscle. I didn’t want him to find me. I had to keep him from finding me.

  I couldn’t quite recall what he had asked, but the feeling of the conversation was still fresh. I watched as my mother cowered in fear before him. The blackness of her terror surrounded me in a hazy fog, seeping into my core. He didn’t stay long. The moment he left, Mom grabbed her purse, pulled me from the closet, and raced away from our tiny apartment into the night.

  That was the day she took me to visit Aunt Grace, the last day I had seen her. I glared at the reason I feared the dark.

  I walked up to Jett and slapped his confused face, hard. My voice was that of a mad woman. “What did you do with my mother?”

  He took a ragged step back, touching his cheek. He narrowed his eyes for a moment then smiled broadly. With a look of triumph, he crossed his arms over his massive chest. “I knew you were mine.”