Read Five Hours to Die Page 5

Chapter Three

  02:00mins [In Nigeria]

  Mr Ronald and his personal assistance—Mr Cole— disembarked from the jet at a very close-by airport. He resides in Ikeja but has another house in Victoria Island, all in Lagos. He decided to go straight to his house to map out his plans but first, he has to make some calls before hand and he also needs to sell off the company in the next one hour or less.

  “Get a call through a party organizer and let them get their entire instrument ready at my house. Make the address known to them and don’t act like a numb!” Mr Ronald instructed as they stepped into the taxi that’d carry them to Ikeja.

  “We have three party organizers at our snap… which one should we call?” Mr Cole asked rather foolishly.

  “Your working days are numbered Cole and don’t get too excited… I might still withdraw my promise… how about that?” Mr Ronald concluded while the taxi man manoeuvre his way out of the airport and into the busy road of Lagos city.

  “Yes boss! I’m really sorry. I will just contact the best party organizers and do the necessary…” Mr Ronald cut in.

  “Do it now! And stop all the trash!” Mr Ronald slammed.

  As the car moves swiftly through a traffic-free road, Mr Ronald’s thought were fixed at the way the houses are being passed… the house you saw in your front is behind you and then, you don’t see them again… that’s how life of a man is. Today, you see them and you laugh with them; tomorrow, you see them no more and you mourn them. Very soon, he’d be gone and all he has laboured for will go with him not. What a vain life! If after all our daily strife, we would be going away with nothing, then nothing really worth the effort and the energy we’ve given in the past. But then, the life we live alone worth everything—all thing! And so we must strive to survive… to make end meets… to die as heroes and legend because, a life devoid of any impact-making does not worth living. So complicated is this life that everyone decides which path suit them and so they follow it and the brave, the courageous and the risk-takers has tread those paths successfully! That path is the very one that Mr Ronald chose and he has tread successfully until now… now that death has chosen to strike. We then may tend to ask; why death chooses the wrong people to kill and leaves the right people… isn’t too unfair of death? Of course it is! But we as humans are thrown in the dark as to how death operates. Even science till now has not been able to prove this mystical phenomenon. And so, we long for that eternity where all mysteries will be revealed and the ‘hiddens’ made known… that time, there will be death no more! The only pathway to this eternity is of course death and everyone is indebted—believe this or not!


  Everybody is on their toes. Mr Ronald got home and found out that all is set… the party, the cooks and even the canopies. He lives in a mansion—a rare one in Ikeja. Hitherto, only important people and only the invited guest are allowed in. But today, all people from walks of life have being invited and if at all you are not invited, you have the chance to enter. Even with the intimidating gate, that will refuse to open on any normal day is opened wide for free entrance. Trust Nigerians, they want to be there to know what is happening and consequently take part in the fun. So, it wasn’t hard to gather crowd from far and near. The news of the party has travelled far and people from neighbouring towns all came to witness the once in a decade type of party.

  The compound of the house is wide enough to host five hundred people without them squeezing themselves but rather sitting comfortably. Mr Cole has done well by contacting the best party organizers in the town and these people are true professionals. No stone is left unturned. The bands are getting ready and the meals are now releasing their aroma—to tell the general that it’s about time that they lay hand on what they have being relishing and savouring.

  As the preparation outside reach its peak and a lot of people now trooping in, drama unfolds in the sitting room of Mr Ronald.


  “What the heck has come over you?” Kayode asked angrily as he watches Ronald sit down on the soul-comforting couch—but it has failed to comfort Ronald anyway—and removing his shoes and unbuttoning his shirt.

  “Death cometh!” Was Ronald’s reply as he walked to the bar to bring out a wine and cool his nerves.

  Mr Cole walked in with a man carrying printed papers.

  “Here is the man with the printed posters sir!” Cole introduced.

  “Good! How many copies you got?” Ronald asked as he sips his wine and sat down comfortably.

  “One thousand copies!” The man replied handing over the parcel to Mr Cole.

  “Wait… what is going on here? Are you insane? Your obituary?” Kayode questioned bewildered as he unwrapped the parcel and seeing the picture of Ronald with obituary at the top in bold letters. In short, the poster contains his burial arrangement.

  “Have you being paid?” Ronald asked ignoring Kayode.

  “Yes sir!” The man answered bowing and he left also surprised. Before now, he thought the man in the poster is dead but walking in and seeing the picture of the man he printed obituary with alive; is something too much of fact he could believe. If someone had told him that such thing could ever happen, he’d fought to win such argument. But right here; he’s a living witness!

  Kayode was sweating profusely already as he wipes his forehead continuously with his handkerchief.

  “Excuse us Cole. Make contact with my girlfriend to come down here and then… sell off the company at the appropriate value. We’ve discussed that. Haven’t we?” Cole nodded in affirmation. “If they would refuse the manager signature on my behalf, make a call through and let me speak to them… and be fast about it and don’t be a numb!” Ronald concluded.

  “Okay sir!” Cole nodded and bowed. He left with smiles all over his face—he isn’t loyal after all.

  Now, death could expose the true personality of individual if it heralds its coming the way it did to Ronald. If Ronald has the chance of living again, he’d be careful with the people he chose to be his close confidant. And of course, Mr Cole is also a professional in the eye-service job. He’s only a smart ass for not displaying all these while. Ronald is however not oblivious of the new character that Cole is playing in the drama that unfolds at the tick of the time.

  “Sit down Kayode and let me explain things to you…” Ronald said as he sips his wine again. I think Ronald is now enjoying every bit of the last drama his life brings. Shying away from the fact that death is inevitable is like hiding behind one finger. A total delusion!

  “What do you want to explain… what explanation do you have to offer?” Kayode asked furiously—he’s a concerned friend but to an extent. Just then, Larry; another friend of Ronald walked in with rage.

  “What the heck is happening here? Who the heck is dead? What the fuck is going on? Can someone please explain?” Larry questioned as he unbuttoned his shirt and removing his wristwatch—did he want to fight? Larry has lived almost all his life in the state and he’s accustomed with the overrated use of their accent—by Nigerians—and their swear words. He works in an oil company and you know what that means here in Nigeria?—he’s ‘bastardly’ rich! Not up to Ronald though. All these guys are the young millionaires of Lagos’ city. They paint it red every weekend saves for Ronald who paints his own business red not only on work days but also on weekends.

  “I have less than an hour to die!” Ronald dropped the bombshell leaving his friends to burst into laughter that signifies sarcasm.

  “What’s funny?” Ronald questioned looking surprised.

  “You are funny man! You are damn funny!” Larry said wearing his wristwatch back.

  “Who told you such? Did death come to inform you that he’d be coming to take you in less than one hour time?” Kayode chuckled and continued “Gosh… when did you start believing in all those trash? Thought you were more of atheist than a religion freak…” Ronald cuts in

  “And that’s where you’re wrong man. Did I fed you with such tra
sh yesterday or have I ever gone mad so sudden like today with me selling of my company and my other business enterprises? I’m I a party freak… have I ever organized a party like this before? Have you ever seen me as restful and comfortable as I am now when I suppose to be up and doing? C’mon, you’ve got to believe me this time!” Ronald concluded and took another sip. Larry countenance changed as he became calmer with Kayode sitting down gently besides Ronald wiping his forehead with his handkerchief.

  “My doctor told me in Miami that I have cancer beneath my ribcage and less than five hours to die back there because the cancer lump is inoperable. I had to take a private jet down to Nigeria to save time and enable me to put things right!” Ronald explained. Kayode and Larry sighed—now the time to be sober.

  Just then, Rose—Ronald’s girlfriend—walked in!

  00: 45mins

  “Rose!” Ronald exclaimed and hugged her passionately. They were locked in each other’s arm. Rose was however surprised at the sudden change of Ronald’s romance life. Before now, she would have to beg Ronald for a peck not to talk of him hugging her this way. Nevertheless, she’s enjoying the new Ronald and the hug—she has longed for it.

  They let loose of themselves but just immediately Rose countenance changed at the look of Ronald’s friends. They all wore a sad look.

  “What’s happening here?” Rose asked as she held Ronald’s hand—fondling his fingers.

  “Ronald can explain!” Kayode quickly answered while taking away his face from Rose’s piercing looks.

  Turning to Ronald—“What’s happening here sweetheart?” Rose asked looking worried. “Why is everyone looking like this? Are you guys at loggerhead or what? Can someone please talk to me?” Rose questioned sounding more worried and filled with angst.

  “Baby… can we talk in my bedroom?” Ronald asked though not expecting any negative reply—just a polite way to excuse both of them.

  “Sure!” Rose said and almost leading the way.

  “Excuse us please!” Ronald said while his friends nodded in affirmation.

  “I have less than thirty minutes before my death!” Ronald said immediately they entered the bedroom. Rose was taken aback and she stood aghast at the entrance of the bedroom. “My doctor in Miami made it known to me that I have a cancer lump beneath my ribcage and it can’t be removed thereby my vulnerability to death in less than five hours. Ever since then, my time has been ticking away and my footsteps closer to death!” Ronald concluded and turning from the window to face Rose who was transfixed at the door with horror and freighted with suspense.

  Rose busted into tears and broke down sobbing. Ronald eyes and for the first time was streaming with tears as he watches his girlfriend sobs for him. If only the dead can catch a glimpse at the mood of their sympathizers, they too would shed tears. How painful it is to die without being able to bid your loved ones goodbye but it’s more painful to announce your own death and see your cherished ones crying for you while you are still alive. If such could quicken the hands of the clock to save themselves from the anguish and the excruciating pains that comes from within… that would have being the best thing to do.

  Ronald stood gallantly until now damning the sorrows that comes with knowing the time of his death. But with Rose pouring out a lot of emotions here, he just has to follow suit. With tears he recited a poem—a dirge!

  “And now I stand with death eye brow to eye brow. Death looks me in the face and said; Ronald, to whom do you owe your life if not the one that creates it. From whence cometh thou if not from the dust and to whence goeth thou if not the dust. He who is about to die should be sober. For this life he shall see no more. He who knows that he cannot live forever should be humble. For the time of death he knows not. He who knows nothing about the world beyond this planet’s wall should live right. For he remains in darkness till his death. He who is about to die should gather all his strength; for the night tarries not again. We who are still living but about to die should learn from the dead… no matter who we are, no matter what we have done, no matter the impact we’ve made… the moment our souls leaves our body… we become an outcast… an alien to planet earth. And so, death… bounds us to eternity and immortality and of which no scientific knowledge can prove wrong! This is my new belief and in it, I take my solace even as death nears my soul!” Ronald concluded and wiped his face with his handkerchief.


  Ronald and Rose walked back to the sitting room with Rose still sobbing. Her eyes have gone red. She sat down resting her head on Ronald’s chest while he fondles her hair. Just then, Cole walked in sweating—one could tell he’s been working to put things in order.

  “You’ve only gone for twenty minutes or so… why are you back now? Are you done with all the process?” Ronald questioned calmly as Cole walked in.

  “Yes sir! Every of the process has been done. We sold the company at a higher value and that gave us a boost. The orphanage house has been given their share and the charity homes too. The change of ownership for your properties has been done but we will need your friends to sign for the final process to take place…” Rose cut him short.

  “Change of what? Ownership? Why that? And again… why sell your company when you are still alive?” Rose questioned raising her head from Ronald’s bosom.

  “Easy honey! I’m doing all these because I want my properties to be in good hands when I’m gone. See, the selling of the company is the best option available for me and that’s what I chose to do.” Ronald explained. “Now, without wasting time, this house belongs to Kayode henceforth and the two jeeps in the car park. That Ehm… house at Victoria Island belongs to Larry and every car that might be there. Rose, I’ve got the most expensive house for you in Lekki… it’s all yours and the key is with Cole…” Cole cut in.

  “Sir, have you withdrawn your promise concerning the five percent of the total asset that…” Ronald cut in.

  “Cole?” Ronald called out.

  “Sir?” Cole answered looking worried and sweating—does that means all his effort has been in vain?

  “Does that mean you haven’t received an alert on your phone?” Cole is now checking his inbox on his phone. “I have ordered that a sum of fifty-five million dollars be wired to your bank account some fifty minutes ago…” Cole cut in.

  “I’m very sorry sir! I didn’t check. The alert has been received sir!” Cole said shaking—shaking with joy. “Ehm… Please sign those documents and let me take them away for the final process!” Cole concluded sharing the documents to each of them to append their signature.

  “Thank you very much sir! I… I… I shall be back in the next five minutes and to witness your death… sorry… to… to… I have to go now sir! Ehm… thank you… thank you!” Cole said bowing and he rushed out almost running.

  “Can we trust that gold-digger?” Kayode asked turning to Larry and Rose.

  “I will have Sule go after him secretly!” Rose answered almost immediately.

  Ronald stood up with the three closets people starring at him curiously. He sighed and made for the bedroom but just then he turned back.

  “Announce my death immediately its five minutes time!” Ronald said and walked slowly to his bedroom.


  Isn’t it obvious enough that Ronald’s friends are pure sycophants and are gold-diggers as well? They bore within themselves the joy of having to share their friend’s wealth without them putting him under any pressure or compulsion. Of course, they envy the wealth of Ronald and they strive to become like him too. Kayode of all his friends is the true devil and even more sycophantic than Cole. He has at some point in time nurtures the thought of killing Ronald and claiming his properties. But now that death has forced him to do what he wouldn’t have done hundred years from here, he’s of course the happiest man on earth for not having to kill a friend before claiming his properties. Death could be sweet after all if it offers people like him the chance to be rich overnight. The worth of this mansion alone
can turn his financial status around for life if he would have to sell it off. His plan of course was to sell it off after Ronald’s death. This he concluded in his mind and smirked.

  Rose wasn’t too happy about Ronald’s death. She holds the highest hope of marrying the richest man in the country. Coming across such man again would be in another generation. With the house in Lekki however, she could be one of the richest lady in that area by selling off the house. What else is she looking for—nothing; saves for the troubles that come with being a rich lady and thereby finding it difficult to find a husband. Most of these guys outside only want to play with your feelings and emotions and consequently elude with your money. And there again comes the woes of being rich. But wait… she could travel outside the country and settle down there and maybe find a loving husband there without having to invest her ‘hard-earned’ money in the relationship—that’s a fantastic idea! She thought. She smiled wryly as she sighed.

  As for Larry, this is the perfect gift for his status. He works in an oil company and the implication of course is that he’s a well to do man. But he has this vice of spending lavishly. He’s a young man of twenty-nine and also yet to married. He believes this is the best time for him to enjoy and get into new exiting adventures because, immediately he gets married, he’s tied to responsibilities and then the cross of faithfulness to just one woman; one thing he’s not ready for now. Though he works in a company that pays him well, he has never planned to build a house for himself and so when the gift of a house in a beautiful place like Victoria Island came, it becomes too good to be rejected. He can now boast of his own house—a boost to his extravagant lifestyle. This thought made him to smile faintly but was quick to control it. For reasons known to the three, none of them wants the other to know that he/she secretly enjoys the turn-around of circumstances. They all wait therefore and in suspense the death of Ronald. Ronald’s tale is now like the rose flower that grew among thorns or the jasmine that was planted on a dung hill. Such is the life Ronald chose to live though little did he know that people could change within few minutes or maybe they didn’t changed, maybe they only became a clearer picture of whom they are. Money therefore has the ability to paint the true picture of everyone.

  “What’s the time… isn’t it five minutes already?” Kayode broke the silence as he checked the time.

  00:00mins (Zero Hour)

  “Ronald should be dead by now!” Larry exclaimed while they all looked at their wristwatch.

  “Then we should announce his death” Kayode said and was about going out when Rose spoke up.

  “Wait… we should confirm first before announcing such thing. What if he’s not yet dead… are we then going to kill him?” Rose asked looking into their eyes. “I will check and see… you guys should wait here!” She concluded and went into the bedroom upstairs.

  Ronald was dressed in his suit with his bow tie and pocket filler—both in cyan colour. He thought the best way to die is to dress neat and presentable—maybe that would earn him a place in the paradise. Like the notion that says, ‘you’d be addressed the way you dress—a kind of as it is on earth, so it is in heaven. Since he could not get through a pastor, he decided to take the bull by the horn by saying his last prayer himself. But before he said his prayer, he drank his favourite wine and took some bite from a baked pancake—he’s going on a long journey and there might be no road-side food sellers.

  He closed his eyes as the alarm he set started ringing. Death has finally come. Just then, a gory creature came holding him by his hand and flying away high into the sky… they kept soaring aloft and Ronald was enjoying the ride—after all, he won’t have to walk as he expected. Still dressed in his suit, he started filling heat and then the need to remove his cloth.

  “Can you please wait a moment and let me remove my suit… I’m feeling heat all over!” Ronald begged. The creature only looked at Ronald and shook his head negatively.

  “Gosh! Why has your king chose you to be my travel aid when you don’t even have any atom of politeness or respect? By the way, what’s the name of the town we are now?” Ronald asked again. The creature looked at Ronald more fearfully this time and shook his head again.

  “Do you know who I am? I’m the richest man in Nigeria and I can sue you for this insubordination of yours… let’s get to that paradise first… anyways, where exactly are we going? We’ve being passing through skies all these while…” The creature looked at Ronald again and he smirked this time around. Just then, he began to laugh and the laughter grew into hysteria. Ronald was irritated but he found out that he could not snatch himself away from this terrible creature whose hands pinned Ronald’s.

  “We are heading to Hell!!!” And the creature began to laugh again.

  “What? Hell? Look… you are with the wrong person… can’t you see the way I’m dressed and I was prepared for heaven or what is the name… and not hell…” Just then, Ronald began to hear cries and yelling. He was almost deafened with the agonizing noise he was hearing. And not only that, he could feel his skin burning and melting away…

  “Ronald! Ronald!!...” He looked back and saw a white angel calling him and gesturing to him to come over.

  “Look… you’ve got to help me… I can’t free myself from this thing” Ronald said panting and almost crying. He was covered with sweat and his suit was being burnt gradually as they draw nearer to their destination. “Help… Help… I don’t want to die again… no… I don’t want to be here now… Helppppppppp!!!” He gave out a loud cry and yelp.

  “What the heck is wrong with you?” Larry was the first to speak up. They have being standing at the door post watching Ronald fight with nothing. They had come with Rose when they started hearing strange noise coming from the bedroom. They were too bewildered to say a thing as they watched their friend battled for his life.

  “Just coming back from hell!” Was Ronald’s answer as he was panting. His was drenched from head to toe. The duvet was all soaked with sweat from Ronald’s body. He looked at his three friends and he jumped out of the bed trying to run out but was caught by Larry and Kayode.

  “Where the hell are you running to?” Larry asked as he held him back.

  “I want to run for my life. Look… that gory creature will be back to take all of us if we don’t get out of here now!” On hearing this, the four of them jumped out of the room and ran to the sitting room with Rose gasping for breath and the other three panting heavily.

  Ronald held his head with his two hands as he tries to flash back on what happened. Was that a dream? Or maybe it’s a nightmare or a vision… or was it a trance? Or was he hallucinating? Or did it truly happen? Did a creature actually come to take his soul away or what? Who is that angel waving at him when he was at the edge of entering into hell? All these questions were going through his mind and each of these questions begs to be answered but the answers seems to elude Ronald as he could not phantom exactly what happened some few minutes ago. He was so much engrossed in his thought that he did not hear that his friends have been asking him questions. Rose brought him back when she poked him.

  “What’s wrong with you Ron?” Rose asked

  “Aren’t you supposed to be dead by now?” Kayode asked. The question made Ronald to lift up his head with rage in his eyes.

  “What is that suppose to mean Kay? Are you praying for my death or what?” Ronald said exasperatedly.

  “No… that’s not what I mean. I’m only following the time you gave us and…” Larry cuts in standing up from his seat. He wiped his forehead with his handkerchief. He was just recovering from the fear of an unknown creature coming to take them away to somewhere that does not exist—according to his belief.

  “Stop those trashes! What exactly happened in that room Ron? ‘Cause we could see you as you are battling with things we couldn’t see and then your sudden resurrection and the creature thing again… what the hell happened in there? That’s where we should start from!” He concluded and sat down still loo
king terrified. Never has he been terrified this way.

  “Hell! I saw hell…” Larry cuts in again.

  “Stop that bullshit Ron. You know hell don’t exist… Kay can testify to this; he read philosophy and this is even our own circus belief…” Ronald cuts in again.

  “Have I ever told you that hell exists before?” Ronald asked looking into Larry’s eyes sternly. “I mean I was just coming from hell… that fearful creature must be devil’s angel and…” Larry cuts in again. This time he stood up and was exasperated as well.

  “Shut the fuck up! Shut up Ron! There’s no being known as devil and hell is nowhere to be found and you know this. Stop feeding us with lies and tell us exactly what happened and…” Ronald cut in filled with rage and was still sweating profusely.

  “You shut the fuck up Larry! I was the one there not you. What I’m saying is the truth; the truth is what I’m saying. And what I saw is what I’m fucking telling you all. That damn hell is fucking real and you all just have to believe the fucking truth!” Ronald concluded wiping off his tears and he sat down tapping his leg on the floor.

  “Look guys… it doesn’t have to be like this. Now that Ron has decided to change his belief; that’s fine! But, my question is when are you going to die again? Because it’s past five hours already and you are still breathing!” Kayode said almost smirking.

  “Are you kidding me or what? Die? Huh… I can’t die again… my death is till another day bro…” Kayode cut in.

  “Look, you have to die! Yes, it’s a must… you just have to!” Kayode slammed standing up.

  Ronald stood up gently and was about talking when Cole walked in.

  “Are you not yet dead sir? Its five hours already!” Cole exclaimed on seeing Ronald. Ronald was dumb-folded. He couldn’t believe his eyes and ears. Does that mean his so called trusted companions wants him dead all this while? He was too perplexed to reason out an answer to that. He was so stunned that he could only opened his mouth wide as he stares at the devils in front of him. There and then, he concluded that death is not far away from him if he still harbours all these wicked creatures. But first, he must take back all what he has given to them.

  “Gentlemen, since death has decided to tarry in his coming and probably the doctor was wrong after all he’s only a human and not the so called God. I would like to have back all I have given to you to help me re-instate myself and my business…” Kayode cuts in again.

  “That’s what I’m saying… that you must die because; I can’t use my hand and drive myself back into penury again. Look Ron, you are rich but foolish. You are wealthy but you lack wisdom. What makes you think anyone of us here is ready to return what he/she has collected? We are not as stupid as you are! You’re the richest man in this country yet we suffer as your friend…” Ronald cut in angrily.

  “Will you close that stinking mouth of your Kay? You are a criminal and a corrupted and unworthy friend of mine. I should have known but I took things lightly. Look, you’ll go to jail for this if you fail to return all my assets…”

  “That’s if you have a proof sir!” Cole cut in. “The documents was signed by you and the now owner of those assets. So tell me, how do we stand a chance of going to jail when we are the legal owner of those properties?” Cole concluded laughing.

  “I’m afraid I’m entering the same boat with these guys. That house in Victoria Island fits perfectly my status and I’m not ready to let it go—not now or never!” Larry chipped in too.

  “What? Are you guys kidding me? Even you Cole… look at that huge amount of money I gave you… you can at least give me little out of it…”

  “Like ten thousand naira?” Cole said smiling.

  “Look mister man… you have twenty four hours left in this house… failure to leave will result to your arrest and further legal sanctions. My advice as a good friend, pick your best clothes and go and sell them… who knows, you might still make it to the top again!” Kayode concluded and started laughing as he walks out gallantly.

  “To return that money sir will be a curse for me and my unborn generation. On this ground, I officially declare my resignation! Thank you sir and may you find help again!” Cole said and bowed. He walked out of the house whistling to himself and dancing rhythmically to the song in his head.

  Ronald turned to Larry and Rose.

  “I’m sorry dear friend that it has to end this way. This is the path you’ve chosen to follow and there’s nothing we could do about it. Now, my advice as a good friend, go and commit suicide—that’s the sure way to free yourself from the worries of this world and consequently the pains of this present irony. Once again, thanks for the house!” Larry said and he bowed too. He walked out of the house feeling more sober than the two. Perhaps, he was the most merciful but the temptation of becoming the legal owner of such house in Lagos is too big to resist. And so, he bowed to the temptation and betrayed his friend.

  Only Rose was left. She has not talked since the drama has started and for once, Ronald was happy that his only love has decided to stay with him—through thick and thorn.

  “Sweetheart… I know you won’t leave me…” Rose cut in.

  “C’mon, give your baby a hug!” Rose said opening her arms. Ronald crashed into her arms. For that moment, he forgot his woes and his anguish… with her, he could always start afresh. What matter most in building your future is determination and someone who can always tell you that you can do it. For him, Rose is the person here. They released each other from their long embrace and immediately, Rose gave him a sounding slap!

  “Do you think I’m a fool like you? I’m not stupid. To love doesn’t mean stupidity. You know why I hugged you? It’s because I love you. And do you know why I slapped you? It’s because I’m not a fool and I’m not stupid! Go find your love in your hell… thanks for the house anyway!” Rose said and kissed the spot she had slapped him. She cat walked out of the room feeling herself.

  As Ronald watches her leave, he passed out!