Read Five Shades of Fantasy Page 18

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Excuse me?” he asked, unlocking the truck.

  We both slid inside and I looked at him. “Amy was convinced he was a vampire, and there’s something about him that’s totally… unnerving.”

  He shook his head and smiled as he started up the truck. “Okay, your imagination is really getting the best of you. It’s bad enough that there might be a ghost haunting your cabin, but a vampire in the local diner?”

  I nodded. “I feel the same way, but there was something so strange about him. He made me feel…”

  He raised his eyebrows. “He made you feel what?”

  I swallowed hard. “Um, weird.”

  I wasn’t about to tell Duncan that at one moment, I wanted to jump Ethan’s bones and probably would have, if we’d been alone. It didn’t even make sense to me.

  Duncan looked back towards the diner. “If he gives you any problems, let me know.”

  I smiled. “Sure.”

  We pulled out of the parking lot in silence as I thought about the strange encounter. Duncan glanced at me a couple of times, and I could tell there was something on his mind, as well.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked him.

  He pulled over to the side of the road.

  “What is it, Duncan?”

  He tapped the steering wheel a couple of times and then looked at me. There was a funny smile on his face. “When I approached you with Ethan, you almost looked like you were ready to tear his clothes off or something. I don’t know; it just made me feel a little… jealous.”

  I’m not even sure how it happened, but the next thing I knew, I was straddling him in the front seat and our mouths were crushed against each other.

  “Nikki,” he groaned against my lips.

  My heart was pounding madly in my chest and I rocked against him, causing him to suck in his breath. He pulled away and looked into my eyes.

  “I don’t think…” he whispered.

  “Don’t think,” I said breathlessly, pulling him back towards my lips. There was an intense hunger inside of me, one that I’d never felt before. I wanted to tear off both of our clothing, just so I could feel our skin moving against each other.

  His mouth was hot, and soon he was kissing my neck while his hands moved under my shirt. As he was about to slide his fingers under my bra, my cell phone rang, startling us both. He quickly removed his hands and I got off of his lap.

  My face was burning with embarrassment as I fumbled for my phone. “Yeah?” I said into it, unable to look at Duncan.

  “Hello to you, too,” mumbled Nathan.

  I cleared my throat. “Sorry.”

  “You guys almost home, yet?”

  I nervously bit off a hangnail. “Almost.”

  “Okay, I ordered a pizza and it’s already here, so hurry the hell up.”

  I hung up and stole a glance at Duncan.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, although his eyes were still smoldering. “I don’t know what came over me.”

  I smiled sheepishly. “I, um… it was me. I practically raped you. I’ve never done that before, to anyone. I’m sorry.”

  “At least I know you like me.”

  I burst out laughing. “Do you think?”

  “I’m sure you could probably tell that I liked you, too,” he said, grinning.

  My cheeks grew hot and I changed the subject. “So, I hope you’re hungry. Nathan has a pizza waiting for us.”

  “Oh, I’m starving, alright,” he said under his breath.

  I looked at him and sighed. “Duncan, I…”

  He stared at me for a minute. “It’s okay,” he said. “I’m not in a rush for anything.”

  I smiled. “Thank you. I really do like you, you know. I’m just…”

  He held up his hand. “Hey, it’s okay.”

  It wasn’t okay. I really liked Duncan but I’d never attacked anyone before in my life like that. It was almost like the burning desire I’d felt towards Ethan had carried over towards Duncan. I was beginning to wonder if Ethan really was a vampire and had given off some kind of weird pheromone.

  We rode in silence the rest of the way to the cabin. Nathan was sitting on the porch, holding a BB gun, when we arrived.

  “We come in peace,” teased Duncan, raising his hands in the air.

  Nathan grinned. “Sorry. I was beginning to freak myself out, so I grabbed my old BB gun. I thought I heard some noises in the woods. But then, I actually found a couple of raccoons prowling around.”

  “Is the video camera still set up?” asked Duncan.

  “Yeah. I think we should hang out on Nikki’s balcony and watch from above. See if we can see anyone sneaking around,” said Nathan. “Just in case it isn’t a ghost, but some jackass trying to screw with us.”

  “Good idea,” replied Duncan.

  We went inside, grabbed the box of pizza and some plates, and then headed up to my bedroom. On the balcony, Nathan had set up three chairs and a bistro table. We sat down and started eating.

  “How was work?” asked Nathan.

  “Busy. I met this girl named Susan who was friends with Amy.”

  “Is she cute?” asked Nathan.

  “God, is that all you think about?” I asked.

  “Is there anything else, Dunc?”

  Duncan smiled but didn’t say anything.

  “Anyway, Susan was telling me that Amy believed her ex-boyfriend, Ethan, was a vampire.”

  Nathan snorted. “Yeah, I’d say Amy was a little messed up.”

  “I don’t know,” I said, staring at my pizza.

  His eyes narrowed. “What do you mean, you don’t know?”

  I swallowed. “I met Ethan tonight and there was something really strange about him.”

  “He was dating Amy at one point, that tells you enough right there,” said Nathan.

  “No, he came over and sat by me at the restaurant. When he looked into my eyes, I almost felt like… I was under some kind of spell.”

  “How do you mean?” asked Nathan.

  “I can’t explain it,” I said, looking sideways at Duncan. There was no way I was going to explain my desire to jump Ethan’s bones, especially after what had happened between us, in the truck.

  Nathan sat back and groaned. “There is no such thing as vampires, period. Quit letting Abigail’s and Amy’s crazy notions play with your mind. I mean, come on, Nikki, you know better than that!”

  I shrank down in my seat. “I know. It’s just…I can’t explain it.”

  Nathan looked at Duncan. “What do you think about all of this?”

  Duncan shrugged. “I don’t know. I think something strange is going on and I’m not ruling anything out.”

  Nathan snorted. “Even vampires?”

  “Maybe this Ethan guy believes he’s a vampire and knows how to manipulate other people into believing it, too.”

  “That sounds more reasonable to me. Maybe he knows how to actually hypnotize people. That would explain how Nikki believed she was under some kind of spell.”

  “Maybe,” I answered.

  We sat in silence, as we finished the pizza and stared towards the woods. It was pretty silent except for the leaves rustling in the wind.

  “Anyone want something to drink?” asked Nathan, standing up.

  “I’ll take some water,” I said.

  “Me, too,” answered Duncan.

  When Nathan left us alone, I stole a glance towards Duncan, who I found was staring at me.

  “What?” I asked.

  He smiled. “I was just thinking how beautiful you looked in the moonlight. I know that sounds like a line, but it’s true.”

  I returned his smile. “Thanks, Duncan.”

  He clasped his fingers and rested his chin on them. “Did you leave a broken heart back in California?”

  I snorted. “No. In fact, I guess you could say I haven’t had many boyfriends.”

  “I find that hard to believe. The guys there must be blind and stupid.”

>   I blushed. “It’s not like I didn’t get asked out. I just wasn’t interested, I guess.”

  “So, would you be interested now?”

  I nodded.

  He smiled.

  “Duncan,” said Nathan, as he stepped onto the balcony. “I almost forgot, could you take a look at my Mustang? I think it’s the battery I’m having problems with, but I want to make sure.”

  “Do you have a battery tester?” he asked.

  “Actually, there might be one in the garage, I never even looked.”

  Duncan got up. “Let’s go and check it out.”

  Nathan nodded. “Thanks. Nikki, you can keep watch from up here and let us know if you see anything. I brought you the BB gun,” he said, handing it to me. “You still know how to use it?”


  “Okay. Holler if you see anything,” he said.

  They left me and I gripped the gun firmly in my hands, feeling uneasy because I was now alone and they were going to be in the garage.

  Nathan’s laughter echoed through the darkness. I watched as the guys stepped away from the cabin and headed over to the garage.

  “Nothing to be afraid of,” I murmured to myself, staring towards the dark woods.

  An owl hooted and I was reminded of some of the scary movies I’d watched with Nathan. An owl hoots and then something sinister usually happens in the next scene. I knew it was just cinema, but I felt a chill in my veins just the same.

  My eyes darted quickly from one side of the yard to the other, and my breath caught in my throat as I saw a shadow move across the grass. I looked up into the sky, but saw nothing out of the ordinary.

  “Nikki,” whispered a deep masculine voice behind me.

  I turned around, but found myself alone. I stood up and backed away from the table, frightened beyond belief. Hot breath brushed against the back of my neck and I whirled around again, this time seeing a blurry haze of movement.

  “Oh, my God… Nathan!” I screamed, running into my bedroom. I ran downstairs and threw the front door open. “Nathan!” I yelled, again.

  Nathan and Duncan rushed out of the garage towards me.

  “What’s wrong?” called Nathan.

  “Someone… was… on the balcony,” I gasped, out of breath.

  He looked behind me. “Who?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know. I heard my name and then I felt someone breathing against the back of my neck.”

  “Someone’s in the cabin?” Nathan swore, and then rushed past me and towards the house.

  Duncan could tell I was pretty shook up and put his arms around me. He stared down into my eyes. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded and leaned into him, closing my eyes.

  Suddenly, he was ripped from my arms and thrown backwards.

  “Duncan!” I screamed as he landed on the ground.

  “I’m fine,” he answered with an incredulous look on his face. He got up and began walking back towards me.

  There was a flash of movement and he went flying through the air again, much farther this time. As I rushed towards him, I felt something pick me up, and then we were moving like the wind.

  “Help!” I screamed in terror. We were going so fast that my head was spinning. The next thing I knew I was lying on the ground and a pair of steely blue eyes held mine.

  “We meet again,” whispered Ethan, trailing a cool finger down my cheek.

  I was paralyzed as his eyes burned into mine. A familiar yearning spread through my veins and suddenly I wanted him fiercely.

  “Sweet Nikki,” he whispered with a small smile. He then licked his lips and lowered them to mine. Suddenly, we were kissing and I felt an urgent need to wrap my legs around him; to surrender myself to whatever he demanded.

  “Oh,” I breathed when he removed his mouth and began a hot trail down my neck with his tongue. My entire body was trembling with desire. “Oh, God.”

  He chuckled softly against my skin. “Not quite.”

  Someone shouted my name, startling me back to my senses and I tensed up.


  Ethan raised his head and I could see the rage burning in his eyes. “Fuck,” he growled.

  Duncan crashed through the bushes right as Ethan took off and I was left staring up at the stars in confusion.

  “Are you okay?” asked Duncan, now at my side, looking down at me.

  “I think so,” I replied, as he helped me up.

  “What in the hell just happened!” hollered Nathan, stumbling through the woods, out of breath.

  My lips began to tremble. “I really don’t know.”