Read Five Shades of Fantasy Page 39

  Part of Sarah wished the illusion was real, but she knew what was really lurking behind that smooth smile of his: revenge. He hated Gloria’s father with a passion, and he viewed that wedding and the forthcoming children as nothing more than payback. Of course, Sarah couldn’t blame him, as she had her own little scheme going on and certainly wasn’t one to point fingers. She scanned the room as the king engaged in friendly chatter, but there was no sign of Frank anywhere. Where is he?

  “Are you looking to make a quick getaway, my Queen?” Victor asked, gripping her hand tighter. If it was meant as a joke, it sure didn’t come across as one. “There’s nobody here from your kingdom to whisk you away.”

  Oh boy. He’s not going to let me out of his sight for a minute. Talk about a clingy husband. Maybe I can play up my alleged head injury, talk crazy and make my escape while he’s off finding that so-called healer of theirs. That’ll be easy enough. All I have to do is mention my world, my California, my cell phones, my high-tech cameras. Sarah beamed at him, spouting the first thing that hit her. “I was a hippie last year, but I didn’t win best costume at the work party, so I’m trying to decide which one of these fantasy costumes I’ll sport next month for Halloween—you know…to win the title.” If I even get home in time for that, she pondered.

  “What?” Confusion crossed his face.

  She motioned toward the crowd. “These costumes don’t work for me. How come there are no warrior women in the medieval Arthurian tales? I think it’s time I create one, because some of these chicks look like they’d stab first and ask questions later. I, for one, would love to lead troops out into battle. I bet they make some figure-flattering chainmail, right? But just because I’m wearing a fluffy dress, that doesn’t mean I can’t find a nice shiny sword to match it. I think I’ll be Lady Guinevere/Lara Croft. Whaddya think, Kingsy, dear?”

  “I told you I was done with your games. You shall not distract me with your odd babbling.”

  Babbling? When did I take a left turn into Crazy Town? Oh, wait. Maybe that was when I decided to chase Bigfoot into a cave with no one but Frank around to protect me. Why didn’t I just stay home and curl up with a good book or rent a fantastic movie? But she knew the answer to that question: The adventure DNA in her gene pool wouldn’t allow her to sit at home watching movies when there were creatures to be discovered in the wilderness. “Maybe it’s best that I visit the healer. Could you please fetch him?”

  Victor raised his brows. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”

  “What? No!” She laughed, putting on her best performance yet. The last thing she wanted to do was stick around and end up as the inspiration behind some Lifetime movies starring Valerie Bertinelli or Tori Spelling.

  “I know you’re looking for your brother, hoping he’ll rescue you,” he said. “After all, he’s the one who got you into this mess in the first place, love.”

  “You’re right. It was his fault. Men are always getting me into all kinds of messes.” Especially handsome kings with bright blue eyes. And Frank, too, with this alleged brilliant plan of his. By the way, where’s the nearest divorce court? I’m sorry, but I need more out of a marriage than good looks, money, and a fancy car…er, uh, horse. “But don’t worry. I always get myself out of trouble. I don’t need anyone to help me with that.”

  “Are you angry with him? With your brother?” Victor asked.

  Heck yeah! If Frank ditched out on her, she knew she’d be up the creek without a paddle. She frowned, realizing he was talking about Gloria’s brother. She wasn’t sure of exactly what he’d done, but she had a pretty good idea how to fill in the blanks.

  “Wouldn’t you be? The little sister crosses into enemy lines to warn her brother about a nasty trap in store for him. He gets away while she gets caught. He’s probably home now, toasting his freedom with Daddy dearest.”

  “What a nice family you come from.” Victor laughed. “If I were you I’d—”

  “Yeah, yeah. I got it, loud and clear.” She turned away because she’d had enough of his mouth. She decided he’d be better off if he stuck to kissing instead of talking. Wasting her time chatting with him wasn’t going to get her anywhere, and it was time to switch tactics. “I have to use the little queen’s room.”

  “All rooms belong to the royal king and queen,” he said.

  “This freaking lung-squeezing corset is tighter than my skinny jeans, and it’s about to burst. I have to fix it if I ever intend to breathe again. Perhaps oxygen deprivation is what is causing me to talk such nonsense.”

  He slid his arm around her waist and pulled her close, whispering into her ear in a husky voice, “How about we go upstairs and I remove it myself?”

  She smirked, aware that he would enjoy unwrapping her like a Christmas present out of all those buttons, ties, and layers. It would take hours, and she was sure the guy would love every minute of it. She couldn’t stop the goose-bumps from rushing over her skin though. It was a tempting offer, but one night of passion would be a high price to pay to squeeze out ten kids and be bossed around for the rest of her life. “I’d rather mingle and meet everyone.” She winked. “Remember, we have all night…and all our lives after that.”

  He tilted her chin to meet his steady gaze. “Mingle with my subjects? Why do you care, Gloria? You only married me to save your pretty little neck.”

  “Not true. I was tired of lonely Friday nights, and I desperately wanted this wedding ring,” she said, for once telling the truth.

  Victor inclined his head, his eyes shining with pride as though he’d forged the thing himself. “It’s one of our most treasured heirlooms, dating back thousands of years. The wearers of the collection are bonded for all of eternity with one heartbeat.”

  Eternity? How about a few short hours, buddy?

  “I’m sure you’re familiar with the tradition,” Victor continued, a twinkle in his eye.

  One heartbeat for all of eternity? He is nuts. She swallowed. Wait…could there be any truth to his statement? Maybe I should’ve read the fine print before I said, “I do.”

  “Now that we’re connected, I’m positive your father will meet every single one of my demands.”

  Sarah raised an eyebrow. “What makes you think so? He didn’t care before if I lived or got my head whacked off by your sword.”

  “He cares deeply. According to my sources, he seems to have trouble believing that I actually have you in my possession.”

  “Oh?” She realized that Gloria’s father had a heart after all.

  “He thought I was bluffing, but he will now know the truth.” Victor leaned in. “Don’t convince yourself for a minute that I would’ve believed that Sarah Larker nonsense. My most reliable soldiers identified you as Princess Gloria. There is no mistaking who you really are.”

  Sarah had heard of evil twins, of doppelgangers, but this was ridiculous. A shudder ran through her body as a thought occurred to her. Princess Gloria’s father is on to my scam. He knows King Victor doesn’t have the real princess. No wonder he wouldn’t meet the king’s demands. She knew she had to jump-start the escape plan into high gear before Victor figured the whole thing out for himself. “Is there a private place I could go where I can fix this girdle?”

  Victor motioned to one of his guards. “Take her to the dressing quarters. Station six guards at the door…no, make that a dozen of my finest men.”

  “Yes, Your Highness,” a soldier said. For a moment, he peered at her, beaming with enthusiasm.

  Sarah chuckled. “Hey, I know I look like a fairy godmother in this get-up, but I promise, I can’t vanish into thin air.”

  A woman approached with her head down. She wore a simple leather dress and carried a large leather satchel over one shoulder. Copper bracelets adorned her wrists. She bowed in humility. “Would you like me to help you with your dress, Highness?”

  Sarah shook her head. “No, but thank you.” She knew the girl could easily ruin her plans and spoil everything. The last thing she needed was s
ome little spy following her around while she hunted for Frank.

  As contrary as always, the king motioned to the girl, his voice authoritative. “My queen will definitely be taking any help you offer.”

  Sarah rolled her eyes. The guy was definitely a bona fide control freak, and she wasn’t about to let him think he had the upper hand. Just as she opened her mouth to set him straight, though, she remembered something her kindergarten teacher said: “Say something nice or shut up.” Nothing had worked so far, so she figured she might as well give it a try. Smiling, she cleared her throat. “How kind of you to think of me. That’d be great.”

  Victor grabbed her wrist, whispering in her ear, “Try to escape and you’ll pay dearly.” She knew he meant every word of his threat; the teacher’s advice clearly sucked.

  “After that kiss, I thought we were past all that. You’re posting an army at the door? Where’s the trust? How could I possibly run away with everyone knowing my face, thanks to you?”

  He released her wrist, and she pulled her hand away, eager to put a few inches between them. “Trust is something one must earn,” he whispered, sounding like something she read on a fortune cookie once.

  She met his hot gaze. “I kissed you. Doesn’t that mean anything?”

  “Maybe it will when you do it out of enjoyment or passion or love and not for the sake of saving your own life.”

  “Are you saying I faked it? Come on! We both know that kiss was real.” For a moment, she watched the dangerous glitter in his eye and wondered whether she’d underestimated him. She knew he could easily overpower her, and the fact that he hadn’t done so yet didn’t mean he wouldn’t once he realized she had no interest in being wife material. Should I dare an escape attempt? She snorted inwardly. Heck yeah! Living in Freaksville isn’t my thing.

  “The girl is waiting on you,” Victor said.

  Sarah smiled up at him sweetly. “Thanks for your help, darling.”

  The girl touched her elbow. “If you’d follow me, my Queen.”

  Throwing him one last look, Sarah followed her through the crowd to a room in the far left-hand quarter. True to Victor’s word, a multitude of minions guarded the entrance, and she could see the king’s prying sapphire eyes not too far away. She stepped inside and scanned the room, then shook her head. There wasn’t one window or opening, and freedom didn’t appear to be an option, at least not anytime soon. She was only moments away from him taking her upstairs to procreate an entire baseball team.

  The girl motioned her behind a giant divider for privacy. “Please hurry, my Queen.” The way the girl’s eyes darted about, Sarah knew who would bear the brunt of the punishment if she did not do as she was told.

  Sarah stumbled over the hem of her dress as she joined the girl. “Listen…I don’t need your help.”

  “Yes you do, Sarah Larker.”

  She gasped. “What? You know my real name?”

  The girl nodded. “That and much more. Frank told me King Victor has mistaken you for Princess Gloria.”

  “Frank? Oh my gosh! You’ve met him! Where is he? Is he here?”

  “I’m working with him. He is currently hiding in the forest.”

  “So you’re really here to help me with more than my dress?” Sarah gripped her hands, relief flooding through her. “I don’t know how to thank you.”

  “Frank said you went through with the marriage only to obtain the ring.”

  Sarah flashed her hand with a huge smile. “Mission accomplished, baby.”

  “Good, for that is the one key back to your world, according to legend. Now, are you ready to switch identities? We’re pretty close in size. Even our hair is the same length and color. Your true lover, Frank, said I would pass for you with no problem, as long as we are careful.”

  “Lover?” She shook her head and laughed. “Frank’s not my boyfriend.”

  “Why not? He seems to be a nice man. We met only this morning, but he couldn’t stop talking about you.” The girl unbuttoned Sarah’s dress in the back, groaning. “This is tricky.”

  “Why are you so willing to help us?” Sarah heaved a huge sigh as the cumbersome dress fell to the floor, happy to breathe freely again.

  “My father’s dying, and Frank promised to obtain some minerals that will cure him if I help you.” The girl slipped out of her far less expensive leather dress.

  Sarah thought Frank nuts to make such an outrageous promise, and she almost felt sorry for the girl for falling for it. “What?”

  “There’s an ancient legend about the Gold Minerals of Life. I’ve spent years looking for them to help my father, and I’ve finally found where they’re hidden. It is said they shall heal any person who swallows them, no matter the person’s affliction, but only a royal with a ruby wedding ring can see the minerals. I told Frank the secret location. I will help you, but you must help me in return, as Frank promised. There is nothing I would not do for my father.”

  Sarah hated being put in such a position, but she had no other choice at that point. “Get me the heck out of here so I can find my sister, and I will give you anything you want.” She knew she’d have to find those minerals to make good on Frank’s promise, and she felt like slugging Frank for that—and for referring to himself as her “true lover”. She was no fan of him making crazy deals that’d just keep them in that world even longer. And what if these minerals didn’t even exist? We don’t have time for this. Once I make my escape, the king will be hot on my trail. All she wanted to do was find her sister and get the heck out of that dimension or wherever the heck they were. In spite of her disdain for his crazy ideas, Sarah wished Frank was there. “Any particular reason why Frank didn’t come to this little Halloween party himself? He’d make one heck of a Robin Hood.”

  The girl squirmed into the flowing wedding gown. “It would be far too risky for him to venture inside the castle.”

  Sarah hurried into the leather dress. “I’m not sure this plan is going to work. My eyes are brown, and yours are blue.”

  “No one will notice. I’ll keep them closed.”

  “What’re you going to do when they discover you’re not me?” Sarah had a pretty good idea, and she wondered why the girl would risk her life; she understood, though, because she’d risk her own for her father’s in a heartbeat.

  For a brief second, a shadow passed the girl’s face. Then she shrugged. “I can talk my way out of anything.”

  She must be quite the con artist. Sarah tied the leather strings in the front. “What do you know about this king?”

  “Only that he is one of the Immortals, like all royalty.”

  Sarah took a deep breath and pondered her strange words, which sounded like something out of a comic book. “That’s a rumor, right? I mean, some ancient people in my time used to say they were gods, but they only claimed that to control their people.”

  “No, it is entirely real.” The girl flinched. “Ouch! That pinched. Can we hurry this up?”

  “I’m trying,” Sarah said. “Do you know how many buttons and ties are on this dress? Please tell me more about the king…and what is your name?”

  “My name is Mia. The king is one of the most dangerous of the Immortals. He is feared by many throughout our world. I think it’s best that you get as far away from him as possible and never look back. This will be no easy task though, since you’re bonded to him now for all eternity, or so the legend says.”

  “Not sure I can buy all that.” Sarah pushed and pulled the corset strings on the wedding dress till the girl squeaked. “I saw a soft side to him during the ceremony, especially when I kissed him.”

  “You kissed him?” Mia asked in a shocked tone, shuddering.

  “Not intentionally. I tried to dodge the bullet, but he just laid one on me.”

  Mia shook her head. “That is not good. You’ve only strengthened the bond. Now he’ll be able to jump into your head and control you.”

  Sarah scowled. “What? This might be news to you in your misogynistic day
, but nobody controls me—and you shouldn’t let any man control you either.”

  “I told Frank all of this, but he doesn’t believe it.”

  Sarah thrust her crown into the girl’s hands. “Are you suggesting that Frank is stubborn? Well, you ain’t telling me anything new.”

  Mia slid off her thick copper bracelets. “Put these on. Servants are required to wear them. You know, your lover Frank is a wonderful man. He went through a lot to ensure that this rescue would happen.” She reached for a long leather bag and then froze for a minute. She snapped out of her trance as her hands ran over the satin material on her dress.

  “What’s wrong?” Sarah touched her shoulder, wondering if the girl was getting cold feet. She certainly wouldn’t have blamed her.

  “Just enjoying my thirty seconds as a queen and being in such a luxurious gown, one like I’ll never see again in my lifetime. I hate myself for what I’m about to do.” Mia lifted up the leather bag and poured a red liquid all over her face. It dripped down her dress, leaving tiny puddles on the floor.

  As much as she hated the idea of marrying King Victor, it was a shame for Sarah to watch such a beautiful gown go to crimson ruins. “What’re you doing?!” Sarah stared in shock. It felt like she’d jumped onto the set of Carrie, only John Travolta was nowhere in sight. She was pretty sure even Stephen King woulda been running for the hills if he was mixed up in all that mess.

  “I am simply playing dead. Relax! It’s only scarlet dye, and it is all part of the plan. I will tell the king that your…er, Gloria’s brother made me switch clothing, drenched me in dye, and then knocked me out. We have to shock them and distract them, or our plan will not prove successful. Please do well in your role of a horrified servant, Sarah.”

  Sarah tucked the last strand of hair into her leather hairnet. “Got it. I can do hysterical.”

  “A man named Jules, on a brown horse, is waiting outside for you.”

  “Jules? Frank mentioned him to me earlier. I’m assuming I can trust him?”

  “Of course! Jules is the love of my life. My father told him that if he would do this deed for us, it will prove his loyalty to our family, and his prize shall be my hand in marriage. Of course, that will be a prize for me too, for I adore Jules and want to spend my life with him once my beloved father is healed. My Jules will take you to a carriage three miles away, where your love Frank is waiting.”

  “How many times do I have to remind you that he is not my love?”

  Mia lay on the floor and closed her eyes. “Forgive Frank if you can, Sarah Larker. Life is too short to hold grudges against those who hold you dear in their hearts, as Frank clearly does. Any man who would risk his life for yours deserves some consideration, don’t you think?”

  She had a point, for Frank had done plenty to prove himself. There was no point in being held hostage by anger, and Sarah knew it was time to move on and apologize. But at the moment, there were bigger fish to fry. She was tasked with another Oscar-worthy performance, and she couldn’t remember the last time she’d gone from prisoner to queen to servant girl all in the same day. It was the role of a lifetime.

  Sarah covered her face with her hands and ran out screaming. “Help! Somebody! Anybody! The queen’s been attacked.” She shrieked with hysteria, tears running down her cheeks. At some point, her lungs constricted, burning like they were on fire, but she didn’t care. To make it seem authentic, she had to let go of any pain and fear.

  A soldier gripped her by her arm. “What happened, girl?”

  “She’s bleeding! A man—no, more like a ghost—just appeared before my eyes and—”

  He darted off before she even had a chance to finish her makeshift explanation.

  Everything played out in slow motion. Soldiers headed toward the dressing room. People gasped, heads turned, jaws dropped, and screams echoed. Every instinct told Sarah to run immediately. She had just spun around on her heels to leave when she noticed Victor racing in her direction, terror etched on his face. Glued to the spot where she stood, her heart pounded with each step he took. Part of her felt bad for deceiving him in such a way after the tender kiss they’d shared, but the greater part of her wanted to live and to have her old life back. She wasn’t in her world, her life, and she refused to be controlled by some tyrant, regardless of how hot and how good of a kisser he was. Sarah swallowed past the lump in her throat as he swept her a quick glance, his troubled blue eyes piercing holes in her heart. Why do I even care? There’s no way to soften the blow from a battle axe. He’s just gonna have to man up. He hasn’t even known me for more than a day, even if I was his bride. She threw herself into the character of horrified servant, and covered her face with her hands and sobbed as he passed by.

  Thrusting the door open, Victor let out a loud shriek. “Get the healer in here now!”

  The emotion in his voice made her shiver as she walked away, clutching her chest. Through the crowd of people, directly into the dressing room, she could specifically hear his voice. She wondered when she’d gained the power of superhuman hearing.

  “Secure the perimeter!” Victor said. “Nobody comes in or out.”

  “I feel a pulse throbbing,” a man said. “She’s alive.”

  “Thank goodness, but something’s not right. Why don’t I feel her pain?” Victor asked. “I should’ve felt this happening the moment it began. We are bonded, one to another, by the ring!”

  “Maybe the ring has not taken effect yet,” someone suggested.

  Feel my pain? Is he talking about the emotional pain of forcing me into marriage with a stranger? Sarah forced her mind into action and swiftly walked through the crowd of people. Dashing off like Cinderella after the ball at the stroke of midnight, she hoped she wouldn’t lose a glass slipper, or rather, a leather shoe. She focused on forcing her way through, her eyes fixed on her feet so she wouldn’t trip. Something brushed her back, but she didn’t halt. Somebody yanked her arm, jerking her back, and she gasped, startled.