Read Five Thousand Dollars Reward Page 2



  For several hours August Bordine scoured the woods in search of game. Hishunt proved unsuccessful, however, and with weary limbs and anything butpleasant mood he retraced his steps.

  At length he stood in the road within sight of the Vane cottage.

  Everything looked quiet and peaceful about the place.

  No smoke curled up from the kitchen chimney, although the sun was low inthe western heavens.

  "Vic hasn't begun to prepare supper it seems," muttered Bordine. "Wonderif I had best go up that way and call. Of course Ransom has returned. Ibelieve I will and inquire who the gentleman was who called just as I wasentering the woods."

  And so Bordine turned his steps in the direction of the Vane cottage. Thefront door was closed, and a dead silence reigned over the place as hecame up.

  "Wonder if the folks are gone."

  Bordine rapped.

  No answer was vouchsafed.

  He rapped again.

  Silence profound as the grave.

  "Well, there seems nobody at home. Vic sometimes occupies the back porchwith the cat and her book; I will see."

  He walks swiftly around the house.

  He came to a sudden stand as he gained the broad side porch of thecottage.

  He stood staring, struck dumb with an awful, deadly fear. Then he movedforward a step.

  His eye fell on the interior of the porch, and he started and stopped.

  What was it that held his steps?


  An object on the ground--Victoria Vane, lying at full length, with open,staring eyes, her masses of yellow hair stained a horrible crimson.

  She lay within the porch, while at her side was a basket overturned, itscontents scattered about, as though she had been holding it in her lap atthe time of the accident.

  Was it an accident?

  As soon as he could recover his self-possession, August Bordine sat downhis gun and bent over the prostrate girl.

  There was a subdued horror in his eyes as he gazed.

  Blood had trickled out in a little pool from a wound in her neck, thatwound had proved the death of poor Victoria Vane.

  Who had made it?


  This was the young man's first thought--yet he soon convinced himselfthat this was not likely.

  A letter, torn and blood-stained, lay near. August picked it from theground and examined it. It proved to be from a gentleman, and was writtenin a friendly, not to say lover-like strain. At the bottom was signed aname, "A. Bor----"

  The latter part of the name was completely obliterated by a blot ofblood.

  While the young engineer stood in an attitude of shocked irresolution, astep sounded on the gravel behind him.

  He turned to look into the face of a young man whose countenance showedresemblance to the dead girl.

  "My God! what is this?"

  The new-comer darted forward, gazed for a moment into the dead face ofpoor Victoria, then staggered back, clutching the arm of August Bordineto save himself from falling.

  "Suicide, I fear," answered Bordine for lack of words.

  "Suicide! My soul, is Victoria dead?"

  Then the last comer knelt down beside the prostrate girl, and lifted hergolden head to his knee.

  His cries and moans were heartrending.

  In vain Bordine tried to soothe the young man, but he found that abrother's grief was beyond assuagement.

  For many minutes Ransom Vane sat and moaned and wept beside his deadsister.

  Then he became calm suddenly, and sprang to his feet, glancing about himin a way that caused Bordine to fear for his reason.

  "Suicide you said?" turning fiercely upon August Bordine.

  "I said it might be."

  "It is not. Vic was happy; why should she take her own life?"

  "I do not know."

  "She was murdered."

  "It may be so."

  "You know it is. Look! See where the steel of the assassin entered herpoor neck, and cut to the life. Oh, Vic, my poor darling! you shall beavenged. I will go to the ends of the earth but I will find your slayerand have his life."

  Ransom Vane was white as death, and trembled like a leaf.

  "I will go for a doctor," said Bordine.

  "A doctor? See the life-blood there. Think you a doctor can be ofservice?" groaned the young brother.

  "No, but it is customary in such cases, and the coroner must benotified."

  August Bordine turned to depart.


  Ransom Vane laid a detaining hand on the arm of the young engineer.

  "See; what is that?"

  It proved to be a spot of blood on the hand and sleeve of the youngengineer's shirt, a point of which peered below his outer sleeve.

  "It came from this," explained August, holding out the letter.

  "Where did you get that?"

  Vane took the stained and torn letter from the hand of Bordine.

  "I found it on the porch."

  Ransom Vane read the note hurriedly.

  "MY DEAR:--Expect me on the 10th of June. I have been anxious tosee you for a long time, dear girl, and I know you will forgive mewhen you hear what I have to say. If you cannot, then we must partforever, unless--but I will tell you more when I see you. Till then,good by, dear.

  "Your faithful

  "A. BOR----"

  Quickly Ransom Vane turned upon the man before him, casting a fierce lookinto his face.

  "This letter is yours--"

  "No; you may keep it," answered Bordine quickly. "It may lead to someclew."

  "But I say the letter is yours. You wrote it."

  "Certainly not." "But see here;" and Vane pointed to the mutilatedsignature.

  Bordine started when he saw how closely the name resembled his own.

  "Do you deny that you wrote that?" demanded Ransom Vane, fiercely.

  "Certainly; I did not write it."

  "By heaven, you did, and it is _you_ who murdered my sister!" hissedyoung Vane, trembling with the maddest emotions that ever whelmed a humanbreast.

  "Vane clutched the arm of young Bordine, and glared furiously into hisface.

  "Calm yourself, my dear Ransom," urged the engineer. "You are besideyourself now. I had no quarrel with Victoria. In fact, we were the bestof friends, and I parted from her this morning on the best of terms. I--"

  "But this letter?" demanded Vane, fiercely.

  "I know no more about it than you do, Ransom. I found it there on theporch."

  "But it is yours?--you wrote it?"

  "No; a thousand times no," articulated August Bordine, in a convincingtone.

  Ransom Vane groaned and reeled against a post, the letter falling fromhis nerveless hand to the ground.

  For some moments not a word passed between the two. Both were evidentlythinking.

  The thoughts of Bordine were not pleasant ones. He remembered the trampwho had that morning made himself so disagreeable to Victoria. It must bethat he was the author of this horrible crime.

  Another figure too came up before the vision of the young engineer, theman on horseback who sat with lifted hat, bowing to Victoria Vane, justas he (Bordine) entered the woods.

  One of these men had committed the deed. Which one? Most likely thetramp.

  Such were the thoughts that passed through the brain of August in thefive minutes that he stood silently regarding vacancy.


  The voice of the sorrowing brother fell sadly on the ear of the engineer.

  "Well, Ransom."

  "Assist me to carry poor Vic--"

  He could go no further, but moved with tear-dimmed eyes toward the dead.

  August bent to the work without further speech, and assisted the brotherto move the body into the house
to the pleasant front bed-room, theespecial resort of the poor girl in life. Here they placed her on thelow, neatly-covered bed, and then Bordine turned away, leaving brotherand sister in solemn, silent companionship.

  That was the saddest moment of August Bordine's life.

  Not even when his own sister died six years before had he felt the solemnweight of sadness more deeply. Victoria had been his friend. She was notover-bright, yet she was kind and tender of heart. He felt her deathdeeply, and found himself wondering who could have been so wicked as tomurder a pretty girl, who he believed, had not an enemy in the wideworld.

  There was something of mystery about the affair.

  Once outside Bordine examined the ground closely. He saw nothing of theletter, and was about to move away, when a shadow fell athwart the grassgiving him a sudden start.