Read Five Thousand Miles Underground; Or, the Mystery of the Centre of the Earth Page 22



  They managed to make a good meal of the food supplies they had broughtalong, and as a dessert Washington made some peach short-cake from theslices of the giant fruit they had found the day before. Just as theyfinished supper it got very dark, but, in about an hour, the moonbeams,as the travelers called them, came up, and illuminated the lake with aweird light.

  As the machinery of the _Mermaid_ was now in working order there was nofurther alarm because of the darkness. The ship rested on a level keelabout a hundred yards back from the lake, and, seeing that all was snug,and the fastenings secure, the travelers went to bed.

  Though they had to forego fish for breakfast the travelers made a goodmeal. After seeing that the ship was in readiness for a quick start, theprofessor suggested they take a walk around and see what sort of countrythey might be in now.

  They tramped on for several miles, meeting with no adventures, andseeing nothing out of the ordinary. It was a pleasant day, just warmenough to be comfortable, and a little wind was blowing through thetrees.

  "It would be almost like home if it wasn't for the strange lights, andthe memory of the queer things here," said Jack. "I feel fine. Let's seeif you can hit that dead tree over there, Mark."

  Jack stooped to grab up a stone, but no sooner had his fingers touchedit than he called out:

  "There! I forgot all about the stones here being heavier than lead.Guess we can't throw any of 'em. But come on. I'll race you to the deadtree!"

  Mark was willing, so the two boys set off at a fast pace.

  "Look out where you're going!" the professor called after them. "Notelling what may be in those woods," for the boys were approaching alittle glade, on the edge of which the dead tree stood.

  Jack reached the goal first, and stood leaning against the trunk,waiting for Mark.

  "You'd better practice sprinting!" exclaimed the victor.

  Mark was about to excuse himself for his poor showing, on the plea ofhaving eaten too much breakfast, when to his horror he saw what seemedto be a long thin snake spring out from the branches of a near-by treeand twine itself about Jack.

  "Help me! Save me!" cried the unfortunate boy, as he was lifted highinto the air and pulled within the shadow of the wood.

  For an instant Mark was too horror-stricken to move. Then with a shoutthat alarmed the others, who were coming along more slowly, he made adash for the place he had last seen Jack.

  Had old Andy not been on the watch, with those keen eyes of his, theremight have been a double tragedy. He had seen from afar the suddensnatching up of Jack, and noted Mark's rush to save his chum.

  "Stand still! Don't go in there for your life!" yelled the hunter, atthe same time running forward with gun ready.

  His example was followed by the professor, Washington and the other twomen.

  "A snake has Jack!" called Mark, when Andy was at his side.

  "No! It's not a snake!" replied the hunter. "It's worse. It's thesnake-tree!"

  "What's that?" asked Mr. Henderson, hurrying up.

  "The snake-tree has Jack," the hunter went on. "It is a plant, halfanimal, half-vegetable. It has long branches, not unlike a snake inshape. They can move about and grab things."

  "One of them got a grip on Jack as he leaned against the dead treetrunk. I just caught a glimpse of it, and called to prevent Mark fromrunning into danger."

  "Can't we save him?" asked Mr. Henderson.

  "I'm going to try!" replied Andy. "Quick! Gather up some pieces of drywood. I have some paper, and my pipe lighter. We must fight thesnake-tree with fire!"