Read Flirting With the Law Page 18

  They glanced at me sharply, still sitting there in one of their chairs. I stood quickly, nervously pushing at the fabric of my skirt as they approached the desk. Damien and Sean grabbed the thick, rolling leather chairs from behind two of the desks and began to pull them towards the one I stood by. Hunter picked up one of the smaller chairs from around the coffee table, which meant I was at his desk.

  “Oh, I’m sorry sir, let me—”

  His sharp eyes caught mine and he shook his head.

  “Stay right there, Ms. Holloway,” he growled.

  I swallowed quickly, feeling my breath catch.

  The three men brought their chairs in a semi-ring facing the desk I stood behind and sat. They said nothing.

  A full half-minute went by before I finally set free both the breath and the question I’d been holding in.

  “Am I fired?”

  They said nothing, though all three smirked.

  I swallowed. “Well? Am I?”

  The hell with this. If this was the end, fine. It was mortifying, and somewhat crushing to lose a job this fast and in this way, but hopefully ten years down the road, I’d be able to laugh about that time I got fired for masturbating in front of my bosses.


  When they didn’t respond, I stood quickly.

  “Well, if that’s the case, I’ll be leaving then. Fire me or don’t, but I’m not going to sit here stewing in it!”

  The room went silent at my outburst, and I could feel this tingle of, well, power running through me at the way I’d just spit it out like that! My hands were clenched into fists, and I realized I was scowling at the three men.

  They smirked back.

  “Fine, fuck this.”

  I shoved the chair back and I was just about to stride around the desk towards the door when Hunter’s hand shot out and gripped my arm.

  “Hold on.”

  I froze, instantly shivering at the feel of his warm hand on my bare skin. And it wasn’t a dangerous or demanding grip, he wasn’t stopping me from leaving at all. It felt tingly, and safe, and oddly intimate. I glanced down and swallowed quickly as I caught his icy blue eyes burning right into mine.

  “You’re not fired, Ms. Holloway, not by a damn mile.”

  Damien grinned. “We might come off as stern but we’re not that fucking cold-hearted.”

  “Besides.” Sean eased back in his chair, clasping his hands behind his head.

  “We’d have to be Goddamn insane to let you go after that little show.”

  “I— it was…” I trailed off, my face going red.

  “That was an accident,” I whispered out, feeling my pulse beat through my face.

  “Clearly,” Hunter growled. His eyes slowly narrowed at me and his grin turned hungrier.

  “This time won’t be.”

  Um, what?

  I blinked rapidly, sucking my lip between my teeth as I slowly took a step back from him.

  “This time?”

  The room suddenly felt warmer, the walls closer together.

  “Why don’t you stand over here, Arianna?” Damien purred, nodding at a spot between their three chairs and the front of Hunter’s desk.

  It felt like everything was moving in slow motion as I found myself nodding; I put one foot in front of the other, moving to stand where he’d asked me to.

  And I had no idea what I was doing.

  “Did you enjoy yourself the other day, Arianna?” Sean said darkly, his hand coming up to stroke his jawline.

  “I— I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know or you’d rather not say?” Hunter growled.

  “The second,” I whispered.

  “We demand full honesty from our employees, Ms. Holloway,” Damien said, his eyes narrowing. “Especially one working so intimately with the three of us, such as yourself.” His eyes flashed at me as the corners of his mouth turned up.

  “So I’m going to ask ask you again, and I want you to tell the truth, Arianna.”

  His hungry grin widened.

  “Did you enjoy yourself?”

  And before I could stop myself, before I could question any of this and go running from that office…

  I nodded.

  “Yes,” I said quietly, my face going red. “Yes, sir.”

  The three of them grinned, and I swore I heard one of them groan.

  “You enjoyed thinking about the three of us, didn’t you?” Sean’s dark eyes bore into mine.

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  God, what was I doing? This wasn’t a dirty late-night fantasy, this was real life. This was me standing in front of all three of my gorgeous, impossibly attractive and imposingly dominant bosses and telling them that I’d enjoyed fantasizing about all three of them while I’d made myself come.

  Oh, right, in front of them.

  Hunter nodded, clasping his hands in front of him as his gaze slowly moved over my body, leaving a heated trail in it’s wake.

  “We’d very much like to see that again, Arianna.”

  My heart jumped into my throat as my whole body shivered.

  “You— I’m not sure I under—”

  “I think you understand perfectly,” he said. Suddenly, he stood and moved right in front of me. I gasped as his hand slid up my bare arm and up over my shoulder. His fingertips trailed over the soft skin of my neck before tracing over my jawline.

  “We...” His voice was rich and deep, right next to my ear, and I could feel the heat of his breath teasing across my skin.

  “We would like to see you play with that tight, wet, sexy little pussy again for us,” he growled the words into my ear, and I found myself panting and shivering against him before I could even stop myself.

  “Right here, and right now.”

  He stepped away suddenly, leaving me almost tripping over myself as I sucked in a breath and tried to stop my spinning head. An electric pulse jolted through me as what my boss just said to me slowly sunk in. I mean, talking about all this was bizarre enough, but here they were asking me to do that.

  And God help me, I wasn’t running from the room.

  I wasn’t running screaming from the building.

  In fact, leaving was the last thing on my mind at that moment, even if I wasn’t sure I could actually take the step that dark part inside of me wanted me to take.

  My bosses wanted to see me touch myself, and I was honestly considering it, like I was under a spell.

  I remembered Sasha telling me about Jordan and Luke for the first time, and just smiling when my jaw had hit the floor at the mention of her two lovers.

  “You only get one life you know, Ari,” she’d said, grinning at me, her cheeks flushed and her eyes shining after telling me about the whirlwind romance that swept her up with her two bosses.

  “Sometimes you just have to stop worrying about it all and just JUMP IN, because one day, you might regret just waiting on the edge while the opportunity drifted by.”

  Damien seemed to sense my hesitation, as he stood and moved towards me. I whimpered quietly as I felt his hands trail up my arms, as I felt his breath tease across the hollow of my neck.

  “You can say no anytime you want, Arianna,” he growled into my ear as his hand started to lightly trail across my hips.

  “You can say no, and you can leave whenever you want to.” His lips brushed delicately against my earlobe, and I moaned softly.

  “But something,” he growled right into my ear. “Something tells me you’re not going to, because I think you’re dying to have us watch you touch yourself.”

  He stepped back, leaving me panting and ragged, and feeling like I was clinging to the last hand-hold of a cliff’s edge.

  “One day, you might regret just waiting on the edge…”

  Slowly, I found myself nodding. And though it was the smallest of movements possible, in that moment, it felt like the biggest jump I’d ever made.

  The men grinned at me as they took their seats, the three of them watching me with hungr
y, intense eyes. Slowly, I reached up and began to unbutton my shirt. Every button felt like another jolt through my body; every button undone made my pussy wetter and wetter.

  The shirt fell open at the last button, and I shrugged it off my shoulders, letting it fall down my arms to my elbows. It felt like I was in a dream of some sort, and yet I’d never felt more awake and more alive. I wore a white lacy, see-through bra that cupped my breasts softly and knowing they could see the pink of my nipples through the sheer material had the pulsing heat growing stronger between my legs. It felt so slutty to be stripping like this, to bare myself to these powerful, dominant men. I blushed again, my breath catching as their eyes drank me in.

  Sean nodded. “Keep going, Ms. Holloway.”

  I took a deep breath and bit my lip, glancing at the three of them before continuing. I let the shirt drop from my arms and started to reach behind me when I stopped, and instead went to the zipper at the side of my skirt. A wicked thrill went through me, like the inner goddess inside of me was slowly taking over and wanting more. I wanted to live this moment, not just let it happen.

  Slowly, I turned and leaned over Hunter’s desk a little. I pulled at the zipper, and then pushed the skirt over my hips and then over the creamy skin of my ass, split right down the middle by a lacy white thong to match my bra. I gave the skirt a push and let it slip down my legs to pool like a puddle at my feet as I let the men look at my barely covered ass. I heard all groans and a hiss of approval behind me, and it only got my pulse pounding even harder.

  I stood and turned slowly, letting my bosses really take a look at my body. They were smiling and nodding, their eyes roaming over me hungrily. But I knew they wanted more.

  I reached back and unclasped my bra before bringing my hands to the front again. Keeping one arm across my chest, I used the other to pull the skimpy bra from my full breasts and toss it to the side. Almost subconsciously, I felt my hips sway slightly as I grinned wickedly at the men.

  God, I was loving the way all three of them looked at me like that. There was something so fiercely sexy, so hungry and erotic about feeling like the center of attention and the object of desire for three men all at once. It was like the rush of a drug I’d never even imagined before, and that feeling pounded through my veins.

  I started to turn to pull off my panties, when Damien — sitting between the other two — suddenly put his hand out and hooked his fingers into the thin string-waist of panties and pulled me forward. I gasped, and almost dropped my arm from covering my breasts.

  His face was right in front me, eye-level with my barely covered pussy. I could feel his breath, hot across my belly and across my slit, and I almost groaned at the feeling. He looked up at me as he brought his other hand up to the other side, and then slowly, began to pull the fabric down across my pussy. I gasped as I felt the fabric peel away from me, and felt the air on my bare skin. As he pulled, the gusset stuck to my lips, clinging to my wetness before it too pulled away. He let the wet panties slip down my slender legs to my feet.

  Sean reached out and pulled my arm gently away from my body, letting my full breasts come into view. And then I was totally naked for all three of my bosses. Bare, exposed, and feeling more sexually on fire than I’d ever come close to feeling before. I felt a wave of embarrassment rock over me, but at the same time, felt the tingling excited rush of adrenaline at being so exposed for these men!

  Without any warning, Hunter suddenly reached out and put his hand right on my pussy. I gasped and jumped a little, but as his big fingers slid down through my folds, I started to moan.

  “You’re quite fucking wet,” he growled, looking up at me with an intensely hungry look. “Is this making you excited?”

  I groaned, biting my lip. He was right, I was fucking soaking wet. I nodded as he grinned at me wolfishly and started to slide his finger back and forth through my wet folds.

  “I— I’m not sure this,” I mumbled, trying not to moan at the way he was touching me. It was the last of my reservations, the last of me holding on to that “good girl” inside before I let myself fall.

  “Bullshit,” Hunter growled, his finger teasing against the opening to my pussy and making my eyes drift half-shut in pleasure. “You’re as sure about this as we are.”

  He began to slide his fingers back and forth between my bare lips, drawing my wetness out and making me moan.

  “This isn’t something I’ve—” I shook my head. “I’ve never done this.”

  “Done what?”

  Damien’s voice suddenly reverberated in my ear, and I moaned as I felt his body move against mine. His hands trailed over my sides, leaving goosebumps and heat in their wake before they slid down down to cup my ass and grab my hips. I could feel his thick bulge pressing into me through his suit pants.

  “This,” I gasped.

  “Your bosses, or do you mean three of us sharing you at once.”

  I literally moaned out loud at Sean’s words as he stood and moved to my side. His hands began to pull my bra from my shoulders before flinging it across the room. I let my eyes close as I sank back into Damien, feeling Sean’s hands on my breasts, and rocking my hips against Hunter’s finger still teasing my opening.

  “Both,” I gasped as I felt Sean’s thick cock pressing into my thigh while his fingers rolled my nipples.

  Hunter leaned forward, and I whimpered as I felt his lips and his tongue start to trail over my belly and down lower. Damien groaned as he rocked his hips against me, grinding his erection into my ass.

  “You can walk away right now, Arianna,” Sean’s voice husked into my ear. “We want you to know that. No one’s keeping you here against your will, and if you choose to walk away right now, we’ll pay a full year’s salary right here and now.”

  My eyes flew open as I turned my head to stare at him.

  “You’re serious.”

  The men all stopped, their hands lingering on me, but not moving.

  “Absolutely,” Sean said evenly. “We’re not savages, and for the record, this isn’t something we do often.”

  “But ever since that damn video conference,” Damien growled into my ear. I could feel his cock throb against me. “Ever since then, you’ve been impossible not to think about.”

  “This can be whatever you want it to be, Arianna,” Hunter said, looking up at me. “You can walk away, be paid handsomely, and let this go right here and now.” He grinned wickedly. “But I have a feeling that’s not what you want to do right now.” He slid his finger across my slick opening again, my moan seemingly driving his point home.

  He stood then, his hand staying between my legs but the other cupping my jaw.

  “Or you can stay here, and let every single filthy, dirty fantasy you’ve ever wanted to explore come to fruition. Nothing held back, nothing off the table. Just you and the three of us, and I promise you, you’ve never experienced anything like it.”

  Time seemed to stop for a second. For a brief moment, it felt like everything around me was paused, on hold, and waiting for my response. And what a decision! I could walk away with enough money to start a new life doing whatever I wanted. I could step away right now, take a deep breath, and let this moment being in the powerful, teasing hands of these three men with what they were offering stay as just an “almost” memory. I could look back later and think of that time I almost let go and let myself fall into my wildest fantasies.


  Sasha’s words came to my mind again.

  “Sometimes you just have to stop worrying about it all and just JUMP IN, because one day, you might regret just waiting on the edge while the opportunity drifted by.”

  And of course, right then, I knew I wasn’t going anywhere. Right then, I knew there was no way I was walking away from this.

  “What’s your decision, Arianna?” Sean whispered into my ear. I felt the three of them pressing into me, their lips brushing my skin, their hands skimming lightly across my body, and the pulsing bulges in their pants thro
bbing hot against me.

  “I want to st—”

  “Before you finish that sentence,” Hunter spoke suddenly, his lips just brushing mine.

  “If you stay, you will submit to us. We won’t hurt you, but you’ll do exactly as we say.”

  My pulse raced as I nodded.

  “We won’t hold back, Arianna,” Damien growled deeply into my ear.

  This time, when I nodded, it was with conviction.

  “Good,” I said almost breathlessly.

  “I don’t want you to.”

  And before anything else, I tilted my head up and pressed my lips right to Hunter’s.

  The world roared around me as I felt them all move as one, hands suddenly coming to life and moving across my skin. I was pulled from Hunter, a hand twisting in my hair and pulling me insistently to Damien’s mouth next. Lips sealed around a nipple, and I moaned as I felt a hand slide deep between my legs.

  Time to jump.


  I gasped as the men moved on me, hands stroking my body, a finger curling deep inside my pussy, and lips kissing and sucking across my skin. I moaned wildly, my head spinning as I let myself melt into the three of them, letting myself be the center of all of their attention.

  I heard a zipper, and my heart skipped a beat as Sean moved against me, the heat of his bare cock pressing into my leg. He reached up and took my hand, bringing it to his cock.I trembled a little as my fingers touched it’s silky hardness. Glancing down, my eyes went wide; he was enormous! Jesus, I mean it was like nothing I’d ever seen before — not even close. My body shivered as I curled my fingers around the thick, pulsing shaft jutting out from his suit pants. It throbbed hot and dangerously against my skin, looking absolutely gigantic in my small little hand.

  “Holy shit,” I murmured in awe, stroking it slowly as I began to hear the other men start to pull their zippers down as well.

  “It’s all yours, Arianna,” he growled into my lips. He kissed me hungrily then, his tongue demanding entrance to my lips and then wrestling with mine as I stroked him. “I’ll bet you like feeling that big cock, don’t you Arianna?” he husked as my small fingers wrapped around his thick girth.