Read Flirting With the Law Page 6

  “Samantha, please just—”

  “You used me,” I hissed, finally turning to them.

  “No,” Blake said firmly, his eyes ice on mine. “No, using would mean we didn’t care, and—”

  I barked out a joyless laugh. “Oh, please, you care about me? You expect me to believe that you care about someone just because you’ve been surveilling her shithead of a fiancé?”

  “Yes,” Dustin growled, his hand tightening on the door to the car. “If that someone is you, you’re goddamn right we care.”

  “We couldn’t tell you, obviously,” Blake said quietly, shaking his head. “We fuckin’ hated staying in the shadows and not being able to talk to you, or touch you, or tell you how you made us feel. We wanted to tell you so fuckin’ bad it hurt, angel,” he husked out. “But we couldn’t.”

  “Oh, but you could fuck me?”

  The men went silent, their faces grim.

  I hissed and shook my head. “I have to go. I guess you’ll be seeing me later, whether I want it or not?”

  “You can’t go back to that house, Sam.”

  Dustin’s voice was edged in steel, his jaw tight.

  “You can’t go back there to him.”

  I barked out another laugh. “Oh, I suppose I should just stay here with you? Because you both just care so much about me?”

  “Goddammit, Samantha,” Blake’s fist slammed against the door. “Just listen to what we’re—”

  “Thanks for today,” I cut him off bitterly, swallowing the heat and the tears from my face. “Hope I was able to help your case along.”

  “Just stay, and let us explain this to you,” Dustin reached for my hand, but I jerked it away as I shifted the car into drive.

  His eyes narrowed at me. “There’s so fuckin’ much we want to tell you, Sam.” His voice was strained, and even though I could tell they meant what they were saying, I just had to get out of there.

  “Save it,” I said quietly. “Go write a damn report about it instead.”

  The engine roared as I floored the pedal, and the two of them jumped back as I tore out of the cul-de-sac.

  I made damn sure I didn’t cry until they were fading into my rearview mirror.



  The car door slammed shut with a sharp metallic click, and the squad car went dead quiet.

  “Fuck, man,” Dustin finally whispered under his breath.

  I groaned, sliding my fingers through my hair as I slumped again the wheel.

  Fuck was right. That could have gone better. Shit, that could have gone a whole lot better. We could have eased into the history there. We could have taken it slow and figured out a way to tell her that we’d been watching her for the last month, and slowly goddamn falling for her.

  Instead, it’d just slipped out.

  I guess part of it was that we’d been unable to keep something like that from her — us not being able to lie to her.

  Or hurt her.

  And the whole thing had come crashing down, and that look on her face said I was wrong.

  We were able to hurt her, ‘cause we had, even if we hadn’t meant to.

  I groaned, taking a big breath of air in the silence of the car. What’d just happened — being with her like that — well, shit.

  I shook my head.

  It’d been perfect.

  It’d been three people coming together and just fucking connecting. Dustin and I had been with girls together before. We’d shared plenty, and while there’d been some that really stood out, I knew one thing after that one time with Samantha.

  None of them held a fucking candle to her.

  She’d been everything, and perfect. Sweet, beautiful, innocent — and yet raw and filthy and dirty once she’d had that trigger of hers pulled. She’d instantly fit right into the dynamic, instantly and willingly being the submissive to our dominance.

  Our perfect, willing little submissive angel.

  My cock throbbed at the replay, at the way she’d dropped to her knees. The way her eyes had gone wide as I’d slipped every inch inside of her. The way she’d gone ballistic, coming like a woman possessed as we filled her up like that.

  Coming together with her had been heaven.

  And now our angel was gone.

  I turned to Dustin, only to see him shaking his head, the same as me.

  “We went to soon.”

  He nodded. “We shouldn’t have done that.”

  “Could we have stopped it?”

  He gritted his teeth and shook his head. “Hell no. She felt it too, man,” he swore. “I know she did.”

  He was right. Yes, she might not’ve spent the last month watching us the way we’d been watching her every move, but the connection from her end had been instant, and we’d both felt it.

  She’d felt that connection with us the second we’d pulled her over, and tonight? Well, tonight she sealed the deal.

  “I gotta have her again, man,” Dustin growled under his breath. “I can’t let her go like this. I can’t let her go back to him, or any of the shit he’s going to bring down on her.”

  “You know what happened tonight could mean our jobs.”

  “Do you give a fuck?”

  My answer was instant. “Nope.”

  “Me neither. It’s like she’s a… I don’t know, man.”

  “An addiction,” I said quietly.

  He turned slowly, nodding. “Yeah.”

  And she was. She was my new addiction — the one addiction there was no way I was going to say no to.

  Because I was fuckin’ hooked.



  Silence draped my house as I let the door to the garage shut behind me. I could feel my pulse beating in my chest, my eyes flicking across the empty living room.

  I’d wondered what was in store for me when I got home the whole drive back. I mean, it’s not like Tim knew what’d happened — and seriously, fuck him anyways. After the shit he’d been pulling, this was over. Period.

  But I guess I’d wondered on the drive home if he’d be waiting for me, if he’d man up to where he’d been. Hell, it’d make me moving out a lot less dramatic if we could both be adults about this.

  But it was silent, with no sign of him.

  I shook my head as I stepped into the kitchen and dropped the keys to his — no, her — car onto the counter.

  Whatever. I was here to pack, and leave, and I’d figure out what to do next later. I made my way through the huge house that I’d soon be leaving, going to our bedroom to grab whatever I could take. The door to Tim’s study, right next to our bedroom door, was shut, and I could hear a murmured voice inside, the sound of a keyboard.

  I rolled my eyes. Whatever he was doing, I seriously didn’t care anymore. I moved past it into our room, and that’s when I caught my reflection in the mirror above the vanity, and my eyes landed right on the two sets of bruised hickeys on my neck.

  My face blushed hot.

  Instantly, it all came rushing back. In a second, I was right back to being with the two of them — Dustin and Blake. My mind flashed back to a mere hour before, when I’d done the craziest thing of my entire life and given myself to them. I’d thrown every bit of caution and rationality away and let two huge, powerful, dominant men take me every way they pleased.

  And I’d loved every fucking second of it.

  In fact, I’d never felt more alive, or more on fire, or more just…buzzing with life than I had during, and then after that.

  But God, what had I done? An hour before, I’d submitted to two absolutely gorgeous, dominant, filthy police officers. I’d dropped to my knees. I’d moaned like dirty girl as I’d sucked their cocks, and I’d begged them to take me at the same time.

  I’d let Dustin fuck my ass for the very first time.

  But the thing was, I’d never been more turned on, ever. I’d never been treated like that — so roughly, and so filthy like that. On my knees, handcuffed, against the side of car
while two strangers used my mouth and then every bit of my body.

  My pussy clenched at the thought, wet all over again.

  I thought about the way they’d talked to me — how they’d called me their little slut, their angel.

  I bit my lip, squeezing my legs together right there in my bedroom as it all came creeping through me again.

  And the thing was, I’d loved being both those things for them — slut and angel. I’d loved the mix of filthy and tender — of sweetness and fire.

  But then, it’d all come crashing down.

  I shook my head, as if to clear the amazing memories from it, as I grabbed a duffle bag from the closet and started packing.

  They’d been watching me.

  The reality of that slowly sank in, making my skin tingle, with what I’m not sure. Maybe fear. Maybe arousal.

  And Jesus, Tim was under investigation? I wondered if I was under investigation, too — unwittingly an accomplice to his bullshit.

  I tossed away my bikini top, pulled on a t-shirt, and slid a pair of cutoffs up my legs before tossing my skirt away. I pulled a drawer open and started stuffing t-shirts and panties into the bag, chewing my lip as the worry set in. But then, I paused as a warm tingling sensation came creeping up my back.

  They’d been watching me, and I suddenly wondered if they were watching me now.

  I bit my lip, blushing at what they might have seen for however long they’d been surveilling this house — me showering, changing.

  Me touching myself when Tim was gone.

  I blushed again, my pussy clenching tight, and this time, I imagined knowing Dustin and Blake were watching, and putting on a show for them. I imagined stripping down right there, laying back on the bed, spreading my legs, and playing with my dripping wet, slick pussy for them.

  I closed my eyes as the filthy fantasy crept through me, before I suddenly opened my eyes and shook my head.

  No. This was just a fantasy. They weren’t watching now, I was sure of it. Someone else was, which was an unpleasant thought. No, Dustin and Blake had had their fun, and they’d known exactly who I was when they’d pulled me over and made my body tingle with lust as they patted me down.


  Except there was that nagging feeling that’d been there since the first speeding stop. It’d been there tonight at the house, when we’d all three come crashing together. And that feeling was that they just felt real.

  Blake and Dustin felt safe, and it was like I’d known them forever.

  They felt like what I’d once thought I had with Tim, only infinitely stronger, and more powerful. They felt like a missing piece, a part of a puzzle I’d been trying to solve for longer than I could remember.

  They felt like the real deal.

  I almost laughed out loud at the thought. Please, you don’t feel like that for a stranger, and you sure as hell don’t for two of them!

  And yet, here I was smiling and blushing and mooning around like some love-struck teenager.

  God, what was I doing, falling for them?

  I shook my head as I finished shoving some clothes into a bag. I could let myself go down that hole later. For now, I needed to call a friend or find a hotel. I needed to get out of here.

  It was funny, but I wasn’t at all worried about leaving Tim. It’s like I’d shut that door, and they’d helped me — Dustin and Blake. I wasn’t sad, or really even mad anymore. I was just ready to move forward from this.

  Leave Tim to his side girl, and whatever they were investigating him for. I was leaving. I was going to clear my head, and figure out what sort of craziness had set into me where I was getting all love-struck about the two strange men I’d just let take me on the side of the road.

  First though, I was going to get a very tall glass of—

  The door to Tim’s study opened just as I turned to leave the bedroom, and I froze.

  It wasn’t Tim.

  I gasped, taking a step back as the older man with silvered hair smiled darkly at me as he stepped from Tim’s office, an unlit cigar in his mouth.

  “You must be Samantha,” he said in a thickly Spanish accent.

  I swallowed, my eyes darting past him to the hallway.

  He grinned and whistled loudly, and suddenly three more men piled out of Tim’s study and crowded the doorway to the bedroom.

  I could feel my breath coming in gasps, my heart jumping into my throat. And suddenly, Tim stepped into view.

  “Samantha,” he shook his head and sighed. “Shit.”

  “Tim, what the hell is—”

  “I wish you hadn’t followed me tonight, Sam,” my shithead of an ex-fiancé said with an obnoxious sigh.

  I froze. “What?”

  “I saw the car, Samantha.” He shook his head. “This coulda been easy if you’d just let it happen.”

  My eyes narrowed at him. “Let what, exactly, happen? You stepping out to go screw some girl?”

  The other men in the room chuckled darkly.

  “This life,” Tim raised his arms at the huge house around us and shrugged. “What I do bought you all of this — the shopping, the cars, the house.”

  “And what do you do,” I said coldly.

  Tim grinned, saying nothing.

  The older, Spanish man stepped forward. “Time to go, sweetheart.”

  I balked at him. “What? I’m not going—”

  The scream caught in my throat as the three goons standing behind him suddenly darted into the room and grabbed me. I screamed again, thrashing against them, but they held my squirming body fast.

  “The fuck are you doing?!” I screamed out.

  “Loose ends, Sam,” Tim said with a passive sigh. “See, we’re moving operations up, and you’re, well,” he chuckled. “Looks like you’re a liability now.”

  “A what?!”

  I lurched towards him, but the three guys held me back in unyielding grips.

  Tim laughed.

  “You know what, Sam?” he chuckled. “I think we should start seeing other people.”

  “Fuck you, Tim,” I spat.

  The older man laughed quietly, chewing on his cigar as he wordlessly turned and started to leave the room.

  “Bring her,” he tossed quietly over his shoulder.

  I screamed as the three men lifted me, a hand going over my mouth as they began to drag me out of the bedroom and down the hall.

  Oh, God…



  We were almost back to our place when the squad car radio squawked.

  “Unit eleven, over.”

  Blake shot me a look. We were off duty, and on our way to grab a bite to clear our heads after what’d happened and how badly we’d let it go crashing down. And me? Well, I was going to get drunk as fuck, that’s for sure.

  The radio squawked again, and I groaned.

  “You wanna get that?” Blake scowled.

  “Fine, fuck it.”

  I clicked the switch over to two-way mode and cleared my throat. “Hey, what’s up, dispatch? Blake and I were just about to—”

  “Code red!”

  We both froze at the sound of our ranking sergeant’s voice. Sarge never called cars himself.

  And then there was “code red.”

  That was never a good sign.

  “Code red for—?”

  “For the op! The Plimpton case!”

  Blake slammed on the breaks, yanking the car to the side of the road. “What,” he snarled.

  “Surveillance just called it in a few seconds ago — we’re fucking blown on the Plimpton stakeout!”

  “The fuck happened?” I said, my voice feeling like lead, a chilling feeling creeping through me. I didn’t know where Samantha had gone after she’d peeled out of the cul-de-sac, but she couldn’t have gone back to that asshole’s house, right?

  “Plimpton is fucking gone, guys,” Sarge barked over the radio. “Santiago himself was there at the house, and they’re gone.”

  I exhaled slowly.<
br />
  There was no way she was there.

  “Any idea where they—”

  “They grabbed the fiancée too, guys.”

  The world went dark. For a second, it felt like something was shattering inside my chest. Slowly, I turned to Blake, seeing him looking white, his hands clenching the wheel so hard I was sure he’d snap it off.

  “They shook the surveillance tail, too,” Sarge growled. “Look, we need you to come in. The FBI’s coming down, and we’re going to figure this shit out. We’re moving on this, we just need to find them.


  I knew Blake had the same thought as me right then. There was no them to worry about.

  Only her.

  We didn’t give a shit about Tim and Miguel, and the rest of them in that moment. The only thing in the fucking world that mattered in that moment was finding her.

  The only thing that mattered was getting our Samantha back.

  “See you when you get here, over and out.”

  Sarge cut the call, and the car went silent except the sound of our breathing.

  Slowly, we turned to look at each other.

  “He took her.”

  Blake nodded, his face grim. “Which means something’s up. Maybe she saw something, or heard something. Fuck, I mean Santiago himself was there?”

  I nodded. “Look, if we head to the station and wait for the fucking FBI, and we’ll never get her. And you know that.”

  Blake swore, his fist crashing into the steering wheel before we both went silent for another full minute.

  “You’re thinking what I’m thinking, right?”

  I turned to my friend, frowning. “I’m trying to not think about what might be happening to her, actually—”

  “No,” Blake shook his head. “Not that. I’m thinking we’re the two most driven guys I know, we’re military trained, and we’ve got a trunk full of shotguns and body armor.”

  Slowly, a grim, hard smile cracked across my face, and I nodded.

  “In that case, then fuck yes, I’m thinking the same thing as you.”