Read Florida Heat Page 20

  Kate was smiling with satisfaction when she hung up the phone.

  “That was well done,” Agent Lincoln said from across the aisle. At her stare he just smiled. “Sorry, but couldn’t help over hearing. You’ve got him worried and wondering what you know and what his wife knows. Is he on your list for the sex trafficking?”

  “No, this is another case,” Kate said. Then, deciding it wouldn’t hurt to run things by someone with his expertise, she continued. “In the traffic accident where we got Ricky, the other fatality was a teacher from the local elementary school where the little boy is missing.

  “Ouch, that hits home.”

  “Exactly. I’ve been to the school and I’ve spoken with the staff on more than one occasion. As it turns out, I talked with Diana that very afternoon. She was happy but dealing with eye allergies.”

  “Then that night she’s killed in a car accident. It’s always harder when you know the victim.”

  “True,” Kate said, deciding on full disclosure. “But we just found out from the M.E. that Diana wasn’t killed in the accident. She was already dead.”

  Tony jerked in his chair. “What?”

  “Yeah, what is right. The M.E determined that Diana was poisoned. Someone put ricin in her eye drops, or they switched the bottles and gave her one with the poison already in it. That’s a more probable scenario.”

  “If she put ricin laced drops in her eyes.…” he trailed off.

  “Exactly, our M.E. said she would have died within minutes depending on how strong the dose was. So no one is in control of her car because she’s dead, Ricky is DUI and fate has them crash in the middle of a busy intersection.”

  “So what does the principal have to do with it? You think he was involved?”

  Kate sighed. “I don’t know. All I do know is that I saw her use the drops that afternoon. Other attendees at the party saw her using the drops. Everyone at the party knew and liked her. And the only person she was having difficulty with was the principal.”

  “And do you think his wife is involved?”

  “Actually no. But the teachers I spoke with today all indicated that he never came to personal parties like the birthday party Diana threw for the kindergarten teacher. And he never brought his wife to school functions. Now he shows up unexpectedly and has the Mrs along with him. I want to know why.”

  “This should be interesting,” Tony said. “And what’s with the lawyer if he’s just coming in to answer some simple questions?”

  Kate spun her laptop around so he could see her screen. “I found out that our dear principal was arrested twice for domestic violence where he used to live. He and the Mrs moved to Florida a little over two years ago. This is his second year at the school and I can’t really find anyone who likes him.

  * * *

  Hours later, a frustrated Kate watched the principal, his wife and lawyer leave the station.

  “How did it go?” Tony asked.

  “As much as I don’t care for the man, I don’t have enough to be able to charge him.”

  “That’s frustrating. Is he still on your list?”

  Kate nodded. “Yeah, something’s going on. He lied about little things during the interview but he didn’t lie about knowing that Diana used eye drops. And he never went near her according to his wife. She said they were feuding over some event at school so Frank was keeping his distance. I think she picked up on the fact her husband isn’t a favorite person at the school. It didn’t sound like a very pleasant evening for her.”

  “So why did she go in the first place?”

  Kate turned and walked back to her desk. “She freely admitted she thought he was having an affair with one of the teachers.”

  “And now?”

  “Now she’s wondering how long he’ll be able to stay at the school.” When she reached her desk she caught herself and turned to Mitch’s. “How are you coming with your research?”

  “This little book gives me the contacts I’ve needed and verifies other information. You were right when you matched the initials with missing girls. The more I read this the more I find. Like I said before, you’re going to get a commendation for finding this.”

  “Like I said before, if anyone should be recognized it’s Jo. She’s the one that thought to look in the airbag compartment.”

  “Then we’ll see if she can get one, too. Look, I’m ready to stop for the evening. Is there any chance I can ask you to join me for dinner? Wait.” He grabbed his phone and stepped away. But within moments he turned back to Kate a wide smile covering his face. He listened for several more moments and the smile started to fade.

  “Well,” he said when he clicked off, “I have good news.” At Kate’s questioning stare he continued. “We’ve found Christian.”

  “What? That’s wonderful! Where is he? Is he okay?” Kate nearly danced with joy. Grabbing for her phone she started to punch in Jo’s number until Tony stopped her with an upheld hand. “Oh, god,” she said quietly looking at his face. “Is he dead?”

  “No, actually he’s fine.” But Tony’s face didn’t register fine.

  “Then what?”

  “Christian was found in Wyoming. The tip you got for that was right on.”

  “Then what’s the problem?” Kate asked.

  “The problem is his parents,” he rubbed his hand down his face. “Look, this is complicated. The woman who grabbed him claims to be his natural mother. Seems her child was abducted a little over seven years ago. It’s a well-documented case out there. She’s been searching for him ever since.”

  “Oh, my god,” Kate sank down on the chair.

  “Yeah, exactly. Over the years she’s hired a number of detectives with no results. This year her luck turned and the man she hired found Christian.”

  “But how does she know it’s her child? She just can’t snatch someone she ‘thinks’ is hers.”

  “Exactly,” he said. “So The Department of Child Welfare in Wyoming has placed Christian in a foster home until DNA results can be established. They’re probably going to ask for DNA from his parents here to test for a match.”

  “It won’t,” Kate said slowly, thinking of Aggie.


  “It won’t match.” She looked over at Tony. “Our M.E. did a DNA test when we brought him Christian’s hair. Christian’s father is currently one of the unexplained deaths we’re investigating. Yesterday when Jo and I confronted his mother, Aggie, she admitted Christian wasn’t her biological child. But she believed him to be the biological child of her husband. When we told her that wasn’t the case she was utterly confused. Aggie’s not a good enough actress to pull that off. I’d bet money that she had no idea the baby wasn’t Danny’s.”

  “Well the agent in Wyoming tells me that Christian is a dead ringer for the woman. Same hair, eyes, facial features. Said you’d pick them out as mother and son without a moment’s hesitation.”

  “But they are going to hesitate and do the testing, right?”

  He nodded. “As soon as the results come back, we’re going to want to talk with his mother here to see what part, if any, she played in his abduction.”

  “I can help you there. Aggie told us yesterday that Danny already had the baby when they got married. She said he told her an old girlfriend showed up and told him the baby was his. She was touched that he accepted responsibility for the child. He told her it made them a ready-made family.”

  “And you believe her?”

  Kate nodded. “You’ll want to interview her yourself, but I don’t think she could pull off something like that. True, Danny ran the show in that house, but I don’t think he would have been able to get Aggie to participate in stealing a child.”

  “Well, you’re going to have to tell her before it hits the news.”

  “That poor woman.” Kate reached for her phone again. “She’s lost her husband and now her child.” She looked at Tony. “I hope she’s strong enough to handle this.”

  “Do you want
me to go with you when you tell her?” he asked.

  Kate shook her head. “I’m calling Jo. She’s Aggie’s probation officer and they already have a relationship. I’ll get her to go with me.”

  “Any chance for dinner later?”

  Kate hesitated for a moment. “Sure, Jo and I were going to meet some friends this evening so why don’t you join us?”

  “Thanks, I’d like that. Actually I was going to ask if I could meet Jo since she was in on your sex trafficking find.”

  “Do you have a car?”

  “Rented one at the airport.”

  “Good,” she scribbled directions on a sheet of paper then handed it to him. “We’re going to AL'S Landing. Casual, eclectic, hometown restaurant located right on the lake. Great food and live music. Meet us there about seven.”

  Tony scanned the directions. “Sounds perfect. I’ve got a few more calls to make so I’ll see you then. And good luck with Christian’s mother.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Jo pulled in behind Kate as she got out of the car in front of Aggie’s house. “I just want to shout for joy because that little boy is safe,” she said joining Kate. “Then I think of what this is going to do to Aggie and it makes me sick. Kate, how is she going to deal with losing her husband and her child? And to find out the child was never really hers but an abducted baby? I hope this doesn’t push her over the edge.”

  “Then you don’t think she ever knew about Christian?”

  “If you mean that Christian wasn’t Danny’s natural son, no, I really don’t think so. She seemed completely devastated when we told her.”

  “I tend to agree with you, but the FBI is still going to want to question her.” Kate took a deep breath. “Okay, let’s do this. And thanks for coming. I think Aggie will manage better since you’re here, but no matter what, this isn’t going to be pleasant.”

  Jo squared her shoulders. “Yeah, knocking the feet out from under someone as shaky as Aggie is never on the top of my list.”

  They walked up to the door and Kate gave a brisk knock. When the door opened Kate found herself looking at a stranger.

  “Can I help you?” he asked politely. His white dress shirt was rolled up at the sleeves exposing well-tanned arms. Thick brown hair didn’t quite cover a wide forehead and a five o’clock shadow dusted his angular chin.

  “Detective Snow to see Aggie Witmore,” Kate said formally.

  The man nodded. “Then please come in. Agatha,” he called, “you have visitors.” He turned indicating for them to follow.

  Jo looked at Kate and mouthed ‘Agatha?”

  Kate quirked a brow in response.

  Jo did a double take as they entered the house. The air was scented with lemons and a man’s suit jacket hung neatly over one of the dining chairs. Dirty dishes were gone from the table as were the piles of unopened mail. The mountain of trash had disappeared from the coffee table and clothes had been picked up from the floor. In the distance she could hear the rumble of a washer.

  “I’m sorry,” Kate said as they moved into the living room. “I don’t believe we’ve met.”

  “I’m Karl Patterson,” he said formally extending his hand. “I’m a friend of Agatha’s.”

  Aggie walked into the room and froze when she saw Kate. “I haven’t been drinking,” she said quickly.

  “I’m not here about that,” Kate said. “Could we sit down?”

  “You have news of Agatha’s son?” Karl asked moving to Aggie’s side.

  “Let’s sit down,” Jo said.

  Karl led Aggie to the sofa and sat beside her. “What news is there?”

  “First,” Kate said, “I need to tell you that Christian is safe.”

  “You found him?” Aggie jerked to her feet. “Where is he?” She would have started for the door but Karl grabbed her hand.

  “Agatha, sit down. I think the police have more to tell you,” he said reading Kate’s face.

  When Aggie was again sitting on the sofa, Kate continued. “Aggie, the FBI found Christian in Wyoming. And ..,,”

  “Wyoming? How did he get that far away?” Aggie interrupted. “When are you bringing him back? Do I have to go to Wyoming to get him? How am I going to do that?” She directed her last question to Karl who still held her hand.

  “Aggie there is a problem,” Kate started again.

  “But you said he wasn’t hurt. You said my boy was all right. I don’t understand.”

  “Aggie, when Jo and I were here the other day you told us that Christian wasn’t your natural son, remember?”

  Aggie blushed and pulled her hand away from Karl. “I remember,” she said quietly. “But what does that have to do with anything. I’m his mother. Danny and I are married, that makes him mine.”

  “Aggie,” Kate said gently, “the problem is that Christian wasn’t Danny’s son either. We told you that, too, the last time we were here.”

  Aggie clasped her hands together in her lap and started to rock. “You must be wrong. Danny had the baby when we got married. I told you he said his old girlfriend showed up and dumped the baby on him.”

  “Had you known Danny long before you two got together?” Jo asked quietly.

  Aggie shook her head. “We’d only been dating for a few weeks. Then when he got the baby he said we should get married. We’d be a ready-made family.” When she looked up her eyes swam with tears.

  “Did you move right after that?” Jo continued.

  Aggie sniffed. “Yes, practically the next day. Danny said there just wasn’t enough work to support our new family so we packed up and moved to Iowa. At least I think it was Iowa. We moved a lot back then. But I don’t see what this has to do with anything. I want to see my son.”

  “Aggie,” Kate said gently, “I know this is going to be hard for you to hear but as I told you before, Danny was not Christian’s father.”

  “But why would his old girlfriend lie about something like that?” she interrupted again. “Danny believed her. Did she have a baby with another man and try to blame it on Danny?”

  “Aggie,” this time it was Kate who interrupted, “the baby wasn’t from one of Danny’s girlfriends. Aggie, the baby was kidnapped.”

  “What?” Aggie jerked to her feet again. “Why are you saying this to me? Danny wouldn’t do something like that. Why are you lying about him?” she screamed.

  Kate kept her voice calm and soft. “Aggie, sit down. We don’t know who kidnapped the baby. What we do know for certain is that it wasn’t Danny’s child. The child’s real mother has been searching for him for the past seven years. And when they saw Christian, they knew they found him.”

  Karl pulled Aggie back onto the sofa beside him. “Look, I’m sorry that that woman’s child was abducted all those years ago, but are you saying she’s the one who kidnapped Christian?” At Kate’s nod he continued. “Then she should be prosecuted. Christian needs to be home with his mother and that’s Agatha.”

  “Who his mother is has yet to be determined,” Kate said quietly. “Child Welfare has Christian now and he’s with a foster family until the DNA tests are completed. But Aggie, I need to warn you,” Kate continued, “if it turns out that the woman is his natural mother, Christian is going to be given back to her.”

  “But he’s mine!” Aggie started to sob. “He’s been my baby for forever. I’m the one who rocked him to sleep at night. You just can’t take him away from me.”

  “Aggie, I’m not sure exactly what is going to happen. I just need you to be prepared. The FBI never closes missing children cases, so an agent will be coming to speak with you. Meanwhile, it’s going to hit the news tonight, so I wanted you to know before you heard it on TV. You’re probably going to have reporters calling and camping on your front lawn to try and get a statement from you.”

  “I just want my boy back.” She continued to cry.

  “Aggie,” Jo moved to sit beside her on the sofa, “I know this is terrible. But you’ve got to think for a moment about Christian’
s natural mother. You know what you’ve been going through for the past two weeks. She’s been searching for him for the past seven years.”

  “I don’t care about her,” Aggie snapped. “I want my son back.”

  “I know you do,” Jo patted Aggie’s leg. “But Aggie, you’ve got to face the fact that Danny might have been the one who abducted Christian.”

  “He wouldn’t do something like that,” Aggie spat. “Danny was a kind and caring man. He’d never harm anyone. You’re just saying that because he isn’t here to defend himself and I think you’re horrible to try to blame him for something he didn’t do.”

  Jo started to object but Kate stood up.

  “Aggie,” Kate said, “I’m sorry. I know this is difficult for you. But we wanted you to know that Christian is alive and safe. The FBI will be in touch and keep you posted on what happens next.” She gave Jo the signal and started toward the door.

  “Detective,” Karl said rising, “may I speak with you outside for a moment?” At Kate’s nod he touched Aggie’s shoulder. “I’ll only be a moment, Agatha,” he said softly. “We’ll get this all sorted out.”

  When the front door closed Karl turned on Kate. “Did you really think it necessary to crush her that way? Hasn’t that poor woman been through enough?”

  “And what is your relationship with Aggie, Mr. Patterson?” Kate asked.

  “I’m a friend,” he snapped. “And her name is Agatha. It was bad enough Daniel gave her that hideous nickname but I see no reason for someone in your profession to continue the insult.”

  “I see,” Kate simply stood. “And since you’re Agatha’s friend, I’m surprised I haven’t seen you here before.”

  “I’ve been away on a business trip. I didn’t hear the news until I returned.”

  “Agatha didn’t call to tell you?” Kate asked.

  “She didn’t know where I was.” He rubbed his jaw in frustration. “I stopped by to see her the day I was leaving but she wasn’t home. I asked Daniel to tell her I’d be back in a little over two weeks. But the son of a bitch never even told her I came by. Agatha told me she went to the bar to look for me the night Daniel died, but you came and arrested her.” The anger was back in his voice. “Was that really necessary, Detective? Do you enjoy putting someone in jail who has just lost her husband?”