Read For All the Evers Page 9

  Thomas shifted to face her. “You work for him. You need the money for your brother. In what way is any of this your fault?”

  Fallen nodded. “I shouldn’t have said anything. I just want to spend this time with you.”

  “Can I hold your hand?”


  He took her hand. “I want that too, but obviously you had a rough day. I promised to be here, and I need to do a better job of that. Come get a hug.”

  She sighed with relief when his deadly demeanor faded. She cuddled to him again and buried her face in his chest. “We’re a mess. Look at the food we have all over us.”

  She pointed to her uniform skirt, coated in mashed potatoes.

  “Let’s fix that.”

  In a blink she was again in the classy black satin dress with the pinched waist and the full skirt. The food was gone, and Thomas was a vision in an old-fashioned tuxedo.

  He stood and held out his hands, which she took. She now wore pumps, so she was closer to his face when she stood.

  “This is great.” She picked up the hem of her dress and held it out.

  “You’re the most gorgeous thing in your uniform,” he said. “But like this? I shouldn’t even be allowed to stand next to you.”

  He was wrong. She was the imposter. He could carry the formal clothes like a model. But she was allowed to be boastful in her dream tonight.

  “You are lucky,” she teased, wanting to lighten the mood, get to the good stuff. Their time always seemed limited.

  He smiled. “That I am. You have to tell me what to do here. Because I refuse to make a mistake where you’re concerned. You lead. Tell me what you want.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, but he kept his hands in his pockets.

  “Give me kisses that will make me forget to wake up.” She put her lips against his.

  In his arms she found comfort. She felt his strength around her and knew with absolute certainty that he wouldn’t let her fall as he dipped her into a movie star kiss. The waves crashed, and the stars came to the party as well. Her dream man kissed her like he had a plan.

  This time she felt no hesitation. She thought of nothing but his hands on her skin. His kisses were perfection, but she was eager for more and let her hands feel all of him. The ridges of his muscular body became a map of her desires. She wanted to feel his skin on hers. Fallen began to undo the buttons on his shirt.

  He halted her hand. “Come walk with me. Pretend everyone I know can see us.”

  She looped her arm through his and began to promenade with him.

  “Tell me more about your brother.” He walked her to the steps that led to the sand.

  “Fenn? He’s the kind of person who accidently wins the lotto and donates it all to someone else. So giving, such a big heart—to go with the big rest of him. It’s amazing he hasn’t been playing football before now, now that I think about it. I worry that our mother has disappointed him a lot, and that I can’t set him up well enough to get him all the opportunities he needs. But he’s a great person, and that counts, I think.”

  Thomas nodded. “I agree. You can’t choose the battlefield, but you can choose how you deal with the enemy. What about you? Tell me about you.”

  He helped her navigate the sand, but eventually she had to kick off her heels and pick them up.

  “I left Fenn to go to college for a few years, and I shouldn’t have. I really should have stayed. He has such a soft spot for our mother, and managing everything was too much for him. He was reluctant to tell me they were in trouble.” She squinted at the horizon.

  “Maybe he was trying to protect you.”

  They got to the water’s edge. Normally Fallen would have worried about getting her skirt wet, but here she just gathered it up and touched her toe to the water. It was warm enough to make her smile.

  She stepped away as Thomas took his boots off and rolled up his pant legs. She dropped her shoes in the sand.

  “Maybe. But I’m the oldest. It’s my job.”

  “You sound like Edward. He always wants to boss Johnny and me around. It comes from a good place, but he pissed us off something awful when we were teens.” He waded in to his ankles. “Only for you, Fallen, would I step into water voluntarily.”

  “You don’t like the water?” She tilted her head to the side and stepped up next to him, letting her dress swirl in the waves.

  He looked lost for a minute. “No, I do… I used to. I can’t think of why I said that. I’m sorry.”

  It was one of those things. Certain aspects of their lives seemed to be protected, unreachable during the dreams. This fed Fallen’s belief that Thomas was a real person somewhere.

  “It’s okay. And maybe you’re right. But Fenn was hungry when I got back home. Hungry. My mother would rather drink than get him food.” Fallen closed her eyes as she tamped down her anger.

  “You’re a fantastic sister.”

  Thomas put his arm around her waist as a set of particularly big waves came in.

  She squeaked when the first one hit, soaking her up to her hips. She basically crawled up Thomas, who laughed out loud as they endured two more above-average waves.

  “Pretty lady, do you even know how much this time with you means to me?” He kept her steady as the waves ebbed, her wet silk dress flowing like sea grass around their embrace.

  “If it’s anything like what it means to me, it’s big.” She kissed his lips again.

  After letting her taste the touch of salt air on him for a bit, he returned to his sentiment.

  “It makes me want to live tomorrow.” He gave her a sad smile.

  Alarm spiked through her as she searched his face. His eyes were wistful.

  “Where are you? I want to find you.” She put her hands on his neck, curling her fingers around it while gently kissing his jawline.

  “I can’t remember.” He shook his head, seeming distressed a bit, frustrated too. “But I don’t think I want you to find me.”

  She recoiled. She wiggled out of his arms and pushed until he let her free. The waves were getting bigger, rougher. She was tossed around as she tried to wade back to the shore. He was next to her before she could get knocked off her feet.

  “Don’t. Don’t act like you care.” She swatted at him, but never connected.

  He didn’t flinch. “Stay with me.”

  Her heart softened, but her pride was stronger. “Why? You don’t want me to find you when I’m awake.”

  She sloshed forward. He stood behind her, and she noticed a wave broke around them. He was taking the brunt of the current against his back.

  Instead of a dramatic, independent stomp-off, Fallen needed Thomas to help her all the way back to the sand. Her dress was plastered against her, and he’d tossed off his jacket in their struggle to get back to the shore.

  She crossed her arms and regarded him.

  “For a dream girl, you sure are stubborn.” He lifted an eyebrow.

  His wet, white shirt was painted against his chest.

  “For a dream guy, you’re scaring me.”

  Concern took over his teasing demeanor. “What’s wrong?”

  “You sound suicidal. And then you say you don’t want me to find you. What am I supposed to do?”

  Thomas opened his arms. “Come here.”

  “No. Answer me.” She pushed the wet hair out of her face.

  “I don’t want to waste a moment here with you not in my arms.” He kept his arms open.

  She tossed her hands up, but went to him, allowing herself to be wrapped in an embrace. She put her hands over his heart while she cuddled in.

  With her heels off, he could put his chin on her head.

  “I’m not suicidal. I want picket fences.” He took his hands from her lower back and used them to tilt her chin toward his face. “And a beautiful wife, with a dog and a newspaper and picnics and late nights in bed. Don’t get me wrong—I want all those things. It’s just that where I am, I can’t have them now.”

  The annoying white noise kicked up again, causing them to cover each other’s ears.

  It took longer to settle down this time. But when it finally tapered off, she took her hands from his ears and put them on his cheeks. “I’m going to find you. I’m going to fix this.”

  “So much determination. That’s why you’ll make it, Fallen, through all the challenges in front of you. And if anyone can find me, I bet you can.” He took her hands from his face and placed a kiss in the center of each palm.

  “Will you look for me, too?” She watched his lips.

  “As soon as I can. If I get that lucky, I’ll look for you until my heart stops beating. Because you’re all I think about.” He looked so sincere.

  The waves pounded the beach now, and night had completely taken over the dusk, making everything seem urgent, ominous. Later she would perseverate on each word he’d said, and the comment about his heart stopping would cause her to fret, but in this moment it was tremendous and romantic and desperate.

  She was forward with him in her imagination, and a four-poster bed appeared in her peripheral vision. The thin, transparent canopy was instantly torn and shredded by the wind.

  “Come with me.” She turned in his arms and pointed to the bed she’d imagined for them right there on the beach.

  He growled in her ear, and she closed her eyes for a moment, relishing the corresponding shiver that hurried over her skin. Fallen led him then, pulling on his hand and lifting her soaking dress so she could get there sooner.

  The cut of her gown was demure, and she was buttoned to the throat. In her head she changed it into a strapless black dress now—for him, for both of them.

  There were dim, flickering streetlights on the boardwalk behind them, which cast a golden glow over their makeshift bedroom.

  As soon as her shoulders were exposed, Thomas skimmed them with his fingertips. “Soft.”

  Fallen threaded her fingers through his hair, loving the messy, damp curls. She tried to memorize the lust that painted resolve in his eyes.

  “For you.” She wanted to give him comfort, passion, strength for wherever he was that made him sad. She tilted her head back, inviting him, daring him to take more from her.

  He picked her up and laid her on the bed, tossing her a bit to get her to the center.

  A warm, misty rain began to fall, but Thomas ignored it as he pulled his shirt off, buttons popping, and incited a giggle from Fallen. He tossed the wet mess on the sand and smiled at her laughter as he crawled onto the bed.

  “I don’t even know where to start. I want all of you.” He ghosted her body with his hands.

  Her giggle ended as he looked her over. She shrugged. “Wherever. For you.”

  He slipped an arm under her lower back, pulled her up a little, and chose her neck. He kissed and licked, going lower and lower until he teased the edge of the fabric that covered her breasts.

  “Can I?” He paused to ask.

  “Please,” she breathed. He set her back on the bed, his knees on either side of her hips, and gently revealed her breasts. She curled her shoulders at this first sensual reveal, hoping he would be pleased enough to touch.

  “May I?” he asked again.

  Fallen picked his big hand up and placed it in the center of her chest, against her heart, which she knew was beating like crazy. “You already own this.”

  Then she took his other hand and placed it on her breast. “So these are yours, too.”

  “Thank you.”

  Such a gentleman. And then he enjoyed. Instead of a rush, he seemed intent on discovering. He wanted to learn what she liked, what brought her pleasure.

  His lips around her nipple seemed to cause a rumble of thunder in the distance.

  “Dramatic.” He gave her a smile and then continued.

  She needed more of him and pushed on his shoulders until he got the hint and rolled over on his back.

  Fallen straddled him now and lifted her hair high. “Can you get my zipper for me?”

  Thomas bit his bottom lip. “I’d be honored.”

  She smiled at him while he found the tab and slowly dragged it down.

  Fallen scrambled to her feet to shimmy out of her dress, and the thunder rolled again in the distance. She stood on one foot to toss her long dress next to his shirt on the sand.

  “Just stay that way for a minute.” He propped himself on his elbows.

  So Fallen compiled, waiting as he studied her. Instead of shame, she felt pride. So different than with Mr. Orbit. She pushed the thoughts of Orbit out of her head.

  All she had on was a simple pair of white panties. She almost wished she’d dreamed of something more elaborate, but then he began commenting as his eyes traveled her.

  “Your legs, that curve right there…” He surveyed her hips. “It’s impossibly lovely. And the white, the contrast? It’s one of the world’s greatest treasures.”

  She felt a blush creeping up on her and went to cover her chest.

  “No. Don’t. Please. Prettier than any flower. Like this. And that look in your eyes? Pleased with me? How did I win this prize? My imagination isn’t this good.”

  He held his hand up for her to grasp, and she took it. The mist had beaded up on his chest.

  “I’ve said that to myself about you a lot since we met.” She decided to taste the drops on him, licking her way from one to another.

  Three claps of thunder came together, quickly.

  His hands were all over her when she kissed her way back up, feeling the curves he had complimented earlier. Fallen sighed and lay on top of him. Skin to skin. She could feel the rain on her bare back now, a little harder, but still warm. The crashing waves had grown louder.

  He flipped her again, hovering over her.

  “I think you’re wearing too many pairs of pants.” She pointed at his legs.

  He gave her a bemused look. “I’m only wearing one.”

  “Way too many.” She snapped her fingers and was rewarded with his deep laughter.

  Thomas slipped off his tuxedo pants and climbed back into the bed in his boxers.

  All teasing faded to seriousness as their skin touched anew. He gazed down at her and then kissed her, this time adding the tip of his tongue.

  Lightning flashed as she responded, wrapping her legs around him.

  “I want you, dream girl.”

  “Take,” she offered.

  His fingertips glided over her, and she let herself feel the ecstasy he was intent on delivering. She turned her head to gasp some extra oxygen and noted that the waves were now lapping at the edge of the bed. Then one crested over the footboard.

  More lightning. She dragged her fingernails down Thomas’ strong back, which was slick from the rain. He put his hand between her legs, and she groaned.

  The smile that spread across his face looked like home to her heart. Two dimples, full white teeth, and sparkling eyes.

  It wasn’t until she felt the waves at her shoulders, with the sheets sticking to her left arm, that she looked past him to the ocean beyond.

  “Thomas?” She felt her eyes go wide as she realized the waves they’d been playing with were now serious, 8-foot nightmares.

  He looked up and reacted before she could even formulate a plan. She was over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry, which was a little painful and disorienting. She covered her face as he kicked up sand. Soon they bounced up the stairs to the boardwalk, where he set her down, checking her briefly to make sure she was okay.

  Fallen nodded before hugging him around his bare middle.

  Together they looked out at the tumultuous sea. The bed they’d been lying in rose like a boat, one, then two waves working together to crash it against the sand. It began to break apart, the last bit of canopy clinging to one post like a flag of surrender.

  “Are you making it like this?” She looked at Thomas and found his jaw tight as he shook his head.

  “You’re not either?” He seemed to be calculating as they stood top
less on the boardwalk. He hugged her closer.

  “Not on purpose. You were making me feel things though.” She turned to put her now-chilly breasts against his warm chest.

  He glanced down and cupped her, thumbing over her nipples. “We should go somewhere else.”

  “I know. But I’m worried our time will end. It’s lasted so long.”

  He let go of her breasts and leaned down to get two handfuls of her ass, pulling her up so they were face to face. She kissed him repeatedly.

  “We should go somewhere with shelter. I don’t want the ocean to take you from me.” He turned and nodded at the old building next to the boardwalk. It was on risers, so the water would flow underneath it, if it got that far. And they wouldn’t have to change locations.

  But Fallen felt her eyelids getting heavier, which made her want to cry.

  Thomas shifted her around and picked her up, piggyback style. She glanced over his shoulder and was very pleased with the sight of his arousal.

  She leaned forward and whispered her praise in his ear. He moved faster.

  At the building, he set her in front of him so she could walk up the stairs on her own, his hands on her butt until they got to the front door. When they turned to survey the view, the waves had started to reach the boardwalk.

  “Let’s go inside.” He opened the door and looked around before waving her in.

  The room was sparse, but it had a bed. Thomas closed the door behind her and frowned.

  “What?” She hopped up on the bed and flopped over dramatically.

  “I’m feeling sleepy,” he confessed. He crossed to her quickly, crawled up beside her, and sucked on her breast like he was trying to get to everything she had to offer before they woke up.

  “Me too. Tell me something about you… What’s your last name?”

  His hand slipped between her legs again, and she forgot what she’d asked.

  He moved lower, kissing her ribs and then her stomach before laying his head there. “I’m going to miss you so much.”

  “Don’t miss me. Stay.” She put her hands in his hair.

  “If I could, I would be the happiest man. Mr. Thomas Happy McHugh.”

  The white noise started again, and he crawled back up. Once again, they held each other’s ears, nose to nose.