Read For Her Pleasure Page 16

  She smiled but kept her eyes closed. “I am. This was such a great idea, Mac. I can’t thank you enough.” She opened her eyes and turned to look at Ryder. She put her hand out to his tattooed arm. “And thanks for coming, Ryder. It wouldn’t have been the same without you.”

  “Anything for you, darlin’,” he said huskily.

  She leaned over and kissed him, allowing her lips to linger warmly over his. He shoved a hand into her hair and held her in place while his tongue flicked out to meet hers. Then he pulled away from her with seeming reluctance.

  She smiled then turned to kiss Mac. “You guys are the best. I don’t deserve you.”

  Mac cocked his head sideways at her. “Whatever makes you say a crazy thing like that, baby?”

  “I’m just glad y’all came back,” she added quietly.

  Mac pulled into the parking lot of a café serving breakfast and killed the engine. As if completely oblivious to Ryder’s presence, Mac turned in his seat and cupped her face in his hands.

  “There was never a question of me coming back for you, Kit. If I had it to do all over again, the only thing I’d change is that I would have taken you with me. I’ll live with that regret for the rest of my life.”

  Her cheeks warmed and her heart lightened. Was there another woman luckier than she? She didn’t think so.

  She melted into Mac’s embrace and brushed her cheek lovingly across his chest. “I am so lucky,” she whispered.

  Mac hugged her back. “You say some of the craziest things, baby.”

  He let go of her and opened his door. She opted to scoot the other way since Ryder was already out of the truck. Ryder reached up for her, and she went willingly into his arms. He swung her down, and she immediately settled into his side. Ryder wrapped his arm around her waist and urged her toward the entrance.

  There she was, between two to-die-for men, walking into a restaurant. As far as fantasies went, this was heady stuff.

  “What’s that shit-eating grin for, darlin’?” Ryder asked in a low voice.

  “I’m just feeling a little sassy,” she said.

  “God help us,” Mac muttered.

  She elbowed Mac in the stomach and smiled brightly at the waitress waiting to seat them.

  They spent an hour in the restaurant laughing, joking and eating. The tension and fear that had eaten at Kit for so long dissipated under the comfortable rapport the three enjoyed. She was looking forward to a day soaking up the rays on the beach.

  When she finally shoved her plate aside, Mac motioned for the check.

  “Get enough to eat, baby?”

  She nodded and groaned. “Too much.”

  “You needed to eat. You’ve lost weight,” he reproached.

  “Let’s go,” she said impatiently, tugging at Ryder’s arm. “I’m ready to feel the sand between my toes.”

  Mac laughed. “You two go on to the truck. I’ll be along as soon as I pay out.”

  She grabbed Ryder’s hand and pulled him toward the entrance. He smiled indulgently at her, but his expression remained shuttered. Her smile faded as they walked toward the truck.

  She leaned against the door, refusing to allow Ryder to open it. She looked up at him, studying his eyes. Then she reached up and put her palm to his cheek.

  “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” she asked softly.

  In a way she wasn’t sure she wanted to know. She wasn’t used to Ryder keeping secrets from her, and she had a feeling whatever he was thinking wasn’t something she wanted to hear. Was she crazy for wanting to do anything to ruin the weekend?

  His eyes softened and he reached a hand up to capture hers. “Nothing’s wrong, darlin’. You know I love being around you and Mac.”

  Her eyes furrowed doubtfully. “Are you sure? Because—”

  “Because what, Kit girl?”

  “Because I haven’t been so sure you’ve wanted to be around me lately.”

  He cursed under his breath then reached out to frame her face in his hands.

  “Look at me, darlin’.”

  His eyes bore into her and he lowered his head until their foreheads touched.

  “I’m sorry I’ve been such an ass. You know I’d never do anything to hurt you. I’ve never not wanted to be around you.”

  Her chest caved in a bit with relief. In the back of her mind, she’d wondered if they were reaching the end of the unique relationship they shared. Selfishly, she had no desire to see Ryder slip away. She’d made a commitment to Mac. She loved Mac. But she loved Ryder too. Would always love him.

  She smiled a bit shakily. “I’m glad. I didn’t want you to go away.”

  Ryder folded her into his big arms and hugged her tight. “No one’s leaving you, Kit girl. Not ever again. Now let’s go have some fun.”

  “Come on you two, don’t make me call the cops on your asses,” Mac drawled as he walked up.

  “You are the cops,” Kit grumbled.

  “That’s right, baby. Don’t forget it either. I’ll use my handcuffs if I have to.”

  Her body tightened, and red hot need splintered through her abdomen. Damn but he was good with handcuffs. She remembered with vivid detail the last time Mac and Ryder had used those cuffs.

  “Jesus, Mac, cut it out or we’ll never make it to the beach,” Ryder growled.

  Mac laughed and sauntered around to the driver’s side. “I think she liked the handcuff idea, man.”


  Kit dug her toes into the wet sand at the edge of the surf. She closed her eyes, threw back her head and took in a deep breath. Then she opened her eyes and stared out over the gulf. A shrimp boat dotted the horizon, and a smaller pleasure boat jetted parallel to the shore.

  It was a perfect day. A blue-water day. Rare along the Texas shore. A fisherman’s wet dream, according to Mac. Usually the gulf waters were muddy or stained. The green water usually held well off the shores, but today, the blue stretched as far as the eye could see.

  She waded a little further into the water until the gentle swells lapped at her knees. She glanced over her shoulder and smiled. The men were several feet back, their eyes fastened to her backside. She turned back around and jiggled her ass the slightest bit for effect.

  Her bikini, if it qualified as one, was practically scandalous. It was basically a thong with a tiny scrap of material for a top. If she hadn’t gotten an all-over tan at the local salon back home, she would have never flaunted her shiny white ass to the world, but the creamy brown tint to her skin made her feel sexy, and she didn’t mind making the guys squirm.

  She forged ahead into the warm water until finally she dove forward, slicing through the water with lazy strokes. She swam until the water shallowed again, and she dug her feet into the second sandbar.

  With a contented sigh, she lay back in the water and floated lazily on her back. The sun was high overhead, and she squinted against the glare, but she enjoyed the warmth. The freedom. The fact that for the first time in longer than she could remember, she didn’t feel weighted down by fear or indecision.

  “You look like the cat who got the cream, darlin’.”

  She kicked her feet downward and stood up, her heart thumping in her chest.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”

  She smiled. “What are you doing out here. I didn’t think you’d come swimming.”

  “Oh, like I could resist following that luscious ass anywhere,” Ryder said.

  He reached around her and slid his hands along the bare expanse of her buttocks. His finger slid along the crack as the water lapped against the sensitive tissue there.

  “I had no idea you noticed,” Kit said innocently.

  He pulled her up tight against him so she had no choice but to feel his erection against her belly.

  “Then again . . .”

  “You’re a miserable tease,” he growled.

  “And what do you plan to do about it?”

  “I’m going to fuck you all night long,” he said, h
is eyes glittering with need. And promise. “I’m going to fuck you in every conceivableposition. I’m going to have your mouth, your pussy and your ass. You’re going to be begging for mercy.”

  She went weak against him. He had to catch her and hold her up. Her stomach fluttered and turned somersaults at the images he painted.

  He kissed her. Hard. Demanding. Taking her breath away. Then just as quickly, he let her go and backed away.

  “Just wanted to give you a little something to think about,” he drawled.

  She watched as he dove back into the surf and swam toward the beach. Damn the man. She was so horny she could get off with one touch. But he hadn’t touched her. He’d just made her so crazy that she couldn’t wait to get back to the hotel. And whatever pleasures awaited her there.

  She dove under the water, swimming a good length before coming up for air. She loved the water. Felt weightless, graceful, carefree. Soon she reached a depth where she could stand again and made her way toward the beach.

  As she approached, she noticed that Ryder was lying on the sand, propped up on one elbow. She frowned and looked around for Mac. She glanced up to the seawall where the truck was parked, only to find it gone.

  She walked over to Ryder. “Where’s Mac?”

  He grinned at her. “Gone to the hardware store.”

  “Hardware store? What on earth for?”

  “Supplies,” Ryder said shortly.

  She gaped at him like he’d lost his mind. Supplies from a hardware store? She didn’t even want to know what the two of them had going on. She was better off not knowing.

  Ryder patted the sand beside him. “Come lie down, darlin’.”

  She went down on her hands and knees and crawled up against him. She turned her body until she cradled her behind into his pelvis then laid her head on his outstretched arm.

  He curled a hand around her hip, his fingers resting just inches from her pussy. She loved it when he touched her. He and Mac both were very possessive of her. They liked to touch her frequently, put their stamp on her. And that was more than fine with her.

  His chin brushed against her shoulder as his lips nuzzled in against the curve of her neck. “You taste good,” he murmured. “A bit salty, but always sweet.”

  The ridge of his cock felt heavy in the crack of her ass. He was aroused. Very much so. He shifted, rubbing his dick against her, burrowing deeper between her ass cheeks. His erection strained against the wet material of his shorts. She’d never been so tempted to roll over and reach inside those shorts. Take his cock out and suck it until he begged for mercy.

  But this was a public beach, damn it. Despite the fact they’d driven well down the seawall, away from the more popular spots, there were still a few people milling around.

  “When is Mac going to be back,” she said grumpily.

  Ryder chuckled in her ear. “Patience, darlin’. I promise it’ll be worth the wait.”

  She sighed and snuggled deeper into his body. The sun felt warm and comforting on her skin, and Ryder’s body felt good wrapped around hers. Patience wasn’t one of her finer virtues, but she’d just have to enjoy the present until Mac returned.

  Kit heard her name, and she mumbled something in return. A laugh brought her more fully awake.

  “Come on, baby, we need to get you out of the sun before you burn.”

  She opened her eyes to see Mac squatting over her, his body shielding the sun from her face.

  “You’re back,” she said, a wide smile taking over her face.

  His expression softened and fire built slowly in his eyes. “I love it when you look at me that way, baby.”

  “What way is that?” she asked. She struggled to sit up, and Ryder’s arms came around her to help push her up.

  “Like you’re glad to see me,” he said.

  “But I am. I missed you.”

  She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him close to her. As she hooked her chin over his shoulder, she could see a couple of people down the beach staring at them.

  She nearly smiled. It probably did look strange for her to be sleeping in the arms of one man one minute then wrapped around the body of another man the next.

  Ryder’s hand came up to caress her ass, and she grinned wider. If anyone ever thought she’d be embarrassed by the attentions of two men in public, they could go suck an egg. It was a huge turn-on. She loved it when the two of them got demonstrative in front of others. Maybe it made her a slut, but she didn’t give a shit.

  She drew away from Mac then planted a scorching kiss right on his lips. In response, Mac stood up, hauling her with him. His hands went behind her to cup her ass as he shifted her up higher. They stood there, her legs hooked around his waist, his hands on her ass, and her lips solidly fused to his.

  Let the damn locals ogle all they wanted.

  “Let’s go back to the hotel,” Mac rasped.

  “Yes, let’s,” she responded. “I need a shower to get all the sand off.”

  Mac set her down, and Ryder stood up behind her. He slid a hand over her backside then allowed his hand to rest possessively on one cheek as they started toward the steps.

  A few minutes later, they stepped into the cool interior of their hotel room, and Kit shivered slightly.

  “I’ll start us a shower, baby.”

  She followed along behind Mac and waited as he stepped into the shower stall to start the water.

  “Turn around. I’ll untie you,” he directed.

  She presented him her back, and he untied the thin string holding her top on. When it loosened, she let it fall to the floor. Then she hooked her fingers in the string of her thong and pulled it down her hips until she stood naked.

  Mac pulled her into the shower, and she sighed as the warm water pulsed over her. He soaped her hair first and rinsed. Then he soaped her body, paying special attention to her pussy. Before he was finished, she was awash in need. She could barely stand. Her legs trembled and shook as his fingers slid over her clit again and again.

  She reached up and hooked her arms around his neck to steady herself. He stared at her for a long moment, his blue eyes burning into her.

  “Are you enjoying yourself, baby?”

  She nodded. “It was so great of you to think of this, Mac. I’ve had so much fun.” She pulled his head down to hers and kissed him, the spray from the shower sluicing over their lips. “I love you so much.”

  He gripped her tightly, hugging her to him. “I love you too, baby. Always.”

  He reached behind her and turned off the water. Then he stepped out and retrieved two towels, handing one to her. They dried off and walked into the bedroom. Ryder stepped around them and headed for the shower. He shot Mac a sly grin before closing the door behind him.

  “What was that all about?” she demanded.

  Mac merely smiled. “I told him I’d prepare everything for when he got out of the shower.”

  She arched an eyebrow at him. “Prepare what?”


  Her pulse sped up, and she licked her lips nervously.

  “We have something special planned tonight,” he continued.

  “I see. And when does this start?”