Read For Her Pleasure Page 25

  skin. “I love you, Kit. I know I’ve never admitted it to you, but not a day goes by that I don’t dream about holding you, touching you, loving you. I fought it. I didn’t want to come between you and Mac, but I love you so damn much I can’t breathe sometimes.”

  She sniffled, and he smiled. “I swear, darlin’, you’ve cried more in the last few months than I’ve ever known you to.”

  She looked between him and Mac as if afraid to believe what she’d heard. Hope and relief burned so brightly, her eyes looked like a pair of emeralds.

  “Are you sure, Mac? Are you sure we can do this?” she finally asked.

  Mac coaxed her down to sit on the bed so she was between him and where Ryder sat in the chair. “We’ll make it work, baby.”

  She glanced over at Ryder. “Do you want this? Do you want . . . me?”

  Ryder leaned forward and tipped her chin up before capturing her lips in a deep kiss. She tasted so sweet. It had been too long since he’d touched her so intimately.

  “I’ve never not wanted you,” he murmured against her mouth.

  She pulled away, her eyes shining, the biggest smile he’d ever seen pulling up the corners of her mouth.

  “I’m so happy. After being so scared for so long, I am so happy right now.”

  Mac smiled. “I guess you like my idea then.”

  She started to throw herself into Mac’s arms but pulled up at the last second.

  “Careful, darlin’, don’t kill him,” Ryder said with a chuckle.

  She eased herself into his arms instead. “I love it, and I love you. I love you both. I’m going to spend the rest of my life proving it too.”


  Kit wrapped Mac’s arm over her shoulders to help him out of the truck, despite his laughing protests that he could damn well walk himself.

  Ryder collected the bags, and they all started toward the door. As they walked in, Kit guided Mac toward the couch and pushed him down.

  “Kit, you’re not going to start fussing over me,” Mac said with a chuckle. “I’m okay.”

  She smiled down at him. “You’ve taken care of me for so long, Mac. It’s high time I took care of you. So shut up and let me do my thing.”

  She glanced over at Ryder and raised an eyebrow. He’d been quiet all the way home, and she wondered if something was bothering him. A pang of worry assailed her. Was he having second thoughts about the arrangement they’d agreed on?

  “Stop your worrying, darlin’,” he said as he walked by. He stopped to drop a kiss on her head before moving over to the armchair.

  “Am I that obvious?” she asked in exasperation.

  “Yes,” both men said.

  She grinned ruefully. “Sorry. I’m in too-good-to-be-true mode. At any time I expect one of you to jump up and say it’s all a big joke and leave.”

  Mac reached up and tugged her down beside him. “Do as Ryder says. Stop worrying. I love you, and I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Well, that’s what I wanted to talk about,” Ryder interjected.

  Both Mac and Kit turned to stare at Ryder.

  Ryder leaned forward, his expression serious. “How many times have we all said we were getting out of this town?”

  “Only a million,” Kit said, rolling her eyes.

  She studied Ryder intently. What bug had he gotten up his ass now? They should be celebrating Mac’s return home, not dragging up old stories.

  “What would you both think of doing just that?” Ryder continued.

  Kit fell silent. Mac crooked one eyebrow. “What do you mean, man?”

  “Things could be hard for us here. I don’t plan to keep my relationship with Kit a dirty secret, and I don’t imagine you do either. None of us have ever wanted to live here. We used to swear we’d get out one day. Maybe it’s time.”

  Kit swallowed. She hadn’t considered what would happen when people got wind of their relationship. Her lips firmed. She didn’t give a flying fuck. She was happy and that was all that mattered.

  Ryder held up a hand. He must have seen the protest forming on her lips. “Let me finish. Mac’s going to be laid up awhile. I don’t want you going back to work, despite what you said about making ends meet while Mac is on disability. I have money. Money I’ve never cared about. Well, it can finally be put to good use. We can get the hell out of this town none of us want to be in and go someplace else. Any place and start over.”

  Mac shifted beside her. She turned to see him staring at her. “What do you think, baby?”

  What did she think? She was stunned. She’d gone on thinking for so long that she was trapped here, she didn’t know how else to think. And to leave with Mac and Ryder . . . she’d go anywhere with them.

  “I think that as long as you two are with me, I’ll go anywhere,” she whispered.

  “I could pick up another job when I’ve recovered,” Mac said. “Cops are needed everywhere.”

  “And in the meantime, we could go where the wind blows,” Ryder said. “Figure out where we want to settle and then do it.”

  He made it sound so easy. And wasn’t it? What was stopping them? She’d always dreamed of leaving this town and the painful memories behind.

  Ryder got out of the chair and knelt in front of her. “Would you go with us, darlin’? Would you trust us with your life and happiness? To always take care of you and love you?”

  She threw her arms around Ryder and held on for dear life. She would not cry again, damn it.

  When she pulled away, he kissed her, warm, passionate, taking her breath away. Behind her, Mac’s hands slid up her back, curling around her neck and massaging.

  Yeah, she’d go anywhere with them.

  “When do we leave?” she asked.

  what she craves


  No guts, no glory, no orgasm. She wanted the latter but was short on the former.

  Mia Nichols wiped her hands nervously down her bare legs and contemplated running as far and as fast as she could from Jack Kincaid’s bedroom. But no, she’d come this far.

  She’d snuck in, using the key Jack had given her for emergencies. She spared only a moment’s guilt over the fact this wasn’t really an emergency. Not unless you considered desperation a crisis.

  The fact that she stood there, naked, couldn’t really be construed so much as a crisis as it was a bold plan to take the initiative. Yes, that made her feel much better. She wasn’t throwing herself at Jack, exactly. She was merely going after what she wanted. What she’d wanted for years. What she thought he wanted too when he wasn’t so wrapped up in his goddamn sense of responsibility.

  She knew he was just on the other side of the wall sleeping. The soft sounds of his deep breathing filtered through the crack in his bedroom door.

  You want this, Mia. You’ve wanted it forever. Go get it for God’s sake. You won’t get a better opportunity.

  Summoning her flagging courage, she quietly eased into the bedroom. His body was bathed in the soft light that filtered through half-closed blinds. The sheets tangled at his hips, barely covering the bottom portion of his torso, leaving his upper half bare.

  She licked her lips and moved closer. God, he was gorgeous. Hard, lean, the lines and angles of his body were just made for a woman’s touch. She could spend hours exploring the muscled dips and bulges.

  He faced away from her, his jaw, rough from the overnight beard, prominent against his pillow. One arm rested down his side, his hand gripping the sheets that had long since been discarded. His other arm was flung out beside him, his fingers splayed out like he was reaching for something.

  She edged closer to the bed. There wasn’t a time when she could remember not loving him. The years before his entry into her life faded, not worth remembering. They were a muddled mass of pain and anguish, of things she’d rather not remember.

  He’d saved her. Taken care of her. Made sure she had what she needed. Except she needed him. Not in just the role of a guardian, someone who looked out for
her and checked in on her from time to time. She wanted more than the casual conversations they had, and the occasional shared pizza on the weekend.

  She was no longer the girl he’d rescued. She had long since grown into a woman. With a woman’s needs. And tonight Jack Kincaid was going to see that firsthand. If he didn’t toss her out of his bed as soon as she got there.

  Nervously she leaned down, unsure of what to do first. Kiss him? Touch him?

  The decision was made for her. She didn’t get to do either.

  As soon as she bent to brush her mouth across his jaw, a hard arm closed around her. His other hand slid under the pillow in one quick motion, and she found herself staring down the barrel of a nasty-looking gun.

  She let out an eep of fright and tried to back away. The arm around her waist tightened.

  “What the hell are you doing”—he looked up and down her body—“naked in my bedroom?” he demanded.

  Her cheeks burned, and she cringed from the glitter of surprise and anger in his eyes. This wasn’t going the way she’d planned.

  His arms loosened, allowing her to back away a bit. Jack laid the gun on the nightstand and sat up, dragging the sheets with him.

  But she’d gotten enough of a peek to know he obviously slept in the nude, and that he wasn’t unaffected by the sight of her naked body.

  “Mia, what are you doing here?” he asked again, his tone not as strident at it had been earlier.

  “What does it look like I’m doing,” she asked in exasperation.

  She crossed her arms over her breasts, her humiliation growing by the second.

  He cocked one eyebrow. “It looks like you were trying to climb naked into my bed.”

  “Observant of you,” she said snidely.

  His gaze raked up and down her body. “What the hell kind of game is this, Mia? Because I have to tell you, I don’t have time for this.”

  She let her arms fall until she stood proudly before him. “I want you, Jack.”

  He rubbed a hand through his short hair. “Ah hell, Mia, get your ass dressed and get the hell out of here. I don’t have the stomach for little girls playing at being an adult.”

  Her cheeks burned furiously. “I’m not a child!”

  “You’re too young for me,” he said bluntly.

  She moved closer to him, allowing her breasts to bob in front of his face. She saw how his eyes tracked downward, saw his body tighten in response.

  “I’m not a child,” she repeated. “I’m a woman with a woman’s needs. I’ve wanted you so long, Jack. Don’t turn me away. I can see you want me.”

  Jack smiled mockingly. “You’ve come to the wrong place, sugar. I haven’t got a gentle bone in my body. Take your virginity and your dreams of flowers and sweet talk somewhere else. If we fucked, I’d ride you long and hard, and I wouldn’t give a damn that it was your first time.”

  A shudder rolled through her body. Her nipples hardened to points, and she heard Jack swear.

  She moved forward, closer still to him. She wanted to touch him so badly she ached.

  “I don’t want you to be gentle,” she whispered. “I want you to be you. I want you.”

  “Christ, Mia. I’m too old for you. You’re just a kid. Get some damn clothes on.”

  She ignored him, pressing her body to his as she moved onto the bed. She stared up at him, her eyes seeking his. When their gazes met, she saw hunger reflected in his dark eyes. He wanted her. He could fight it, but she could see the truth.

  Hesitantly, she twined her arms around his neck. He stiffened at her touch but didn’t yank away from her. Her lips hovered a heartbeat from his, and she heard him suck in his breath.

  “Kiss me,” she said.

  She touched her lips to his and found him unyielding, resistant. Not giving up, she deepened her kiss, running her tongue across his lips.

  “Goddamn it, Mia,” he swore.

  He hauled her up against him and returned her kiss with forceful intensity. His hands ran up and down her back as he devoured her mouth.

  She moaned against his lips as his hands tangled in her hair. He pulled her back by her hair and stared hard into her face.

  “Be sure about this, Mia. If you don’t turn tail and get your ass out of here right now there’s no turning back.

  “Kiss me,” she said again.

  He hesitated for a long moment, staring at her with hard eyes. Eyes that gleamed with want. She arched into him, tempting him with her body. His arms tightened around her. She could feel the flex of his strong muscles, and she knew in that moment she’d won.

  He rolled her over and underneath him, reaching back to tear the sheets away. His hard body rocked over hers, rubbing and pressing against her skin. He took her hands and yanked them high over her head.

  She let him have his way, a surge of red-hot need bursting through her at his exhibition of power and control. How many years had she lusted after him? She’d loved him since she was a starry-eyed teenager just feeling the first pangs of adolescence.

  His thigh pried at her limbs, inserting his muscular leg between hers. His mouth moved across her like a storm. Hot, fast and intense.

  “Let me touch you,” she gasped out.

  He fused his mouth over hers, silencing her effectively. Despite her struggles, he held fast to her hands, knocking them against the headboard when she tried to reach for him again.

  “Be still,” he growled.

  Her head fell back as he nuzzled at her neck. His teeth grazed the sensitive skin below her ear before sinking into the curve of her neck.

  She bolted forward, gasping in pleasure. He sucked at her flesh, nipping and biting then sliding his tongue over the area to soothe it. Flames licked over her body. She twisted and squirmed, but he held her tightly, not allowing her to move.

  His cock nudged impatiently at her pussy. Rubbed up and down her damp slit.

  “Open for me,” he demanded, his voice husky and deep, the command sending delicious thrills up her spine.

  She relaxed her legs, and immediately he was at her entrance, probing hotly, the swollen head of his penis spreading her tight folds.

  In one strong thrust, he seated himself deeply inside her. Slight pain registered, but it was shoved aside as he began moving, the friction fanning the flames out of control. She gasped and struggled to free her arms. She wanted to grab onto him and squeeze for dear life as unbearable sensations rocked her body.

  He slammed her hands back onto the mattress, once again uttering a harsh command. “Stay.”

  She melted into his body, her vision blurring with her desire. He bucked and undulated his hips, plunging into her slick pussy over and over.

  “Please,” she gasped.

  He caught her lips between his teeth and tugged, sucking her bottom lip. His tongue slid over the fullness of her mouth, tasting as he rocked against her. Then his teeth sank, and she tasted the saltiness of blood. He licked and soothed, kissing the tender flesh.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he muttered as he bit a line down her jaw to her neck. “Too young, too beautiful and too reckless by far.”