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For Love of the Light- A vampire across the hall story.

  By Leann Richards

  copyright 2015 Leann Richards

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  For Love of the Light

  Once upon a time, in a place where the sea meets the trees, there lived a race of beings. They were kind people who were unseen by human eyes. They were gentle, mild, caring creatures who tended the oceans, cradled the tides and ensured that the waves crashed onto the shore at the proper time.

  To the everyday person, they were barely visible. Dawn and dusk were the best times to spy them. That was when they could be glimpsed, but not recognised. For at that time they sparkled like diamonds on the blue ocean and their light shone like sprinkled stars upon the sea.

  Meep and Moop were of these people. They were not exactly model citizens of their community. Young in age and young at heart, Meep and Moop liked to play in the waves and often forgot to attend to their appointed chores. Chores were a waste of time when they could frolic in the water and roll in the sand and sea. And even though the chores given to the young were simple ones, like counting waves to ensure the sea's good health, Meep and Moop thought them boring.

  One day Meep was ignoring his chores as usual. He was wading in the ocean and splashing Moop, who was trying to be conscientious. Moop was always the responsible one. She often found herself trying to do Meep's chores in addition to her own. But Meep was an impish soul, and he spent much of his life corrupting Moop and persuading her to ditch work for play and fun.

  'Moop, Moop, what are you doing?' He called out to her, as she dived into the sand and tried to count the waves. She thought there was a problem with their rhythm.

  'I'm trying to count the waves, I think something's wrong.'

  'Why do you want to do that Moop? The waves can count themselves, come and play in the sea. It is deliciously cool and it's speaking to me.'

  'I can't Meep. I have to count the waves.'

  'Blah blah blah, waves, waves , what? That's what the elders are for.' He raised his arm and threw a rainbow of light into the air. 'Bet you can't do that. Can you Moopy?'

  Moop laughed. She loved rainbow making, it was her favourite game.

  'My rainbows are better than yours, 'she yelled back, and forgetting all about the wave count, she dived into the ocean and frolicked with Meep.

  Far away on a headland overlooking the beach, stood a figure dressed in black. An unusual figure which would have caused much comment if he was visible. But he wasn't visible, at least to human eyes.

  He was a magician, and he was casting a spell. A spell of revenge and spite and when a magician cast an evil spell, nature reacted and the waves lost their rhythm.

  The magician was casting a spell because he had been disappointed in love.

  Once upon a time, the magician had been poor and had decided to make some money doing street magic for humans. This sort of magic wasn't real magic. It was mechanical stuff, sleight of hand, card tricks, close in magic. The sort of magic that any human, with dedication and practice, could do. The magician set himself up on a corner in Newtown, in inner city Sydney, and put out his hat. A top hat of course, and tried to make some money with his street magic.

  Now Newtown was a place that attracted many street performers, and amongst those that worked on the corners in Newtown was a lovely, slim, beautiful juggler. She had long dark hair, green eyes, and a smile that made everybody who saw it smile with her.

  Her name was Annabella.

  Annabella was popular amongst the street artists because she always brought delicious sweet biscuits for them to eat. This was much appreciated because sweet biscuits were a treat that few could afford. Annabella and her biscuits were famous in Newtown.

  But Annabella was also a very skilful juggler. She could juggle five balls easily, she could juggle five clubs easily and she could do twirls and flourishes and pirouettes with balls and clubs suspended in the air. And whilst she juggled, Annabella would sing. Her voice was sweet and harmonious. The birds of Newtown would gather and sing along when Annabella sang a song.

  The magician spent many months in Newtown doing his street magic and he was quite successful. In fact he and Annabella were the most successful performers of all. The magician grew to know Annabella well and they often ate sweet chocolate biscuits together. Sometimes, when they'd had a good day, they would go to the cafe near the cinema and have coffee together.

  Over time, the magician and Annabella became close, and the magician fell in love with Annabella.

  However, there was a problem. Annabella was a juggler and jugglers did not like magicians.

  Now Annabella was tolerant and she didn't bear ill will towards anybody, in fact she was beginning to like the magician quite a bit. But Annabella knew that her family, a very prominent juggling family, would not approve of her dating a magician. And so, when the magician confessed his love for her, Annabella told him.

  ' I think I could love you if you were not a magician. But as you are, I cannot.'

  The magician looked at her confused, 'So what you're saying love me?

  Annabella looked at him sorrowfully, ' I'm sorry, I must keep the jugglers code. I cannot fall in love with a magician.'

  The magician was devastated and so he found himself on a cliff looking down at the sea where Meep and Moop were frolicking, preparing to cast a spell of vengeance and spite.

  And then he stopped. ' Why' he thought 'should I cast a spell of vengeance and spite, when I can extract vengeance and spite my enemies by simply casting a love spell.?'

  And so the magician prepared a love spell, a love spell for Annabella . A love spell that would spite her intolerant family and jugglers everywhere, a love spell that would make Annabella love him.

  The waves continued to crash erratically, so much so that even Meep could feel their anger. He stopped casting rainbows and looked up, a dark black cloud was gathering over the headland. Meep turned to Moop, who was busily casting another rainbow,

  'Look, look at that cloud. And the sea, the sea is moving strangely, something is wrong. Something is very wrong.'

  Moop stopped casting her rainbow and looked at the cloud. 'There's somebody up there. '

  Meep followed her gaze, he could see a dark shape underneath the cloud. He cursed, ' it's a magician'

  Meep and Moop leapt out of the sea and in the way of their people, travelled instantly via the light to where the magician stood.

  He had his arms in the air and was calling the elements of earth and fire when they appeared. He shielded his eyes from their light.

  'What do you creatures want? I'm busy.'

  Meep and Moop chanted in unison. ' We are the keepers of the waves and you are disturbing their heartbeat.'

  'What?' The magician lowered his arms. 'Go away with your nonsense, I am casting a spell.'

  Meep and Moop turned down their natural light and replied.

  'Your spell is disturbing the waves, it is disturbing the skies, it is an evil spell, you must stop it.'

  The magician could see that he was dealing with some young beings, and he snorted at them.

  'You younglings can't stop me. I will do as I will.'

  Meep and Moop exchanged
looks, 'maybe we can't but the elders can.'

  The magician was infuriated and in his rage at the young creatures he uttered a word that should never be uttered by a magician. A word of power, a word of horror, a word that could transform any being into another and lightning flashed and hit Meep and Moop and before they could summon their elders they were transformed.

  Into lovebirds. One blue, one green.

  Tiny with soft feathers, they chirped in anger and the magician laughed. 'And so you will remain in this form until somebody recognises your true nature.'

  He clicked his fingers and Meep and Moop were banished to a pet shop in the heart of Sydney.

  The magician cast his spell and the waves and skies protested. After much time, the tenders of the sea calmed the angry ocean. They missed Meep and Moop, they worried about them and prayed for their safe return.

  As for the magician, he married his Annabella, and for a time they were happy . But the magician always doubted her love, even after they had a child together.

  One day his doubt grew large, and nature, seeing an opportunity for revenge, allowed the doubt to grow . It grew as large as a cloud, bigger than the sea and the magician, in despair and doubt about the love of Annabella, walked one day into the ocean and never returned .

  Meanwhile, Meep and Moop were stuck in a cage in a pet shop in Sydney. They talked a lot to each other, to the customers, to the workers in the pet shop. But nobody could understand a