Read For Now Page 7

  I come so fast that I cry out in surprise. God, that has to be a record. Javi pumps his hand, prolonging the sensation that rockets through my body and leaves heat and tingles and glowing beauty in its wake.

  He’s wrecked me. Ripped me apart. I pant and he gives me a second to recover.

  “Thank you,” I say.

  “You’re welcome,” he says with a chuckle as he licks his fingers. “Mind if I taste you?”

  “By all means,” I say and then he puts his mouth on me. I almost push him away because I’m so sensitive to the touch of his lips and tongue it almost hurts. But the momentary pain gives way to the building of another climax. Relentless he adds his fingers again, driving me hard and fast toward another orgasm.

  I thrust my hips toward his face, and I hope he can breathe, but I don’t really care about that at the moment. All I care about is throwing myself off the edge of the cliff again. I just want to fly.

  Javi buzzes his lips against my clit and thrusts hard with his hand and that’s it. I’m spreading my wings and soaring.

  My chest heaves as Javi makes his way back up my body, leaving little kisses here and there.

  “Thank. You.”

  Javi laughs and kisses the tip of my nose.

  “You said that already. And you don’t have to thank me every time I make you come. I enjoy it almost as much as you do.” He’s slowed down again and doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to jam himself inside me, unlike some guys I’ve been with.

  “Well, it’s not often a guy can get me off twice in that short amount of time. You’ve clearly been practicing.” He runs a finger between my breasts and circles my navel, making my skin break out in goosebumps.

  “All that practice, just for you,” he says.

  “Well, yay for you. And now it’s time for me to show you what I’ve learned in my own studies.” I shimmy down until my face is level with his dick. I’ve never been very fond of the blow job, but for Javier, I’ll make an exception. Honestly, the idea of getting him off makes me excited.

  “You don’t have to,” Javi says. I just look up at him and stick my tongue out, licking him just at the tip. His eyes close and his head rolls back. A moan comes from his mouth and I do it again, eliciting the same reaction.

  I decide to give him the full treatment instead of going right for the kill. I want to take my time, to show him I appreciate what he did for me.

  So I do. I start out slow with my tongue, tasting him everywhere before I add my hand, moving up and down in time with my licks.

  He makes a strangled sound when I finally take him into my mouth as far as I can go without gagging. Then he lets loose with a string of curses that almost makes me laugh.

  I work slowly up and down, but he stops me before I’ve even got a good rhythm.

  “I want to be inside you,” he says, pulling me up to kiss his mouth. Works for me. But someday, I will give Javier a blow job and it will probably be someday soon.

  He gets his pants and pulls out the condom from his back pocket. Even if he didn’t have one, I have a few extra in my dresser drawer. I never like to be unprepared when it comes to sex.

  “I’m okay with that,” I say as he rolls the condom on and then positions himself over me.

  “I just want to warn you that I sometimes get a little… intense. Just yell at me or slap me or something if it gets to be too much.”

  “Um, sure. I’ll let you know.”

  He smiles.

  “Good.” He brings his mouth back to mine and then pushes into me. He feels so good I wrap my legs around him and squeeze my hands on his ass to bring him closer. Javi fills me and every muscle in his body strains to keep himself still.

  “You’re not going to hurt me, promise,” I say. I like rough sometimes and this is one of those times. “Please, Javi.”

  He nips at my lower lip.

  “You asked for it.” And then he slams his hips into mine, rocking me back into my pillows. Okay, he wasn’t joking. Before I can even take a breath, he’s pulling nearly all the way out and thrusting into me again. Oh, GOD.

  “Faster,” I say, and he obliges, picking up the pace and then thrusting so hard my head bangs against the headboard. I move my pillow up so I don’t break my neck, but I don’t ask him to slow down. I’ve never been fucked this hard, and it’s not hard enough.

  Javier fucks me like he’s trying to tear me apart. I. Love. It.

  By now both of us are being quite loud and Javi is going so hard that my bed is banging against my wall. Then there’s a crack and suddenly we both fall a few feet.

  I gasp and Javi curses.

  “You broke my bed,” I say and Javi looks down at me. His eyes are dark and clouded. Takes him a moment to realize what’s just happened.

  “I’ll buy you a new one,” he says and then resumes his activities. I could tell him to stop, but I can’t find a reason. The damage is already done so we might as well finish what we started.

  One screaming climax (for both of us) later and there is a knock at the door.

  “Is everything okay in there?” asks Shannon’s timid voice. “We heard, um, a crash. We just wanted to make sure you’re not maimed or injured in any way.”

  Javi is still inside me.

  “Are you maimed in any way?” I ask, trying to keep a straight face.

  “Nope. Everything is great. Right where it should be.” He grinds his hips a little and I wonder if he’s getting hard again. “Are you maimed or injured?”

  “Well, there’s something that wasn’t there before, but I don’t quite want to remove it yet. Other than that, I’m good.” Javi swirls his hips and yup. He’s getting hard again. I’m up for round two, but I don’t think my bed is.

  “We’re both fine,” I yell.

  “Okay. Good.” Shannon says and I can hear her talking in a low voice to Jett. Oh, this is so much fun.

  “We’re fine,” Javi says, shaking his head at them.

  “Okay. Well. We’re going back to bed,” Shannon says.

  “Have a good night,” Jett adds. Javi and I listen as they go back to Shannon’s room and close the door.

  Javi looks down at me and I start laughing.

  “Whoa, keep doing that and there’s going to be more bed breaking.” That’s probably not the best idea then.

  “Well, I’m kind of between a rock and a hard place.” More like a bed and a hard place.

  “You love my hard place,” he says, but then he pulls out.

  “We should probably do something about this,” Javi says, indicating the bed. My bed is split in half, the wooden frame completely buckled. Well, I did get it at a garage sale, so that’s what I get for buying cheap furniture.

  First though, we might want to put some clothes on.

  He rolls off me and grabs a tissue to take care of the condom before putting his pants on, sans boxers. I grab his shirt and throw it on and we begin shifting the broken bits of bedframe against one wall and then settle the mattress on the floor. I have to move a bunch of the stuff I’ve stored under the bed, and I try to hide some of it from Javi. It’s not fair that he gets to see all the intimate details of my room. But this isn’t a typical relationship, so I guess those rules don’t apply anyway.

  “Guess we should go to bed,” Javi says as we pull the blankets up on the makeshift bed.

  “We should. Or,” I say, going to my dresser and pulling out an entire strip of condoms, “we could try to break through the floor and make it into the apartment downstairs.” I throw the strip at Javi and he catches it.

  “Well, we should at least try,” he says, stripping off his pants. I pull his shirt over my head and dive onto the mattress.

  We don’t make it through the floor, but not for lack of trying. Javi is very thorough and by the time we both fall into an exhausted sleep I’ve been fucked so hard and so much I can’t see a reason for ever leaving this bed. Mattress. Whatever.

  I’m disoriented when I wake up, roll over, and find myself at eye level
with the bottom drawer of my dresser. Then memories of the previous night come flooding back to me and I wince. I’ve definitely got some road rash down low, but it’s a good kind of pain. Used hard and used good.

  Javi enters my room in fresh clothes and his hair is wet.

  “Hey,” I say, grinning up at him. “You owe me a bedframe.”

  He crouches down and gives me a kiss before sitting on the mattress next to me.

  “You more than earned it, Haze.” The way he looks at me, like he wants to take off his clothes and start all over again makes me want to rip his shirt off. “But how about some breakfast first?”

  “Sure. Just let me take a shower.”

  He nods.

  “Jett and Shannon headed back to our place so it’s all yours. I bumped into them earlier and I bet Shannon is going to talk to your ear off about last night.” As she does.

  “Great. It’s going to be fun explaining.” Eh, she’ll probably be fine with it. Javi and I were inevitable. She knew that.

  I get up and grab some clothes out of my dresser and start walking toward the bathroom, but Javi stops me.

  “Is there a reason you need to wear clothes? You look so much better like this.”

  His eyes roam up and down my body and I almost blush. No one’s ever looked at me quite like that. Usually they see my tits and don’t go any further. But Javi looks at everything, including my face.

  “Because I don’t want to get arrested for indecent exposure,” I say, backing up.

  “Oh, it would definitely be decent exposure,” he says as I open the door and then shut it behind me. Oh, Javi.

  We get breakfast at Hank’s again and then Javi drops me off right in front of my first class, giving me a searing kiss before shoving me out the door.

  The kiss makes me want to get back into the truck, but I don’t. I walk away slowly, making sure I put my hips into it. I look at him over my shoulder and give him a wink. He whistles and then drives off.

  He’s there when I’m done with class, waiting patiently in his truck. And he’s reading. As if I needed one more reason to fuck him senseless.

  “Whatcha reading?” I say as I slide in. He gives me a kiss hello and then goes back to his book, holding up one finger.

  A minute later he puts a folded piece of paper in the book to mark his place and sets it on the seat between us.

  “Just something for class. How was your day? I must say that driving you around is quite enjoyable.” I kind of like it too, but it can’t be a permanent thing. He’s not my boyfriend.

  “Well, you did break my bed.” I’m going to milk that for all it’s worth and then milk it a little more to make sure I’ve gotten everything out of it that I can.

  “Okay, okay,” he says, putting his hands up and turning the truck on. “Where do you want to get a new one? There’s some furniture stores out by the mall in Hartford.” I just figured we’d go to Salvation Army or something, but if he wants to fork out money for a brand new bed, who am I to stop him?

  “You don’t have to spend a lot. I’m really not picky.”

  He waves that off.

  “It’s no big. Bedframes aren’t that expensive. Do you want something like you had, or do you want something different?” I hadn’t even though of that.

  “I have no idea.” Honest truth: I’ve never had new furniture. I’ve never even picked out furniture. I’ve always taken whatever I was given, or whatever I could find at a yard sale or junk store.

  “Well, start thinking.” He turns on the radio and flips to the classic rock station. I don’t mind since sometimes they play the stuff I listen to.

  “Do you have enough money?” I ask, cringing. I hate talking about money. It’s one of the reasons Shannon and I work so well together. We both come from the same circumstances, so we understand how the other feels about finances without even having to ask.

  Javi glances over at me.

  “Don’t even worry about it. I’ve got you covered.” I was all excited about this bed thing and now I’m not. Every time I look at this bed, I’m going to think about Javi and how he bought it for me and it’s probably going to make me feel like shit. Great. I never should have said it. But it was the heat of the moment. I’m not responsible for anything I say mid-orgasm.

  “Are you sure?” I don’t want to beat a dead horse, but I really don’t want him to go into debt over me.

  “Don’t worry about it, Haze.” He reaches out and squeezes my hand. I don’t know whether to believe him or not, so I’m silent for the rest of the trip to the furniture store.

  Javi parks in front of one of those warehouse places with so much furniture you could furnish a small country with the contents.

  “You should be able to find something here, but if not, we have options.” He points down the street and there’s a strip of such furniture stores. How they can all stay in business is beyond me, but the parking lots are full and people are busy strapping mattresses and couches onto the tops of their vehicles.

  “Okay,” I say and follow Javi into the place.

  It’s fucking massive and packed with everything you could need for a home. He heads right for the bedframes in the back and I walk behind him, a bit overwhelmed by everything.

  “Okay, here you go. I’ll just be here,” he says, sitting in a nearby recliner and popping out the footrest.

  I give him a look.

  “Go, browse. I’ll be here if you need me.” He leans back like he’s hanging out in his own home and watching a big game. He’s strange sometimes.

  I walk up and down the rows of bedframes that are all set up with naked mattresses. There are a lot of choices and most of them, I think, are pretty ugly. My old frame had been functional and that was about it. If I have the chance to get something I actually like, I’m going to take it. I find a white iron frame that’s kind of pretty, but the price is ridiculous. I start looking at the other prices and cringing. I can’t make Javi pay for this. Hell, he’s pretty much buying all my groceries as it is.

  I check price before I check anything else and finally find a simple wooden frame that’s the cheapest. It looks almost exactly like my old one. I go back to where Javi was sitting and find him in another chair, several rows of recliners away.

  “I’ve been testing the chairs. Only way to know which one you want is by sitting in every single one. You find something?” He gets up with a groan. Must have been a comfortable chair.

  “Yup,” I say and lead him over to it.

  “You want this one?” I nod. Javi walks around it and looks at the price.

  “This doesn’t say ‘Hazel’ to me. But if this is what you want, this is what you want. I would have thought you’d go for something like that.” He points at a frame I would choose if I was the one buying and had plenty of money. It’s more of a platform, black with a leather-covered headboard. Sleek and modern and cool. The fact that Javi picked out the one I ultimately want kind of freaks me out.

  “That one’s really expensive,” I say, my face red. Javi goes over to it and looks at the tag.

  “Nah, it’s on sale. See?” He holds up the red tag that says SALE. Still. The “sale” is a lot of money.

  A salesperson in a polo shirt with the store’s logo on it decides to come over and ask if we need any help. Javi jumps right in and asks her if the sale price on the fancy frame is the best they can do. The woman gives him a look and then they start talking. Haggling would be a better term.

  I walk over and grab his arm, trying to make him stop, but he won’t. The woman finally caves and goes to ask her manager if she can give an additional ten percent off.

  Javi grins at me as if he’s won the lottery.

  “Never underestimate my ability to haggle.”

  “What are you doing? I didn’t say I wanted that one.”

  He puts his arm around me.

  “You didn’t have to. I just knew.”

  I open my mouth to argue and he just kisses me.

  That shuts
me up.

  After his victory with the bedframe, Javi is on a roll. It’s almost like he’s possessed. He talks me into a new lamp, an extra chair for our kitchen table, which will bring the number of chairs to an even four, and he almost talks me into a new dresser, but I draw the line.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  He does that one shoulder shrug that drives me up a wall.

  “Because I want to. Why is it crazy for someone to want to do something nice for you?” Doing something nice isn’t crazy. Buying a bedframe and an entire living room set for someone is crazy.

  “Well, considering this might look like payment for last night, yes, it is crazy.” Javi glares at me.

  “This has nothing to do with last night. I mean, other than the fact that your bed broke. The rest of this is just because I want to. Shit, Haze. Kick a guy for trying.” He’s trying to turn this around and make me look like I’m ungrateful and I don’t like it.

  “Hey,” I say, jabbing my finger into his chest. “I didn’t ask you to do this. Yes, I said something about the bedframe, but I didn’t ask for the most expensive one in the store, or for anything else. I don’t want anything from you, Javi. I just want… I just want…” I can’t put it into words.

  He sighs.

  “I know, I know. You didn’t ask for it, but you’re getting it. Because I want to. I like the idea of you sleeping in a bed I bought for you. I really like the idea of having sex with you in a bed I bought for you. If that makes me a jerk, fine. I’ll live with that. But I want to give you what you want. I can’t explain it, I just do. I’m not trying to make any sort of political statement. You want this thing and I’m happy to give it to you. That’s it.” He holds out his hands and then drops them to his sides.

  I can’t seem to make him see what the bed represents to me. Why it’s not okay for him to spend this much money. But explaining that would require me to tell him about my past and growing up and I don’t think I can do that. So the price for me not telling him is letting him buy me the damn bed. And a lamp. And a chair.