Read For Your Love Only Page 13

  Chapter 11

  Cheering wildly, Tallia clapped her hands like a fool as she watched Costa reel in yet another gleaming, thrashing fish. He plucked them from the ocean as if they were lead filings and his hook a giant magnet. She had never seen anything like it.

  Scrambling up onto the front of the sailboat where he stood, feet braced wide apart, brandishing a fishing pole that was bowed almost in half by the weight of his impressive catch, she tried to scoop the wriggling fish into the net she was holding. Unlike Costa, who moved as if his feet were glued to the smooth wooden deck, Tallia slipped on the slick boards and had to brace herself with a hand to the small of Costa's back, when she almost fell. He dropped the fish into the net with a triumphant laugh and took it from her before she dropped it, trading her for the fishing pole.

  Tallia straightened herself carefully beside him and watched as he deftly reached into the net and plucked the hook out of the exhausted fish’s gaping mouth.

  "This one we keep!" he announced, flashing her a broad grin.

  She nodded and belatedly took her hand from the hot, naked brown skin at the small of his back. He looked magnificent in nothing but a long pair of bold blue and white Hawaiian print swim trunks, his tall, powerful body tanned a rich bronze all over, golden brown eyes flashing, water glistening in his thick, wavy black hair.

  Costa slid an arm around her waist and pulled her hard against him, holding her gaze he asked, still laughing, "You will clean it for me, ne?"

  Happy to agree to anything when he looked at her like that and pressed her to his big, hot body, Tallia could only nod stupidly. Costa laughed and shook his head, guiding her off the slippery curved topside of the boat with a strong hand and lifting her effortlessly, with one arm around her hips, to the safety of the flat deck.

  They had been out on the water since he suggested taking her fishing over breakfast, and it proved to be an exhilarating outing. After driving them down to the dock in the Land Rover, Costa took her aboard his small personal yacht, an intimate sailboat with a gleaming wood deck, a sail and a very powerful motor.

  For most of the morning they tacked around the island, enjoying the salty spray of the water in their faces and letting the wind take them where it wanted. That was until Costa spotted birds diving into a boiling stretch of water. Pulling in the sails, Costa let the boat coast towards the frothing water and went for his fishing rods, clamoring around the tiny sailboat with a speed and agility that was impressive for a landlubber like Tallia to observe.

  As they drifted into the turbulent water, she could see small fish leaping from the surface of the sea and gulls swooping in to snap the unfortunate creatures up. Costa yelled out a hasty explanation, telling her the Dorad were attacking a school of tiny mackerel, forcing the smaller fish to the surface in the hope of escaping the predators, where the hungry birds waited to snatch them up.

  Baiting his hook, Costa cast his line and almost immediately began pulling gorgeous, fat fish from the sea. Each time he caught one he would send her a huge grin and ask her whether they should keep it or throw it back. Tallia had no idea what to do, so she told him to throw the first one back, just to see his reaction. To her surprise, Costa nodded and quickly slipped his hook from the fish's mouth and tossed it back into the sea. She soon realized why he had been so willing to part with his first prize when he caught an even bigger fish a few minutes later.

  "I think that should do it," he told her as he eased the fish he had just landed from the net and into a big, square cooler where two other, equally impressive fish were already languishing. "One for Calamini, one for Neni, and one for us."

  They exchanged a smile as he took his fishing pole from her and set it neatly with the rest of his gear. Tallia admired the care Costa took with his possessions. He was not rough with his boat, but amused her by talking to the sleek yacht in Greek from the moment he stepped aboard, as if he were speaking to a baby. He treated his fishing equipment with the same respect.

  Alone with him today, Tallia could tell that Costa really had grown up very simply, probably with few material things, which made him all the more appreciative of what he had. It made sense, as his house was unpretentious, plain with a lack of any real decor. The walls in his home were painted basic colors and adorned with tapestries that had probably been woven by local artisans. The furniture was comfortable, but inauspicious, and there were no real signs of wealth anywhere under his roof. He didn't even appear to possess a television set.

  One would never think Costa a billionaire if they visited his home with no prior knowledge of the man- not unless his helicopter was sitting out on the back lawn, she mused wryly.

  "Enough work now," he joked, placing a hand lightly on her shoulder to give her a gentle squeeze, "let me take you to a pretty beach where we can frolic in the water."


  He gave her a wicked look and repeated, "Frolic."

  True to his word, Costa unfurled the sail and once the wind caught canvas they were on their way. Tallia was learning sailing was remarkably fun. She found the quiet serenity of tacking on the breeze, the boat cutting across the water almost effortlessly, amazingly enjoyable.

  When Costa saw the empty beach he was looking for, he drew in the sail once again and secured it quickly, moving over the boat with the ease of an experienced sailor. He weighed the anchor a good fifty feet from shore and made a point to show her exactly where it was and lecture her to be careful not to bumble into it while they were swimming.

  She could not help but be touched by his constant care and attention. Removing her wide brimmed hat, Tallia shucked the thigh length coverall she had been wearing, feeling inexplicably nervous around him without the billowy, long sleeved white garment.

  The day before, she had skipped swimming and kept the coverall on the entire time they were at the beach with Fidelio and Emmy. Though she felt vastly more at ease with Costa than she had when she first came to Seleni, there were still moments when her nerves got the best of her and she felt awkward, jittery and exposed around him.

  Emmy purchased her entire wardrobe for her, since Tallia was still in hospital when they planned the trip to Greece. While Tallia preferred modest one piece suits, her sister thought they were only suitable for old ladies and children, so naturally she bought Tallia half a dozen of the skimpiest bikini's imaginable, in a rainbow of different colors.

  Tallia had agonized over the revealing selection of swimwear that morning, while she changed to go out on the water with Costa. Eventually she picked the most modest, if one could use that word to describe a bikini. It was a halter top with a tiny pair of briefs in a cool tropical print with lots of jade green, melon, pink and purple, which didn't look garish against her whiter than white skin- or so she hoped.

  Biting her lip self-consciously, she glanced at Costa to see what he thought, but he paid her no attention. Grinning like a little boy, he leapt off the side of the boat and did a neat summersault in midair, with that breathtaking ease with which some men managed everything, and splashed neatly headfirst into the water.

  When he surfaced he was still grinning and he whipped his head around, throwing out a spray of water in a wide arch. Tallia thought him utterly beautiful… a great big, muscular animal, strikingly dark against the pristine blue water, little fish darting all around him.

  "Come in Agapate, don't just stand there looking lovely," he called up to her.

  Tallia blushed and taking a deep breath she got her courage up and dove headfirst off the boat, coming up for air with a delighted laugh because the water was warm and welcoming, not at all cold as she feared. Tiny fish flitted all around her inquisitively, making her squeal foolishly when they brushed her skin and nibbled at her toes.

  Paddling around happily, she looked through the clear depths straight at the sandy bottom twenty feet down, watching fish gliding through the water. When Costa's face suddenly appeared beneath her she started with shock and gasped explosively as he came up under her until she
was floating on top of him as if he were her own personal, hot, bronze life raft.

  "I don't want you to get tired and drown," he commented as if it were perfectly normal for him to appear out of no where, water sluicing off his face as his head and shoulders came up out of the sea, and have her sprawling out on top of him.

  Tallia gaped, probably like one of his fish, she thought fleetingly, flustered by the feel of his body against hers. She didn't know what to do or where to put her hands as she flailed around. Costa's chest was on a level with her face, she was suddenly riding on his very hard belly, and their legs were entwined so intimately that one of her thighs was trapped between both of his.

  She felt his big hands close around her hips and lift her up, putting some space between them, and she pressed her hands flat to his smooth chest, swallowing back a gasp when she felt his muscles bunch and flex under her palms. Costa stared at her intently for a few minutes as they floated along together, his thick black lashes spiked with water. Tallia returned his stare, unable to look away and too disconcerted to think what she should do. She thought he might kiss her. They were certainly close enough for him to do so, but he seemed content to tread water and kick them lazily towards the shore.

  "Relax," he whispered when she began to tremble slightly from the strain of holding herself still atop him.

  She gave him a tremulous smile and almost inhaled a mouthful of water when he suddenly rolled over so she was riding on his back. Throwing her arms automatically around his neck, Tallia laughed with pleasure as he took off for the beach with her clinging to him for all she was worth.

  Costa was strong and a powerful swimmer. They shot through the water, and it was an exciting ride, feeling his body surge and ripple against hers. Tallia was certain she took an indecent amount of pleasure in it. When they were close to the shore, she let go. Costa would have none of it, and he turned around, pulling her against him as their feet struck the bottom. Bending over, he scooped her up and carried her effortlessly up onto the sand, depositing her neatly on her feet.

  "I can walk- and swim," she felt obliged to say as she watched him slick water off his face with one hand.

  "Pity, I like to carry you around," he murmured, taking her hand and towing her behind him as he walked up the beach with a determined stride.

  "Where are we going?" Tallia demanded breathlessly, she could see nothing but low bushes all around them and rocky cliffs on all sides.

  Costa offered no reply and just kept dragging her into the bushes. For a second, Tallia had the wild idea that he meant to make passionate love to her behind the cover of greenery. She quickly dismissed the notion though, as he had yet to make any romantic move towards her. He was gentle and unfailingly solicitous, though sometimes she thought she saw a glimmer of something hot and predatory in his eyes.

  Dismissing that outlandish notion the moment it occurred, Tallia told herself he was just treating her with the easy familiarity of a sister, or a child left in his care. It was confusing to her because she was so attracted to him, yet had no idea what to make of Costa. She cursed her lack of experience with men because it left her unable to act naturally around him and relax. Her hormones however were going crazy and even if he was just being polite, she couldn’t help her growing attraction to him.

  "Open your mouth," Costa ordered once they were in the thick of the bushes, turning around to face her.

  "Wha-!" he popped something warm and soft into her mouth before she could form the word, and Tallia bit down obediently as he covered her lips with a finger to keep her from automatically spitting whatever it was out.

  Sweet juice gushed over her tongue and ran down her throat. Tallia groaned softly as she realized he had stuffed a ripe fig in her mouth… the juiciest, tastiest, wild fig she had ever eaten in her life.

  "Again," Costa growled once she swallowed the tiny fruit. Tallia dutifully opened her mouth, and he slid another dark fig past her lips. His fingertip lingered on the bow of her lower lip before he flashed her a lazy smile and turned away to strip more fruit from the small trees.

  Chewing the exquisite morsel, Tallia plucked a few of the dark fruit from the trees. Still, she had no opportunity to feed herself as Costa kept pressing figs to her lips, his eyes heavy lidded and sensual as he watched her open her mouth for him.

  After she had eaten four or five figs he leaned in very nonchalantly and rested a hand full of figs lightly at the curve where her shoulder met her neck. He bent his dark head then and brushed his lips ever so softly over hers. Tallia's breath shuddered out on an unsteady sigh. Costa pulled away immediately, and his dark eyes skimmed over her lips before he dipped his head again and covered her mouth fully.

  He kissed as softly as a breeze, his warm lips settling over hers delicately, molding to the shape of hers and asking nothing as he slid his mouth across hers. When he returned for another delicate caress, he dragged the tip of his tongue across the seam of her lips.

  Tallia opened for him on another, deeper sigh. Costa's tongue tip glided into her mouth carefully, skimming the edges of her teeth like a shy creature before darting inside to touch just the tip of her own tongue. He drew back suddenly with a low laugh, staring at her mouth and licking his lips. Then, as if nothing had happened, he dug a little bag out of a pocket in his swim trunks, and snapping it open began to fill it with figs. Tallia stood and watched him dumbly for a minute, maybe even two, before she shook herself mentally and helped him fill the bag.

  There was an innocence, an almost childlike, happy-go-lucky manner about Costa today that amazed her. His kiss added to the surprise and shook her to her very core, because it had been an achingly erotic and still heartbreakingly sweet gesture. Yet it seemed to mean nothing to him, as if he really were only a curious child at play.

  Costa is far from a child, Tallia thought as she trailed after him towards the hissing surf. Her eyes were clinging to the impressive spread of his shoulders, tapering into lean hips that swaggered ever so slightly on the thick, muscular pillars of his legs. Her eyes dropped to his tight buttocks, and she sighed appreciatively.

  He’s too perfect to be real, she mused, still in a daze from his kiss.

  Tallia knew a man like him could not really be interested in her. He was used to running around with glamorous actresses and supermodels like her sister- bright vivacious creatures who knew how to spark a man’s interest and keep it burning hot.

  "The tide is coming in," Costa said, turning to study her with a shuttered expression. “Can you manage? It's going to be rough going and the boat is a long way off."

  "Of course," she replied, eager to show him that she was not completely helpless.

  A rakish smile split his face, and he chucked her lightly under her chin. "That's my English," he remarked and waved her ahead of him.

  Tallia stepped into the surf, which was really beginning to pound onto the beach, with a bit of trepidation. She had once been a strong swimmer, but since lying in a hospital bed for months on end her muscles were out of condition and not entirely reliable.

  A stinging slap to her bottom made her jump half out of her skin. Before she could object, or even lance Costa with an angry glare, he was urging her into the water with an arm around her waist, the bag of figs held firmly between his white teeth. He looked like a swarthy pirate as he grinned at her through the bag. Tallia laughed, forgetting her fear and following him into the sea. They swam slowly back to the boat together.

  Exhausted from the swim and the excitement, Tallia napped on a padded bench while Costa piloted them home with ease, lulled to sleep by the sun and the soothing creak of the sail. She woke some time later to the sound of him speaking jovially to someone in Greek.

  Sitting up, Tallia saw they were docked in the village at Seleni and Costa was offloading their supplies with the help of a young man. The man had to be a friend because he and Costa laughed and joked as they carried the cooler full of fish off the boat along with the bags which they brought on board earlier full of th
eir lunch and clothes.

  When Tallia sat up, the young man waved and shouted a greeting to her in Greek. She blushed and waved back, feeling awkward as his dark eyes moved appreciatively over her, and he said something in a hushed undertone to Costa.

  Smiling at her devilishly, Costa must have told his friend something humorous because the other man laughed and winked at her. Tallia smoothed a hand self-consciously through her hair, not certain what to make of the exchange. She gathered her things and let Costa help her off the boat, waiting for him by the truck as he and his friend finished sorting out the supplies.

  The young man seemed inordinately fascinated by her and Tallia caught him staring more than once. When everything was loaded into the back of the Range Rover, Costa slapped the man companionably on the back as they exchanged a few last words. To Tallia's surprise, the young man jumped into the boat, and Costa flung him the mooring lines. Starting up the motor of the yacht, which they had not used all day, the man waved as the boat pulled away from the dock. The cheeky rouge even threw Tallia another lascivious wink before he sped out of sight.

  "Who was that?" she asked when Costa opened the passenger door and handed her up into the truck.

  Shutting the door, he didn't reply until he was in the driver seat and they were bouncing along the cobblestone road through the village. "Milo,” Costa replied, turning to grin at her. “He takes care of my boats here on Seleni."

  Tallia pursed her lips, not certain if she wanted to broach the subject. Then, unable to help herself, she had to ask, "What did you say to that cheeky monkey to make him laugh so hard?"

  "Don't be cross," Costa said lightly, leaning across the console to tap the tip of her nose. "We don't get many strangers on the island, certainly not beautiful ones like you. I never bring women here, so it's only natural Milo would be curious."

  "But what did you say?" she insisted, refusing to be charmed by him just because he called her beautiful and was making it seem as if she were somehow special.

  "I told him you were a mermaid I caught while I was fishing. Needless to say he was very jealous and wanted to know exactly where I was fishing today."

  "Ugh," she groaned dramatically, "I was warned about you Greek men and your womanizing!"

  "Oh, and were you also warned about our incredible prowess…"

  "Costa!" she shrieked as a goat waddled into the road. Slamming on the brakes, he cursed lividly in Greek while the fat, oblivious goat continued to stroll across the road at its leisure. Looking at him, Tallia could not help but burst out laughing at the consternation on his face. "You were saying?" she prompted through her giggles.

  "Our incredible prowess as goat killers!" Costa snarled savagely, stomping on the gas the moment the goat was out of their way.

  He let up on the accelerator immediately, giving her an apologetic look, but Tallia was surprised to find that she was not scared. She trusted him, she realized, as he continued along the road at a more sedate pace. All her anxiety and fear towards Costa had melted away under his gentle care, and she felt completely safe with him now, even speeding along a treacherously goat strewn road.

  "I couldn't eat another bite," Tallia demurred when Costa brought the fork they were sharing to her lips. They had feasted on the fish he caught, which Calamini grilled to tender perfection and served with an amazing lemon sauce. And they were now working their way through a delicate fig tart that Neni prepared with a crust so fine and buttery it shattered under the edge of the fork Costa wielded.

  "Mmmm, I find myself positively insatiable tonight," he purred. Tallia had to laugh since he was nibbling on the curve of her neck and not the dessert.

  Costa had been kissing and touching her throughout the meal. He had his free hand under her shirt through most of the entree, just stroking her back. When dessert was served, he swept her hair back and started kissing her neck and the hollow beneath her ear until Tallia thought she might go up in flames.

  Setting the fork down, Costa caught one of her hands with his, entwining their fingers. Combing the fingers of his other hand through her hair he tugged gently on the mass of long, pin straight strands, tipping her head to one side to give him better access to the ultra sensitive cords along her neck.

  Tallia moaned and shifted restlessly in her seat. His lazy, unhurried lovemaking was driving her mad. Her blood surged hot and thick through her veins, making her entire body throb to a slow, intoxicating beat. The sting of Costa's strong teeth against her overheated flesh was an exquisite counterpoint to the heavy, expectant languor with which his teasing touch filled her. Heat pooled in her belly and a shameful wetness begun to gather between her thighs.

  She wasn't really ashamed though, Tallia realized, even through her sensual intoxication. Everything felt so right with Costa, as if it were meant to be. Whereas she was always beset by unease when other men touched her, all she felt from his touch was pleasure, and a yearning for more.

  He pulled away from her suddenly, releasing her hair and sitting up straight. Tallia gave him a searching look, feeling bereft without his touch, but Costa ignored her. Tallia was stung until she heard footsteps and Ari appeared on the terrace with an apologetic look, a cordless phone in one hand. Taking the phone with the same grim look on his face, Costa thanked Ari and the man slipped away.

  Tallia was immediately worried, knowing it must be serious and thinking it had something to do with Fidelio and Emmy. Costa must have sensed her fear because he shook his head slightly. Lacing his fingers through hers again, he brought her hand to his mouth, kissing her fingertips lightly. She startled when he unexpectedly barked something into the phone, his expression growing truly forbidding. Clearly, he was not pleased by the interruption, and whatever he was hearing was only making his mood worsen.

  Setting her hand down carefully on the table, he rose from his seat and began to pace while he bit out words in precise Greek. Tallia was glad she was not the person on the other end of the phone because Costa's tone of voice was sharp enough to take off strips of flesh. When he disengaged the call a few minutes later, after growling more furious words into the phone, he tossed the cordless onto the table with barely suppressed violence.

  "I must go-"

  "Now?" Tallia cried, surging out of her seat, every part of her revolting at the very idea. She was hot and bothered, primed by his constant attention during the day to throw caution to the wind and indulge in the unthinkable- a night of reckless passion. And he was about to walk out on her to do some sort of business deal?

  "Yes, I am sorry Agapate, there is a very serious situation in New York that needs my attention, my board of directors-"

  "You're going to New York, right now?" she demanded softly, distressed, as she knew that meant he would be gone for days. She didn't think she could stand to be away from him that long.

  "No, Agapate," Costa said urgently, rushing to her and taking her in his arms, "I fly to Athens as soon as the helicopter arrives. I should be back by tomorrow."

  Tallia tried to pull away from him, hurt and incensed. She couldn't believe he really intended to go and leave her. She had never felt so attracted to a man, never let down her guard so swiftly, and never ever made herself vulnerable to anyone. She was completely out of her comfort zone, taking a huge risk, and Costa was about to walk out on her without a second look.

  It was on the tip of her tongue to beg him to take her with him, but she had too much pride to grovel. She wished she could storm off to her room she was so upset. But when Costa yanked her back into his arms, she found herself clinging to him, winding her arms around him, and pressing her flushed face to his chest. Her body trembled at the feel of his in an embarrassing way, but he had worn down her defenses all day with his gentleness. She burned for his slightest touch now, more than ready to go a little wild for once and let him seduce her.

  "Costa…" she moaned.

  "I know Agapate, I am sorry. I shall fly back to you as fast as I can," he whispered hotly in her ear. "This is not easy for
me either," he said, shifting so his hips brushed against hers and she could feel a long, hard ridge in the front of his trousers.

  A shock went through her as she realized it was his penis. But rather than jerk away from him in horror, Tallia felt her body react of its own volition. Her hips instinctively arched into his, bringing his straining erection into full contact with her, welcoming greater intimacy. Tallia was gratified when she felt his arms tighten about her and his breath catch, as if he were in pain.

  "I burn for you Agapate. I want only to take you to my bed, and make you mine. Wait for me, my beautiful English faerie. I will make it up to you, I promise," he told her sensually, his mouth capturing her ear lobe and nipping into the plump dewdrop of exquisitely sensitive flesh.

  Tallia shuddered, her fingers digging into the muscles on either side of his spine as she melted against him. Costa's mouth trailed fervent kisses along her jaw before he took her lips with hard, possessive force. It was only their second kiss, and as different from the first as night from day. Tallia was stunned by Costa’s ferocity as he slammed his mouth down on her own, driving her lips apart with brute force and stabbing his tongue deep. Shocked by the rawness of his passion, she could only hang stiffly in his embrace while Costa ground his mouth against hers, bruising her with his uninhibited lust.

  The kiss at the beach had been innocent and charming, a sweet exploration, whereas this one was rife with the passion of a full-blooded man bent on staking his claim. With one hard kiss, Costa made it plain to her that he meant for them to be lovers. He pulled away only when the sound of rotors beating the air drifted to them on the wind.

  Rubbing his thumb lightly over her moist, swollen lips, Costa looked far from apologetic as he stared down at her. If anything there was a dangerous gleam in his eyes that filled Tallia with trepidation. Suddenly she was reminded that she didn't know Costa at all.

  "I'll be home soon," he assured her before dropping a light kiss on her mouth and leaving her on the terrace with a last, long, hungry look.

  Shivering as a cool wind blew up from the water, Tallia lifted her face to watch the black helicopter swoop down over the house. It landed out of sight and must have barely touched down before Costa jumped aboard, because in less than a minute it was shooting back up into the night sky with a deafening scream, like a massive bird of prey, as it tore off across the sea, presumably headed for Athens.