Read Forbid Me Page 26

  “Kid, we’ve waited a long time, too.”

  I nervously bit my nail on my thumb. “I know that, trust me. More than you… but that’s my nephew in there and this is going to cause stress on Alex, she will have to deal with Lucas. She could… I just wouldn’t forgive myself if something happened to him. You know?”

  He nodded, but I could tell he wasn’t happy.

  “You can tell them as soon as he’s born. I promise.”

  “Lily, you know you’re not going to want to do it then either. You’re not going to want to take away from his birth. I know you. You’re going to be excited, so is everyone else, and you’re not going to want to take away from their happiness.”

  I bit my lip. He was right.

  He sighed. “I love you. We can wait. We will wait a bit until after he’s born, let things calm down. As much as I hate this idea, I will do what you want.”

  I smiled, reaching for his pants to show him just how appreciative I was.

  It had been a little over five months. We flew in for the birth of Bo. He was six pounds, seven ounces and looked exactly like Lucas. Which made Alex very happy, all she wanted was a baby Bo.

  Time just seemed to fly by…

  I had moved in with Lily within those months. Our shit was everywhere. The house was not big enough for the both of us, but we made it work. We opened up the law firm, hired some amazing employees, and the office sort of ran itself. I worked fewer hours, wanting to be home before Lily left for work. It was hard to adjust. Our schedules were completely opposite. We spent as much time together as we could on the weekends. I even went to work with her just to be able to have more time together. I didn’t mind it, though. I loved seeing her perform. That being said, I was over her fucking working there, she didn’t need to. I made more than enough money to support us both. She could do whatever she wanted. The world was her oyster, but I knew all she wanted to do was perform, and any place she would work would be those types of hours. It was pointless to tell her how I felt when I didn’t have any solutions.

  She would Skype with Alex nonstop, wanting to see Bo, fearing that if he didn’t see her then he wouldn’t know who she was. If that kid cried when Lily picked him up it was going to break her heart. I could tell she missed home, she had been running from it for so long, I guess we both were. Our lives were complete. We were together. I think she was waiting for the rest to fall into place.

  When I walked in from work, she was cooking in the kitchen. It smelled amazing, but not nearly as good as her. I came up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing all over her neck.

  “Mmm,” I groaned and she sniffled, immediately making me turn her. She had been crying.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?”

  “Bo rolled over today and I missed it. Then Alex tried to make him do it on Skype and he wouldn’t,” she wept.

  I laughed at her. I couldn’t help it.

  “It’s not funny. I never missed anything with Mason, and now I’m missing everything with Bo.”

  “Kid, you’ve been here for the last four and a half years,” I stated, trying to keep the smile off my face.

  “Yes. But I didn’t leave until Mason was three, so at least he knew me. He knows who I am when I come home.”

  “I understand.”

  “No you don’t…” She playfully tried to push me away, and I spanked her ass.

  “Come here.” I grabbed her hand.

  “Jacob, dinner is going to burn.”

  I turned off the stove. “I’ll order your disgusting pizza,” I said, trying to make her smile.

  It worked.

  I sat her next to me on the couch, both of us sitting sideways with my arm placed on the backrest. “What do you want, sweet girl? What are you not asking for?” I asked, rubbing my fingers across my lips.

  She shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “Yes, you do.”

  “You’re not going to like it.”

  “Try me.”

  “I miss home. I miss my family. I have you now. We’re together and… I guess I don’t want to run away anymore.”

  I narrowed my eyes at her, grinning.


  “I knew that’s what you were going to say.”

  She mischievously smirked. “Then why are you asking, old man?”

  “Watch it.”

  She giggled, leaning into my arm. I caressed the side of her cheek and said, “Then it’s a good thing we’re going home.”

  She instantly pulled away, sitting back up. “What?”

  “This isn’t working, baby. This house is too fucking small, I hate lying in bed without you at night, I worry about you constantly when you’re at the bar, do you need me to keep going?”

  She shook her head no, completely confused.

  “Good. I talked to Mark and the firm is doing amazing, he can run it on his own. I’m going to open a new branch in Oak Island. You can do whatever the fuck you want, but I do know this Half-Pint girl that owns a restaurant there. I’m pretty sure I could put in a good word for you, but it’s going to cost you.”

  She beamed. “You’re being serious?”

  “I don’t lie to you.”

  “Jacob, you are seriously moving twice for me?”

  I grabbed the nook of her neck, bringing her to my mouth.

  “I told you, baby, my home is where you are.”

  It had been a month.

  We were getting everything in order to make it official and the timing worked out perfectly with Alex’s party. We weren’t just coming back to town for their party, we were moving back. Lily was beyond ecstatic. I had told Lucas that I was moving home and asked him to help me find a house. With his connections in construction it didn’t take long for him to find me a place. It had four bedrooms, three baths, and a study. It also had a pool and a huge backyard. It was perfect. When he asked why I needed a house so big, I told him I wanted something I could grow into. He was completely unaware that I was planning on living in it with his baby sister.

  When I told Lily I wanted to buy the house for us, she was adamant that we were buying it together. At that point, I didn’t give a fuck as long as we were together. Her house in Nashville sold within a week of being listed. It may have been small as shit, but it was in a prime location. There wasn’t much packing we needed to do besides our clothes and some odds and ends. The aquarium was a pain in the ass to transport to Oak Island. So was the damn cat. We had to drug Maverick for the plane ride. Lily made me do it, claiming that he was going to hate whoever did it to him. Since he already loved me more than her, this would even the scale. He was staying at her dad’s house until we closed on ours. We sold all of our furniture, wanting to start fresh with everything.

  We arrived at Lucas and Alex’s house, deciding to park the car a few doors down.

  “Thank you for looking so beautiful for me today,” I whispered into her ear as we walked beside each other down the street.

  She was staying here tonight, wanting to catch up with Alex. Mind you they talked on the phone multiple times a day, but she swore it wasn’t the same. I knew she wanted to spend time with Bo, it was written all over her face. She was only twenty-four but I think she was starting to get baby fever. If it was up to me I would knock her up tomorrow. I couldn’t wait to see her belly grow with my child. The future and having her as my wife was the only thing I was thinking about recently. The only thing I looked forward to.

  “You’re not going to tell, Lucas, tonight right?” she asked for the millionth time.

  “I think you need to get your hearing checked, Kid. I’ve told you no over and over again.”

  “But you’re the one that’s old,” she tried to say with a straight face.

  I spanked her, hard.

  “Ouch!” She jumped. “How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t like this game?”

  I pulled her toward me, kissing her head. “Then stop being a little shit.”

  “That’s like a
sking me to not breathe,” she sassed, making me want to spank her again. Before I could get the chance, she grabbed my ball cap off my head and took off running.

  We were the first to arrive, but it didn't take long for the house to be packed with people.

  “Jesus Christ, man. If you want her so fucking bad then just tell her,” I argued with Dylan.

  He glanced at me. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “You’re staring at Jeremy like you’re ready to kill him. They’ve been together for years, bro, I don’t know if you have a chance anymore, but you’re never going to know unless you try.”

  He cocked his head to the side with a shit-eating grin. “Oh, so now that you’re permanently attached to Lily’s pussy you’re an expert on relationships, are you?”

  I jerked back and he arrogantly shook his head. “I’m a Special Ops Agent, Jacob, I read people for a living. You do remember that right?”

  “How long have you known?”

  “Since she was ten?” he laughed. “Always knew you liked little girls, I should arrest your sorry ass.”

  “You’re such a fucking dick.”

  He laughed harder. “Being in a relationship is making you soft, Jacob. Do I need to worry about your feelings now, too? Do you guys sit around and braid each other’s hair and shit?”

  “This coming from the man whose hair has been down to his shoulders since he could walk? Who’s the one that grew a fucking pussy?”

  “You are what you eat.”

  “But it tastes so damn good,” I rasped, and he clinked his beer with mine.

  “Touché, motherfucker, touché. When are you telling Lucas?”


  “Good thing you’re a lawyer, Jacob, because he’s going to need it after he tries to kill your ass.”

  I took a deep breath.

  “And you?”

  “And me what?”

  “You’re okay with it?”

  “What other choice do I have? I love that girl. Even when she was a kid and annoying the shit out of me with her guitar early in the morning.”

  I nodded, chuckling.

  “Don’t hurt her again. It’s good to see her smiling.”

  Lily and I locked eyes from across the room.

  “I love her, Dylan. I love her more than anything. I always have.”

  “No shit. If Lucas wasn’t so far up Half-Pint’s ass since she could walk, he would have noticed it, too. But, I’ll tell you something.”

  I looked at him.

  “You hurt her again and I’ll be standing right there with Lucas while he buries your body. We clear?”


  He patted my back. “Good talk.”

  The rest of the night went by pretty fast. I could tell Alex was ecstatic about having Austin and I both moving back home. She had been waiting for this since her and Lucas got married. Lily had conned me into spending the night, knowing that I hated to sleep without her. I followed her to the guest bedroom, which thankfully was on the other end of the house.

  “See, I told you no one would notice,” she rasped into my ear, hovering above me on the bed. Wearing only her tank top and panties. She sat on my cock and I instantly got hard. I rubbed my hands up her soft silky thighs, her nipples hardening through her white top.

  “When do we go sign the paperwork for the house again?” she asked, grabbing my hands and moving them up to her waist.


  “That’s five days away. Where are we going to stay till then?”

  “I’m talking to Lucas tomorrow…” I reminded.

  “I know.”

  “Baby, you’ve wanted this for so long and now I feel like—”

  “No! I do. I swear I want this more than anything. It’s just everyone is so happy and in a good place. I don’t want to ruin that.” She whined, sticking out her bottom lip. I wanted to bite it.

  “I know, sweet girl. But Dylan knows.”

  She didn’t seem surprised by that.

  “Does Austin?”

  “I think so.”

  “Wow, the boys noticed and my brother didn’t? Maybe I should thank Alex more often.” She leaned over. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

  “Is that right?” I asked, rubbing my lips against hers.


  She moved my hands up to her breasts and I cupped them, kneading her nipples. She moaned into my mouth and then Bo started crying.

  “Remind me again why that’s in here?” I joked.

  “I told them they could have a date night in their bedroom. I would get up with him tonight.”

  “Well, he’s up, too, baby.” I gestured towards my cock.

  She pouted. “Sorry, I’ll make it up to you.” She jumped off my lap to attend to the baby’s needs. I turned on the TV. I just got cock blocked by a baby.

  I must have fallen asleep. I felt Lily flipping me over to lie in the crook of my arm and put her head on my chest, sighing contently before sleep once again took over.

  “Hey, you leaving me?” I groggily asked as Jacob stirred.

  He kissed my closed eyes and tried to scoot away. “Hell, yeah. I should have left last night.”

  “Where would the fun be in that?” I grabbed the edge of his boxers and pulled him on top of me. “Give me a curl, it’s cold.” I grinned not opening my eyes. “Mmm… so much better,” I happily moaned. “My friend is up.” I kissed his neck and along his jawline, his beard prickling my skin.

  “I have to go, Lily.”

  “No, you have to stay, Jacob.”

  “Kid—” I gyrated my pussy against his hard dick and he stopped talking. I took the advantage to flip him over.

  “The sun’s not even up yet. I’ve never seen Lucas get up before noon.” I pulled down his boxers, freeing his cock. I never took my stare off his as I kissed my way down his chest and slid his dick into my mouth. His hand immediately went to the back of my neck, making me deep throat him further down his shaft.

  “Fuck,” he groaned, his body shuddering. I worked him harder and then all of a sudden my heart sank.

  “I’M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!” Lucas screamed, lunging toward him. I shrieked, jumping off the bed with Jacob shielding my sheet covered body.

  “You need to calm down, Lucas,” he coaxed his hands out in front of him, grabbing his boxers from the edge of the bed and throwing them on.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. The years of waiting for this to happen and it was finally here. I needed to make my brother understand that Jacob was everything to me.

  “Lucas, stop it! I love him!” I shouted from behind Jacob.

  His face went from rage to shock. All the color drained from his face. All that was left was the truth standing in front of him. He worked his fists at his side.

  I didn’t falter. It was now or never.

  “Lucas, I’ve loved him since I was a kid. You of all people should understand. Get over it!” I desperately yelled. Pleading with him to calm the fuck down.

  Jacob turned around and glared at me. “You aren’t helping,” he informed with clenched teeth.

  I shook my head. “I don’t care. I love you and it’s time he knows! It’s none of his business anyway.”

  Jacob turned back around. “Luc—” My brother’s fist connected with Jacob’s jaw so fast I didn’t see it coming. Jacob’s body whooshed back almost taking me with him. He stumbled, trying to catch his balance, and I stared with wide eyes back and forth between them.

  Lucas shook out his hand and Jacob massaged his jaw, both of them waiting for I don’t know what. Alex walked in with Bo in her arms, her expression matching mine.

  “Lucas, come on, this isn’t the right way. He’s your best friend and that’s your sister. Okay, stand down.” She reasoned with him.

  His intense stare immediately directed at her. Alex didn’t even seem fazed.

  “You know?” Lucas simply stated.

  Jacob and I locked eyes, both of
us feeling awful for involving her.

  “I do. I’ve known since the beginning. Now come on.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me, Half-Pint? Did you not think that I needed to know?”

  She shook her head. “No. I didn’t.”

  “Alex, don’t—”

  “Don’t what?” she cut Jacob off. “I can’t stand by and have him do this to you. It’s not fair. Especially after everything you two have been through.”

  “What the fuck is going on?” Lucas argued, looking at all of us.

  “Bo, she’s always loved him. He’s always loved her.”

  “He’s seven years older than her? When could this have possibly started?”

  I stepped toward him and he stepped back. “Lily,” he warned.

  “Lucas, you of all people should understand this. After everything you and Alex went through?”

  “That was different.”

  “How? Please, all mighty one, tell me.”

  “Because it… I… she wasn’t… I… fuck…” he mumbled, uncontrollably.

  Jacob put his arm out, pushing me aside to stand in front of me.

  “Lucas, I have loved your baby sister ever since I can remember. I wasted too many years in denial and sabotaging us when I could have been with her. I let her age, our parents, the boys and you, especially you, make my decisions for me. It’s over I can’t live without her and I won’t,” he confessed, shaking his head.

  His eyes widened in realization of what Jacob was saying.

  “I did everything I could to keep you and Alex apart because I didn’t think you were good enough for her. You have no idea how much I regret that. If I could go back and change things, I would. It’s obvious that you were meant to be together. I wanted to protect her, the same way you want to protect Lily. I understand. I understand more than anyone. I can’t tell you how sorry I am for coming in between you and Alex, but I won’t ever tell you that I’m sorry for loving Lily. I’m not sorry for wanting to be with her. She’s fucking everything to me. She always has been.”

  Lucas lowered his eyebrows with an unreadable expression. “How long, Jacob?”