Read Forbid Me Page 8

Women being the keyword.

  Lily was a kid.

  A goddamn teenager.

  We were all going through shit, especially Lucas and Alex, but most of all Austin. It seemed like a never-ending battle with him, one that any of us wouldn’t be able to win. Most of all him. As for Lucas… well, he literally ate where he shit. He was now going to be a father to a little boy named Mason. Dylan, Austin, and I were spending spring break with Half-Pint in the next few weeks. None of us talked about it with either of them, we didn’t have to with the hurt visible on both their faces.

  Dylan was becoming more of an asshole if that was even possible. He treated women like fucking doormats and the worst part about it was that they loved it. I couldn’t keep up with him anymore. I knew his asshole demeanor had to do with Aubrey. I sure as hell didn’t know what caused her to break up with him, but it was enough to have both of them change in ways that I never saw coming.

  I kept to myself and minded my own damn business. It felt safer that way. I couldn’t stop myself from texting Lily that morning with happy birthday. The little shit didn’t even respond. Lily knew me as well as I knew her, and she knew I fucking hated the silent treatment. It was much worse than ignoring me or blowing me off.

  I wasn’t planning on coming into town.

  I stayed away from Oak Island because it allowed me to stay the fuck away from her. Her lack of response had me getting off the exit for North Carolina. A little after ten pm I reached for my phone when I neared the exit for Oak Island. I tried her again.

  Jacob: Where are you?

  It wasn’t until I pulled into my parent’s driveway that my phone pinged with a response.

  Lily: What’s it to you?

  I chuckled. I couldn’t help it.

  Jacob: I’m back in town, Kid.

  Lily: Good for you.

  I laughed, louder that time.

  Jacob: Where are you?

  Lily: Out.

  Jacob: Where. Lillian?

  Lily: The Cove.

  Jacob: How the fuck did you get in there?

  Lily: It’s called the power of boobs, Jacob.

  I sneered, trying to block out the image of her fucking breasts offered on display. I put my Jeep in reverse and threw my phone in the passenger seat, not bothering to read her next text. It took every ounce of self-control to not punch the goddamn bouncer in the face for letting her into a twenty-one and older club. The place was packed when I walked in, I couldn’t move a foot in front of me without ramming into some drunken ass.

  I hated clubs.

  The smell, the people, the sweat, all of it disgusted me. The desperation you could feel when you walked in, slutty fucking girls everywhere, and horny driven men following close behind them. Everything about it I despised, and knowing that Lily was among them made my blood boil and my temper ignite. Neither of which were needed when it came to her. I was a ticking fucking time bomb about to explode the longer it took to find her. As I made my way through the crowd, there was no sign of her whatsoever. I felt like a man that was walking into his execution, it didn’t matter what way I chose to go, I was already going to be burned at the stake. There was no right or wrong answer.

  Not. One.

  It was when I saw her that I knew…

  I was going to fucking Hell.

  I took off from across the dance floor, hauling ass and shoving people out of the way. I took down anyone who was in my path of destruction, needing to get to her as fast as I could. She was dancing on some guy’s lap, swaying her tiny body in ways that not only infuriated me but also turned me the fuck on. His hands moved from her waist up her body, feeling every inch of her skin.

  She looked up when I was a few feet away.

  It was as if she felt me.

  I swear I saw her smirk and grind him harder. My fist was pulled back as I took my last step and it connected with the motherfuckers jaw before he even saw it coming. His face snapped back, taking half his body with him. I had to pull Lily away by her waist because the fucker was taking her down with him.


  “Get up!” I roared, kicking him in the stomach, making him fall over again.

  “Oh my God! Stop!” Lily yelled, trying to pull me back. “I don’t even know him! We were just dancing!”

  I ignored her. I knew I was being irrational, she was in an adult club for fucks sake and she wasn’t acting like my Lily. Any hint of common sense seemed to fly out the fucking window when it came to her.

  “She’s a kid! She’s sixteen! You like little girls, you piece of shit?” I kicked him again and he groaned, clutching at his waist and turning over.

  “That’s why you’re upset?” Lily shouted, the hurt evident in her tone, and I immediately turned to look at her.

  “You are such a dick!” She shoved me and stormed off.

  Goddamn it.

  I turned back around and saw the bouncers heading in our direction. I kicked the son of a bitch one last time and left, hauling ass in the same direction as Lily. I caught up with her outside, having left the club through the back door, exiting into the parking lot packed with cars, and the full moon looming over the horizon. I gripped her arm and roughly turned her toward me, it was then that I noticed she was dressed like a slut and her face was covered in makeup. Her appearance fueled the fire inside of me to the point of pain.

  “What the fuck are you wearing?” I sneered, gripping her arm a little too tightly.

  “What does it matter? I’m just a kid. What’s wrong, Jacob? Is my little girl body revolting to you?”

  “Enough,” I gritted out, my jaw clenching from her tone.

  Her slutty appearance, the thick black eyeliner on her dark, enticing eyes, it was messing with my head. She wore a glossy shine on her pouty lips, making them look more inviting. A short, tight, black dress that left very little to the imagination. Her tits and ass were pretty much hanging out, and I had to remind myself that she was only six-fucking-teen.

  “Fuck you!”

  “Watch. Your. Mouth. I have very little patience left, little girl,” I warned, hanging on by a thread.

  “I am not a little girl.”

  “Then stop acting like one.”

  “The guy inside didn’t think I was a little girl or maybe that was just his hard cock,” she scoffed too close to my face.

  “I won’t tell you again, Lillian, watch your fucking mouth.”

  “Forbid me.”

  The silkiness of her voice was like nothing I had ever heard from her mouth before. I growled and immediately let go of her arm, shaking away the inappropriate thought.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  She folded her arms across her chest in defiance. All it did was remind me of how old she really was.

  My mind was fucking with me.

  “I should be the one asking you that question. It’s my birthday, I’m here celebrating with some friends.”

  “Where are your friends?”

  She shrugged. “They left with some guys.”

  I shook my head, disappointed. “Is that what you want for yourself, Kid, a one night stand? A guy who’s going to fuck you, use you, and then dispose of you?”

  She looked right at me and spoke with conviction. “How do you know I’m not using them?”

  He jerked back like I had hit him, and I instantly regretted my words. “I mean… I just… it’s been…” I muttered not being able to find the right words to express the hurt he had made me feel and everything I was going through. I couldn’t talk to anyone about it.

  “It’s been hard for me. I don’t have anyone.”

  “You have me,” he interrupted, both of us caught off guard by his statement.

  “I’m just your best friend’s baby sister, and you’re never around anymore.”

  “I wouldn’t be here now if that were true,” he simply stated, confusing me even more.

  “Of course you would. I’m just a kid remember? You’re looking out for me for Lucas.”

/>   “Did I kiss you for Lucas too?”

  I gasped as my eyes widened. We hadn’t spoken since that night on the beach, I got a random happy birthday text message from him this morning and now he comes here and attacks a guy I’m dancing with.

  “Why are you here?” I found myself asking before I lost the courage.

  “For you. I’m here for you. I know you’re going through a lot of shit right now with your family. I wanted to make sure you were okay.” His tone was torn but sincere. It shredded away the wall I had started to form when it came to him.

  “That guy…” I looked down at the ground. “I wasn’t going to go home with him. I mean… I don’t… I haven’t…”

  I saw his shadow moving towards me. I desperately tried to control my breathing when he grabbed my chin and made me look up at him. I had never seen that look on his face, a mixture of pain, pleasure and complete and utter affection. It was terrifying in the best possible way.

  “That night on the beach. That was my first kiss. You’re my—”

  I. Kissed. Her.

  I fucking devoured her.

  The force of my kiss pushed her into the side of an SUV, I heard a loud thud as her back hit the door. I didn’t falter, I couldn’t stop myself. The sick part was I didn’t want to. Hundreds of thoughts and questions crossed my mind, but it didn’t matter because my heart already knew the answers. I pecked her lips at first, teasing her with the tip of my tongue, all along the outline of her pink pouty mouth. I softly, lightly kissed her, my tongue seeking out hers.

  Needing to taste her.

  Needing to feel her.

  There was something agonizing and desperate in the way my mouth moved against hers. Her hands instantly reached up to try to touch me, but I intercepted them. Gripping both of her wrists in my hands, placing them above her head near the roof of the SUV. I couldn’t let her touch me. I wouldn’t be able to control my dick, that fucker had a mind of its own. I was already going to Hell for even thinking about taking her to Heaven. Her skin burned against my fingers. Searing and scarring me in ways I may never be able to recover from.

  My fingers ran down her arms stopping when I reached her face. I wanted to caress her body, cup her breasts and make her moan from my touch.

  Make. Her. Mine.

  Instead I brushed her cheeks and down the back of her neck, pulling her closer to me, but not close enough. I wanted to mold us into one fucking person. I was the man who just kicked some guy’s ass because he was craving her in the same way I desired at that moment. The same desire I felt for months.

  What the fuck is wrong with me?

  The inexperience of her tongue pushing into my mouth had me groaning at the taste of her and her body curving into mine with her pussy perfectly placed against my hard cock. I once again resisted the urge to rub up against her. She was so pure, and fuck me I wanted to taint her, mark her with my touch, let her ease my throbbing cock and make her remember me and only me. I gripped the sides of her face, kissing her with the passion and force of a starving man who had finally found food. She followed each and every lead.

  “How am I supposed to stop, baby? How am I supposed to stop wanting you when I know you’re only mine?” I groaned in between claiming her mouth over again. I couldn’t stop. I was a crazed man, possessed with the need to brand her.

  “Jacob…” she panted as I bit her bottom lip.

  My cock throbbed and my heart pounded in my chest. I needed to stop this recklessness, but every time I tried to pull away, I was lured right back in. Just the slightest feel of her drove me over the edge and to the brink of insanity, and all we were doing was kissing. I kissed her one last time, letting my lips linger for a few more seconds. I rested my forehead on hers, my hands still clutched the sides of her face. Closing my eyes and breathing heavily. We were in our own little world.

  Where everything felt right.

  We both tried to find our breathing, and when I finally opened my eyes all I saw was…

  My future.

  I didn’t do it to piss her off.

  Well, maybe a little…

  If she wanted to play hardball, then I would give her one hell of a game. I ordered a whiskey neat at the bar and sat back to enjoy the show.

  Hoping like hell I wasn’t going to regret this, too.

  I sat in the backroom trying to get my shit together by taking deep breaths, wanting to regulate my rapidly beating heart from our confrontation.

  “You can do this, Lily. He will be gone soon, he’s not going to stick around. Just keep repeating that to yourself. He. Will. Be. Gone.”

  I took one last deep breath and made my way back to the stage, grabbing the first clipboard from Tracey. She winked at me and my eyebrows lowered not understanding the meaning behind her expression, but I grabbed the microphone nonetheless.

  “Is everyone ready to spend some money?” I yelled. “We’re going to start with the bachelorettes and then the bachelors, and let me tell you… phew!” I fanned myself. “These participants are fucking hot! Let’s chat for a minute about the rules. Everyone is over twenty-one, and you can outbid as long as it’s within the timeframe. No one can outbid once the participant has been purchased. Let’s make this a great night, dig deep into those pockets people. All proceeds go to a fundraiser for breast cancer, a cause dear to my heart. Save the ta-ta’s, save the women, and have a fucking blast. The highest bidder wins the bachelor or bachelorette for a date.” I winked.

  “What happens after that depends solely on the bidder and their prize. Remember folks, no means no!”

  They laughed.

  “We will start with our very own Bootleggers bartender, Tracey.”

  Each participant took about ten to fifteen minutes for their bids after their introduction, the donations were rolling in and patrons and participants were hyped up. It was the last bachelor of the night and it was near three am, all the women were riled up and this guy would definitely be bringing in a hefty donation. I grabbed the last clipboard and when I saw the name I looked up, right at him. I didn’t realize he was still there until that moment when he was up on my stage.

  To add insult to injury he grinned. A shit-eating grin that made my panties wet and heightened my pissed off mood. That’s when he reached up to his ball cap, straightened it out so that the visor was toward the front. My mouth dropped open and my eyes widened instantaneously.

  Son of a bitch.

  I shook my head in disbelief that he was wearing that ball cap.

  My. Ball. Cap.

  He smiled big and wide, folding his arms across his broad chest, accenting his muscular build. I could easily see his form from where I stood.

  What was he playing at?

  The crowd screaming and chanting for more brought my attention back to them. I looked around the room mentally preparing myself if I could really do this. He tilted his head, gave me a slight nod and pursed his lips, challenging me in an arrogant and cocky demeanor, fueling my indecision. I didn’t need the clipboard, so I threw it on the floor.

  “This handsome gentleman is Jacob Foster, and he’s a pain in the ass. You know the controlling, alpha type that usually gets what he wants. Except not this time,” I added for good measure before looking back over at the crowd. “I’ll start the bidding at fifty dollars? Do I hear fifty?”

  “Fifty!” a girl in the front yelled with her hand in the air.

  “Do I hear a hundred?”

  “A hundred!” another girl called out.

  It went on like this for God knows how long and all it did was made me hate him a little more at that moment.

  “Do I hear eight hundred?” I found myself saying, trying to ignore the bottomless feeling forming in the pit of my stomach.

  “Two thousand dollars,” an older woman said, slapping down the money by my feet.

  It was the highest bid of the night. Most of these people were college kids, maybe a little older, but this woman had to be in her forties. She was one of those women that you coul
d tell was a knockout when she was younger, though she still looked amazing. I peered over at Jacob as he leaned back against the wall, placing his hand over his mouth and rubbing back and forth, examining me in a way I had never seen before. The scrutiny of his stare had my already overthinking mind going into overdrive and it shook me to my core.

  “What exactly am I paying for?” the older woman seductively said, making me look down at her. She was looking right at Jacob, who was still only staring right at me.

  “He is fucking gorgeous. Those eyes. I am going to have some fun with him. Three thousand dollars and that’s my final offer.”

  I swear the whole bar got quiet. It didn’t matter that we were in a crowded room. It felt like it was only the two of us. My heart was beating profoundly. I could feel it in my throat and at my temples. I swear he could feel it too. I took several deep breaths as I could feel his vigorous stare clear across the distance that separated us. We stood there, locking eyes, years and years of regret and mistakes piled up between us. It all came crashing down like a boulder had just exploded. I couldn’t breathe as a suffocating feeling came over me.

  “Did you hear me, little girl? Three thousand dollars, now give me my man to play with,” she blurted in a tone I didn’t appreciate. My eyes met her glare. If looks could kill, she’d be dead.

  I bit my lip. Not wanting to look back at Jacob. I was terrified that I would see him being interested in another woman…

  That wasn’t me.

  I could hear everything the woman was saying to Lily, silently praying it would work. I hoped like hell my plan wasn’t going to blow up in my fucking face. The thought of having to leave with someone that wasn’t Lily was fucking revolting. I could physically feel her torment, the years of hurt that I caused her. It took everything inside me not to go to her and try to ease her pain anyway I could, but it wouldn’t help. It would probably make things worse. She would have to make the first move. She had to give me something, even if it was just an inch that I could turn into a mile.

  Lily’s eyes widened as she peered down at her with daggers, shocked by her blunt outburst. There was also something in her face I couldn’t place, something I had never seen before. For a second, I questioned whether I should stop this fucking bid and just take what’s mine.