Read Forbidden Page 10

“How could you say yes without even asking me?” Roseline cries, leaping to her feet. When Gabriel stopped by Sadie’s house the night before to invite them to a party at his house she actually agreed. Roseline leaps through feelings of betrayal and straight into a panic. This is the complete opposite of avoiding him!

  “I thought you’d be happy.” Sadie’s grin phases into a frown. “You sure seemed to enjoy talking to him last weekend.”

  “Yes, talking is fine…” Roseline agrees hesitantly.

  Sadie scans her growing blush. “But he wants more, doesn’t he?”

  William jerks upright, suddenly very interested in their conversation. Roseline tries to appear like her shrug is innocent. “He asked if I had plans. That’s all.”

  “So what stopped you?” Sadie asks, leaning forward.

  “Besides you, you mean?” William snorts. His face takes the brunt of Sadie’s couch pillow missile.

  Dozens of reasons flood Roseline’s mind. Like the fact that she’s an immortal with a husband who has a vicious jealous streak and will happily rip Gabriel’s limbs from his body? Or because Gabriel is a mortal and totally unsuited for her life? Or that simply by being around him, she gets all warm and mushy and her predatory senses are shot to pieces? Or maybe it’s that she can’t even figure out why she is so drawn to him. This fact alone is enough to make her want to run and hide.

  Roseline stares pointedly at Sadie, choosing the only excuse that won’t make her sound like a lunatic. “He has a girlfriend and that is where I draw the line.”

  William grins triumphantly but Roseline ignores him. His enthusiasm over her decision makes her groan inwardly. Although she has given him no reason to hope for a relationship, apparently those dreams are still burning strong.

  “It’s just a party, Rose,” Sadie says, throwing up her hands. “I’m not asking you to marry the guy.”

  Unable to remain seated any longer, Roseline rises to pace the room. She hates how unsettled Gabriel makes her feel. Just thinking about him is bad enough, but after a week’s worth of dreaming about him, she is afraid she will jump him the instant she sees him.

  “What if you went with a date?” Sadie suggests, breaking into Roseline’s thoughts. “That way you wouldn’t be tempted to break your moral code.”

  “A date?” Roseline laughs. “Where could I find a date on such short notice?”

  William trips over his own feet trying to stand. His arm shoots straight into the air. “Me. I’m free.”

  Definitely need to discourage this, she sighs inwardly. “Thank you, William, but I will be fine.”

  “Are you sure?” he asks, his face drooping with disappointment.


  William is cute, no doubt about that, but he needs to take a hint. He has brother vibes wriggling all over him!

  Roseline turns on Sadie, still trying to find a loophole to get herself out of the party. “I thought you hated the in-crowd. What is with the change of heart?”

  “Oh, don’t give me that look,” Sadie pleads. “I know what you’re thinking and, yes, you’re right. Partying with snobs isn’t exactly my scene anymore…but it’s the first time since freshman year that I’ve been invited. I gotta go, Rose.”

  “I don’t know.” Roseline chews on her lip. Sadie buries her head in a pillow, wailing dramatically.

  William rolls his eyes. “I don’t see what the big deal is, Sadie. She doesn’t want to go, so she shouldn’t. We can chill out here, or something. We can rent a couple movies, pop some corn, and snuggle.” He raises his eyebrows suggestively.

  Roseline laughs at Sadie’s horrified expression. “Are you insane? There will be girls there. Girls!”

  William cuts a glance over at Roseline. He shrugs. “I’m good here.”

  “Un-freaking-believable,” Sadie cries out, thrusting herself back into the couch cushions. “All I’m asking for is one night of teenage bliss. You two hate me.”

  “Oh, don’t be like that,” William says.

  “No, she’s right.” Roseline lets out an exaggerated sigh. She cannot fault Sadie for wanting one night to fit in, but that doesn’t mean she thinks it’s a good idea. “Don’t forget that you have spent four years rebelling against these people. I hate to think you would give all of that up just for one stupid party.”

  Sadie’s upper lip tucks behind her lower lip, creating a pathetically endearing pout. “You think I don’t know that I will still be the leper of the party? I do. I get it, but I still want to go. Can’t you give me just one night to live out my delusions?”

  Roseline drapes her arm over Sadie’s shoulder. “According to your own advice, the in-crowd is just a bunch of miserable drug addicts, alcoholics, and sluts. You really wannabe like them?”

  “Well now that you mention it…” Sadie trails off, grinning mischievously.

  Roseline laughs. “You are shameless.”

  “And proud of it.” Sadie crows, not looking the least bit contrite. “So what do you say?”

  “Are you in on this too?” Roseline glances over at William, whose pout over her rejection lingers.

  He shrugs before stuffing another biscuit into his mouth. “Yeah, it could be good. I’m game.”

  “I don’t have anything to wear,” Roseline protests, knowing it’s such a pathetic excuse that Sadie will shoot holes through it in an instant.

  She is wrong. William jumps first. “No problem. Sadie has a load of clothes that she never wears. I’m sure she has something that will fit you.”

  Roseline’s gaze darts toward Sadie, not wanting to be rude. Sadie giggles. “I don’t always dress like this you know. I do own some normal clothes.”

  “I didn’t say a word,” Roseline holds up her hands in mock surrender.

  “You didn’t have to,” William chuckles. “Why don’t we pick you up after dinner? That should give you about an hour before the party starts to get ready.”

  “Like that’s gonna be enough time,” Sadie scoffs, grinning conspiratorially at Roseline as she ushers her friend toward the front door.
