Read Forbidden Page 27

“You will never believe what I just heard,” William says, sliding up next to Sadie’s locker on Friday afternoon. “Claire Scofield is telling the whole school that she’s going with Gabriel to the dance.” Sadie stares back at her brother with a look of horror on her face. “What? I thought you’d be happy to see the guy turn out to be such a jerk.”

  Her gaze shifts as Roseline appears from behind her open locker. “Oh, no, Rose, I’m so sorry.” William slaps his palm to his forehead. “I’m such an idiot.”

  Roseline’s hand trembles as she slings her pack over her shoulder. “No, it’s okay. I’m glad I finally know why he hasn’t asked me.” Her voice cracks, betraying the pain Gabriel’s betrayal has caused. None of the tortures she has endured at the hands of her husband have ever hurt her so intimately. She was a fool to let herself fall for a mortal, flawed and driven by hormones apparently.

  “I was right. He is a scumbag,” Sadie spits. Her eyes narrow with anger. “Want me to egg his house tonight? I think mom has a stash of plastic utensils in the pantry if you want me to fork him too.”

  “No,” Roseline sighs. Her emotions are too turbulent to think clearly but somehow forking a guy’s yard didn’t seem to make up for the ache in her heart. “Can you just take me home?”

  “Sure.” William tries to offer an understanding smile but it falls flat. Roseline can almost see the words “World’s Biggest Loser” stamped across his forehead.

  She holds her head up high as she passes by her gawking classmates. Wild whispers fly around the hallway as she allows William to open the door for her. Obviously, the rumors are true, and she is the last to hear it. Typical.

  The wintry wind feels wonderful on her burning skin. Her tears crystallize as they catch in her eyelashes. She wants to break something. No. Scratch that. She would love to kill something right now. The warrior within is screaming for release. Instead, she plays the part of a heartbroken human and sulks in the back seat of William’s car. The heartbroken bit isn’t hard to fake.

  Sadie and William sit in silence, ill at ease, the entire way to Roseline’s house. Neither one knows what to say. It’s not like they are gurus on the subject of love.

  Tears drip endlessly from Roseline’s puffy eyes. She refuses to acknowledge her pain as she rapidly builds walls around her heart to stave off the tidal wave of anguish pouring out. How can he do this to her? They are bonded. Doesn’t he know how intimate this rejection is for her?

  No. She hasn’t explained any of this to him. If she had, would it have made a difference?

  Two blocks from Roseline’s house, Sadie breaks the silence. “Alright, I can’t take this anymore. The guy is a jerk, end of story, but I’m not going to let him ruin your only school dance here. You’re coming with me.”

  “Oh no. I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” Roseline hedges. She is sure to run into Gabriel and Nicolae will be there waiting for her to rip someone’s head off. Judging by the anger boiling in her chest, that idea is starting to sound a heck of a lot more appealing. Besides, there is no way she is going to stick around to be the third wheel. Three strikes, you are so pathetically out.

  “Please, Rose,” Sadie begs, grabbing hold of her hand across the backseat. “I really need you. You can’t leave me all alone with Nicolae.”

  Roseline groans. Of course, Sadie would hit below the belt. How does she get out of this now? “Isn’t it weird for me not to have a date?”

  “Oh you’ll have a date alright,” Sadie beams, looking far too proud of herself. “You can go with William.”

  William’s eyes bulge as he swerves around the corner. He glances at Roseline through the rearview mirror. “Uh, Sadie, don’t you think you should ask before you make assumptions like that. I could have a date, you know.”

  Sadie rolls her eyes. “Please. We both know you’ve been hoping Roseline would throw Gabriel’s butt to the curb so you could go with her.”

  William reaches back and knuckles Sadie’s leg. “Shut up,” he hisses.

  Roseline chews on her lower lip. She has to admit that going with William could be fun. He might even be able to cheer her up.

  “Oh come on, Rose, you can’t miss the last dance of your high school life,” Sadie says.

  “I’m game if you are,” William offers, doing a poor job of hiding his excitement. Oh yeah, this could really come back to kick her in the backside.

  Chuckling, Roseline finally shrugs. “Fine, but I have nothing to wear and the dance is tomorrow night.”

  “No problem. We’re going shopping.” Sadie grins.
