Read Forbidden Page 38

Nicolae watches Gabriel like a hawk as his chest rises and falls, his eyes darkening with fury. “Look, Gabriel, it’s for the best.”

  “I’ll kill you!” Gabriel roars, hurling himself across the narrow carpeted aisle. His fingers tighten around Nicolae’s throat. Strangled gasps dribble from his mouth as Nicolae’s fingers claw at Gabriel’s grasp.

  Sadie screams as the car swerves off the road. William picks himself up off the floorboard, as the back door is yanked open. A tall, hulking man dives through the door and starts pounding on Gabriel’s back.

  He howls but tightens his grip, ignoring Sadie’s shrieks and William’s pleading. He ignores the iron-clad fists beating his back. He stares into Nicolae’s bulging eyes and snarls. “You did this. It’s your fault!”

  Nicolae’s lips part; shaky words inch between his lips. “You…need…me.”

  The lights go out as a final blow lands at the base of his neck. Gabriel slumps and passes out.

  When he comes to, William has Sadie cradled in his arms. They stare at him with a mixture of fear and awe. Gabriel winces as he rubs his head.

  “No,” Nicolae shouts from somewhere behind him. He slips fluidly into his native tongue. The man protests but Nicolae cuts him off with a stern glare.

  Gabriel cranes his head back to meet the livid glare of the driver. He dodges the spitball the man shoots at him before slamming the car door closed.

  “What the heck is going on?” Sadie trembles, staring at Nicolae then turning on Gabriel. “Have you both lost your mind?”

  Gabriel rises slowly, refusing to look away from Nicolae. “Why don’t you ask him? I’m sure you’d like to know why Nicolae was sent to Chicago to hunt Rose.”

  Sadie’s eyes widen. William’s arms tighten around her. Nicolae bows his head under their weighty stares. “It was my job.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” William asks.

  “Nicolae isn’t a normal exchange student, Will. He’s a hunter, just like his uncle, and he’s after Rose.”

  Nicolae raises his gaze to meet Sadie. “I never knew she would be your friend. When I realized that you cared about her, I did everything I could to protect you. I’m not actually a creepy stalker.” He offers a weak smile.

  Sadie isn’t buying it. “So all, this time, you’ve been watching her for what exactly? To drink someone’s blood? To raise someone from the dead?” The more ludicrous her statements become, the higher her voice rises.

  “Something like that.” He looks away.

  “This is insane,” she growls, crossing her arms over her chest. “Vampires don’t exist.”

  Nicolae turns to look back at Sadie. His gaze is haunted, intense. “Just because you choose not to believe something doesn’t make it the truth. Rose is a killer, born and bred.”

  “A creature of the night?” William scoffs.

  Nicolae’s anger annoys William. “Mock all you want, but she killed my parents. That is not something you easily forget.”

  Sadie’s gasp draws his attention. He winces at the blood draining from her face. She wavers as William pulls her close. “Smooth move, idiot,” Gabriel says as he moves closer to Sadie.

  William turns to survey Gabriel. “You don’t seem surprised by Nicolae’s words.”

  “No,” he says, pulling Sadie’s hand into his own. He awkwardly gives it a pat. “I already know.”

  “How?” she whispers. Her fingers flinch in his palm.

  “I stuck around to listen to the full story at the park, remember?” He smiles weakly.

  “Yes, it’s a shame they didn’t get to hear your story, Gabriel.” Nicolae’s gaze is icy but it softens when he looks past Gabriel to Sadie.

  “Okay, I want to know what the heck is going on, and I want to know right this instant!” She is losing control but really does not care. Her freaked-out state totally vindicates her tantrum.

  William stares out the window at the landscape flying past. “Why are we here?” he whispers.

  “Because Rose needs us. That’s why,” Gabriel responds.

  “Does she?” William shoots a wary glance at him. “If what Nicolae says is even possible, and at this point I’m assuming we might believe that it is, then what can she possibly need us for?”

  Gabriel opens his mouth to answer, but he doesn’t know how to respond. What can he say to that when he doesn’t even really know why he came? Only that he had to. “I don’t know, William. I don’t know anything right now.”

  “But he does,” Sadie murmurs, glaring at Nicolae. She pulls out of William’s grasp. Her pale skin blotches with anger. “So what are we? Bait for Rose?”

  Nicolae closes his eyes. “No. I’d never risk your—” he clams up, shaking his head. “I tried to warn you, but you are so stubborn.”

  “Then why did you give in?” Sadie pounces, getting right up in Nicolae’s face. His eyes widen; his Adam’s apple bobs as he fights to swallow. Nicolae gently pushes her back before he answers. “Because she means so much to you.”

  “So? Why do you even care?” she snaps, practically spitting in his face.

  Nicolae looks away. “Because I can’t help it. What you care about, I care about. What you like, I like. I can’t get you out of my mind!”

  Sadie sits back, shocked. William grinds his teeth. “Oh, no you don’t. You don’t get to sound like the noble hero in all of this, Nicolae. I don’t know what kind of crazy fling you have for my sister, but it’s not gonna happen.”

  “Says who?” Sadie snaps, rounding on her brother. “Who are you to tell me who I can and can’t like?”

  William blinks. “Are you telling me you like this guy now? All I’ve heard for the past two months was how annoying he is.”

  Sadie doesn’t even bat an eye. “Yeah, and I meant it. But he’s obviously risking a lot for Rose…so I gotta appreciate that.” She glances back at Nicolae, surprised to find him staring frankly at her. Gone is the meek, pimply-faced boy that dogged her every step, annoying her like a younger brother that refused take a hint. “He’s changed.”

  “Yeah,” Gabriel growls. “He’s real good at acting, isn’t he?”

  Sadie begins to protest but Nicolae cuts her off. “You’re right, Gabriel. I was acting. It’s what I’ve been trained to do.”

  “By your uncle?” William asks.

  Nicolae leans back in his seat and rubs his thumb against the palm of his right hand with enough force to bruise the skin. “My uncle made it his mission to hunt down vampires after my parents died. Most kids went to a normal school to learn normal things. Not me. I had to learn kill shots and master weapons training.”

  “I didn’t have friends growing up. I had sparring partners. Instead of a summer break, I was sent on vampire raids all over the continent. My uncle was brutal, working me from dawn until long after dusk. Always preparing me.”

  “For what?” Sadie asks with eyes widened in awe.

  “To take down a vampire.”

  “So you’re a real vampire slayer? Like that old TV show with Sarah Michelle Geller?” William laughs. “She was totally hot!”

  Nicolae shrugs. “If she killed vampires, then yes. I guess that’s what I am.”

  Sadie leans forward, engrossed in the tale. For the first time since meeting him, she finds him completely irresistible. There is a new strength to his words, a confidence that calls to her wild side. “That’s actually kinda cool…if you believe in this sort of thing, I mean. And I most certainly do not.”

  “Are you even listening to yourself, Sadie?” Gabriel growls, pulling her back. “He is hunting Rose, your best friend, remember?”

  Sadie’s sappy grin instantly vanishes and a new wariness takes its place. “You’re right.” She glares at Nicolae once more. “Why didn’t you kill her when you had the chance?”

  Nicolae scratches the back of his head, embarrassed. “Well, I’ve never…um…I’ve never
actually killed one before.”

  Gabriel snickers, rolling his eyes. “Typical. You claim to be this badass vampire killer and it’s all a joke.”

  Nicolae’s eyes darken as his fists clench against his thighs. “It’s not a joke. People are dead because of her!”

  “No,” Gabriel snarls. “She isn’t a killer. Her husband and my father are.”

  William has to pick his jaw up off the floor. “I’m sorry. Did you just say your father?”

  Gabriel nods, grimly. “Yeah, sorry. I forgot you didn’t know. Rose’s brother-in-law is my biological father.” He hates to speak of the man, if he can even be considered a man. Gabriel highly doubts it. Surely, Lucien is more monster than anything, but no matter how hard he tries, Gabriel can’t put his precious Rose in the same category.

  Sadie blows out a breath. “Man, this just gets better and better. So Rose is actually married?”

  Nicolae nods, ignoring Gabriel’s groan. “Yes.”

  “And she really is Dracula’s wife?” William asks, struggling to wrap his mind around the conversation.

  “I’m afraid so,” Nicolae speaks softly.

  Sadie shakes her head. “No. I can’t believe it. She doesn’t hold up to any of the myths. She comes out during the day, she’s not afraid to go inside a church, and she doesn’t seem particularly afraid of sticks. Plus, she eats normal food and her teeth are perfect. I haven’t seen any sign of fangs.”

  Nicolae agrees. “You’re right. Her family does seem to defy all of the normal vampire laws. I’ve questioned my uncle on this very thing but he just tells me to mind my own business and get back to training.”

  “So, you could be wrong then,” William says, turning his back on the window. “Maybe she’s not a vampire after all.”

  “No. She has to be. Roseline is over three hundred years old. That’s not human.”

  Gabriel is desperate to find something that will prove Rose isn’t evil. “Tell them how your parents were killed.” Maybe if his friends hear the gruesome tale they can help him fight against the lies.

  Sadie winces. “Oh, come on. I’m sure that’s not something Nicolae wants to talk about.”

  “No. It’s okay.” He smiles wanly at Sadie. “I want you to know.”

  He clears his throat and eyes the blacked-out privacy window. Judging by the earlier intervention of their driver, it isn’t completely private. Nicolae leans close but keeps his voice low. “As I told Gabriel before, they attended a masquerade ball on Halloween night.”

  “I thought vampires didn’t go out on Halloween,” Sadie says.

  Nicolae laughs bitterly. “That must be Hollywood’s version of vampire fiction. Here in Romania, Halloween is the Devil’s night. Anyone who has any sense stays home.”

  “So what happened?” Gabriel presses.

  “They were slaughtered, along with every other living soul in the room. Over two hundred people were murdered that night.”

  “And they found…teeth marks?” Gabriel said, grimacing on the last bit. He simply can’t imagine Rose sinking her teeth into anyone’s neck.

  Nicolae shifts uncomfortably. “Well….no. My uncle said they didn’t have much luck finding any evidence.”

  “Why not?” Sadie buries her chin into her knees. She would never admit that she is afraid, but she is very much so.

  “There wasn’t much left.” Nicolae’s voice sounds almost monotone, like he were reading a very boring report instead of speaking of his parent’s deaths.

  “Is that normal?” William asks, gulping as he grips his sister’s hand.

  “No, not normally. Most vampires just drain their victim and leave. They do not like any publicity. They don’t want the rest of the world knowing they exist.”

  Gabriel taps his temple, feeling like he is missing something. Suddenly the light bulb flickers on. “Has Rose ever acted in a normal vampire fashion? Has anyone ever seen her bite a person?”

  Once again, Nicolae looks deeply uncomfortable. “Not to my knowledge.”

  “So, you’re just assuming that she’s a vampire then,” Gabriel grins, sure that he is getting close to vindicating her.

  “I don’t know, Gabriel. It sounds pretty gruesome to me.” Sadie’s eyes are rounded with fear. Her lower lip trembles. “What if we are wrong? Is it really possible that all of this is true?”

  “Not you too,” Gabriel groans. “So, now you think she’s a bloodsucker, too?”

  Sadie buries her head in her hands. “I don’t know what to think. The only thing we know is that Rose’s family sounds really dangerous and we’re headed straight for them.”

  A heavy silence falls over the small space. No one dares to verbalize his or her fears. Even if Rose is not a vampire, her family obviously gets off on sadistic mass murders. Gabriel can’t help but wonder what they are getting themselves into.
