Read Forbidden Bite Page 5

  His right hand—his free hand—curled around her chin. He tipped back her head, making her stare into his eyes. “You are the thing I want most.”

  “I’m…I’ve done bad things.” Things that she tried to forget, but couldn’t. Vampires weren’t exactly built on the good side, so his story about her kind basically capturing wolves and then slaughtering the ones that didn’t cut it as mates? Not so far-fetched, unfortunately. “I’ve…killed.”

  His gaze didn’t waver.

  She felt a tear leak down her cheek. “I didn’t want to be this way, okay? When you’re born a vampire, the blood hunger is never ending. You don’t know anything else. You think that drinking from prey is normal. You don’t even realize…” Her words trailed away.

  Griffin didn’t speak. He just kept watching her with a gaze that seemed to see into her very soul.

  “You don’t even realize,” she made herself say, “how much you’re hurting humans.” Her family had told her that the prey didn’t matter. “They mattered. I could…I could hear their cries even in my sleep. They wouldn’t leave me alone. I tried to keep my control, tried not to attack them, I even starved myself because I didn’t want to bite anyone else, but the need came back. It always comes back, even darker and even stronger.” Nearly consuming her. “I tried to change my ways. I tried to only go after those who deserve pain of their own…and even then, I swear, I only take a few sips now.” Just enough to survive. Enough to keep the darkness at bay so it wouldn’t swallow her whole.

  As it had once before.

  “I’m not here to judge you.”

  Her lips were trembling. “No? Someone should.”

  “Then you’re looking at the wrong man. I’m not the fucking white knight of the story. I’m not the law. I’m the beast.”

  His strong body pressed to hers. She could feel the hard length of his arousal.

  “I know about the dark.” His voice was a growl. “And I know that when I’m near you, it will never touch you again.”

  She wanted to believe him. But no one—no one—had ever protected her before. Not until…

  Until a werewolf had watched her through the night?

  His green gaze seemed to burn. “You can drink from me. It won’t hurt me. You won’t kill me.”

  But… “You told me we’d fuck.”

  He flashed that dimple at her. “You think I can’t tell you want me? Sweetheart…”

  Now they were back to the endearment.

  “I can smell the need on your skin. It’s you and it’s me here, and it’s no one else. You don’t need to lie or pretend with me. You never need to hide anything from me because I want all of you. Every single part.”

  It was too fast. Too soon. And the things he was saying—it was as if he’d looked into her very soul and found all of the secrets she kept locked up so tightly. Her hopes and those desperate, foolish dreams. Dreams from a time when she’d thought someone could want a monster.

  When someone could love one.

  “How about a kiss?” His voice sank through her. “A kiss to prove how much I want you…and how much you want me.”

  “Is…” She licked her lips and decided she wouldn’t lie. Screw it. “Is this need I feel for you real? Or is it all tied up with the bites?” The biting. The mating. All of the madness.

  “Everything we feel is real. The mating link was nature’s way of showing us instantly what it would take our hearts much longer to see on their own.”

  She wanted that to be true. Foolish hope. It always died last. And…she wanted him. “One kiss.” Isabella swallowed. “One kiss and if we don’t ignite—”

  His laughter stopped her before she could say…If we don’t ignite, then you don’t touch me again. I don’t touch you. We get this madness under control.

  “We will,” Griffin promised her and then his head bent toward hers. His lips pressed to hers. Soft and easy. Gentle, just as he’d been before. It was his gentleness that kept catching her off guard. She expected wildness, savagery. He was a beast, after all. But instead…

  His gentleness seemed to melt her heart.

  Her lips parted for him. Her tongue swept out and she tasted him, carefully, just as he’d done to her. Hesitantly. Her body trembled. She yearned.

  The kiss became deeper. Hotter.

  She ignited.

  Desire seemed to explode inside of her, and a scorching need burned her from the inside, out. He let go of her hands, and she immediately grabbed him. Her nails sank into his bare shoulders.


  He was totally naked. She hadn’t looked down when he’d first pinned her against the wall, but she’d felt his long length pressing against her. His cock was fully erect as it shoved against her, and she found herself rising onto her tip toes, parting her thighs, wanting to feel him, even closer—

  He lifted her up. Held her with the easy strength she knew he possessed. Her skirt hiked up higher—no, he shoved it up higher. His fingers slipped under the edge of her panties, and she heard the silk rip.

  The sound just turned her on even more.

  It was wrong—what they were doing was wrong. He was wrong for her. She was wrong for him. She should stop. She should ignore the desperate need.

  But nothing had felt this right to her in a very, very long time. Maybe…never before. Maybe nothing had ever felt this way.

  He slid one finger into her, and Isabella almost came. Her body was that tuned, that sensitive. She was already on the verge of release.

  “Tell me what you like.” His voice was a sensual command. “I will give you everything.”

  Her fangs were stretching. Bloodlust always combined with physical lust for a vampire. She wanted to sink her teeth into him. She wanted to drink from him even as he drove his cock into her. She wanted to feel him deep inside. “M-more…” That was all she could manage to say.

  But he gave her more. He slid his finger out, only to work it—and another long, strong finger—back inside of her. His thumb pressed over her clit and her mouth opened in a quick, startled scream.

  The orgasm had hit her—that fast. It rolled through her body, making her sex contract greedily around his fingers. Her heart thundered and she wanted…another. Again. Again!

  “Sweetheart, we’re just getting started.”

  He carried her to the bed. Griffin stripped her with hands that were tipped by claws, but he never so much as scratched her skin. His eyes gleamed. His face was savage. And then he was pulling her toward the edge of the bed, positioning her so that her hips were against the side of the mattress. He bent, kneeling, and then Griffin put his mouth on her sex.

  Her eyes squeezed shut. She cried out his name as she arched toward him, so greedy for more of his lips and tongue. Her hands sank into his hair. Thick, soft hair. And his tongue slipped into her.

  She almost forgot to breathe.

  The things he could do with his mouth, the way he was licking her, the way he knew exactly where to touch her…Isabella was helpless. The second wave of release built within her, and there was no way to slow it down or stop it. She didn’t want to stop it.

  She didn’t want to do anything but hold close to him.

  But—but Griffin pulled back. He licked his lips and he stared at her as he rose to his full height beside the bed. “I’ll be inside you this time. Feeling every fucking thing.”

  He lifted her legs, positioned her, and drove deep. He was thick and heavy and full, and she started climaxing, too far gone to slow down.

  And he was leaning over her. He’d braced his arms on the bed as he thrust into her, long, wild strokes. His neck was so close to her mouth.

  “Do it,” Griffin growled.

  She bit him as she came. As the pleasure flooded every cell of her body, Isabella sank her teeth into his neck. If possible, his cock grew even bigger inside of her. The pleasure seemed to deepen even more, and she was lost—absolutely lost in him.

  He came inside of her, a hot surge of release. “Isabella!??

  Her tongue licked over his neck, sealing the small puncture wounds she’d made. Her breath heaved out and her heart raced in her chest. Her legs were locked around his hips. Her nails had sunk into his broad shoulders. Pleasure still left her quaking.

  His head lifted. His green eyes seemed to glow as he stared down at her.

  She should have been afraid. She’d just gone from zero to implosion with a guy in less than five minutes. She should be pushing him back.

  He smiled at her. “That was one hell of a start.”

  His dimple was sexy. He didn’t look like some big, bad beast. He looked handsome. Charming. Like…like a lover. Her lover.

  Because he was. A lover who hadn’t been afraid when she’d bit him. She didn’t need to use a compulsion to make him forget what she’d done. He’d liked her bite. He’d liked having sex with her. He’d just given her more pleasure than she could ever remember experiencing in her very long life.

  But his smile slowly faded. His head turned, and he looked back at the door.

  A chill skated over her body. “Griffin?”

  He was still staring at the door. “Don’t be afraid.”

  Um, she hadn’t exactly been experiencing fear—not until that moment, anyway.

  “I won’t let them hurt you,” he added grimly. “I swear it.”


  The door flew inward, and Isabella screamed—it was an instinctive response to the fact that four freaking wolves had just rushed inside. Big, hulking beasts with saliva dripping from their bared fangs.

  Griffin jumped to his feet—and she found a sheet tossed over her body in the same instance.

  “Don’t even fucking think about it,” he snarled. He was completely naked, standing in front of her, blocking her from the wolves who’d just busted into their room. His claws were out, and she could see his shoulders heaving. “You won’t touch her. She’s mine.”

  Isabella scrambled off the bed and to her feet. She wrapped the sheet around her body and tried not to freak the hell out. The wolves had frozen in the doorway. She was surprised she didn’t hear humans screaming outside. The motel was pretty much the pit of hell, but surely some mortal in the parking lot or in one of the rooms should have spotted the wolves?

  The beast in front of the small pack—a particularly big, hulking wolf with thick, brown fur and glaring gold eyes—lunged forward. Griffin caught the beast and raked his claws over the animal’s side. “Did you have trouble hearing what I said?” Griffin demanded. He tossed the brown wolf back.

  The other breasts growled. The hair on Isabella’s neck rose. This was so bad.

  The brown wolf had hit the wall with a very solid thud. As Isabella watched, the beast began to change. Bones popped and reshaped. The fur melted from the wolf’s body. Soon, a naked man was there. He rose, and she saw he was tall, thin…and still glaring with his golden eyes. “You’re a dead wolf, Griffin.”

  Griffin just laughed. “Really? Because I feel oddly alive.”

  The three wolves at the door let out another chorus of growls.

  “The alpha is waiting outside,” the brown-haired fellow said. “You got one chance to save your ass before you face him.”

  Isabella’s spine was ram-rod straight.

  “Just how am I supposed to, um, save my ass?” Griffin asked, sounding only vaguely interested.

  The brown-haired guy pointed at Isabella. “Kill the vamp bitch.”

  Chapter Six

  Kill the vamp bitch.

  Griffin glanced around the dimly lit parking lot. It was full of werewolves—he’d smelled the pack coming. Sure, he’d been a bit distracted at the time, because he’d been balls deep in Isabella, but he’d realized he was being hunted.

  He’d also decided he wasn’t going to run. Running wasn’t his style.

  Isabella had been allowed to dress. She wore her sexy skirt, her tight top, and still no shoes. That fucking bothered him. He didn’t want her feet hurt. She stood at his side, right in the middle of that circle of werewolves. At least most of the pack members were in human form, for the moment, anyway.

  “Uh, Griffin?” A cough came from the left.

  Griffin turned his head.

  Carter rolled back his shoulders and looked highly uncomfortable. “I’m…I’m really sorry, man. But I did it to protect you.”

  Griffin lifted his brows.

  “She’s evil,” Carter continued with a determined air. “You know the stories. You know what vamps will do—”

  “Ah, excuse me,” Isabella cut in. “But she is right here. And I’d really like to know what the hell is happening.”

  Griffin caught her hand in his. He brought her fingers to his mouth and kissed the back of her knuckles. He heard the snarls that came from the werewolves when he made that move. Screw them. Not like he really cared what they thought. Maybe once, he’d tried to follow the pack rules. But not now. Not any longer.

  I’ve had her. She’s mine. And I’ll do anything to keep her.

  Griffin kissed her knuckles once more. “I’m going to fight for you.”

  “Yes, but…why? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I don’t exactly want to be facing this pack alone but—what is happening?”

  Carter locked his fingers around Griffin’s shoulder. “You’re digging your own grave, buddy. She’s a parasite. A bloodsucker. She’s not worth the pain you’re going to take from the alpha.”

  Griffin let go of Isabella’s fingers. She’d flinched at Carter’s words—because those words had hurt her. Griffin gave Isabella a small smile, then he turned, and he drove his fist into Carter’s face. His ex-friend slammed into the ground.

  The snarls and growls around them stopped. Griffin threw back his shoulders and lifted his chin. “Good. I see I’ve got everyone’s attention.” He lifted his claws. He hadn’t used his claws on Carter, but he would be using them on the next bastard who came at him or at Isabella. “I was told the alpha was waiting outside the motel room. Only now I’m outside, and I don’t see him.” He let his gaze drift around the crowd. “Is Vane hiding?” A deliberate taunt. A challenge.

  “What in the hell are you doing?” Carter was on his feet and he’d rushed back to Griffin’s side. “Just give up the vamp and you’ll be okay. You don’t need to get into some epic battle for her.”

  “Actually, I do, Carter. She’s my mate.”

  Carter swore.

  “And I’ll fight to the death for her.”

  The color bleached from Carter’s skin. “No…”

  “Um, hello? Again…I’m here.” Isabella tapped Griffin’s arm. “And I don’t want you fighting to the death for me. Your death is the last thing I want.”

  That was cute. She cared, already. Definite progress. Griffin gave her a smile. “Sweetheart, I won’t be the one dying.” His death wouldn’t protect her. Becoming the new alpha? That was the only way to keep her safe.

  “Don’t be too sure of that.” The voice—loud, booming—was entirely too arrogant. Vane Bollen had finally shown himself. Tall, nearly six foot three and with wide shoulders, the guy probably would have intimidated most people.

  Not me.

  Griffin had often wondered before who would win if he ever battled his alpha. When he’d come to town, Vane had been the wolf in charge, and Griffin hadn’t cared enough to challenge the guy. Leadership wasn’t exactly his bit. But…

  He didn’t have a choice any longer.

  “Is it true?” Vane stalked forward, stopping when he was about five feet away from Griffin. “Did you mate the vamp bitch?”

  “I don’t like him,” Isabella whispered to Griffin. “I think I want to punch his fat face.”

  “I’ll take care of it,” he promised her.

  “I can fight my own battles.”

  A faint smirk curled Vane’s thin lips. “She wants to challenge me?” He laughed. So did the others. At least fifteen werewolves were in that parking lot. No humans were around. They’d had the sense to clear out, probabl
y because they thought a gang of bikers were riding into the area. That was what the werewolves there looked like—bikers wearing battered jeans and t-shirts. Lots of leather. With plenty of tats and bad fucking attitudes.

  They were a pack, all right, just not the sort that the humans had first figured.

  “Why not let the vamp have a go at me?” Vane smiled. “Let’s see what she’s got.” His smile slipped away. “Before I tear her apart.”

  Isabella lunged forward, as if she’d go right at Vane, but Griffin held her back. He pulled her against his body, wrapping his arms around her so that her sweet little ass pressed to his cock. Wrong time.

  “Let me go,” Isabella rasped.

  He just held her tighter. He put his mouth to her ear. “It’s a wolf thing. I have to kick Vane’s ass because we are right in the middle of a pack challenge. You make a run at him, and all of the wolves will attack at once.” And he couldn’t fight off that many werewolves, not at one time. “I’m good, baby, but not that good.” He could feel Carter watching them. Everyone was watching them. “But if I go against Vane on my own, if I challenge him for alpha status…” His breath blew over the shell of her ear. Isabella shivered. “Then I save us both.”

  “Or you kill both of you.” Vane’s mocking laughter echoed around them. Of course, the alpha would have heard Griffin’s quiet words. Wolves could always hear nearly every damn thing. “Because you won’t defeat me.”

  Griffin eased his hold on Isabella. She immediately spun in his arms and stared up at him. “He’s going to attack you because of me. I should be the one fighting. I should—”

  He kissed her and, damn, but she was sweet.

  “He’s kissing the vamp!” One werewolf shouted. “She’s making him weak! Kill her! Kill—”

  Griffin lifted his head. If he didn’t take alpha status, the pack would swarm. “Hold the thought, Isabella. I’ll be right back.” He let her go. He’d put on jeans before he’d come into that parking lot, and he walked forward, clad in the jeans and nothing else.

  “You sure you want to challenge me?” Vane stared at him. The alpha’s arms were crossed over his chest. He wore jeans, boots, and a t-shirt. “In the last ten years, I’ve killed every werewolf who was dumb enough to come at me.”