Read Forbidden Choices Page 13

Chapter 13

   I wake up in the violet room with the giant chandelier and the cool, refreshing silk pillows. I look over to see a chair pulled up beside my bed and the strange boy from my dream sitting in it. The dream where I was in the forest chasing the beautiful music.

  “What happened?” I ask hesitantly. “Am I dead?”

  The odd, dreamy boy from the forest stares absentmindedly up at the ceiling; entranced in something that I can’t see.

  “Hello. What is your name?” I shout louder. Maybe he didn’t hear me?

  He keeps staring upward. His face contorts in what I can only imagine is the most agonizing expression he can muster and he falls forward from the chair, crashing to the ground noisily.

  I leap out of my bed and rush to the side where he was sitting, leaning over his unconscious body and shaking him. I hit him a few times, but in the process I just end up injuring myself because his shoulder is so hard.

  “Ow.” I say as I rub my quickly reddening hand that throbs from pain. I must have hit him pretty hard; I begin to shake him again—this time more violently. What if he’s dead?

  I feel for a pulse and everything seems to be working normally. His skin is hotter than the average person, but he seems to have a normal pulse.

  “Hello.” His eyes open and he gazes up at me enchantingly. “Why’d you have to hit me so hard?”

  “I thought you were dead.” I exclaim.

  “So you decided to hit me?” He asks. “What? Was that your answer to bringing someone back to life?” He asks jokingly.

  “I don’t know… it’s the first thing I could think of. I didn’t think you were dead when I was hitting you—I was trying to wake you up.” I reply. My cheeks are starting to get hot from embarrassment.

  “Well, my knight in shining armor has saved me." He says holding his hand to his heart in a mocking way.

  “You’re infuriating.” I say.

  “Actually, I’m a Halfling. And the name is Riley.” He says placing a gentle kiss on my hand.

  Our eyes meet and we stare at each other for what seems like an eternity. I have to shake my head back and forth to clear my mind. “So what’s a Halfling?”

  “My mother is Elven and my father is a Beast. They met in the first Great War and fell madly in love. We believe that before birth you are one soul, but when you enter this world it splits in two. These two halves are called Soulfires.”

  “The Wolves call them twin souls. The Elves call them Soulfire. It’s all the same in any language. An instant connection with someone that makes you fall deeply in love…” He trails off. “Ali, you’re my other soul.”

  I reach for his head and look at him in a concerned manner. I place the back of my hand on his forehead, feeling for his temperature. It’s still abnormally warm, but he doesn’t seem ill.

  “Did you bump your head or something? You do realize we've only just met?” I ask trying to avoid eye contact with him. “And anyways, I’m already interested in someone…”

  “Who?” He demands.

  “It’s none of your business.” I reply. He looks sadly at me and all of the sudden I feel the urge to tell him everything and to even tell him my secret.


  “Not him. Anyone but Theo… can’t you see he’s a traitor?” He asks, his eyes becoming wildly hysteric with fear. “I just had a vision that he was going to take you away from me. He plans on kidnapping you!”

  “Well, he’s probably trying to kidnap me to get me away from crazy people like you.” I say poking him in the chest. “Trying to convince me we’re soul mates, Soulfires—whatever it is you call them when we’ve known each other for all of two minutes.” I say as I stand up. I’m walking toward the door.

  Riley is much faster then I gave him credit for. He blocks the door and my only escape. He crosses his arms against his chest looking broody and mysterious. I wish I could kiss him. Or hit him. I definitely want to do one of those.

  “Please, Ali. Just give me a chance to show you that I am yours.” He says making a suggestive pouty face in my direction.

  “Listen. Riley, I already had a connection and it was with Theo so please leave me alone now.”

  He steps away from the door hunching his shoulders and looking miserably at the floor.

  “Fine, just answer this. Ali have you had visions of me lately? Did you see me in your dreams?” He asks as I exit the bedroom.

  “No.” I answer as I slam the door shut and walk down the endless hallway.

  I walk past dozens of white doors, trying to piece together the mysteries of life.

  How have I never in my life had a boyfriend, sure I’ve had creeps that were interested in one thing. They loved my looks, but honestly I never stuck around one place long enough to get close to anyone. Now I was finally going to have to stay in one place. I couldn’t just run from one city to the next anymore.

   When did life become so complicated?

  This is getting ridiculous I think to myself. I sit on one of the benches underneath a large framed painting of an enchanting garden.

  I'm lost in thought when suddenly I hear footsteps in front of me. I hope it’s not Riley. I turn around slowly letting out a dramatic sigh and look up to find Theo racing towards me.

  “Ali. Are you hurt?” He asks breathlessly.

  “No. Do I look hurt? I'm confused but not hurt.” I say sardonically.

  “You don't believe him. You don't believe that Riley is your Soulfire right?” He asks looking dejectedly into my eyes.

  “No I don't believe in all the soul mate stuff that he’s so apt on believing. And I’ve only known him for five minutes.” I say breathing deeply.

  Good. Don't listen to that guy because he's a Wolf. You know that the Wolves can't be trusted.” He says winking at me as he grabs my hand. He holds it in his own, caressing his fingers lightly against my palm. His touch feels nice. I feel protected like nothing bad can happen.

  “I have a weird question for you Theo.” I say.

  “What’s that?”

  “Is Blair your Soulfire?” I ask. “You two seem to know each other very well.”

  “No.” he whispers. “I have one, but it’s not her.”

  “Hm…” I sigh. “Well what’s your ability?”

  “It’s not as impressive as the Healing ability.” He says nonchalantly. “I can move things though.”

  “That’s amazing. Will you show me it?” I ask hopefully.

  “I have to get in the right mindset. So wait just a moment.”

  He stands very still and concentrates, staring at the photo that was hanging above us. The artwork hovers in the air and steadily it rises up faster and then he makes it fly across the other end of the hallway and back to its rightful place in a matter of seconds.

  “That was brilliant!” I shout gleefully.

  “Not really.” He whispers, grabbing my hand. He gazes at me hopefully, hungrily. “Ali. You know how you asked me if Blair was my Soulfire.”

  “Yeah…” I say trailing off.

  “I only have this moment. And I have to tell you because I couldn’t dream of losing you.”

  He kisses me ravenously and I kiss him back. He pushes me up against the wall and we get lost for a while in the moment. Our tongues flick and dance in a rhythmic motion until we’re left breathless, sitting hand and hand on the bench and laughing.

  “Ali. You’re my Soulfire.” He whispers gazing into my eyes confidently.

  I remember when life was simple… can I go back now?

  “I have to go…” I whisper as tears stream down my face. “Don’t follow me.”

  I take off my shoes and sprint for the gardens because it’s the only place I can think about that they might not look for me. I can hear the guards shouting behind me, but I don’t care. For a moment I’m free, I’m human—I’m not this mythical Princess with soul mates and responsibility.

  I’m just me. It’s me and the flowers and the birds chirping and the fireflie
s. That’s it. Would it be wrong to run away from here already? The one place I’ve ever been that I actually have a family and a home.

  Can I go back home?

  Do I even belong there anymore…?

  I plop down in the grass beneath a willow tree and a tall rose bush that swirls fragrant petals around me, lightly grazes my skin. I start to count the stars in the sky and realize how very small I am comparatively.

  There’s a rustle behind the bushes. I sit up instinctively.