Read Forbidden Choices Page 19

  Chapter 19

  I sit in my bed staring at my reflection in the mirror. I brush my pale cheek with my hand searching for the purple scroll tattoo that only appears in the moonlight. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, but my ear still looks like it has always looked. It looks like a human ear. I take the brush from the vanity and brush my long black hair instinctively taking extra care not to pull too hard at the ends.

  A fast-paced knock at the door makes me drop the brush noisily. I turn around on my chair and look at the door. Riley peers in and I rush to the door gently grabbing his shirt and pulling him in by the collar.

  “Riley. What are you doing it’s late.” I whisper.

  “I needed to ask you something. It’s a favor… if it’s too much then you don’t have to do it.” He whispers back. But his eyes are pleading. They’ve entrapped me and enchanted me, and I’m mesmerized by the deep brown rings and the golden flecks of light they reveal. He steps closer to me and I can feel his hot breath again. I close my eyes and breathe in deeply.

  He smells like grass after a rainstorm. I inhale and look up into his big golden persuasive eyes. They start to shimmer and change becoming even lighter from excitement.

  I start to feel insecure, completely unsure of myself at the moment. I know he wants to kiss me, but what if I don’t do it right like that first time and I make a fool of myself. The only other boy I had kissed before him was Theo. That didn’t quite work out as planned because Theo kissed another girl. I stop looking into his entrancing eyes. I stare down at my hands instead.

  “What was the favor?” I ask, trying to pretend to be transfixed by my abnormally small, pale hands. I look up to see Riley’s facial expression transform into a grimace. I know what he’s thinking. We had a moment, we should be kissing. I can see the hurt in his eyes. He clears his throat humiliated and tries to ignore the awkward thing that just took place between us.

  “I need you to come home with me.” He says with a serious expression painted on his lovely face.

  “Why would you need me to come home with you?”

  “My oldest sister is getting married. I need someone to go with me. I would really appreciate it if you could accompany me.” He says shyly. “It doesn’t have to be a date. We could just go as friends.” He adds quickly before I can answer. His cheeks turn a crimson red and he looks absolutely adorable. It might just be impossible to say no to this request.

  “I would like that. It would give us time to get to know each other better.” I reply.

  Riley thrusts his fist in the air victoriously. I give him a smile, and I try not to laugh at his odd behavior.

  “Thank you Ali. My sister is so excited to meet you. That’s what I was sending the message about earlier… when you probably thought I was talking to myself. I told her that I would ask you if you would like to come with me. She asked me to ask actually.”

  Riley races out of the room before I can change my mind again.

  My heart flutters and leaps around the room. I feel lightheaded and exuberantly excited. The giant knot in my stomach has taken over half my body and it’s making it impossible to breathe. I’m thrilled about our upcoming “non-date,” but most importantly I can’t wait to see Riley again.

  A loud knock rattles my door. Thinking its Riley, I leap up from my chair almost tumbling through my doorway from the amount of force I use to throw my door open. I paste a big smile on my face.

  “Hi.” I say breathlessly.

  “Hello.” My mother answers.

  “Oh, it’s only you…” I say looking down in disappointment.

  “Please don’t seem too enthusiastic about seeing me.” She says giggling, her wild hair bouncing like hot flames around her shoulders. “I just stopped by to apologize and to tell you good night. Tomorrow we will begin your training and I’ll tell you everything you need to know about the Prophecy and the two Soulfires.”

  “I don’t like secrets. Especially when I’ve just started to trust you, but I also know you’re trying to protect me from getting hurt.” I say.

  “I know but I promise that I had your best interest at hear.” She exclaims frustrated.

  “I’m excited to start my training.” I reply dancing around the room. My mother wraps me in a tight embrace, making my dancing cease.

  “I’m glad to see you happy. It’s one of the best gifts a mother can witness. I heard some wonderful news by the way.” She says grinning sheepishly.

  “What news?” I demand.

  “You and Riley have a date.”

  “It is not a date. We’re just going to his sister’s wedding together.”

  “Sure. Well you better stop him before the entire Kingdom knows I just saw him running down the hallway shouting about his date with the Princess.” She says smiling in my direction. “And I know that’s the reason you’re really dancing around your room.”

  “Fantastic—now I have to explain to everyone that it’s not a date.” I say exasperatedly blowing my bangs out of my face. “He is so childish.”

  “Give him a break, Ali.” She replies. “He’s got a heart of gold and he’s so sweet—even if he’s a Wolf.”

  “Anyways, it’s time to go to sleep you have a long day ahead. Good night.”

  “Good night, mom.”

  I watch my mother bounce gracefully down the hall. She’s cheerfully humming a tune as I close my bedroom door. Someone is breathing heavily down my neck. I can smell a faint familiar smell, and I turn around to face a hulking giant leering over me. He’s furious and who could blame him?