Read Forbidden Embrace Page 11

  “So how does that tell you what her power is?”

  “Something is blocking her, or at least blocking us from finding her. I believe she has the power to shroud herself,” Ms. Edwina informs me as they release their circle. She goes to her office and returns with the Book of Shadows.

  “The Book of Shadows can’t possibly have much information on Danika. Wouldn’t you three be the only ones to make an entry about her? She is too new for any of your ancestors to have known of her.” I remember when Ms. Edwina presented the girls with the Book of Shadows, it was explained that the one who possesses it must enter any new supernaturals information they come across. Since Danika is so young only Ms. Edwina or the girls could have done so.

  “You are correct Sophia. But there is information on various powers our ancestors have come across as well. As you know powers are very much dependent on the person who holds them. We all know that even as a mortal Nathanial has the gift to get people talking, even if they don't want to. The Book of Shadows explains about a gift, called shrouding. This is the ability to hide from others. Those that possess this ability can also block other powers when it comes to them, such things as blocking Alexander from reading or seeing their thoughts, or even you from healing them,” she reads from the book.

  “Aw hell, why couldn’t I have that ability? I am so sick of my brother knowing everything I am thinking and even sharing it with others. I would love some privacy in my head,” I joke and add, “That actually makes sense, cause Alex never has anything interesting to share about Danika. I guess this explains why; she only shares what she wants to with him.”

  “Yes, this could explain it,” Ms. Edwina agrees.

  “Hey Sophia, speaking of powers, have you all figured out what powers you gained from the big fight?” Ebony wonders.

  “Yeah, there were a few, but mostly it was the shifters who fully destroyed the Cerberus. I think Elijah and Cato each got one, I don’t really remember. I stopped paying attention once they confirmed I got nothing.”

  “You can be so pouty some times,” Eliza teases.

  “Girls, pay attention here, we still need to find Danika,” Ms. Edwina interrupts.

  After a little more discussion we decide to go back to my house and give the information to my family. It appears that Danika is somewhere between here and Boston. A bit of a big search area, but we can split up. In the car on the way back to my place Eliza calls Luke and tells him that Danika has run away, explaining that we have reason to believe she is heading to Boston. She asks if he could check out some of the hot spots for us and he agrees. Luke, Nathanial’s brother, and Eliza, have really built a solid foundation to their relationship since our party where they met. Matilda has even confirmed they are soul mates…of course we are all sworn to secrecy as she wants them to have a chance to let it all play out on their own.

  Chapter 14


  At the house, Elijah and the boys have returned from their search by the time I arrive back with The Magnificent Ones. The entire family is in the family room now, still obviously trying to calm Florence, and they barely notice us as Ebony, Eliza, Ms. Edwina and I enter. I clear my throat, yet they don’t even notice and continue with their conversation. Elijah is explaining that he and the boys found no trace of her; they weren’t even able to pick up her scent past the interstate during their initial search.

  “We have to assume she hitched a ride somewhere, knowing that we would find her if she stayed in town,” Elijah hypothesizes.

  I never even thought to try to find her scent. Why didn’t we do that on New Year’s when she took off? I wonder to myself. I guess it’s only because they weren’t as worried then; we know she is gone this time and that raises the stakes.

  “Excuse me, I’m sorry to interrupt but we may have some interesting information for you,” Ms. Edwina politely announces.

  “Ladies, please come join us, I’m sorry we didn’t make note of your arrival.” Elijah helps Ms. Edwina to a chair. “So what information do you have?”

  Ebony walks over and takes a seat on the sofa. “Sophia thought we should scry for Danika.”

  “And?” the family all asks in unison.

  I go and sit on Nathanial’s lap as we discuss the details of the scrying session and the probability of Danika having the ability to shroud or block herself.

  Alexander bursts out with a huge smile on his face. “I’m so glad you figured out what Danika’s power is. Here I was thinking I’m losing my touch.”

  Matilda smacks him on the arm, “Not everything is your business or about you for that matter,” She leans over and gives Alexander a kiss. “Darn good thing you’re cute.”

  “Okay you two, can we please hear what else the sisters have to tell us?” Florence requests with despair.

  “Okay so as I was saying, we believe she is somewhere between here and Boston. Eliza called Luke already and he is going to keep an eye out for her, check out a few hot spots and such. We figure that he’s a good bet, since she knows no one else,” Ebony explains.

  “Well, we should head to Boston tonight then,” Florence pleads.

  “Florence my dear, I think we should search Danika’s room for clues as to where she might have gone. If she shows up anywhere near Luke he will let us know. I just think we are better off to go there prepared.”

  Florence nods, “Come with me Constance, let’s start looking.” The two women leave the room and head up the grand staircase that circles around to the upper floor. I know Florence is hoping that Constance gets a vision of some sort.

  Elijah leans forward and very quietly whispers, “Okay Alexander, now that Florence is gone, I want you to go online and use any other connections you may have to find out if there is any cult activity going on down in the Boston area. Check for businesses that look like they could be vampire owned. Let’s see if we can find where our baby girl has to go.”


  Back in my room Nathanial, Ebony and I await for Matt’s arrival. I’m really starting to feel just awful about the way I’ve been treating Danika. She’s just a kid, after all, and has more to deal with than the average teen, and by average I am not including any of our teenage supernatural friends. Since Danika first came into our family 18 months ago, I have done nothing but make her life a living or eternal hell. I give her a hard time about every little thing and criticize her every move. How could she feel comfortable here with me always insisting she is going to fail in one way or another? Nathanial takes a few large strides to my stereo system and puts on the music, I assume in an attempt to calm me.

  Before long there is a rap on the door, Matt enters and walks directly to Ebony to hold her tight in his arms. “Hey guys, so what can I do to help?”

  “Everyone else has tasks to do, but we are kinda just sitting here waiting for them to tell us what we need to do. I think we may get a trip to Boston out of this,” Nathanial responds.

  “So what happened to make Danika run away?”

  Ebony smirks, “Sophia beat the crap out of her.”

  “What? You told her, didn’t you? I told you it was no big deal and to keep your mouth shut,” Matt lays in to Nathanial.

  “You know me; I couldn’t keep it from her.”

  “Okay, wait a second, you told Nate not to tell me? Do you need me to kick your butt too?”

  “Hell no, I’m good. I just didn’t think it mattered. It was a small kiss and he pushed her away so fast. She felt so bad and begged him not to tell you…I just didn’t think it was worth upsetting you over,” Matt defends. “But I guess if the situation was reversed, I wouldn’t be able to keep it from you either, Eb.”

  “You better not,” she playful pushes him.

  We continue to goof around a little waiting for someone to come in with information; I only hope they find out something.

  Chapter 15

  Caspian’s Surprise

  Tonight I’m heading back to Club VC; now that my estranged family beat the Cerberus in the
ir fight I have to try and find out what other plans are brewing. With my leathers on I’m ready to fit into the scene. Walking in the club I notice its busy tonight, but I already spot Cyrus and Drake. I can zone in on those two within seconds of walking in. With a crowd like the one tonight I bet they’ll throw the sprinklers on. When it gets busy here I’ve heard they turn on a sprinkler system that sprays blood over the crowd. I think that would send most of these vamps into a feeding frenzy. Walking to the dance floor Cyrus stops me.

  “Hey Cas, nice to see you back here. You’ve chosen a great night to come; should be good times. We’re planning some initiations tonight, care to participate?”

  “Initiations, what’s that?” I ask with slight caution.

  “Ha ha, it’s where we welcome new members into the group. They must prove that they are worthy and pass our test,” Cyrus says with a demonic chuckle.

  “Well, I think it may be something for me to consider, but we’ve known one another long enough that I assume you trust me.”

  “Yeah, you’re a good guy Cas, but nothing like making it official.”

  “I’ll consider it, but you know me; I hate being tied down by responsibility to others.”

  “Yeah I know, that’s what I like about you,” he smiles. “So hey, I noticed Drake brought that young hotty you were talking to on New Year’s. What was her name?”

  “On New Year’s? There were a few,” I joke, knowing exactly who he’s talking about… Danika. She must be back again. This isn’t good if they are turning on the sprinklers and doing initiations tonight. I’m gonna have to stay close.

  “The hot little red head,” Cyrus reminds me.

  “Oh, what the hell was her name? Danielle? No, I’ve heard it before; oh, wait the same as that female race car driver, Danika. Is that it?” I try to play things down.

  “Yeah, I think that’s it. Maybe you should go re-introduce yourself. I saw her on the dance floor a little while ago. I’ll catch ya later, got some work to take care of before the initiations begin.” He smacks me on the shoulder and turns to leave, disappearing in the crowd almost as fast as he turned around.

  I haven’t checked in on my estranged family in a few days since their big fight, and I wonder what happened that Danika is here. Maybe she just came to hang out again, but it can’t possibly be a good time for her to be here. Tonight they are going to try to get her to join them; what better way to get back at the Pierces than to take one of their own? I know Drake has had his eye on her for a while now, so I must keep my eye on him too. I notice Danika bopping away on the dance floor; she seems to be quite the popular item here. Just then she looks up and notices me. She bolts off the floor and over to me.

  “Hey, you’re Cas right? Remember me? I’m Danika; we met on New Year’s. Do you come here lots?” She rambles on like any regular teen, barely breathing between sentences.

  “Yeah sure do. How you doing?”

  “Great, I love this place. Everyone makes me feel so welcome;, not like where I used to live.”

  Used to live? What does she mean? Oh Christ has this stupid kid run away to come stay here? I gotta figure out what’s going on with her. “What do you mean where you used to live? Your Embracer wasn’t good to you?”

  “I never knew my Embracer; he left me in the streets. I was taken in by a great family, but one of the girls, Sophia, who was like one of my sisters, had it in for me. What made it even worse is I have feelings for her.”

  “Oh wow, that sounds like a lot of drama. So how long are you staying here? Do they know where you are?” I try to gather a little Intel, so I can piece together a plan to save this brat. Wow, did Sophia have her pegged right. That girl’s got some killer instincts, and do I ever miss her.

  “No I didn’t tell them where I was going, I just ran away. The family I lived with would never approve of a place like this. They try to act as if they’re still mortal. I don’t understand it though; this life is so exciting and cool.”

  “I’m sure they have very good reasons for the way they live; you know we’re all different and this life isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Do you know much about the people here? Cause I will give you one bit of advice–when you’re here and around these kinds of vampires, always keep your nose clean, and be very careful who you trust. They hold no loyalty to anyone but themselves and their king. The people that frequent this club will destroy you in an instant if they think it will help them advance.” I try to warn her, but it starts to sound more like a lecture, and I notice her rolling her eyes at me. “Sorry Danika, I too am new here and just a little paranoid, if you know what I mean. Maybe we can watch each other’s backs.”

  “Sure, just please don’t try to tell me what to do…I’m so sick of bossy vampires,” she lets out a small chuckle.

  “I’ll do my best; let’s grab a shot and we can chat some more, that’s if you want…you know I don’t wanna be a bossy vampire,” I smirk.

  She smiles, “Great, you like dancing? ‘Cause I’m having a blast out there.”

  “I’ll give it a try. You kinda mentioned you were into chicks, right?”

  “Yeah why, you got a problem with me being a lesbian?”

  “Not at all, to each their own. I was just thinking we could be each other’s wing man.”

  “Wing man, what’s that?”

  I try not to laugh at the naive girl before me. “We tag team the ladies, work together to help find someone to hook up with.”

  “Hook up with, wow…ummm, I don’t think I’m ready for that yet. I mean I just realized that I’m gay in the past few days. I’ve never even kissed a girl.”

  “Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to…well just forget it, we can just hang together. I’m just trying to act cool. Can I ask you something though?”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Well how do you know you’re a lesbian if you’ve never kissed a girl?”

  “I guess I don’t really. I just feel it when I think of my so-called sister. I was always jealous of her relationship, and thought it was ’cause I had a crush on her boyfriend. So, well, I kissed him, and it was disgusting. That is when I realized I was in love with her, not her guy. I mean, I just feel it. I think I always knew; have you’ve always known you were straight?”

  “Wow, I bet she was pissed when she found out you kissed her boyfriend.” I only assume knowing Sophia’s temper.

  “That is the understatement of eternity. She kicked my ass.”

  Uncontrollably I burst out in laughter. I can just see Sophia on top of this poor girl beating the crap out of her, storing all the pent up energy from the fight against the Cerberus and laying it on Danika. “I’m so sorry. I really don’t mean to laugh. You just don’t seem like the type of gal who takes a good lickin.”

  “Well I did, but next time I’ll be ready, if there even is a next time. I left a note for my family and told them not to come looking for me. Even if they do, I doubt she’ll come. Sophia doesn’t give two…well she just doesn’t care about me and will be happier with me gone.”

  “I have a feeling you don’t give this so called family of yours enough credit. I bet they are looking for you as we speak.” I know them too well and the whole lot of them is doing everything they can to find Danika.

  “Well they’ll never find me here, so I guess I don’t have to worry.”

  “Maybe we should just try and have some fun, and forget about our problems for now,” I suggest, trying to get her to forget about the Pierces for now. I want her to need them back, not hate them after complaining about them. I know they have their flaws–every family does–but she really can’t do any better than them. I should know…maybe we can go back together. We get a quick shot and head out to the dance floor, with the plan of dancing the night away.

  Chapter 16

  Road Trip

  Isaac calls the family and our friends into the family room; he has something to share with all of us…I think he may have a plan. Once Elijah, Florence, Constance, Alexander, Matilda,
and I are there along with our two mortal friends and the witches, Isaac stands before us with a map of Boston.

  “Okay, well I think we may have a lead on Danika. I know it has been several hours since she went missing, but I have some information as to where she may have gone. I found out about this vampire club in Boston. It is run by the Cerberus, although that fact is not made known to all the club goers. Tonight is their initiation night, and it seems they have their sights on a few new clubbers. I think Danika may be one of them. I have already contacted Tamo, he and the other shifters are already out scouting, trying to pick up on her scent or whatever else may be out there.”

  Elijah calmly says, “Great, I know the Williams family will do their best to help find her. Now do you know what is included in this initiation? If we are too late will we be able to get her back?”

  “Not likely. The process includes the sacrifice of a mortal. Once you have done that you say a pledge to the leader. It is highly unlikely for him to release anyone that completes the process.”

  “And is there any indication as to who the leader may be?” Constance asks with concern.

  Isaac nods and chews his bottom lip; this is never a good sign. “My source claims it is Cyrus and his son Drake.”

  Nate looks at me and around the room. “Who are Cyrus and Drake, and what does that mean?”

  Isaac glances to Elijah and nods for him to explain. Elijah begins, “Cyrus is one of the original thirteen grandchildren of Cain, the first of our kind. He is one of the few originals left today, making him the most powerful as well. Thousands of years ago, Cyrus was the leader of the rebelling grandchildren, and now the head of the Cerberus. Drake is his son; he has gone by many variations of that name. Draco was a former name, but he is most commonly known as Dracula.”

  “Are you freakin kidding, like the real Dracula?” Nathanial says with excitement as he jumps from his seat.

  “Yeah, like the real Dracula; or at least the one depicted to a point in the movies.” Elijah laughs and motions for Nathanial to sit down again.