Read Forbidden Embrace Page 15

  “Not really, got her here just in time for Ebony to help do a magnificent spell.” He chuckles at his corny play on words. “Now, there was supposed to be a party…let’s go celebrate me!”

  Chapter 23

  Back to Normal

  So much has happened in the past few months. I’m excited to finish out the rest of the school year. As we pull into the parking lot at school, I notice Nathanial pulling up right behind us. I wait for him as the rest of my family goes inside.

  “Hi sweetie.” He greets me with a small soft kiss.

  “Hi, how’s your mom and dad doing? I feel like it has been forever since I’ve seen them.”

  “Good, I had a little talk with them last night.”

  “About what?”

  “I took Florence’s advice and decided to see if they would still like to have another child.”

  “That’s great, I would hate to heal her womb and then find out they don’t want another child.”

  “Well, I think you can start anytime. Mom and Dad said they feel so blessed to have Luke and me, but still would love to have another. Mom said they have been looking at adoption.”

  “Really? Well, maybe I can help with that. They aren’t happy that you will be at college in the next few years?”

  “They said they feel too young for an empty nest. So many of their friends waited to have children and their kids are all small still. I think they feel a little left out, not having small kids to go to birthday parties and such with.”

  “Well it’s settled; maybe we can start today after school.”

  Nathanial and I make plans for me to visit his family later this afternoon and then head into class. It’s going to be nice to not be preoccupied by danger. Although I am a little worried about Caspian’s plan to go back to Club VC and ask for his second chance, he said today he will go back to Boston. Putting my concerns in the back of my mind I decide to continue on and enjoy the day. I chuckle at the thought that just over six months ago I was completely against coming back to high school, and now I look forward to it.

  The day continues on in an uneventful manner, until fifth period I notice Nathanial’s friend Ben down the hall from my locker. Walking towards him I hear a female voice attempting to speak softly, but of course I can hear every word. I recognize the voice; it’s that awful girl Mel that is so mean to Ebony. Today her victim is Ben. Ben notices me approaching and waves me off, but in my usual non-compliant way, I keep walking towards them.

  “What’s your problem today, Mel?” I snarl.

  “Well, now it’s you. How dare you just butt in like this? This has nothing to do with you.”

  “You know something Mel, some of us are tired of you believing that you run the school. Being head cheerleader means nothing to anyone but you. So how about I give you a piece of advice?”

  “Oh really…you are going to give me advice? How about I give you some…mind your own business or else.”

  “Ladies, cut it out. Sophia, just go to class–I can handle this,” Ben interrupts.

  “Shut up, loser,” Mel glares at Ben.

  Placing my hand on her shoulder I say, “Hey, why don’t you tell me a little more about this little threat you’re so keen on making.”

  She pushes my hand away, “Are you stupid? I know you’re new here, but I can destroy you. Dating the most popular guy in school doesn’t make you special. Now take a hike.”

  “You have no idea who you’re talking to, you smart assed little...”

  “Sophia.” Alexander shouts, “What the heck are you doing?”

  “Just dealing with some trash.” I smirk in Mel’s direction and Ben bursts out in laughter.

  “Oh, you didn’t...”

  Ben grabs her and pulls her in the opposite direction as Alexander holds me back. I’ve had enough of this chick, thinking she is the queen bee and that she can treat everyone like crap. A teacher pokes his head out of class and instructs us to return to our classes. I guess I’ll have to deal with her later, and then I can ask Ben what the problem was. We all go our separate ways and I try to calm myself during final period.


  After school, Nathanial and I go back to his house as planned. I’ll begin trying to restore the damage done to Mrs. McCord the night of Nathanial’s birth. The McCords aren’t home from work yet, so Nathanial and I decide to clean the house and start supper. I want his mom to relax tonight after I do my first healing session. I offer to prepare the meal as Nathanial vacuums. In the fridge there is a whole chicken in a plastic Ziploc bag thawing on a plate. I look around the kitchen for a roasting pan and spices. It only takes a few minutes and I have the chicken prepped, along with veggies and potatoes all in the pan; with the oven preheated I place dinner in and set the timer.

  By the time Nathanial’s parents arrive home from work, dinner is finished and I have the table set. Mrs. McCord seems surprised at mine and Nathanial’s efforts, “Oh kids, it smells so wonderful, and everything is so clean! I can’t tell you how much I needed this today. I’m exhausted and had a very trying day at work. Thank you so much.”

  “Mom, you do so much for our family, Sophia and I thought you could use a night off.”

  “I have the best kids in the world, and they pick the best girlfriends too.”

  Nathanial leans down and hugs his mom as she sits at the dinner table. I walk up behind her chair and wrap my arms around her, placing my hands lightly on her abdomen. She places her hands over top of mine, which helps add to the energy. When she gives a small wiggle in her chair, I pull back.

  “Sorry Sophia, I think I’m in need of that chicken you made. My stomach feels a little funny.”

  Nathanial and I both look at one another, “No worries, I am just feeling huggy today. Let me serve you.”

  “No need to serve us, please just sit and enjoy the meal with us.”

  We enjoy the meal Nathanial and I prepared together as well as normal dinner conversation. Mr. and Mrs. McCord tell us about their days at work and as soon as dinner is finished Mrs. McCord excuses herself to call it an early night. Nathanial and I take care of the dishes and leftovers. We both know her stomach issue and unexpected fatigue is from the healing process…I just never expected it to begin so soon. My only thought is that because of my strong emotional ties to this family, more of my energy goes into the healing. I will continue trying to heal her whenever I get a chance. I don’t want to make it too obvious; if I do it every time I see her they may put two and two together.


  After Nathanial drops me off at home I check with the others to see if anyone has heard from Caspian; no one has. So I just go to my room; I’m worried about him, about what Drake and Cyrus will do to him. I hear a soft knock at my door and then it creeps open. Danika walks in, and sits next to me on my bed.

  “Sophia, so much has happened, I really think it’s time we just hash things out. I want to get this out of the way and be sisters.”

  “I think that is the most mature thing you have ever said Danika, and a great idea. I’m really sorry for how hard I was on you; I never really gave you a chance and just assumed you’d screw up.”

  “Well I guess you were right…I did mess up pretty bad. I should have talked to someone about Drake when he started pressuring me to come out with him. I probably should have talked to you when my jealousy about you and Nate started becoming a real issue. I didn’t mean to hurt you when I kissed him; I just had to know what I was feeling.”

  “You know I overreacted…I should have never come after you like that. It’s just, everyone knows that Nate and I are soul mates and to have...well it’s all over now, so just promise no more flirting with my guy.”

  “I think we both know that won’t happen anymore. I just felt…I just…well, at least I know a little about myself now. I just don’t see finding anyone for me here. Small towns like this can’t have many like me.”

  “Like you? Danika, first off, I don’t think anyone is like you, but not the way you
think. If you are talking about being gay, that doesn’t make you an outcast. Honestly, it shouldn’t even make you different; who you like or fall in love with is not a choice. So you’re gay, big deal. You are still my bratty little sister and I still care about you. One day you will find someone to love and they will love you in return. Now, I don’t ever want to hear another derogatory comment about yourself or your sexuality, do you understand me?”

  “Okay, calm down Sophia, I don’t want you to get all worked up again. I already know where that gets me.”

  We stay up most of the night talking and dealing with our issues. I realize that I’m so hard on her because I care, and she realizes that she isn’t actually in love with me, but at least she understands a little more about herself now. I think we can get past most of the tension between us. Neither of us will pretend that things are perfect, but we’re getting there.

  Chapter 24

  Caspian’s Punishment

  Returning to Club VC and offering myself is all I can do to try and save my family. After 30 years I finally have them back in my life, and I will not allow anything to hurt them the way I did when I killed Ashley. Saving Danika from initiation was only the beginning, but I expect to be punished for my actions. Walking in, I hold my head up high knowing that Cyrus and Drake have already been notified of my arrival, courtesy of the guard at the door.

  “Cas, we didn’t expect to see you back here,” Drake announces as I walk into the main club.

  “I came to plead for forgiveness for my actions last month.”

  “Please, refresh our memory, as there are so many initiates that defy us,” he says with utter sarcasm.

  “I beg for my king’s forgiveness for taking your queen initiate,” I say with a bow on one knee, being extremely formal with all my jesters. I must play this perfectly.

  “So you admit to stealing my future queen; how would you like to explain this deviant action against all of us?”

  “Cyrus, Drake please forgive me. Danika and I had become friends and nothing more. I felt protective of her and she pleaded with me to help her as she looked upon me. Her eyes were filled with pain and fear; I felt I was helping her. I haven’t seen her since that night. Since then I have searched in hopes to build her up and prepare her for her rightful place by your side, but to no avail.”

  “You will need to atone for your sins against us,” Cyrus insists with a strong gaze that I feel right through to my core.

  “Of course, your majesty.” I agree, but it’s making me ill inside giving these two respect I don’t feel they deserve.

  I sense others closing in on me. With a quick look over my shoulder I see the goons that work for Cyrus and Drake. They grab me from behind–I know fighting won’t help my case, so I willing go with the brutes. The smirks on the leader’s faces send chills down my spine and leave me wondering what they have in store for me.

  I’m lead to the back of the club, down the same hallway that Drake took Danika the night of initiation (or at least the entrance that I last saw her enter). There are several closed doors; the hallway is lit only by red lights. I’m led to the very last door at the end of the hall. Cyrus opens the door with a key that hangs around his neck on a gold chain and pushes me through the door. I stumble and fall down several stairs. The two goons and their leaders step down after me. One of the men picks me up and leads me to the back of the room. My extraordinary vision helps me to adjust to the dark. The room I am pushed into is what seems to be an empty concrete cell; I can smell the mold around me. The cool damp room gives me an uneasy feeling.

  “On your knees, son,” Cyrus demands, and the man holding me pushes me to the ground. Each one of the brutes grabs one of my arms, nearly ripping them from the sockets. I hear a rattling behind me. Cyrus stands in front of me while Drake moves behind me.

  “You dishonored us and now you must pay. You came here to ask forgiveness and to be allowed back into our clan, our family. Well, for the next thirty days you will prove your worthiness to us,” Cyrus nods.

  I feel Drake at my wrist; he shackles me with heavy chains. One wrist at a time, then the ankles; one final large chain gets wrapped around my waist, crossing in the front, over each shoulder and crossing again to wrap once more around my waist. I look over my shoulder to see Drake lock everything to the concrete wall. These chains are heavy, even for me. I’m sure it is to guarantee I can’t escape.

  “Now you may stand,” Cyrus instructs, and I see his hand lifting to guide me.

  Drake walks around to stand face to face with me. “The last time you were here you stole my queen from me, now it is my turn to take something in return.”

  “Yes master.”

  A smile breaks across Drakes face; I know something is coming but...all of a sudden I receive an upper cut right under the chin. My head flops back with such force I feel a vertebra snap and my entire body slumps as paralysis takes over; only the chains hold me inches from the ground. Drake continues to beat my limp body…blood pours momentarily from my mouth and nose along with the cuts from the beating, but my increased healing is helping to slow the blood and heal the cuts. I know it will take a few hours at least to repair the damage done to my spinal cord, allowing me no defense mechanism. Once pleased with the damage done and pain I am suffering Drake stops.

  “This is just the beginning, Cas…you will pay for taking Danika from me, from all of us. She would have been a great queen. Your punishment will happen at least twice a day for the next month, maybe even more if I feel the need. I will allow others who have offered their eternity to our cause to punish you as well, at my discretion of course. If I feel you need blood to survive you will receive it, but you will not be fed just to satisfy hunger. Do you understand the terms of your punishment?”

  I roll my eyes up and down as if nodding. Then blackness begins to take over as I lose consciousness from the injuries, pain and blood loss.

  Chapter 25


  It’s been nearly three weeks since Caspian returned to the Cerberus at Club VC and we have not heard a word from him. Constance insists he hasn’t been destroyed yet. Her visions aren’t giving her much information, but she has seen him come back around. I guess that’s good news. I only hope he’s doing okay and that they aren’t brain washing him or something…we just got him back, I can’t lose him again. Since none of us can return to the club and look for information, we are just going to have to wait until Caspian contacts us or comes home. .

  “Earth to Sophia… hey, are you okay?” Ebony nudges me.

  “Yeah sorry, just thinking.”

  “Well I just thought I would let you know that you’re up next for your Spanish oral presentation.”

  “Thanks. I guess I should pay a little attention.” I give her a half smile, which makes me think of Nathanial. I shake off the thought and try to concentrate on the class.

  The entire day drags on; I’m glad that school will be over soon. I guess I’m more of a teenager than I thought. When the day is over I meet with the rest of the gang, my family, Ebony, Matt and of course Nathanial…Ben joins us as well. Hanging around outside in the courtyard just chatting and minding our own business we notice that awful excuse for a girl Mel. Once again she is picking on some poor soul.

  Ben stands up from the bench he’s been sitting on. “I am so sick of this chick thinking she runs things around here. Someone needs to put a stop to her.”

  “Dude, didn’t you date her for a bit last year?” Nathanial chuckles.

  “Oh bite me; it was a moment of weakness,” he storms over and gives Mel a piece of his mind. She turns her attack on him.

  “I think she’s getting worse,” Ebony notes.

  “I didn’t think she could get any worse,” Nathanial jokes.

  We all watch as Mel and Ben go a few rounds back and forth. Ben turns and smiles at us then looks directly at Mel. “Have you ever noticed that the people that supposedly like you are only your friends because they’re scared of you? You are
n’t the queen bee of the school, you’re the queen bitch. I have one last suggestion for you; shut that filthy mouth of yours, mind your own business, and leave the rest of us alone.”

  Mel’s jaw drops–no one has ever had balls enough to confront her and call her out. Ebony was the closest one to ever stand up to her. Everyone remaining in the courtyard cheers and high fives Ben as he walks away leaving Mel standing there in shock. Ben’s grin reaches straight across his face as he returns to our group. He and Nathanial jump in the air and chest bump one another. “That was so cool, dude. What on earth possessed you to stand up to her?” Nathanial continues to congratulate Ben.

  “I just can’t handle all the negativity coming from her. She prides herself on tearing others down…she is evil spirited.”

  “Wow Ben, you have always been a nice guy, but I’ve never seen you so passionate about something before. What’s got you on this savior kick?” Matt questions.

  Ben chuckles, “I don’t know…just recently, I have this overwhelming urge to make things right. To help others.”

  “I can understand that feeling. I felt the same before...” Ebony stops herself before saying too much to Ben. “Ah, before when, she attacked me and my family,” she nervously tries to cover.

  After a while Ben takes off and goes home, and the rest of us decide to go to Ebony’s. She has agreed to help us find information on Caspian. We also want to look into what has given Ben this over whelming feeling of goodness. There’s gotta be an explanation for it… people don’t just become do-gooders–or do they?


  Back at the manor Eliza looks at the Book of Shadows to see if there’s anything that might explain why Ben’s niceness is exaggerated and why he has what we have nicknamed Robin Hood syndrome. In the meantime Ebony uses tarot cards to try to get some answers about Caspian. She lays out a black velvet cloth on the table and begins to shuffle the deck of cards.