Read Forbidden Embrace Page 7

  “Yeah. I can do that,” I agree to sneak in some time after midnight.

  Entering the house, I see the family is all there discussing something; it looks serious. I notice our new shape shifting friends from the Agawam descendants decided to join us too. When I take a better look I notice Cato, our contact from the Renata. I hope that Cato isn’t aware of Nathanial and me outside a moment ago. I glance at Alexander and he confirms we’re in the clear. With the presence of all the other supernatural beings I am glad Nathanial didn’t come in to say goodnight.

  “Cato, it’s nice to see you again, I wish it were under better circumstances,” I greet him.

  “As do I, Sophia,” Cato replies.

  “I assume there’s news; what’s happening?” I inquire.

  “Well, the Cerberus are closing in. Cato has tracked them to the top of the state; they should be here tomorrow night,” Isaac confirms.

  Cato agrees. “It is true the Cerberus are nearing. They have been Embracing and feeding, so they will be strong, but the newly Embraced are childlike, unable to control their powers, and will be used as pawns.”

  My heart leaps into my throat at the realization; in this fight we are about to face, we could lose someone. The thought is nearly paralyzing, but I try not to show my fear and remain focused.

  We continue to discuss the newest revelations as Elijah calls Ms. Edwina to notify her and the girls.

  “They are heading back over,” Elijah says, also trying to conceal his nervousness.

  Cato explains that he has a great power; he is able to render enemy powers useless. From what he tells us it is similar to Alexander’s power, and he can pick and choose who it is directed towards. However, he’s limited on how many powers he can disable at one time. I think this will be very helpful in combination with The Magnificent Ones and their potions and such. He agrees to stay and fight with us. He is pleased with the alliances we have been making and believes the leaders of the Renata will be pleased as well. This is turning out to be in our favor; I begin to relax. It seems like it will be an easy fight, but we still have no idea what the Cerberus will have up their sleeves and need to remain prepared. Someone from our group is bound to get injured.

  Elijah formally introduces Cato to the Williams and their pack. I can sense a slight tension, but everyone here is on common ground. I think once we all learn to trust one another, even just a little, the tension shall subside. Isaac and Constance are discussing getting human blood from some donors tonight, but don’t want to stray too far from town. I overhear them suggest some of the homeless down at the shelter. Cato still lives off human blood and does not have a day crystal, but he agrees to keep hunting to a minimum while he’s here. Isaac explains to Cato that he will go to the hospital tonight and begin to sneak out a little extra blood supply for Cato, as well as fresh donations that he and Constance will get. We have been trying to obtain fresh blood every other day since we began our training; this can increase our strength. Because Cato is so old–he has been a vampire for over a thousand years–he has learned to be a day walker, without the help of a day crystal. He needs to avoid direct sunlight and can only go out in extreme overcast, but nonetheless can go out during the day. We want to ensure he never gets thirsty while he is here.

  Once introductions are done and feeding plans established, everyone starts to settle in and begins to get to know one another. If we all know each other a little better it will make it easier to trust each other when we fight as a team. The shifter boys are extremely nice and Dakota really seems into Ebony. She very quickly begins to talk about Matt, and thanks Dakota for his flattery.

  The Agawam tribe explains about their history, which I find extremely interesting. Their ancestors are said to have been involved in the Tansy wars, back in the late 1600’s, when the Cerberus tried to take over the area. Every few hundred years they come up with a war to gain power and take down the Renata. The story explains that the Agawam tribe helped to rid the area of many Cerberus. It appears that we were allies even before we knew it and history is repeating itself. They are very well invested in this upcoming...fight–I really hope it does not turn into another war like Tansy. Vampire history proves the war of Tansy the closest the Cerberus got to receive enough power to achieve their goal. The Renata came to New England in full force and lost some of their main leaders, but in the end still prevailed.

  “Tamo, I must say, we’re all very grateful to have you and your pack working with us. We have become very attached to Wenham and will protect it at all costs,” Elijah admits.

  “This is our motherland, and it is nice to know there are others that want to keep it safe as much as we do,” Tamo replies.

  Elijah has always been very personable but there is something different here. I see a kinship building between these two men like never before. I may not be the only one building life long bonds in Wenham. I enjoy looking around our home and seeing so many friendly faces and not worrying about our secrets coming out, because they know everything and we know everything about them. I can’t help but wonder if this is where we are meant to stay forever, and happiness warms through me, like the sun feeding its energy into the Earth below.

  Starting to get anxious, I decide I can’t stand to wait any longer…I have to see Nathanial. I don’t want to be rude, as it is nice to make new friends and I want to mind my manners. I look at Alexander to inform him of my plan; he agrees that it is a good time as Cato is well involved in conversation with the shape shifters.

  “Thank you everyone, it has been so nice to meet and get to know all of you. I’m going to excuse myself for the evening. I need to be alone with my thoughts and prepare myself for what is to come,” I announce.

  Upstairs I take a shower, and make myself presentable and a little less disheveled. I promised Nathanial that I’d come by tonight–I have to keep my promise, since my siblings and I will be missing school tomorrow, and possibly the rest of the week. I need to make sure he knows what is happening and that he remains safe; I have to see him. We won’t allow him and Matt up at the meadow again until after the fight, and the same goes for Danika. We are assuming the Cerberus will be drawn to the clearing, because Eliza super charged magical energy around the area to draw them in.

  Stepping out of the shower, I dress and blow dry my hair, and quietly leave for Nathanial’s house. It’s not easy sneaking out of a house full of supernatural beings that have super hearing. I guess I can be grateful for being so light on my feet. I don’t know how to tell Nathanial that tomorrow is the day. I want him to stay as far away from the clearing as possible; I refuse to let him get hurt again. The Cerberus will already be blood thirsty with the mortals that are fighting with us…it will drive them mad, and that may be the hardest part of the fight. I can’t imagine how difficult it will be for him knowing that I’m in the fight and he can’t do a thing to protect me, or help us.

  Climbing through Nathanial’s open bedroom window, I make sure not to make any noise…I don’t want to wake his parents. I hate sneaking around like this; it makes it feel so wrong. Nathanial is sitting in bed, reading a book as he awaits my arrival. Once I get to his side he looks up and smiles, then reaches out his arms. I sit on the edge of the bed and prepare to tell him what happened after he left my house. With a slight pause I nervously begin, “After you left we got some news regarding the Cerberus. They are closing in on the area and may be here as soon as tomorrow night. I want you and Matt to stay close to each other as we planned. Danika will come over tomorrow; she will attend school like usual with you and Matt. After school she will come back here with you. Florence already cleared it with your mom.”

  “Needless to say I’m not happy about this, but I understand it needs to be done. I promise to stay away until it is clear, and not to go out at night.” I hear the reluctance come out and can tell he’s practiced his response.

  “I try to understand how this must make you feel, but my biggest concern is keeping you safe. I love you and have waited
too long for you. I refuse to lose you now.” I look deep into his eyes, trying to see and feel what he is thinking. “I shouldn’t stay long…I need to feed tonight, and it must be fresh to ensure my strength.”

  “So feed off of me,” he replies bluntly.

  “What are you nuts? What if I can’t stop?”

  “Sophia, you have been feeding on fresh blood since New Year’s…have you hurt anyone yet?”

  “No, but you’re different.”

  “Why, because you have a taste for my blood? Won’t my blood just make you that much stronger?” he argues, “Let this be my way of helping. I’m not worried that you have had my scent implanted since the night of my attack. Not to mention, I really wanna know what it’s like.”

  He sits up behind me, his legs on either side of me, holding me from behind with more passion than I could ever imagine. Gently he brushes my hair off to one side, and softly kisses the back of my neck. I feel tingles shoot though my entire body; I tilt my head back slightly, resting on him while my body weakens.

  “Nate, are your parents asleep?” I ask.

  “They went out for the night; when I got home there was a note on the table. They’re spending the night up at the mountain lodge,” he confirms while squeezing me tighter.

  We have never been completely alone in a house before, and I don’t know if I can fight it anymore. Nate continues to kiss my neck and reaches around me, lifting my shirt over my head. His hands caressing down my shoulders and back with such a loving touch, I melt further into him with every caress of his lips to my skin. He slowly stands up in front of me with nothing more than his boxer briefs on.

  “Nathanial,” I say with reluctance, as I stare at his beautiful body, perfectly rippled abs and broad shoulders. “I don’t know if I can resist you much longer.”

  He slowly guides me backwards on his bed, kissing my naval, and moving up until he reaches my pursed lips. I lift my head ever so slightly to reach his mouth; I can already taste the sweetness of his breath. I continue telling myself that I can do this; I can control my thirst for him. I press my entire body against his as our lips meet. He reaches for my legs one at a time wrapping them around his waist, and with me hanging around him, he repositions us on his bed, carefully placing my head on the pillow; he leans over and hits play on his stereo.

  “Sophia, you are the love of my life, and I am terrified to lose you. I don’t want to go through life not knowing what it is to make love to you,” he whispers softly in my ear.

  “I love you too. I want this more than anything, and I’m just scared. We need to be careful, and at any time if I hurt you, tell me,” I insist. “Sometimes I don’t know my own strength.”

  “Don’t worry, everything will be fine. I trust you,” he says as he kisses my neck again and moves down my chest.

  Is this really it? Are we going to make love for the first time? Every part of my body starts throbbing with passion, excitement, and fear. Nathanial’s kisses get more passionate with every touch; we have always shared something special, but this is different. Tonight I feel as if I can feel his every emotion; I feel his love and admiration for me and what I actually mean to him. Slowly lifting his head, Nathanial looks in to my eyes and with a gentle ease he runs his hands down my cheek. Moving his hand from my cheek down the side of my neck, he leans in for a kiss while unbuttoning my blouse and sliding the strap of my bra from my shoulder. Running my hands down his muscular bare back, resting them on the ridges of his hips and pulling him closer to me I feel a sense of security.

  It’s happening as if everything is moving in slow motion; this is the most amazing feeling I’ve ever had, to be so close to Nathanial, to be one with him. With my eyes closed I begin to enjoy the moment, the experience; and it is more amazing than I could have ever imagined.


  “I told you I’d be okay sweetie,” he kisses my ear. “It didn’t even hurt when you bit me.”

  “I’m so sorry…I couldn’t resist, and it was only my love for you that stopped me. Your blood is the most amazing I’ve ever tasted! Now we need to be careful that nothing happens to you, and under no circumstances can you be near any vampire blood, or the Embrace will begin.” I still don’t really understand what happened. I assume it was the act of becoming one with Nathanial, sharing his blood while we made love. The exhilaration from having sex with my one true love must have increased my natural instincts and my senses to his blood. I know I was thirsty and he offered, but still I shouldn’t have bitten him. I place my hand over his wound and completely heal the bite marks, as if nothing had even happened.

  “How long will the venom stay in my system?”

  “Only a few days, maybe a week at the most; it just needs to circulate and your liver and kidneys will help to clean it out.”

  “I knew you could stop…I told you I trusted you,” he says with a smile. “The connection between us that you drinking from me added, I just can’t believe how amazing it was. I felt like for that brief moment we were truly one.”

  “You did? I was just so scared, not knowing what to expect from it. I mean, I’ve bitten people before, but it was nothing like what we shared; I’ve never felt like this before. It must be the amazing connection and love we share for one another.” I lay my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. It’s so fast like it’s about to jump out of his chest, and I can smell every ounce of his blood pumping through each heart chamber. What amazes me most is that I’m okay with it… I’m not craving his blood. In this very moment I know I’ll never intentionally hurt him, because his love means so much more to me than his blood. I have finally found Heaven, and it’s in Nathanial’s arms. As we lay there in each other’s arms skin to skin, just holding each other for a while, I begin to daydream again of what could have been if I was only mortal. We start to talk a little about our hopes and dreams for the future. “I’m so blessed to have you. My biggest dream is that we could be together forever.”

  “I know I promised not to bring it up again, but we can be. The power of our future is in your hand,” he replies.

  Is my family right? Will I turn Nathanial? Because now more than ever I want to be with him forever, more than I ever thought I would.


  “Sweetie, don’t worry about it now. Just enjoy the moment we just shared.” He instantly calms me as he kisses my forehead.

  I’ll stay with him until he falls asleep; I can tell he is going to have a poor sleep. He’s tossing and turning and keeps repeating the word ‘NO’ and ‘I love you!’ I leave a note on his night stand explaining that I’ll call him as soon as I can and to keep his cell close at all times. Reviewing the plan in my head, I remember that Nathanial and Matt will wait together with Danika; this might also keep them from coming to the clearing...we hope. If one wants to come the others should be the voice of reason. Florence called the McCords earlier with an excuse about going away and asked if Danika could stay with them; of course they agreed. Naturally they wondered why Danika wasn’t joining us on our little vacation; Florence just explained that she had a few important exams and an oral presentation. She told the McCords that we had a death in the family and the trip couldn’t wait, but since Danika is newly ‘adopted’ she didn’t know the deceased very well, making it alright for her to be excused from the funeral. It really is the perfect story to cover our absence; although she is not one for lying Florence, does accept that it is for the best in some cases. She also added we will be helping with details and could be gone for a week or two. Mrs. McCord assures Florence that Danika would be well cared for and to take our time. I assume that is why they took off for the night; just for some alone time before having a bratty little girl in the house.


  Back at the house, everyone is still there, getting to know one another, with the exception of Cato and Tamo, who went to check the area together. It seems nice; we’ve not been around others of the supernatural kind in many years. Dakota is still talking to Ebony; she see
ms to like him too, but only in a friendly kind of way. She is completely in love with Matt and I really doubt that anything will ever change that. I decide to join the two of them. Ebony knows me all too well already and can tell something is up.

  “Sophia, do you wanna to talk about it?”

  “Not right now, it can wait,” I smile. “So how’s it going?” I ask, trying to ignore my concern for Nathanial.

  “Not bad; is Nate tucked in all safe and warm?” Ebony whispers.

  “Well he’s asleep, but I don’t think he’ll rest till it’s all over. He was tossing, turning and mumbling in his sleep when I left.”

  “I can’t believe that you both date regular mortals and they are okay with all of this,” Dakota interjects.

  “Well I wouldn’t say they are okay with all of it, but they’re very accepting of us,” I admit. “But we need to keep it on the DL…Cato can’t find out. It is against vampire laws to have mortals knowing about us.”

  He smiles and nods with understanding, “It’s kinda the same thing with us. Not really laws or anything, but we prefer to have others believe our ability is nothing more than a legend or myth.”

  We’re getting to know Dakota and the other boys quite well, and they’re all super nice. I can see some real friendships building here; we have a lot in common. I don’t ever want to have to leave this town. I can’t help but thinking that over and over in hopes that it can come true.

  It’s so nice to have friends that I can just be myself around without worrying about secrets and lies all the time. I have made some good friends over the years, but they never knew the truth about me and my family. I feel so different here, like I finally belong somewhere. This is the happiest I have ever felt and yet we are on the edge of real danger; danger that even after more than a century I’ve never experienced, until now. This scares me, not because I am scared of being hurt, or of the fight, but because I fear for those I care about. This town and these people help me to belong. I can’t ask for anything more than the safety of Wenham’s people.