Read Forbidden Love Page 1

  Poetry Jumble!


  Class 5C Fort Saskatchewan Elementary School

  * * * * *


  Poetry Jumble

  Copyright © 2012 by Fort Saskatchewan Elementary School

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  * * * * *

  Foreword: Poetry Jumble is the first work by a group of young poets.

  Written for their Grade 5 Language Arts class in 2011-2012, Poetry Jumble shows the promise of greater work to come from these young poets in the future.

  If you have any comments, words of encouragement or suggestions, they can be

  sent via to [email protected]. Appropriate emails will be forwarded to them.

  * * * * *

  ISBN: 9781476332888

  Title: Poetry Jumble!

  Author: Class 5C

  Our special thanks to

  Ms. M. Swagerman

  Ms. E. Neilson

  For helping students these and other students work to perfect the craft of writing.

  Grade 5 Poetry

  Class 5C 2011-2012

  Haiku Poems

  A Haiku is a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five.

  Bensen Rebekah

  My magical hat

  It has the ability

  To sing and dance weird

  Brown Ali

  The girl crazy and

  dumb Fun and stupid

  The fun

  Cooper Kendra    

  My magic pickles

  Kendra is super awesome

  to have pickle food

  Dewilde Tylen  

  Whales are big

  Strong as Hercules

  Eats a lot

  Dziwenko Hunter

  Best food sausages

  Always eating sausages

  Eat them or vanish

  Fedyniak Connor

  The wind  was crazy!

  It blustered and breezed all day!

  So much that snow blew around!

  Goodman Michaela

  As I plant a seed

  it grows to a nice small sprout

  now a flower nice and new

  (no name)

  If you do not live,

  Mother will give me your room,

  So please do not live.

  Murphy Michael

  snowy snow

  not much but some

  very snowy there

  Omoth Keeley

  There was a hive

  Then the bee took a dive

  Right to a female bee

  Perkins Logan

  Logan is a pro ninja

  He will find you and follow you around

  Logan will always find you.

  (no name)

  Kitty cat meow

  now say meowoo and pet me

  now say meowoo

  Poorman Malyna

  Bubbles is a cat

  sneaky and can find his rock

  Bubbles just found you

  Priebe Dameon

  If you do not leave

  mother will give me your room

  so please do not leave


  Reardon Logan

  Fluffy mob

  of army squirrels

  attack me

  Schram Emily

  A last we find great

  courage in brave soldiers

  that fight for freedom

  Silver Dawn

  The water ripples

  Down the fast flawing, cold stream

  down to the river

  Spears William

  Steve epically fails

  Steve is super awesome

  Steve is a ninja


  Stoyles Phoenix

  Blustery wind blows

  wintery wonderlands

  and other wonders

  Tremblay Jakob

  I love Christmas day

  Christmas is awesomely cool

  December is great

  Vrybloed Lauren  

  A very good friend,

  the black cat is named Cotton,

  10 babies she had.

  Whillier Madison

  meow woof meow

  the war of cats and dogs war war

  will war ever end

  Wiegers Chase

  Chase is really good at eating

  in the desert

  with good looking plates.

  Woods Onisty  

  Cats meow meow meow meow

  Frogs ribbit ribbit ribbit

  Dogs ruff ruff ruff ruff

  Cinquain Poems

  A Cinquain is a short poem consisting of five, usually unrhymed lines containing, respectively, two, four, six, eight, and two syllables.

  Bensen Rebekah

  My shoe

  It is white and

  Sparkly I can draw has

  An s

  A picture of it and it

  Brown Ali

  dogs love people woof

  cats love people meowing

  frogs love people

  Cooper Kendra


  Hello there mate

  Hello love how is you

  MY magic pickles tickles


  Dewilde Tylen


  Strong as steel

  Claws as sharp as nails

  King of the jungle


  Dziwenko Hunter


  To the outside,

  Breezy and blizzardy,

  Like it’s saying beware of outside

  It blew

  Fedyniak Connor

  Bad cat

  he destroyed the couch,

  he chews everything,

  he is a twister waiting to.

  Goodman Michaela


  is a new day

  let go of yesterday

  because you are proness today


  Materi Austin

  A man once put a man in a can

  A can in a fan

  a fan in a man

  the man also put snow

  in a doe

  Murphy Michael


  slip fall

  awwww said him

  aw he has a bobo


  Perkins Logan

  Cats cool

  Cats are very strange

  Cats are wacky fun crazy creatures

  Meowing annoying fur balls getting in your way

  Poorman Malyna

  A cat

  It is crazy

  Because its hurt or fat

  it meows all night untill down


  Priebe Dameon

  The man,

  He will need help,

  Lots and lots of good help,

  If not he will die very quickly,

  So help.

  Reardon Logan

  Fluffy army squirrels fluffy fluffy fluffy squirrel

  Robillard Alexia


  kitty cat meow

  kitty cat meowoo

  black cat goes meowoo and scratc


  Schram Emily



  a boat a float

  that followed a fall of great


  Silver Dawn


  How are you today?

  I’m super awesome!

  Oh, have a wonderful day!


  Spears William


  hello your highness

  how’s it going today eh

  avast me hartee

  Stoyles Phoenix


  dreaming of dogs

  dreaming of dogs and cats

  dreaming of dogs and cats with eyes

  dreaming of dogs and cats with eyes and noses

  Vrybloed Lauren

  Black cats,


  funny great best friend,

  my best friend in the universe,

  black cat.

  Whillier Madison

  They fall

  crumbling leafs fall

  wondering to get back

  in a sorrow pond of sadness

  and death


  Wiegers Chase

  Hungry and really thirsty for dessert and cookies people walking on the street now for food

  Woods Onisty

  The wind

  cold blustery

  warm soft drifts in your face

  soft smooth cold wind soft and smooth wild

  the wind


  A limerick is a kind of humorous verse of five lines, in which the first, second, and fifth lines rhyme with each other, and the third and fourth lines, which are shorter, form a rhymed couplet.

  Bensen Rebekah

  The three mice

  ate the rice

  The cat is fat

  and he ate a rat

  Then the mice gave me lice

  Brown Ali


  saw that he had some bling

  it was in his tummy

  he thought it was yummy

  he put on the ring

  Cooper Kendra

  I have a special duck

  who has great luck

  She would never had thought

  What I bought

  Which was a chicken who liked to cluck

  Dewilde Tylen

  There was  an old lady of Kent

  Whose nose was awfully bent

  She followed her nose

  One day I suppose

  Nobody nose which way she went


  Dziwenko Hunter

  He did not care for

  the color of his hair

  as long as he did not

  look like a bear

  eating a pair

  Fedyniak Connor

  There was something worse than a wagon!

  A terrible green dragon!

  It breathed fire,

  it’s skin like a live wire!

  Oh! This is worse than a wagon!

  Goodman Michaela   

  in her potion

  she put lots of lotion

  it could turn you into a toad

  because it has a load of dead mans toes

  and this new ingredient gloshion     

  Murphy Michael

  the tip of the pen.

  is given to the men.

  never the female.

  always the men.

  it could be given to Ben.

  Omoth Keeley

  Once I saw a bee

  Then I saw a tree

  and in that tree there was a hive

  Then the bee took a deadly dive

  right to a female bee.

  Perkins Logan

  I once ate some cheese

  It tasting like summer breeze

  I think it had mold

  maybe not, I don’t know

  It also tasted like peas

  Poorman Malyna

  A cat is fat

  he ate a rat

  an owl and a cat

  two owls and a rat

  the cat is fat

  Priebe Dameon

  A man was on a ladder

  And fell with a clatter,

  He fell on a hound,

  Who leapt with a pound,

  And the dog turned fatter.

  Reardon Logan

  A duck in the water,

  that’s flat as a hat,

  hit a duck and it flat.

  Robillard Alexia

  cat says meow

  cat says brow

  meow, meow, meow

  brow, brow, brow

  cat catch crow.

  Schram Emily

  I have a blob

  who's name is bob

  who likes to eat

  who has a lot of feet

  he is such a snob.

  Silver Dawn

  My Friend smells like pizza

  Nice to meetcha!

  LOOK snow!

  Wait before you go,


  Spears William

  Steve the funny  

  doesn’t have a bunny

  has a dog

  got no frog

  Steve the funny

  Stoyles Phoenix      

  Its ridiculous

  and dangerous

  it’s also delirious

  with fearless feelings


  Jakob Tremblay

  December is great but you can’t go in a pool

  December is cool but you can’t go in a pool

  it is super fun i jump and run you can sit and read on a stool

  Vrybloed Lauren  

  My cat had a friend,

  just around the bend,

  a very good friend he is,

  my cat is his,

  he lived round the bend.

  Whillier Madison

  There was a hen

  It was named Jen

  It began to cluck

  It gave me luck

  It’s owner’s name was Len

  Wiegers Chase

  Eww that soup tastes like potion

  because the witch put expired lotion

  guess what i turned into  bug lost in the rug

  then i found spilt potion and then turned into a human.

  Woods Onisty

  The monkeys play

  with all their clay

  what is fun

  all in the sun

  the monkeys play

  Skelonic Verse

  A Skeltonic Verse is written in any number of dipodic lines without a stanza break. It is also called a Tumbling verse.

  Bensen Rebekah

  So sadness

  So madness

  So happiness

  With jealousy

  With maidenly

  With womanly

  Brown Ali

  the old man is mad

  He is never glad

  So fat

  He is like a cat

  he lays on a mat

  He is jumbo

  like dumbo

  When he had a scooter he fell to the side

  he tried to lie when he got tied

  Cooper Kendra

  I have a big horn

  It likes to eat corn

  I had it since I was born

  With a dog

  And a log

  By a bog

  Fedyniak Connor

  Gators are mad!

  They are never glad!

  I can’t remember when they were not bad!




  Dewilde Tylen

  Doing work all day

  What pain we must pay

  Sisters won`t give use a braek

  So lonely

  So sad

  So alone

  Dziwenko Hunter

  With so
much badness,

  He could not stand all the madness,

  Not even a piece of gladness,

  So non-calmly,

  So lonely,

  So non-manly

  Michaela Goodman

  There was a cat who slept on a mat

  he would feast on a rat

  even though it was queer

  he had a feast on a deer

  now he went back to sleep on his mat

  Murphy Michael

  imagine no madness,

  no sadness,and only gladness;

  everyone looks the same,

  everyones name is lame,

  everyone could make rain into a frame.

  Omoth Keeley

  There once was a frog

  who tied me to a hog

  they sat on a frog

  under a log

  Perkins Logan

  Panthers yawning never stopping

  making no sound

  Prancing on the ground

  looking at what they found.

  Poorman Malyna   

  A bunny has happiness

  A bunny has craziness

  A bunny has sadness

  So bunnyly

  So crazily

  So happily


  Priebe Dameon  

  With gas at Esso,

  With saps at Walmart,

  With no pass to and,

  So don’t bloat,

  Don’t float,

  With no coat.

  Reardon Logan   

  With gladness as much

  mirth but madness so

  joyful so courage so happily

  Robillard Alexia

  coo coo bird

  moo moo mirth

  Schram Emily

  So lonely

  So sadly

  So fragile

  I fall