Read Forbidden Quest, 2nd Edition Page 4

Chapter Two

  Todd’s laughter echoed down the hall as Jack darted past Nicole. Jack glanced at Nicole and said to the others, “I hope everyone is taking this adventure seriously. There is an evil presence among us who will thwart our every attempt to be successful, if we don’t tow the line. Beware of the evil sorceress Nicole!”

  Nicole shoved Jack hard and said, “At least I’m dressed for the occasion. You look like you’re ready for gym practice in those faded, smelly jogging shorts.”

  “So I’m supposed to be dressed like you in a ballerina outfit?” Jack rolled his eyes.

  “Hey!” Todd interjected, “Sarah has on a leotard and tights, and I think she’s smokin’!”

  Sarah’s face beamed at the remark, and she threw Nicole a triumphant grin. This time Nicole rolled her eyes and said, “I wonder why Sarah isn’t returning the compliment on your baggy sweat suit Grandpa Todd?”

  Sarah’s smile vanished, and her eyes narrowed. She ignored Jack’s peal of laughter and said, “Not even a baggy sweat suit can hide all of Todd’s huge muscles.”

  The conversation abruptly stopped as they walked through the open doors to the ballroom. A rock climbing wall stood in the center of the room surrounded by a spherical jungle gym, a mountain of thick gym mats and various weight lifting equipment.

  Dr. Strong stood beside the tall pile of mats and motioned them near saying, “One of my previous clients compared this room to an obstacle course, and that is indeed what it will become. While you are under hypnosis, the wall of netting might become a series of vines or perhaps the side of a rock cliff. The weight machine will serve as a stimulus if you are required to lift or push a heavy object.

  That stair climber will act like a tree, the fortress wall or perhaps a rock incline you must scale. Each of these sections will enhance your experience by providing stimulus, as well as an exercise for your muscles. You will not be lying around for the next two days dreaming. You will work hard and come away from this adventure physically and emotionally energized.”

  Dr. Strong walked in front of their small group as Shala, dressed in a tight red jumpsuit, and silently demonstrated the use of each piece of equipment without breaking into a sweat.

  “There are six sections; each area has a specific purpose.” The doctor ushered them to a small area enclosed by tall oriental screens. “This is where our session will begin.

  "Dr. Strong, Sarah has a few questions about the inducement,” Todd said.

  The doctor turned to find Sarah’s large blue eyes peering at him from behind Todd’s immense form.

  “Of course my dear, I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have. Trust is essential between the hypnotist and his subjects. But if you could indulge me a while longer, I believe you will find all your questions answered.” He smiled at Sarah as if she was a small child, then turned toward Shala and nodded as he continued.

  “The session will begin shortly. First, I would ask you all to choose a cot and lay down. Shala, an accomplished flutist, will play a soft Celtic lullaby to relax you. The lights will dim, and a pastel light presentation will begin. While this is in progress, you will hear my voice softly and slowly drawing you into a deep hypnotic sleep.”

  “Dr. Strong, I’m sorry to interrupt again, but Sarah’s been researching hypnosis, trying to get a better understanding of what we are about to experience.” Todd nodded at Sarah encouraging her questions.

  Sarah sat on the edge of her small cot and said, “It is my understanding that each subject falls under hypnosis at a different pace, ranging from seconds to minutes.”

  “So,” Jack interjected. “Nicole and I could fall asleep right away, but you or Hopper could take half an hour to fall under the good doctor’s spell?” Jack turned his gaze from Sarah to Dr. Strong, pleased that someone in their group seemed to have a concept of what they were doing.

  “Normally that would be a correct assumption. Fortunately, I have developed a mild sedative so you can all to relax and enjoy a quick entry into hypnosis.” Dr. Strong gestured toward the entrance of the sleeping area where Homun stood quietly holding a tray of what appeared to be chocolate milkshakes. “Homun has mixed the sedative with a high protein vitamin supplement. It is quite delicious.” Dr. Strong motioned for Homun to come forward. “As a fellow member of the medical community Miss Sims, I assure you it is very mild and will wear off in less than 15 minutes.” The silent little man offered each of the adventurers a glass of the chocolate mixture. Nicole forced herself to swallow the thick liquid. The sweetness of the drink was overwhelming. She made a mental note to recommend an alternative formula when their adventure was over.

  “Remember this is a fantasy, nothing you experience will be real. However, you will take on the skills and knowledge of the character you are about to portray to further enjoy the illusion. But know this,” Dr. Strong’s brow furrowed as he continued, “although it is a game if you allow your character to be killed, your participation in the adventure will end.” Homun collected the last of the glasses.

  “So we only get one chance?” Jack balked, “Isn’t that kind of harsh?”

  Dr. Strong smiled, “It adds to the adventure. After all, in reality, you only have one life. There are no second chances. This knowledge will encourage you to choose wisely, instead of recklessly. You will resist the temptation to rush blindly into a situation you may not fully understand. Caution is critical. You must study your environment carefully. Take this adventure seriously, and it will exceed your expectations.”

  Sarah pulled the thick blanket up to her chin and asked, “If we feel uncomfortable with the experience, you will stop the proceedings?”

  The doctor waved it away saying, “If there is a serious problem, I will bring the person affected out of the trance. However, this is an adventure. You must prepare yourself for excitement and danger. There will be battles, creatures lurking in the night, and cunning enemies who will try to befriend you, attempting to dissuade you from your chosen path. Just remember, you are prepared. Stick together, and you will not fail. Each of you carries a particular ability that will see the others through to your goal. If one of you surrenders and leaves the game, the others will most likely fail.”

  “What is our goal?” Nicole asked, kicking off her shoes and lying down.

  “There is a beautiful elf queen imprisoned in the Cave of Sorrows. An evil elfin wizard cast a spell upon her and entombed her inside the crystalline walls of the cavern, deep in the bowels of the mountains. This wizard has an army of elves who will be searching for you. They are ruthless and cunning. It is entirely possible you will find them guarding the entrance to the cavern.” Dr. Strong’s voice shook with excitement as the Hall grew dark. “There is an ancient castle deep in the Valley of Tears, in the heart of the mountains. There you will find an amulet that will enable you to release the Queen. The talisman sprang to life with the aid of the ancient power of the mountains. Only a being who possesses the same type of magic can wield it. Once Sarah brings the talisman to life, it will shatter the Queen’s imprisonment. Nicole, you must strengthen the Queen with a healing spell. Jack and Hopper must protect you and Sarah from the evil elves as you will be vulnerable while working your magic. Find the village near the glen when you arrive. A small boy waits there, in the stables. He will send you on your way. It is crucial that you complete your quest. You cannot return until you do, so do not fail.”

  “How will we know which way to go?” Hopper asked, wiggling his dangling feet over the edge of the cot.

  “You will lead them, Todd, using your Elf senses. They will warn you of danger. The boy will supply you with a map, coins, and weapons.” Dr. Strong answered. “A word of caution; don’t be fooled by the lies of your enemies. Stay true to your quest, and you will triumph. Remember in the land of fantasy, things are never what they seem.”

  Shala began to play a series of soft rolling tones on an ancient looking flute. The darkness filled with swirls of pastel shades. The adventurer
s could hear the doctor’s voice softly in the background telling them to close their eyes and relax. Steadily, continuously, he pulled the tension of everyday life from their muscles. The music softened and grew faint. Dr. Strong’s words became jumbled and unclear. They felt themselves rising above their beds. The weightlessness was exhilarating. Jack extended his hands as if he was flying through the cold darkness.

  The air around them grew thick and humid.

  A sudden sensation of descent frightened Nicole. She tried to open her eyes but couldn’t. Without warning, a storm of freezing winds and icy rain assaulted them. Todd heard Sarah scream and attempted to reach for her, but the torrent froze his limbs to his side. He tried to cry out to her but was stopped by wave after wave of incredible pain. He felt his body twisting and stretching. Then there was only darkness.

  The warmth of the sun on his face woke Hopper. He jumped up from the grassy knoll where he lay and scanned the tall grass for Sarah. The trees encompassing the hillock stood tall as a protective barrier around them. Silvery green leaves sparkled delicately as the wind caressed them in the bright sunlight. Everywhere he looked, clumps of emerald green brush speckled with tiny pink and purple flowers surrounded him. Spinning to take in the opposite side of the glen, Hopper saw the still form of a woman lying in the grass several meters behind him. Moving toward her, Hopper staggered in the tall grass and fell awkwardly. As he stretched his hands out to catch his fall, massive, hairy hands with long black claws appeared before him. Hopper glanced down and found an equally enormous pair of hairy legs ending in a huge pair of feet, hidden inside dark, fur covered boots.

  “What happened?” Hopper gasped at the sound of his booming voice. It echoed through the clearing, unnaturally deep in tone. Reaching for his face, Hopper found his head had grown to five times its natural size. An enormous protruding nose hovered above a large, wide mouth filled with long jagged teeth.

  “Hopper?” Jack’s amused voice came from behind him. “I thought elves were little short guys in green tights.”

  “Jack?” Hopper’s deep voice bellowed as he swung around to face him.

  Nicole sat up in the grass a short distance behind Jack. The pair both wore leather body armor, consisting of short, thick, leather-like vests covered in dark metal links. Jack’s was dark brown, Nicole’s dark forest green. Jack wore a long pair of tight dark brown trousers and Nicole, a nearly nonexistent dark green skirt. Physically, Jack appeared much the same as before except his hair was considerably longer and his muscles more pronounced.

  Jack stared up as Hopper approached, shaking his head in disbelief. “Don’t tell me, you’ve had a fetish about monsters all your life, and it’s chosen now to surface? You must be at least 8 feet tall.”

  “Where’s Sarah?” Hopper growled.

  “And you’ve got Satan’s voice,” Jack teased. “Turn around. Dr. Strong goofed again. She doesn’t look like a fairy to me. “

  Turning back to the still form in the grass, Hopper gawked in amazement as Sarah rose from the grass. Long curling, crimson locks had replaced her short golden hair. The startled blue eyes that met his were indeed Sarah’s, but the tall, athletic form cloaked in a shimmering sapphire robe was not.

  “Sarah?” he asked.

  “Todd? What happened to you?” She rushed toward him.

  “The same thing that happened to you!” He stumbled back from her, feeling clumsy and awkward for the first time in his life.

  “Me?” Sarah stammered, not able pry her eyes away from the hulking monster before her.

  “Something must have gone wrong.” Nicole’s soft, sultry voice floated across the glen toward them. “Sarah, you’ve got my robes on.”

  They turned as one and froze in amazement at the pair of glowing emerald eyes staring back at them. Nicole practically floated across the grass toward them. Her short brown hair was now long shimmering tresses of such dark black; the sun reflected a satiny blue hue. Her tall, slender form had transformed into a petite hourglass figure nearly completely hidden by the thick layers of hair reaching past her knees.

  “Hopper, you look terrible.” Nicole’s grin was so sincere and carefree it caused Jack to step back a pace. He wondered what happened to the Ice Lady.

  “I think he’s an ogre,” Sarah managed, turning her attention back to Todd.

  “He’s a troll,” Nicole countered in her new soft voice. “Ogre’s don’t have claws that can slice a man in half.”

  “How do you know that?” Sarah asked.

  “I have no idea.” Nicole shrugged her shoulders and smiled in delight. “I guess it comes with the territory. Hopper’s a troll, you’re a wizard, and Jack’s a barbarian.”

  “And you’re an elf,” Jack said. “A scantily dressed one at that,” he added stepping forward and gently tugging on a lock of Nicole’s hair. “I’m the only one that turned out right.”

  The group stood and stared at each other for several seconds before Nicole started to giggle and said, “I always suspected becoming a Hockey star was going to give you a big head Hopper.”

  “And what did you have to do to get that shirt stuffed so full?” Hopper countered, motioning to Jack, who leaned forward and deftly undid the top button of her skimpy vest. Nicole’s hand flew to her chest as the lessened support nearly exploded the tiny vest. Instead of redoing the button, she merely smiled and shifted the vest into a more comfortable and revealing position, one that almost caused Jack to lose his footing.

  “Caution, Barbarian,” Nicole taunted. “You don’t want to give in to those urges just yet. Unless you are interested in discovering just how much stamina, you truly possess. Or is that what you sacrificed to become so robust?”

  “Not one woman has ever complained about my stamina.” Jack met her challenge with surprising gusto. “I’d be happy to demonstrate if you’d care to...” Sarah interrupted Jack with a quick slap on the back of the head.

  “Let’s not start anything we can’t finish.” She shook her head at them as if they were a pair of quarreling siblings.

  “Who said sex wasn’t allowed?” Jack bellowed. He lunged for Nicole, who let out a squeal of laughter as they hit the ground. Hopper and Sarah quickly joined them as the giant troll tackled his girlfriend, wrapping his massive body around her and rolling in the grass. Soon the adventurers were laughing and pointing out each other’s most ridiculous feature. Then each, in turn, stretched out on the tall grass, gasping for air.

  Each, except Nicole; Nicole could not stop laughing. Slowly her laughter increased, escalating into hysterical howls, then screams of laughter. She gasped for air, as tears streamed down her face. Jack stared frozen by shock when her laughter turned into sobs of anguish then screams of horror.

  “What’s going on?” Hopper’s booming voice called out as they backed away from her wild thrashing. Nicole’s still glowing green eyes grew wild with fear.

  “I think she’s having a seizure,” Jack said. Cautiously he reached out to her. “Nicole, it’s all right. As soon as Strong realizes he messed up and put us into the wrong characters, he’ll set it straight.”

  Shoving him away, Nicole ran down the grassy slope to the center of the glen screaming with rage. She could not stop; it was as if Nicole was watching herself from afar, unable to react, unable to control what was happening. It was as if all the rage and frustration Nicole had felt all her life was rushing to the surface and flowing out of her. She fell on the grass, kicking and screeching in horror, feeling as if every fiber of her intellect was fighting desperately to survive.

  “How do we stop this?” Hopper asked running after Jack and Sarah as they rushed to Nicole’s side.

  “I don’t know! I’ve never seen her like this,” Jack shouted over Nicole’s screams, looking to Sarah for advice.

  “Dr. Strong!” Sarah screamed toward the sky. “Stop the session!”

  There was no reply, no change in their surroundings, only the sound of Nicole’s terror. Jack knelt in the grass beside
Nicole and grabbed her firmly by the shoulders. “Nicole, stop it! You’re going to hurt yourself!”

  Nicole shoved him from her, rose, and screamed in horror as the emerald glow from her eyes spread outward and enveloped her completely. All at once, she stopped struggling. She turned to stare at Jack for one brief moment before collapsing, unconscious onto the grass.

  “I think she’s had a nervous breakdown,” Hopper muttered as the three of them stood staring down at their petite elf warrior.

  “Why didn’t Dr. Strong bring her out of it?” Sarah asked kneeling to check Nicole’s vitals. “He said he would bring us back if anything went wrong. She’s still breathing, but her heart is racing.”

  “Maybe this is an expected reaction,” Jack offered. “Some people react poorly to drugs. Maybe the sedative didn’t sit right and gave her a bad trip.”

  “Or maybe she just reacts badly to hypnotism, and Dr. Strong had to let her ride out the storm,” Hopper added.

  “That’s absurd, Dr. Strong’s a professional. He said it was mild, and none of us is hallucinating.”

  “We’re only trying to help,” Hopper said. He reached out to touch Sarah’s hand, but quickly pulled back remembering his sharp claws.

  “I’m sorry; I guess we’re all a little upset.” Sarah smiled up at them as she grasped Hopper’s clawed hand and squeezed it gently.

  “Okay then, let’s get her out of the sun,” Jack said. He scooped up Nicole with surprising ease and carried her into the shadows at the edge of the clearing. Lowering her gently onto the flower-speckled grass, he then turned to Hopper, “See if you can find a village or cottage nearby. She could use some water or whiskey. I’m not sure which.”

  Hopper gave him thumbs up and trotted off into the woods. Nicole stirred and opened her eyes just as he disappeared into the trees. The dark glow had vanished leaving her with eyes the same deep emerald color of the grass and brush surrounding them.

  “Nicole?” Jack whispered leaning forward.

  “What happened?” Nicole sat up and rubbed at the ache in her temples.

  “You were hysterical,” Jack said, “Then you passed out. Are you all right?”

  “A little tired, but otherwise I’m good.” Nicole felt as if the weight of the world had somehow lifted itself from her shoulders. Her carefree smile returned as she gazed at their concerned faces. “Where’s Hoppy Monster?” she asked.

  “Todd went to find you something to drink.” Sarah frowned at Nicole, “Are you sure you’re all right? You are acting strangely. Do you feel lightheaded, dizzy, or confused?’’

  “I'm all right, Sarah. Wow! Look at you! You are gorgeous. Dr. Strong must have taken a shine to you. He turned you into a scarlet-haired temptress.” Nicole winked at the bewildered Sarah then rose onto her knees and reached out to squeeze Jack’s muscular upper arm. “The barbarian motif suits you, but the name Jack doesn’t fit anymore.”

  “I’m keeping it,” he said, relieved she was all right. “Aren’t you the least bit angry about being turned into a pointy-eared elf instead of a powerful sorceress?” Jack asked, gently brushing her blue-black hair behind an ear.

  “Are they pointed?” Nicole asked. Touching her ears, she squealed with delight. “This is incredible! I can hear the birds wrestling the trees on the far side of the meadow. She looked down at her vest and bursting into giggles. She grabbed her breasts with both hands, “I never dreamed that I’d have such a large set of...” She paused, listening. “Hopper’s coming back.”

  Turing, the trio looked up a small rise to find Hopper’s hulking form trotting toward them. “Nicole, you’re awake and smiling.” His deep voice caused Nicole to giggle. Taking his offered hand, she jumped up and hugged him.

  “Hey, where’s your club?” she asked, suddenly turning serious.

  “My what?”

  “Trolls carry clubs, their choice of weapons,” Nicole explained glancing around for a suitable piece of wood.

  “Cut it out, Nicole,” Sarah said. “This is all wrong. What’s going on here? What’s the matter with you? Where is the old Nicole, the bitch we’ve all grown to tolerate?” Jack could not help but grin at that remark as Sarah continued. “The old Nicole would have given Jack a black eye for even thinking of diving on top of her and rolling around in the grass. Instead, you laughed yourself into a coma that we’re just supposed to forget about because you smile and say you’re all right!”

  “There is nothing wrong with me Sarah” Nicole snapped.

  “All right then, what about Todd? He was supposed to be an elf warrior, and he’s a monster.” Sarah glanced at Todd. Her eyebrows furrowed in a sympathetic frown for a brief moment before continuing. “Nicole, you’re a lawyer. Do something! Threaten to sue Dr. Strong if he does not deliver what he promised. This is not the adventure we paid for. If he cannot control it, I say we call the whole thing off.” Sarah’s hands went to her hips, and her lower lip trembled as the continued. “This is all your fault. We trusted you; you said you checked him out. You said he was entirely capable of delivering the type of adventure he advertised.”

  “Maybe he has,” Nicole gasped suddenly enlightened by her new characters cheerful demeanor. “Maybe this is his way of telling us to lighten up. Maybe he went over our profiles last night and decided to make a few changes. After all, Jack’s personality is completely different from Tom’s. Tom is a solemn concentrated individual. Jack is a light-hearted free spirit. Maybe he just shuffled us around a bit to make it more enjoyable and to teach us a few things about ourselves.”

  “Oh, so now you’re telling me this has turned into some self-growth session?”

  Nicole locked eyes with her. “Look at you, Sarah. You’re more confident, in complete control, a little defiant and you’ve said more in the last two minutes than I’ve heard you say in the last two years. The silent wallflower has died.”

  “And you’ve had a mental collapse,” Sarah retorted. She was not about to admit to the changes Nicole described, even if they were true.

  “The only thing wrong with your theory Nicole is that Jack didn’t change.” Hopper stepped in between the women trying to turn the conversation.

  Jack took a step toward them, “Look, we’ve only got so much time here. Let’s stop the analysis and make the most of it.” He turned to Hopper, “Hopper, what did you find?”

  “There’s a small village through the woods about a mile from here. It’s got a stable and an Inn, not much more.” The other three had to work hard to focus while Hopper talked. He had a vicious set of fangs that were too fascinating to ignore.

  “How’d you find it so fast?” Jack asked. Glancing over at Nicole, he discovered her eyes were tracing the outline of his leather vest and pants. He suddenly found himself sucking in his gut and tossing back his shoulders as her eyes felt like they were peeling away his clothing.

  “I started jogging. These long legs can cover a mile in record time, and I didn’t even break a sweat. Maybe this troll persona won’t be so bad?” Hopper turned to Sarah, “How about a kiss?” She screamed and darted to out of his reach.

  "Okay you two love birds let’s get moving,” Jack said, heading to follow Nicole, who was already heading up the rise.