Read Forbidden, The Bittersweet Vampire Chronicles, Book 1 Page 10

  Chapter 9

  Lord Fraser?

  Ariel’s eyes widened in reaction to his announcement and she silently gaped at him in open dismay. Then, before she could talk herself out of panicking, she instinctively bolted, blindly turning to run towards the thick line of bushes where she could just make out small fissures of white fur, assuming that that was her horse. It was confirmed when its white tail swished up and slapped back down.

  She’d been lucky that the warrior’s hands had been on her face or she wouldn’t have been able to get away.

  “Elizabeth!” the Fraser clipped impatiently, stifling a curse as she darted out of his grasp. Once more, he caught up with her in only a few strides. But somehow, right as he was grabbing her around the waist, she tripped over an uncovered tree root causing him to fall right along with her. He braced himself to pad her fall and even wrapped a stabilizing hand around the side of her face to keep her injured head from hitting against his chest instead of using it to halt his own rough landing. Once they stopped skidding across the grass and crunching leaves, he neatly rolled over, pinning her beneath him.

  Even though she had fallen on top of the Fraser, Ariel still got the wind knocked out of her. He wasn’t exactly the softest thing to land on.

  As she tried to catch her breath, she stared up at the huge barbarian, her eyes chaotic. He was completely pinning her body down to the soft forest floor, those flaming eyes intensely watching her almost as if he was afraid she’d escape him. Yet her body’s supernatural protective abilities were lying dormant right now. That alone told her that she could trust this young Fraser. If he was truly the notorious vampire Lord, her protective instincts would surely be rioting for her to get far, far away from him.

  Then it hit her.

  He was jesting!

  This exasperating Fraser knew that she didn’t like his warlord, so he was pretending to be that monster in order to get back at her for calling him a boy. Surely such a horrifying man as Lord Fraser wouldn’t have looked so young, nor would he have quietly listened while she’d said such dreadful things about him. The real Fraser warlord would have run her thru, or sliced her down, or strung her up by her fingernails! Something ominous like that.

  “I don’t believe you,” she admonished with a wry grin, her spirits soaring with relief. “You are jesting with me!” Biting her lip to ward off a smile, Ariel impudently lifted her hands and ran her fingers over the top of his head, thoroughly feeling his scalp. She was surprised that his thick hair felt so soft.

  “What exactly are you doing?” he inquired in bewilderment, his fascinated gaze fixed on the amused glint in her eyes.

  “I’m checking for horns,” she answered seriously. “Nope! No horns,” she announced, after methodically rumpling his hair. Moving her hands from his hair to his face, she put a thumb and forefinger on both sides of his mouth. “Let me see your teeth,” she ordered, baring her own in example. When he complied, she inspected his straight white teeth. “Nope! No permanently distended sharp vampire fangs dripping blood, either. You are a fraud!” she proclaimed, smiling warmly into his surprised golden eyes. Gently, she chided, “You almost had me there. I almost believed you.”

  Slowly shaking his head, he let out a low, rumbling chuckle. “You are the most unpredictable brat. Two-hundred-year-old vampires don’t go around with their fangs showing, Elizabeth.” Contemplating her with a lazy grin, he asked, “How old are you?”

  “How old would you guess?” she asked impishly, still glowing because this handsome warrior thought her humorous even if he was a stinky ol’ Fraser. She didn’t seem to mind or care that they were sprawled out in the lush, tree covered clearing. Or that he was still lying above her on the grass.

  “Hmm…you look old enough,” he mused quietly.

  “Old enough?” she repeated naively. “I am almost ten and six,” she murmured, unconsciously blushing, a little embarrassed because most girls her age were already married with at least one child by now. “But I can work in the field just as productively as any man,” she quickly re-assured him. “Probably better since my fingers are smaller and more nimble.”

  He shook his head. “I meant that you looked old enough to bear children,” he answered directly. Then he specified, “My children.”

  Even though she was completely stunned by his words, Ariel quickly shook her head. “Nay, I will not bear bastards. I intend to marry and then have children, in that order.”

  “Fine. You will marry me and then have my children,” he stated firmly.

  It was not a question.

  A sad smile flitted over her pretty features, her eyes filling with a pained vulnerability. “Oh, well…you don’t want me,” she admitted in a small whisper, not meeting his eyes. “I was born out of wedlock. I-I’m illegitimate.”

  He raised a dark eyebrow. “And…?” he demanded, waiting for her to elaborate.

  “My parents were never married.”

  “I know what illegitimate means, Elizabeth.” Then, somehow understanding her insecurities, he gently elaborated, “I’m just waiting for you to tell me why that should matter. Am I supposed to judge you off of your parents’ actions? Am I supposed to eliminate you as a wife choice because of mistakes they made? You are the one I want and that is final.”

  Her eyes sparkling with genuine fondness now, Ariel grudgingly smiled and then bit her lower lip. “Well…maybe I like you a little bit more now because of your thoughtful words,” she admitted lightheartedly, holding up her thumb and forefinger to show a tiny amount of space between them. “And maybe I will remember to include your soul in my nightly prayers every once in a while. But that does not change the fact that I cannot marry a Fraser,” she confessed honestly, clearly appalled by such talk.

  “Really?” he said with deceptive calm, gently stroking his thumb along the side of her neck. “You do realize that when you’re given sanctuary here you will be living with Frasers all around you, correct? Who did you think to eventually marry, if not a Fraser clansman?”

  “Well, I hadn’t really thought that far,” she admitted but then gasped when an idea popped into her head. “I know! If I meet one of your visitors that I like, I can marry him! Someone that’s tall and looks as strong as you,” she murmured approvingly, laying her hand on his upper arm, which was braced on the soft grass near her face. It was bulging with muscle. “But I would need someone who is nicer,” she emphasized, still not a bit concerned or bothered by the fact that a vampire--whom she’d just met--basically had her trapped, as he leaned over her prone form in the grass. She felt surprisingly comfortable with this new warrior.

  The Fraser scowled down at her. “I’m nice!” he growled.

  “I said,” she began, and then poked him in the chest twice as she sounded out, “ni-cer!”

  His scowl deepened. “Nicer doesn’t keep you safe.”

  “I don’t care!”

  He met her mulish expression with one of his own. “As I already said, you will marry me.”

  She gasped in outrage at his heavy-handed manner. “No!” she blurted. “Fraser’s are--are too violent! They’re always fighting!” Inspired, she threw in, “And I don’t want my husband dying and leaving me with ten kids to take care of all by myself!”

  “Ten?” the warrior chuckled, apparently relieved to have gotten to the bottom of her fears. “We are a fierce lot,” he agreed proudly. “But you will always be well protected even if something were to happen to me, which it will not.”

  Ariel stared up at the fierce-looking warrior in disbelief. His clear, intelligent gaze was wise, as if he really had lived longer than the age he appeared. Maybe he could be reasoned with.

  “Surely there is someone else you could marry! Someone you’ve known for a longer time period,” she suggested lightly, a little nervous by the determined set of his jaw, combined with the helpless position she was currently in. How was she ever going to get away from this aggressive, overbearing male? Ariel had known before she came here t
hat there was a chance she might not make it home, but never in her wildest imagination had she expected a forced marriage to be the reason. Thieves accosting her in the forest…even getting lost…but never this!

  “There is no one else I would consider for the position of wife. Plus, I already have you in my clutches, so I suppose you will do well enough,” he teased matter-of-factly, lightly brushing his fingers through the bouncy hair by her ear.

  Ariel just stared up at him, unable to take it all in. Her own clansmen were all very friendly and affectionate with her, but never enamored enough to court her. Then, the first person she meets while off of her family’s land demands that she marry him?

  How terrifying…and exciting!

  Although loyalty prevented her from admitting it aloud, Ariel was having a very pleasant time flirting with this vampire. Sighing, she attempted to reason with him again. “You don’t really know me,” she gently reminded him. “I’m sure at one point the other women whom you’ve favored were quite interesting, as well, and now you have grown bored with them. The exact same thing will happen once you get to know me. So, you see, there’s no point.”

  “I have waited over 200 years to ask a woman to marry me,” he stated truthfully.

  Ariel’s eyes lit with secret relief. Although few details were known about the three vampire brothers, Ariel knew that the true Lord Fraser had been married before. She didn’t point the error out to this warrior but he had just contradicted himself, proving that he truly wasn’t Lord Fraser.

  “Why so long?” she whispered.

  He shrugged nonchalantly. “To be honest, I’ve never met anyone that I thought would make a good partner. Nobody outside my clan has ever heard my age and the fact that I’m a vampire and not instantly been afraid of me…until today. You, Elizabeth MacEwan, instantly accepted me for who I am.” His voice seemed to rumble with approval. “And, even though you were furious when I insinuated that you were more than just a girl, you finally admitted that maybe you were a little different, as well, in an attempt to make me feel better.” His eyes warmed at the memory. “Earlier, after your hood fell off and I was crouched beside you, I instinctively knew that you were that female--the only one for me--and I was terrified that I might have irreparably injured you by my own hand.” The warrior took a deep breath, as if he needed to ease the tightness in his chest from the remembered fear.

  Violet eyes wide, Ariel just stared up at him as she repeatedly reminded herself that he was a Fraser and she should not be flattered…at all.

  “Well, for your first attempt at a marriage proposal, that was fairly good,” she teasingly whispered, suddenly feeling all warm on the inside. “And now that you have gained practice, you will be even more persuasive and charming the next time you ask someone.”

  Dark brows lowering, he gave her a dire look, causing a small snort to escape her. Then an impish smile spread across Ariel’s lips.

  Patting his arm in a conciliatory way, she realized that her hands had been on him the whole time without her thinking twice about it. Ariel would have to stop touching him…right after she put in one more dig. “But maybe you should bring knives--your own knives--just in case the next girl you ask is resistant to your offer.”

  “Or maybe I can just use one of the fine blades you have generously gifted me with today,” he niggled, and then smirked approvingly at the narrowed glower that suggestion produced.

  Moving his arm, he reached back and pulled a knife from a sheath on his belt. “Or what of this blade? Will it work for when I’m trying to coerce that special female into marrying me?”

  Ariel gasped when she saw the bejeweled dagger he now held out in one wide palm. Reverently taking it from him, she came up on one elbow, starring at the blade’s unique carvings. “Oh,’s beautiful!” she whispered, completely in awe of the costly, well-made dagger.

  A boyish grin spread across the vampire’s handsome face at her delighted reaction. “I am pleased with your appreciation of my toy. This blade is a matched set.”

  She gasped again. “Truly?”

  “Yes, the only difference is that this one is missing a ruby.” He pointed low on the handle where a square-shaped spot was empty.

  “Eww...I like that a stone is missing,” she defended. “It affords this one more character and mystery.”

  “People have been searching for that ruby since before I was born. It was predicted that the person who found it would marry me.”

  Her expression brightened with curiosity. “Who predicted such a thing?”

  “A witch.”

  Ariel’s eyes filled with twinkling mischief. “I hope I find it!”

  One dark brow lifted in surprise and then his eyes immediately narrowed with suspicion as he ominously growled, “Why?”

  With a delicious giggle at his withering expression, she plotted, “If I was the one to find it, I could hide in the barn and when the stable lad came in, I would flick it out in his path to find.”

  He made a serious effort to look annoyed but then he laughed down at her. “You are just not right in the head!”

  “Part of that might be your fault for hitting me so hard!”

  “That could be true.” He sounded so disgruntled that amused satisfaction made her lips twitch again.

  “I still can’t believe there are two of these. So the other one isn’t missing any jewels?”

  “No, this one was my mother’s. My father’s is still perfect. After the ruby came up missing, he enjoyed teasing her about not taking care of her possessions. My father loved that he could hang that over his wife’s head whenever he wanted.” He smiled unconsciously, obviously warmed by the memory. “My parents wore the daggers as adornments whenever we entertained guests at the castle.”

  That made her smile. “How striking they must have looked!” She carefully handed the dagger back to him.

  He re-sheathed it and then returned her smile. “Yes, they were both handsome people.”

  Distracted, she accidently admitted, “I was thinking they must have been very good looking.” Ariel stiffened when she realized what had just come out of her mouth.

  Golden eyes twinkling with humor, the Fraser raised one dark, inquisitive eyebrow and smirked at her obvious discomfort. Not letting the opportunity pass, he teased, “Really? And why would you think such a thing?”

  Though her cheeks heated with embarrassment, Ariel did not miss a beat, quickly recovering from her blunder. “Well, I’ve heard that handsome couples usually have the most hideous looking children,” she sniffed disdainfully.

  He scowled down at her and Ariel bit her lip to keep from laughing.

  “And those offspring are known for being mean!” With two pointy finger jabs to his chest, she elaborated, “Not nice!”

  His eyes were narrowed against laughter so his look grew even more ominous.

  She shrugged with one shoulder. “I’m just telling you what I’ve heard,” she defended herself. “In your case, it all seemed to match up,” she managed to say with a relatively straight face.

  “Weeeeell…” he began in a quiet, threatening tone, “I’ve heard that women who are ticklish are actually witches and should be burned at the stake.”

  It was Ariel’s turn to scowl. “I’m not ticklish!” she huffed, her lie becoming clear as she ever-so-slowly pressed her elbows into her ribs.

  His fingers began to move up her sides. “Hmm…maybe I should check you. Do not want a witch inside the Fraser stronghold.”

  A smug, devilish smile appeared on his handsome face when she immediately jerked, trying to roll to her side to escape him but his immense strength wouldn’t allow her to budge, his lightest touch already making her start to laugh.

  “No!” she squealed. Her laughter continued as his fingers gently moved back down her sides, ratcheting up a notch when he grasped her stomach, digging his fingers in. His smile broadened when her laughter burst out full force and she squirmed uncontrollably beneath him, sweet, melodi
ous laughter echoing throughout the forest, causing leaves to rustle as small creatures skittered away or took flight. He finally stopped and she caught her breath.

  “I hate you!” she gasped again. “You’re mean!” she accused tiredly.

  He chuckled down at her, not looking the least bit contrite.

  “And I’m probably getting all dirty. We should probably get up now,” she suggested, putting her hands against his hard, muscled chest and lightly pushing to emphasize her point.

  “No,” he grumbled with almost childlike stubbornness, as if she was trying to end his fun too early.

  “I need to get a head start before you begin collecting tiny sticks for that witch-burning fire.”

  He didn’t budge, just stared down at her for a long moment before softly assuring her, “I would never harm you, Elizabeth.” His voice was oddly protective.

  Blinking in surprise, Ariel returned his level gaze. “Thank you,” she whispered with a soft, pleased smile. She felt a little guilty at the thought of her deception but firmly pushed it away. She was doing what she had to in order to ensure her clans future safety. And she had to be friendly to pull her plan off. That was all.

  In the next instant the Fraser warrior gently caught her hands, which were still pressing against his chest. Gently but firmly manacling her wrists, he gave her an almost, predatory smile as he slowly lifted them above her head. Then his lips descended down, closer to her mouth, his dark hair falling forward on one side. “I don’t think you should get up yet,” his deep voice was whisper-soft, almost coaxing.

  “Why?” she whispered, her beautiful eyes widening at his display of brute strength and the glimmer of raw virility in his bold gaze. Her eyes lowered to his mouth. It was a good mouth. Full bottom lip. She let out a sigh. A very good mouth.

  Leaning even closer he gently brushed the side of her mouth with his.

  Ariel gasped, cringing away from his touch. “I don’t think we should do that,” she whispered nervously, staring into those mesmerizing golden eyes where an unmistakable hunger burned.

  One dark eyebrow lifted. “Really?”

  “Yes, really,” she whispered firmly.

  “Why shouldn’t we?”

  “Well… I’m sure you’ve spent lots of time kissing other girls and I’d probably be a disappointment b-because I don’t think I’m very good at it,” she stammered uncertainly.

  “Not very good at…kissing?” he drawled.

  She blushed and looked away dejectedly. “I’ve only ever kissed one person…and I don’t know that it went so well.”

  At their isolated picnic spot in the forest, she and Bran had often times eaten and then ended up kissing for long periods of time until bran’s breathing would grow labored and his tight hold on her would leave bruises the next day. Brandos had kissed her like he wanted her more than his next breath but--after all was said and done--he had easily rejected her and never looked back. Obviously, she was lacking in many areas.

  “A little more practice will be good for you, then. I promise.”

  She gave him a doubtful look.

  “Surely my little mouse is not a coward,” he taunted.

  Seeing the challenging glint in his beautiful eyes, Ariel took a deep breath and pushed aside her fear of rejection. Taking matters into her own hands, she lifted her head, pressing her lips to his for several heartbeats before pulling back. Although she would never admit it, Ariel’s heart felt like it would break a rib and thump-thump right out of her chest. Good grief! She had just kissed a loathsome Fraser and his lips had actually felt quite…pleasant.

  The dark warrior looked wryly amused. “That will not earn you safe passage to the Fraser stronghold.”

  Realizing that he wasn’t going to get off of her until he was satisfied with their kiss, she audibly sighed. “So I must work and toil to gain safe passage to your little home?” she mocked.

  He gave her a wicked, heart-stopping grin. “Mm-hmm…on your back.”

  That outrageous statement startled a laugh from Ariel and had her cheeks flaming brighter. “What total drudgery,” she insulted.

  His golden eyes lit with warm promise. “You will not think so.” His mouth seemed to move closer to hers.

  Feeling slightly braver and secretly wanting to feel his lips against hers again, Ariel looked into his fiery gaze as he bent his head, taking her mouth in a long, lingering kiss. Ariel made a breathy sound of approval. Releasing her wrists, his big hands pushed into her silken hair, rubbing the silken strands through his fingers.

  When his tongue delved into the sweetness of her mouth, she was lost in the heady sensation as her own tongue shyly tangled with his. When he growled approvingly, she grew bolder and ran her hands into his clean, soft hair, grasping the dark strands.

  She heard the warrior groan, his hold on her tightening to a crushing degree as he shifted his body above hers, allowing more of his weight to press down on her. Ariel loved the feel of this huge warrior above her, his hard chest pressing into her softer strength. She whimpered, thoroughly enjoying the amazing sensations as he continued to angle his mouth over hers in deep, searching kisses that left her breathless but still yearning for more. Nothing compared to this. All thoughts that this was one of her sworn enemies were fading further away with every heartbeat.

  Suddenly, he tensed above her and swore softly. Before she could even open her eyes, he’d pulled them both up and onto their feet. It happened so fast that Ariel gasped at the unnatural quickness of his actions.

  “Horses are approaching. We must prepare to leave now,” he murmured. Then his strong arms wrapped around her shoulders and lower back, holding her as he looked down into her pretty face, his eyes fixing on her red, slightly swollen lips.

  Her breathing was not exactly steady as she automatically told him, “We cannot do that again.”

  His formidable brows lowered in momentary confusion and his arms seemed to tighten as he demanded, “Why not?”

  Cheeks burning, Ariel laid her forehead against his chest and gave a small wary laugh as she admitted quietly, “Because I liked it far too much.”

  Lowering his head to hers, he gave a low, husky chuckle as he nuzzled her cheek with his own, nudging her face up until their lips met once more for another intense kiss, his lips devouring hers in a tumultuous storm of desire.

  When he broke it off again, Ariel stood there in his arms with her eyes still closed. “We can’t do that again,” she repeated with a tiny smile on her lips.

  Once more, his mouth defiantly lowered for a quick peck.

  Her lips smirking even wider now, she peeked one eye open and whispered, “Never, ever again.”

  He grinned and kissed the tip of her nose, then her forehead. “Tell me that later tonight.”

  “No,” she instantly gasped just to be difficult.

  “Good,” he answered quite smugly.

  Realizing that she’d just been tricked by her own stubborn nature, Ariel’s eyes narrowed on him as she grumbled under her breath, “I don’t like you very much.”

  Laughing outright, he smoothed his hands down her sides, squeezing her waist as he huskily teased, “I could tell.”

  She gave him a venomous glare that only seemed to further amuse the hateful Fraser.

  Repeating his words from earlier, he told her, “Horses are approaching. We need to prepare to leave.” With one last possessive squeeze of his arms, he added, “You will ride on my horse with me.”

  Ariel was about to protest but then he started stroking his large, firm hands over her shoulders and down her back, meticulously cleaning the leaves and dust from her clothing. She groaned her approval when he seemed to linger overlong on her backside and legs. Mmm… now she knew why her wolf liked being stroked.

  With great difficulty, she finally disentangled herself from him, still a little annoyed by her reaction to this enemy warrior.

  Taking a deep breath, she breathlessly challenged, “I will ride my own horse.”

/>   When she managed to calm down enough, she finally heard the approaching horses, discarded her embarrassment from their kiss and looked up at him. A moment ago, his need for her had been naked on his handsome face. Now he looked as if he were made out of granite.

  Anxiety flashed in her pretty violet eyes and his stern look softened as he reassured her, “It’s only Fraser’s. No need to worry.”

  Ariel snorted derisively. “Only Fraser’s?” she mocked under her breath. “Fine!” she agreed almost petulantly, as if they had been arguing and she was being the better person by graciously giving in, “I will ride with you.” Although she tried to hide her fear, Ariel’s voice shook with anxiety at the thought of meeting even more Fraser’s.

  After he easily lifted her onto his steed, the dark warrior retrieved the four knives he’d confiscated and generously handed them back to her.

  That surprised a happy little gasp of joy from Ariel. “Thank you,” she whispered approvingly before turning and calling to her horse, Lady.

  As the Fraser watched the beautiful steed walk towards them, his admiration for the fine-looking beast was obvious in his eyes. Then she called out to her other pet and Ariel saw the warrior’s mouth fall open in disbelief.

  “Muffin?” he demanded in a gasping, choked voice. “You named that huge, mangy thing, Muffin?!”

  “I named him when I was two years old!” she defended, giving him a look that could have melted rock. She was used to people making fun of her pet’s name, but as the warrior’s guffaws of laughter echoed through the forest she saw the other two Frasers come into view. She knew they would ask why he was laughing and then all three of them would mock her beloved animal.

  “Be quiet!” she hissed. “It’s not that funny!”

  He was now leaning up against a tree, holding his stomach. He looked down at her dog, who had warily come over when she’d called him, then dejectedly laid down with his head on his paws as if he knew they were talking about him. “Muffin,” the Fraser gasped out again, before starting a fresh wave of laughing.

  “Stop it!” she growled out in frustration. Despite the fact that the two barbarians wearing Fraser plaid were a lot closer now and seemed to be picking up speed, Ariel’s temper got the best of her and she threw a knife towards the laughing young man. Not where it would harm him, of course, but where it would make a point. It stuck in the tree a few inches above where his head had been. However, as her arm had extended out, the whole forest had abruptly come alive with flashes of movement and suddenly the most blood-curdling sounds erupted around her.

  Ariel froze.