Read Forever Page 3

  Chapter Two

  I waited eagerly for the night to come. A daze overtook me during the day and caused me to stare at nothing as I remembered the feel of Emilee’s soft touch. Her perfume stuck in my nose, and her laugh played over and over in my head. When the suns last rays slowly faded from the sky, I practically ran down the magical path which led from The Glen. I felt the edges of several mortal dreams tug at my consciousness, all of them much more promising than what I saw during my perusal the night before, but they were all pushed aside. I wanted a whole night with Emilee again.

  As I approached the line of thinning trees at the edge of the forest, I closed my eyes and reached out with my mind to feel for her. I fervently hoped she wasn’t one of those people who stayed up until midnight, and I was happy when I found her almost immediately, already sweetly dreaming. I relaxed and slowed my breathing as I carefully merged with her mind and found her dancing in the ballroom again.

  Tonight she wore a Spanish style red and black ballet dress. There was a normal skirt that reached to her knees in place of a tutu, swaying perfectly with her long legs. She wore red pointe shoes, and her hair hung curled and free as the night before.

  She is so beautiful. I smiled at my sudden thought. Normally, I only favored my own species with that description, but it was true—she looked divine. I couldn’t remember a time I’d seen anyone, human or Fae, look like this. I wanted to touch her again and feel the fire, which had rapidly spread between us. I altered my own appearance to match her chosen apparel, wearing pretty much the same thing as the night before, and stepped out into the light once more.

  Emilee continued dancing with the fast pace of the music as if nothing had happened. She turned more towards me—concentration etched into her perfect features—but still did not give any sign that she saw me there. A crushing wave of defeat slammed into me.

  Can she no longer see me? It seemed like a cruel punishment my mother would inflict upon me. I had been granted one amazing night with the only woman I’d ever wanted to spend an indefinite amount of time with. Curling my hands into fists, I turned to leave. I needed to punch something.

  I couldn’t understand what was happening. Why did I feel this way? Why was I so upset that one mortal couldn’t see me when none of them were supposed to in the first place? The threads that held our minds together began to slip away, and I wished I could jump right out, but I didn’t want to cause her unnecessary pain or to wake up because I was careless. Each piece of her that separated from me left invisible scars of pain.


  Every thread snapped into place, the ground shook, and my breath was knocked away. I was in trouble and I knew it. I should not have felt the way I did when she said my name.

  “I’m here,” I said coming into the light. She looked a little dazed. Guilt seeped into me as I realized I’d come back in too fast for her. Doing so agitated her subconscious and made it hard for her to focus. “Uh . . . I thought you hadn’t seen me, and I didn’t want to interrupt,” I somewhat lied as I gave her time to gather herself. Finally, she shook her head and smiled sweetly, making my insides churn.

  “I almost didn’t see you,” she admitted.

  “Oh.” She was all I thought about and instead of feeling the same, she seemed to have forgotten me. Great. Calm down. It’s no big deal. Besides, she doesn’t even know that you’re real, I reasoned.

  “I was caught up in my dance,” she explained after an awkward pause. An apologetic grin spread across her face and she shrugged, running her fingers through her hair.

  “You . . . I mean . . . it . . . was very beautiful.” Nice, apparently we’re working the embarrassing stalker angle tonight. There was another long silence growing between us, and all I could think of was how her skirt was hugging her hips. I realized I was staring with my mouth slightly open. Snapping it shut, my face burned as I looked at the ceiling, floor, mirrors, and anywhere else that wasn’t her.

  “Nice place, right?” No. No, no, no, no, no, I did not just say that! Everything was going wrong! Of course I hadn’t really planned anything for the night—just dancing. Maybe I should have planned what to say too. An idea struck me, and I breathed in some courage—I hoped.

  “Nice weather we’re having. How about that sports team? Did you know plants use photosynthesis to survive? I really don’t know what else to say, so let’s dance now, okay?” I said the last part so fast it took her by surprise. Without giving her time to think, I quickly closed the space between us and grabbed her hand. There was a flash of shocked silence, and then she began to laugh loudly.

  “I see what you did there.” She placed her other hand on my shoulder.

  “I know. Now, if I could just get some music, we’d be over our awkwardness and into the fun stuff.” She shrugged her shoulders a little, a smile still gracing her face. I looked into her eyes, the light in them causing me to grin as well. I wanted desperately to touch her face, and discover if it felt smooth like her dress did against my hand. Her cheeks sparkled slightly. Whatever makeup she wore was perfect for the room’s lighting. She returned my gaze, a look of amusement and study on her face.

  “Raith?” she said softly after a few moments.

  “Yeah?” Even her voice was beautiful. There must be girls dying to be her everywhere she goes.

  “The music started like two minutes ago.”

  Oops. And the stalker returns.

  “Sorry,” I mumbled as I blushed deeply.

  “It’s ok.” She laughed. “Now, let’s dance!”

  That was all the prompting I needed. I had some experience with lifts and special movements from rituals, which I’d been a part of. The Fae were big on dancing; me, not so much—‘til now anyway. The music was going, so we just started on the next downbeat.

  The tune was a tango, played on the guitar. I was eager to show off my moves. I’d felt a little under qualified the night before. I pulled her closer as we got going, reveling in the feel of her whole body against mine. She was warm, soft, and still so strong in the way she danced. Every step was precise and I made sure not to miss any. I felt a rush with every count, every touch. My body begged to bring her closer and hold her tighter. The fire her touch created was burning out of control. It felt like I would burst from the flames inside me. My breath was coming in short gasps, thankfully covered by the intensity of the dance.

  I felt a natural place to throw in a lift and surprised even myself by actually doing it. The smile on her face made it worth the bravery it had taken. Her face was just centimeters from mine—I could feel her hot breath on my lips, and I almost kissed her. But then the moment was over and I placed her on the ground, dancing like nothing had happened. If only she knew what she was doing to me.

  The dance lasted only a few minutes, but it felt like hours when I held her in my arms. The same was true with the following dances. Each felt like it would never end, and I didn’t want them to. After several more dances—so many I didn’t even care to count any more—I knew the night would be over before I was ready.

  Please don’t let it stop! I desperately wished away the morning as we were finishing yet another dance. This one had more of a classical ballet feel to it. She had somehow gotten her foot above her head in a side split and my hand was at the ankle suspended in the air. Even her foot felt like heaven. I wanted to hold her, touch her skin, and kiss her. I wanted to kiss her badly. The music ended and she returned her foot to the ground. She fell into my arms breathless, her back against my chest.

  “Raith, you liar!” She teased “You most certainly do know how to dance.”

  My heart pounded from both the dance and her presence. It felt so natural, being with her. I didn’t move my arms from around her, instead resting them around her waist. She didn’t seem to mind the embrace, and it sent tingles up my arms.

  “You’re right,” I said softly. “I didn’t exactly lie though. I didn’t think I remembered how.” I slowly lowered my head to smell h
er hair. I wanted more of her—I needed it for some reason. She was my air, and I would die without it.

  “Well, I’m glad you did,” she said decisively. She covered one of my hands with her own, and laid her head on my shoulder.

  I felt like shivering as she traced her fingers over my wrist. Little flames erupted where she touched—everything in me screaming for more. It was all I could do to just stand there. Her hand trailed up my arm, and into my hair, twisting it ever so slightly between her fingers. I felt like I might explode if I didn’t touch more of her, so I allowed myself to actually bury my face in her hair. It felt perfect against my face and was entirely evil for making me want even more of her.

  “You were awesome tonight, Raith,” she said softly

  “Yeah, I have some moves, so what?” I joked, my voice muffled by the curly locks that I was unwilling to move from just yet.

  “You definitely do, and you’re funny. I like that.” She giggled and snuggled deeper into my arms, a content sigh escaping from her.

  I felt like singing.

  “Oh! Raith, look at us in the mirror!” she exclaimed.

  I turned my head slightly to look at our reflection.

  She was beautiful—her face flushed from the heat of dancing. I looked flushed as well, but together we looked like two lovers locked in a simple yet heartfelt embrace. The sight added to the fire that was already melting me from the inside.

  Slowly, Emilee turned in my arms until we were facing each other. Every time she moved I would anticipate what she wanted. I knew what I wanted, but for the first time, I actually cared what someone else thought.

  I swallowed the lump that had rapidly formed in my throat. Kiss her. I lifted a shaky hand to tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear, and let my hand slide down her neck. I fought to keep from breathing like a dying man; I wanted to feel her lips so badly. Instead I chose to look into her eyes—eyes which never left mine—their honey glow not giving anything away. I leaned forward slowly, unsure of what I was about to do and how it would be received. I hesitated for a second, only one second.

  Her mind began to pull away.

  “No, stay.” I whispered, but it was too late—she was fading too fast. The sun’s morning rays greeted me as our minds completely divided from each other.

  What is wrong with me? I lay in the grass and looked up at the lightening blue sky. If anyone were to find out . . . I plucked at the grass, placing a long strand in between my teeth. Find out what? I’m not really doing anything I haven’t been doing before. I’m just . . . taking a new approach to how I bend the dreams . . . except that I’m not bending this one. I frowned a little in frustration. I still had no insights on why I couldn’t control her dreams. Why does she do that to me? Why do I feel like I’m on fire every time we touch? I sat up slightly, leaning against my elbows. I shouldn’t reappear in her dreams—it’s too much of a risk. My heart hurt at that thought. There was no way I could stay away with the way she made me feel. Maybe I won’t be able to find her tonight and I’ll go scare people like I usually do. I knew that wasn’t true either, I didn’t want to scare anyone any more. My short time with Emilee had done something to me. I love showing up and wondering what she will say, what she’ll be wearing. I love looking at her. I love feeling her in my arms. I love dancing with her. I love Emilee.

  Yes, I was in a lot of trouble.

  I couldn’t concentrate on the dance that Emilee was performing when I arrived in her dream the next night. It wasn’t because she was as beautiful as always. Her hair was pinned up in curly perfection, her form clothed in a simple white dress, with a yellow belt at her waist and matching shoes. It was because of my impulsive thoughts from that morning.

  My mind battled with itself as I stood in the shadows. It was an unspoken law that Fae did not talk to humans except on Midsummer’s Night. It wasn’t very strictly enforced. I’d broken the rule on occasion, as well as other Fae, but this was different. Technically, I hadn’t actually talked to Emilee. I had only entered into her dreams, danced with her, talked with her, laughed with her, fallen in love with her . . .

  My impulsiveness had gotten me into trouble before, but nothing like this. I could laugh about the things I’d been in trouble for before—some of them I’d forgotten completely—but I knew I would never laugh about what was happening to me now with Emilee. I loved her, without even really knowing her, and I didn’t know what to do about it. How do you confess your love to someone who will probably just think it was a dream? What if they never realize that it was as real as the air they breathe?

  I can tell her the truth and hope she doesn’t think I’m crazy. Emilee, I am a magical fairy man that makes people have nightmares, but instead I decided to fall in love with you in yours. Yeah, because that didn’t sound like a dream at all.

  I turned and slightly kicked the wall with the toe of my shoe in frustration. Folding my arms together, fists clenching tightly, I raised them, sandwiching my forearms between my forehead and the wall. I closed my eyes and tried to block out everything—my thoughts, my feelings, and anything else that would keep me from feeling sane.

  Suddenly, there was a soft hand on my shoulder. Emilee said nothing and I stayed still because I didn’t know what to say. I felt lost in that moment. My brain was telling me one thing—this was stupid and I was over reacting to something I probably wouldn’t even remember in a few years—but my heart was telling a different story. I knew I wanted to be with her without thinking about consequences or the fact that I was immortal—but everything about her forced me to consider these things. After a few moments she withdrew her hand. I worried that I’d hurt her feelings, guilt urging me to look up, but she shifted again before I could.

  My pulse quickened as her hands slid and clasped each other around my waist. She rested her head on my back and sighed deeply. I was sure she could hear the pounding of my heart and would feel the sweat that had formed everywhere. I swallowed hard and tried to breathe normally.

  “What’s the matter, Raith?” she asked softly, squeezing me a little tighter for a second.

  And then I knew what to do.

  I stood up straight and turned around slowly to face her, reveling in the feel of her arms. Her honey eyes were laced with concern as she searched for an answer to her question. I placed my hand on her cheek and she leaned into it, a small worried smile forming on her perfect face.

  I felt a moment of panic, but I pushed it aside. I’d made up my mind and I wasn’t going to let anything, not even myself, get in the way of what I wanted.

  “Your hair looks lovely tonight.” I smiled at her. Whatever she had been expecting me to say, that was not it. She glared at me and pursed her lips.

  “That’s not an answer to my question!” She scolded but did not release me from her embrace.

  “Maybe I intend to make you wrestle the answer out of me,” I laughed, loving that she was so concerned about what bothered me.

  She thinks it’s just a dream. I brushed my thoughts aside. I wanted her to take the bait I had laid for her.

  “Wrestle it from you, huh? Why would you think I’d do something like that?” She looked at me curiously and I suddenly felt stupid for trying to get her to hold me closer. The cold slap of rejection stung my heart.

  “I, uh,” I lowered my hand from her face and tried to find an apology. I felt like a heel—like some stalker who had imagined the object of his desires had returned his affection. My head dropped in defeat. My eyes pricked strangely, and I just wanted to leave.

  Then, suddenly, Emilee grabbed my hand and started twisting it. She’s trying to wrestle you. It worked! I laughed as I realized what she was doing and she broke into her perfect smile. Weight lifted from me and everything felt right again. I wasn’t about to go down without a fight though; I began to retaliate.

  I was going easy on her at first, not wanting to hurt her, but it turned out she was pretty strong on her own. I wanted to move on to what I’d planned for after the
match, so I threw my all into it, hoping to end it right then. I couldn’t help the shocked laughter that burst out when Emilee matched my strength. It was unclear who was winning—we weren’t really keeping score anyway—but we were having fun, our laughter mixing together and echoing off the walls of the empty dance hall. After a few moments, Emilee broke away from me and ran toward the other end of the room. I chased after her—feeling more alive than anytime during my whole existence—and caught her wrist in a few steps. She laughed and spun around like we were dancing only to discover she had backed herself up against the mirrored wall. She had nowhere else to go and she knew it.

  We were both out of breath and chuckling when the moment suddenly changed from mirthful to serious. Her breath caught and a blush crept across her face as she looked into my eyes. I stepped closer to her, our bodies almost touching, and repositioned my hand from her captive wrist to her hand. I raised it gently to my mouth and kissed it softly. My mouth went dry as my heart pounded like I had just run a marathon. The familiar burn began to start on my lips and I wanted more. I wanted to kiss her with everything I had right then, but fear whispered in the recesses of my mind. I studied her face carefully, searching her eyes for any hint of resistance, and released her hand. Her unreadable gaze never left mine. We looked at each other for a moment without touching but close enough to feel the heat from our bodies mingle. And then Emilee slowly wrapped her arms around my waist again and I closed the distance between us.

  My mouth was so dry I was sure she noticed how many times I’d swallowed by now. Don’t mess it up, don’t mess it up! I could feel my hands were ready to shake and I pushed the nervousness as far away as I could.

  I wanted to kiss her right then, but she suddenly looked nervous and shy—her eyes flicking down and away from my face. My heart hurt from wanting to touch her face so I rubbed the back of my hand over her cheek. How I loved the blush that appeared there! It was warm, her face as soft as the silk she’d worn before. I could have stood there forever touching her face if I didn’t need so much more from her. She still didn’t look at me, though. Instead she chose to bite her lower lip. I have to do this right.

  I placed both of my hands on her neck and slid them up into her hair, removing the pins that held it in place as I went. The smell of her shampoo hit me like a wall, calling my name over and over again. After every pin was gone and the lovely curls freed, I picked up a strand and took a deep breath. Fear reared its head again and my stomach tossed and turned while my hands gave in to the shaking. I leaned in farther and kissed the lock of hair wrapped in my fingers, letting it slide away as I did so. The silk strands whispered as they left my grasp, as if pleading for more. I looked down at her face to gauge if I was coming on too strong, but her eyes were closed. She looked as if she might faint, though her grasp remained firm. Keep breathing, I told myself. I caressed another strand of hair, kissing it softly as well.

  She doesn’t feel the same. I started to pull away from her, worried that I had ruined everything I held dear. Yet her grip on me tightened and she finally looked me in the eye. She smiled softly and my heart soared. A happy grin—one I was sure looked dorky—appeared on my own face. I wanted to tell her everything and confess the knots in my stomach and the anticipation in my lips, but I remained silent. My cheeks reddened slight as I caressed her face with my hands, tangled my fingers into the hair at the nape of her neck, and leaned in closer once more.

  Our lips met and my world exploded. Everything that seemed important to me before became nonsense. Any ties I’d had left their previous home and centered on her.

  The fire—if the fire that came from holding Emilee in my arms had caused me to keep seeing her this many times then the fire from her kiss would hold me captive for eternity. She tasted better than anything I could ever remember or describe. Her lips were softer than downy feathers. I was feeling overwhelmed at all that was happening. I knew I loved her more than words could describe. I was prepared to give anything and everything up for her. My heart seemed to sputter and try to restart itself, making comprehension of the love I was feeling impossible.

  I kissed her chastely and pulled away slightly to look at her. She was blushing. Suddenly, she giggled and pushed herself away from the wall, looking away and biting her lower lip.

  “Stop that,” I said, trying not to come on too strong. I wanted her close to me again.

  “Stop what?” she asked, confused. She bit her bottom lip again. I couldn’t handle it any more—I wanted more of those lips.

  I stepped forward, crushing our bodies together and pressing her against the mirrors. Capturing her mouth once more, I ran my hands down her sides and lustily tugged her hips closer to me. I could feel the fire everywhere; it felt like I would explode all over again from touching her.

  She matched my passion, and ran her fingers through my hair, giving me chills. We held each other as tightly as we could—I feared that I might float away from the bliss. I grabbed her back, touching any part of her that was acceptable, but still wanting so much more.

  I kissed her that way until we were ragged and out of breath. When I finally let go and stepped away, my muscles ached.

  She was even more beautiful! Her lips were swollen and red, her hair somewhat tangled from my hands running through it over and over again. She was looking at me with a smile, trying to catch her breath, as she leaned against the wall. I took a few more steps away from her, trying to cool down and relax I desired many more kisses and wasn’t about to mess up my chances now. I could have lived in her embrace—my heart still raced from our encounter—and I already felt the need to kiss her again.

  As we caught our breath, I straightened my crumpled shirt and vest, realizing she had been holding me as tightly as I had her. Emilee fixed her hair and ran her hands over her skirt to smooth it. I needed her in my arms again, but I didn’t want her pushed too far either. I took a deep breath and bowed, offering my hand in a dance invitation—the only acceptable solution I could think of.

  Emilee grinned and curtsied. Taking my hand and positioning herself in my arms, she was much closer than she had ever been before. She looked at me with shining eyes as if she’d never seen me, and my heart tightened. How will I ever be able to live without her? The other half of my soul was in my arms, and I never wanted to be without her again.

  We danced until I felt her mind leaving mine and I swooped in for one last kiss, wishing she could stay with me longer. Already I counted the hours until night fall.