Read Forever Page 9

Chapter Eight

  The secret trail led to a courtyard of sorts, the small center of our town, surrounded by a three-sided brick wall that held our homes. Each wooden door either led directly to a home, like mine, or to a passage that led to other homes. Magic kept it from looking or feeling crowded. Where the fourth wall should have been there were actually wide, plain, stone steps that led up to the Mother's simple yet pretty home, in the woods. The magnificent trees appeared to touch the sky, and the beautiful grass sprawled lazily over and around the surrounding terrain like water seeps into hidden crevices.

  Everything had been decorated for the evening. More magical lights floated in the air, flowers of every variety were placed randomly throughout the courtyard. The grand table had been placed in the center of the yard in preparation for the feast. After the eating was done, it would be removed to make room for dancing.

  “I never want to forget this, it's so beautiful.” Emilee sighed in wonder.

  Just then, a group of both Fae and humans came into the enclosure, laughing and sipping wine. Emilee looked at me, questioningly.

  “See how the air shimmers more around some of them? Those are Fae, The Glen recognizes them. It’s kind of a magical ‘welcome home’ so to speak.” I laughed as Emilee studied the group intently.

  “What about the humans? Do they know where they are?”

  “They've been enchanted so they won’t remember anything that happens tonight. They probably don't even realize what's going on,” I explained.

  “What a shame,” she said, as her gaze returned to them.

  I smiled at her, reminding myself to control my displays of real affection—any sign of actual love between species would get us in trouble—and took her hand again, leading her to the table. The other Fae began to bring their guests over as well, while the food began to appear before us.

  “Oh, good,” Emilee giggled. “I was worried that you were going to eat all of us,” she teased.

  “Not for dinner. Dessert,” I teased in return. “We always save the sweetest for last.”

  “I do believe that is the corniest thing I’ve ever heard you say!” She laughed loudly, causing many heads to turn our direction, and she blushed furiously while I laughed at her expense.

  When everyone was seated, our attention was turned to the stone staircase as the Mother cleared her throat.

  “Oh my goodness!” Emilee breathed. “She's beautiful! And look at her wings!” She spent a moment examining the light blue dress Mother was wearing and looking at her pointy ears, as well as the pale-pink, silky wings. “Wait, why is she not human?”

  “Mother's forfeit their right to become human. They serve as a constant authority figure, no matter what,” I whispered.

  “Welcome, my children and guests!” Mother exclaimed, spreading her arms wide in greeting.

  “Tonight we dine, dance, and love. Tomorrow is a new day, one whose plans we can never foretell. Let us enjoy ourselves as we celebrate the coming of Midsummer’s Day!” Her speech was followed by loud cheers and raising of glasses as she came down the steps and sat at the head of the table. As soon as she finished her first bite of the meal, the rest of us began ours.

  Emilee and I were silent, listening to the conversations around us, only needing each other’s smiles as we ate. Every now and then, when I couldn’t keep my emotions in check any longer, I would reach over and grab her hand, stroking it gently with my thumb. I could tell she was thoroughly enjoying herself, her eyes wide with excitement as she took everything in.

  The meal ended and the table was removed. A throne was brought out and placed on the center of the steps for the Mother, as a band came out and set themselves up to the right side of her on the rest of the stairs.

  The dancing began once Mother was seated. The physical fire I felt in Emilee’s dreams burned with a new and increased intensity as I took her in my arms and began the waltz. I couldn't take my eyes off her; she was so beautiful, out shining any other woman there. It was all I could do not to rip the recently-dawned dance masks from our faces and ravage her right there.

  “I love you,” I whispered into her ear, pulling her unceremoniously closer to me.

  “I love you, too,” she sighed in utter contentment, holding onto me tightly. She rested her head on my chest and closed her eyes. We nearly missed the end of the music, but managed to stop our dance in time to applaud with the crowd. The Mother’s eye’s momentarily made contact with mine—a chill travelled up my spine and my breath caught in my throat. But her smile revealed nothing and I exhaled in relief.

  As the next song began, a few couples left the courtyard and entered into their homes through the doors in the brick walls.

  “Where are they going?” Emilee asked.

  “To perform whatever rituals they brought their mortals here for. In this case, it's probably . . . uh . . . romantic encounters.” I coughed out the last part, embarrassed.

  “But aren’t they under a spell? Wouldn’t that be like forcing them to do it?” Horror was growing on her face as she spoke.

  “No! I’m sorry I didn’t explain that very well. They uh, they’re aware enough to consent to something like that. No Fae would ever force themselves on someone in that manner.”

  “Oh.” It was all she said, a blush creeping over both of our cheeks as we giggled nervously.

  “Raith,” a voice said into my mind, causing me to jump. “Would you kindly bring your guest and come with me to my home?” I looked around for the source of the voice and caught the Mother's eyes. She nodded and rose from her chair, leaving the party.

  I started to swear and then thought better of it.

  “What is it?” Emilee questioned.

  “Mother just asked us to come meet with her.” Emilee's eyes widened in surprise, but she nodded her approval. Hardly anyone noticed as we left the dance and walked up the steps to the Mother's home. Either they weren’t paying attention, or they didn’t want to interrupt their own all night dance party. Perhaps they knew, like I did, that we were in some sort of trouble.

  “What do you think she wants?” Emilee asked, as we traveled through the tall trees. I waved away some twinkling lights before I answered.

  “I'm not sure. I'm a little nervous though.” I wasn’t exactly lying. I could guess that the Mother had probably noticed our interactions with each other. I couldn’t help adoring Emilee, and no doubt everyone noticed, regardless of my intentions to hide it. I gave her a quick smile and she held my hand tighter, trying to reassure me. My smile became weak and I tightened my grasp also.

  When we reached the Mother's home, she was standing in the doorway, caressing a twinkling orb. I bowed as we came to a stop in front of her, Emilee following my lead and curtsying.

  “Mother,” I said in greeting.

  “What is your friend's name?” she asked, ignoring my greeting.

  “Emilee,” I said shakily as my grip tightened on my love's hand.

  “Emilee, my child,” Mother began, turning her stare to my companion. “Would I be right in assuming that you are under no type of influence tonight?”

  My heart felt as though it had stopped beating as I rushed to answer.

  “I can ex-,” I tried to answer, only to be interrupted by the Mother.

  “I'm sure she can speak for herself, Raith.” She stared at Emilee evenly, finally releasing the light she had been holding.

  “Y-yes,” Emilee stammered out, her hands beginning to shake fearfully. I gripped her even tighter. This was not good, in any way.

  “Now then,” Mother said, stepping out to us, her hands behind her. “Would one of you kindly explain why that is?” She looked at me, expressionless.

  “How did you know?” I asked quietly, staring at the ground, avoiding her eyes.

  “Magic leaves a trace, Raith. I could see it on every mortal but her tonight.” She placed a hand on her forehead, frustration clouding her features. “You have put us all in danger with your foolish actions, my son. This cann
ot go unpunished.”

  “No, it's not like that,” I interjected. I began to panic. I was pretty sure that this punishment wouldn’t be anything like my previous punishments. “She won't, I lo-”

  “I want to become Fae!” Emilee's interruption stopped me dead in my tracks. My head snapped up and I looked at her incredulously.

  “No, she doesn't,” I said after a moment. “It was all me, I wan-”

  “Yes, I do.” Her expression was hard and decided.

  “Emilee, you don't have to do this, not for me,” I pleaded.

  “It's not for you, it's for me. I want to stay here.”

  The Mother looked at us carefully, studying us. Suddenly, she reached out and jabbed me hard in the chest. I felt a stinging and my breath was knocked away as I fell to one knee.

  “What did you do to him?” Emilee shrieked, falling to the ground beside me.

  “I have taken away his ability to travel into the mortal realm.” Neither myself nor Emilee were able to speak for a moment. I prayed I heard her wrong. Nothing was happening the way it was supposed to this night—surely I had heard her wrong.

  “What?” I whispered, when I found my voice.

  “Without an enchantment she can tell others what she has seen and where we are. You have been in trouble countless times before due to your antics in the human world. You have exposed us all. I will not reward you by letting you keep her here forever, no matter how convenient it might be for me. You know there is no way to make her forget the things you have told her or what she has seen tonight! Not without calling upon a witch for aide, and I am not willing to pay the price she will ask!

  “I have tried many times to excuse your actions, blaming them on your youth and high spirit, but this I can't excuse.”

  “I didn’t think that I’d done anything wrong, Mother! I’ve never done anything that would hurt us—the other things were just pranks!”

  “Exactly, Raith. You did not think. Maybe if I start punishing you more severely, you will abide by our laws in the future.”

  I cried out in desperation, tears beginning to trail down my cheeks.

  “I love her! Please, please, don't do this to me, I can't . . . I can't live without her.” I had gathered Emilee into my arms, both of us now crying and on our knees, begging as one.

  “Please,” Emilee whispered through her tears. “Please.”

  I could hardly see. All I could feel was panic and pain—and Emilee, crying in my arms. Her tears were falling onto my arms and I clutched her tighter.

  The Mother looked down at us, harshly. I blinked through my tears, trying to read the expression on her face. Was it sorrow? Or loathing? I couldn’t tell.

  “I suggest you enjoy your night together,” she said. “It will be your last.”

  “I won’t let her go!” I spat out vehemently. “I’ll do anything I can—I’ll fight every second you try to keep me from her!”

  When the Mother looked at me again, sorrow was plainly displayed on her face.

  “I’m sorry, Raith. But you’ve done this to yourself.”

  I took Emilee to my house, knowing we wouldn't be missed and we didn't have much time left.

  “I'm so sorry . . . I didn't know . . . I can't . . .” I sobbed as I gathered her into my arms, holding her firmly against me.

  “Raith.” She sobbed my name—her broken voice muffled in my shirt as she held onto me.

  We cried until there were no more tears left. I felt numb. I thought I would have years left with her, that I would be with her every Midsummer’s Eve. My life as I knew it was over.

  I wished that it was over for real. I had nothing left to live for without Emilee.

  I loved her so much. I wanted to take care of her and give her everything she’d ever wanted. I wanted to go with her and never return to The Glen. I wanted so many things, and every single one of them had been taken away in a mere moment. I needed a distraction from the pain and I settled on Emilee.

  I ran my fingers through her hair over and over again, while we stood in each other’s arms, our breath still hitching. I knew that we only had a few hours left together, but I didn't even know how to say what I wanted to tell her; I didn't know how to convey my feelings in a way that she would never forget.

  So I kissed her, like I'd never kissed her before.

  I started out slow, kissing the top of her head and moving my hands to her arms. Gently, I stroked her shoulders and then down to her elbows as she raised her head to look at me. I stopped for a moment, just to look at her.

  Caressing first her cheeks and then her neck, I leaned in and kissed her lips softly. Closing my eyes from the hurt, I leaned in and kissed her again, increasing the pressure ever so slightly. I could feel the need growing inside me, the desire to give her everything and be with her in every way possible.

  I kissed her again, longer and harder, then paused—my lips hovering over hers to gauge her emotions. Our eyes met. She was looking at me with love and a sad smile. As we gazed into each other’s eyes, she nodded her consent to a question I had never even asked. Maybe I hadn’t needed to. Tentatively, she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down for another kiss.

  I meant for the kiss to be sweet, and it started out that way, but soon it was filled with a fiery passion. I pushed her up against the wall, one hand on her jaw, the other at her hip. Crushing ourselves together, I licked her lips, teasing her and then kissed her neck.

  My shirt was twisted in her fists. She kissed every part of my face she could reach, licked my neck, nipped at my ear, and drove me insane. I quickly turned her around so that her back was against me, and kissed her shoulders. Slowly, I unzipped her dress, kissing the skin as it became visible, falling to my knees to better reach her hips.

  She had her hands pressed against the wall, her head resting there as well, and she moaned softly as I kissed her. I gently slipped the dress to the floor, stopping for a moment to appreciate the beauty before me. Her underwear was seductive, as if she’d planned for this to happen tonight, even though I knew she hadn’t. I couldn't believe she really wanted me. And I'm never going to see her again.

  I brushed the thought aside and my body took over, as I turned her around and stood up, sliding my hands from her knees, up her sides, and to her jaw. She grabbed onto the front of my shirt, unbuttoning it hastily, and pushed it off of my shoulders. I helped her remove it, quickly returning my fingers to her hot skin.

  We stumbled haphazardly across the room—neither caring where we were going—until we fell onto the bed. I rolled until Emilee was underneath me and proceeded to kiss down the side of her neck while her nails dug into my back. I kissed her collarbone and was moving down her chest when she reached for the button on my pants. This is the last real memory we’ll have of each other—us, doing this.

  My world came to a screeching halt.

  “Emilee, wait,” I breathed. “I don't think we should do this.” The hurt in her eyes almost killed me.

  “Did I do something wrong?”

  “No! No, that's not it at all, love. You are amazing, actually . . .” I was getting sidetracked. Her state of undress was screaming for all my attention.

  “I don't understand.” She was still breathing heavily, laying underneath me, and I wanted to touch her so badly. I was going to kick myself for this later.

  “I can't do this to you, it's not fair,” I said as I pushed myself away from her and stood up. “I don't want a one night stand to be the last thing that you remember about me.” I couldn't even look at her, she was so tempting.

  “I want to do this though. I want to remember this,” she argued.

  “I know you do. I do too.” I snuck a glance at her. Yup. Still can't look at her. I turned away again. “I don't want to remember it like this though, a moment of desperation. I want to remember it the way it should be—as something special. I'm sorry.”

  She was silent for a moment and then slowly got up and put her dress on. I located my s
hirt and dressed myself again as well. The awkward, sad silence remained between us and I sat down on the end of the bed patting the spot beside me.

  “I love you Emilee, you know that. I promise, I will do everything I can to find you again.”

  A single tear rolled down her cheek and my heart wrenched again. I reached out and wiped it away, pulling her into my embrace.

  “I love you, I promise,” I repeated.

  “I love you too,” she whispered.

  There was a knock at the door and two Fae men walked in. They looked at Emilee and beckoned her to come. My fists balled and I started to stand, but she placed her hand over mine and shook her head. More tears began falling down her face as she turned to look at me again, and I leaned in and kissed her softly.

  She got up and walked to the door and her waiting escort.

  “Forever?” she asked, with tears coming at an alarming rate.
