Read Forever His Page 10

  Liz and Gregory smiled. “Us too,” she said.

  “I need a favor though.”

  “Name it,” she said.

  “I need a ride to Venice Beach. I don’t want to take security and if I try and take my own car, they’ll insist. We’re just going to tell them you’re taking me to the hospital to see Alex.”

  “Okay…” Liz and Gregory were both looking at me curiously.

  I sat down at the table and said, “It’s time for a much overdue conversation between Cassandra and I. I’m meeting her at the Venice Tea Room at one o’clock.”

  Gregory cleared his throat and said, “I’ll get your breakfast.” He jumped up and went over to the stove.

  Liz looked at me long and hard and then she said, “Are you sure this is a good idea?”

  “It’s the best one I have,” I said, trying to lighten things up with a smile.

  “I’m not leaving you there alone.”

  “Fine, but Cassie can’t know we’re together.”

  “Okay, I don’t like it but I know if I say no that you’re stubborn enough to go anyways without me.”

  “Yes, I am.” She rolled her eyes. I hugged her. “Thank you.”

  She looked over at Gregory with love in her eyes and then back at me. “I owe you,” she said.



  Liz and I got to the tearoom just before one. She went in first and then I did. When I got inside I saw there were very few patrons. Liz was at a table by the window. I couldn’t see Cassandra yet.

  “For one?” the hostess asked me.

  “Um… I’m meeting someone here.”

  “I’m right here,” Cassandra’s voice came from behind me, she’d just stepped in.

  The hostess led us back to a table. I could see Liz craning her head to watch. I gave her a hard look and she rolled her eyes again and turned away. Cassie and I sat down and after the hostess left she said, “So why all of a sudden am I supposed to believe that Alex wants me back?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t care if you believe it, but you have to ask yourself why I would tell you this if it wasn’t true. I’m devastated. I stood by him… through all of this… and when he woke up in the hospital, he asked for you. I thought it was the medication talking but he’s been cold to me and I heard him asking one of the security men to get his phone and call you. I’ve had the phone. I hid it.”

  She was looking at me through narrowed eyes. After a few seconds she said, “So why are you here telling me?”

  “I want to know what it will take to get you to give up on Alex and go away. I think in time, he can learn to be happy with me…” She laughed haughtily. I wanted to slap her… but I refrained.

  “Why would I want to take some paltry settlement when I could have it all?”

  “Because you don’t love him, Cassie. I do.”

  “And what makes you think that I don’t love him?”

  “I can see it on your face. You could have money to do whatever you wanted if you accepted my offer. You could have a different man every night if you wanted until you find one that you really love. I’ve found mine and I don’t want to lose him.”

  “I’ve already turned down Alex’s pitiful offer. How can you do any better?”

  “James is in town, did you know that?”

  “Alex’s father?”

  “Yes, and you are apparently not his favorite person.”

  She laughed. “That goes both ways.”

  “He likes me and he is more than willing to help me make you go away.”

  “No, I don’t think so,” she said. “I think I like being Mrs. Reigns. I always knew that Alex would want me back.”

  I tried to look sad, or mad. “Wouldn’t you rather be free to see whoever you’d like? Obviously Alex can’t be trusted to be faithful…”

  “He’s an idiot. All he had to do was wear a condom and I would have never known that he screwed the maid… no one would have. I’ve never been stupid enough to turn up pregnant. Of course for you, that was a smart move. He’s always been too trusting.”

  “I love him. I didn’t get pregnant on purpose.”

  “It’s ironic that all of that time, Alex was trying to get me pregnant and I was smart enough to take my pills. All he wanted from you was an afternoon tryst and now he’s saddled with a kid.”

  “Ironic,” I said sarcastically. Then I changed my tone to a pleading one and I said, “Please Cassandra… don’t take him away from me.”

  “Don’t you see that you never had him? Like marries like. He should have learned how to have an affair on the down low like the rest of us do. It’s perfectly fine to screw the servants… it’s just not okay to have a relationship with them.”

  I tried to look confused as I said, “So you and Alex knew that each other were having sex with other people?”

  “Of course not. I mean, it’s assumed, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to tell my billionaire husband with the original copy of the pre-nup that I’ve had sex with the gardener if you get my drift.”

  “Armando?” That was a genuine shock. Armando can’t be over eighteen or nineteen years old.

  She smiled lustfully and said, “You should have tried him out while you had the chance. He was the best lover I ever had. Much better than Alex.”

  “Please don’t take him,” I forced a tear. She smiled again. Bitch. “I need to use the restroom. I think I’m going to be sick.” I got up and quickly walked to the bathroom at the back of the little tearoom. I ducked inside and locked the door. I opened my purse and pushed rewind on the Dictaphone. I only rewound it for a second and then I pushed play. Cassandra’s voice floated out. She clearly stated that she’d slept with the teenaged gardener and that he was “the best” she’d ever had. I smiled. That should do the trick. I splashed some water up on my face and went back out. Cassandra was gone.

  Liz came over and said, “She ran out of here like her ass was on fire.”

  I laughed. “She thinks she’s going to see Alex.” I took out my phone and called the hospital. I spoke to the charge nurse and told her Cassandra was likely going to be coming by and trying to see Alex. I told her there was a restraining order in place. She assured me that she would not be let in and security would be called. I hung up with a smile. “Can you take me one more place?” I asked Liz.

  “Of course. Where to?”

  “Wilshire Boulevard.” I had Liz drive me to Alex’s attorney’s office. I asked to see Noel and when the receptionist let me in, I sat the Dictaphone down on his desk and pressed “play.” His face went from confused to ecstatic when he heard Cassandra’s voice and words.

  “How did you get this?”

  I shrugged. “Her ego couldn’t help itself, I guess. I think she might be in for a rude awakening in a few minutes though… she’s on her way to the hospital and they’re going to be expecting her.”

  He grinned. “You’re amazing.”

  I raised an eyebrow and said, “Is that an apology for all the things you said about me when Alex found out I was pregnant?”

  “Um… yeah, sure. You do know that I was just doing my job. I get protective of Alex. He hates the legal stuff and I’m always afraid he’ll get taken advantage of.”

  I smiled. “I know you were just doing your job, protecting him. I wouldn’t have it any other way, actually. I agree with you that he trusts easily, but it’s part of what makes him so special. He needs someone like you to keep an eye out for predators. Keep it up, okay? And please, don’t let Cassie take anything that’s important to him.”

  Noel looked at me with his intense blue gaze and said, “I think that Alexander has seriously re-evaluated his priorities. Nothing much seems to be important to him, other than you and Michael. He actually called from his hospital bed yesterday and told me to give her whatever she wants and get her out of your lives.”

  “I don’t think that will be necessary. I think that we will be able to at least protect his assets for his son.”

  He stood up and shook my hand. “You can bet I will. Michael is as important to me as Alex is… and do you want to know what else?”


  “You are too, Victoria. I’m sorry we got off to a rough start.”

  “Me too,” I told him with a smile. Alex has good people in his corner. “Thank you.”

  He picked up the Dictaphone and held it up. “No, thank you! This is exactly what we needed.”

  That was the last stop in what I felt was a productive afternoon. I had nothing but high hopes for the future from this point on. I feel strongly that we had already experienced the rough patches. From here on out, it should all be smooth sailing.

  Liz took me back home with a big smile on my face. I was happily anticipating Alex’s return from the hospital in the morning.


  The coastline sparkled brilliantly in the morning sun. The small private area of beach was surrounded by chalky white cliffs that looked like a big ribbon, jagged and folded along the shore line and then disappearing off into the distance. Beaches of rocks stretched out on one side of the cliffs and on the other side was an area of nothing but pure white sand. The waves crashed against the rocks and sand, foaming up and then being sucked back in and underneath the aquamarine expanse of the Pacific Ocean. Off in the distance standing like a sentry against the blue sky was a tall white lighthouse. The seagulls squawked and called to each other and besides the waves that was the only sound until the harp began to softly play. The people in the starch white chairs with pretty pink bows tied on them, stood up and turned to look at the bride. I stepped out of the temporary tent that had been set up for me to get ready in and squinted into the sun. After my eyes adjusted, I could see that everyone was looking at me. I usually don’t like to be the center of this much attention but today, I was reveling in it. This is my day… mine and the two most beautiful men in the world who were standing at the altar waiting for me, waiting for our family to finally be joined together as one.

  Liz was there as my matron of honor. She was wearing a light pink lace dress and she had been very excited about not having to wear shoes. And yes, I said matron. She and Gregory had sneaked off to Las Vegas a few months ago and tied the knot. I’ve never seen her so happy, and now Cook has a partner as interested in helping out the homeless as he is. Liz was using her talents with people, teaching classes and giving talks about day to day activities that are difficult for people who live on the street. She’s another reason why I feel so lucky. I couldn’t have special ordered a better friend.

  James was Alex’s best man. He cried when his son asked him. He looked so proud now at his son’s side and with his grandson in his arms. We’ve all come so far and I like to think we have baby Michael to thank for most of it.

  Alex’s mother was on the right and mine on the left in the first row near the altar. They were so different and yet here they were, about to become family. Alex didn’t even balk when I said I felt like I had to invite my mother. I would have felt so incredibly guilty if I hadn’t. I needn’t have worried about him though.

  “Of course you do, she’s family.” I’m so darn lucky. I don’t know what I ever did to deserve him, but I will never take him for granted. I’m going to do anything and everything for the rest of my life to make him happy.