Read Forever Mine Page 13

  His stomach dropped. Fuck! He spun around and charged toward her. He saw her eyes open wide in alarm, but she stood her ground firmly. He walked right up to her face and spoke through his teeth just loud enough for her to hear, but his words were strong and cutting. “Get this through your head. We never made love we had sex, cold meaningless sex like you’ve had with many others. It meant nothing to me. You mean nothing to me. Stay out of my fucking life, I mean it, Dana.”

  With her mouth half-open she stared at him. Her eyes grew wide then she turned and hurried away, face buried in her hands. Her friends stood by the gym door waiting to console her and he heard her sob as they turned the corner.

  He took a deep breath and walked back slowly toward the guys. Ignoring the whispers and staring faces of all that had been standing around.

  Romero was shaking his head. “Dude, I hope you told that bitch off.”

  Angel nodded still feeling a little shaky. He hadn’t intended on being so harsh but the words had just spewed out. He stood there still reeling from what Dana had said about Sarah. He didn’t want the guys to notice that Dana had gotten to him, but he couldn’t even force a smile.

  Eric seemed concerned. “Are you okay, man?”

  Angel nodded again and glanced back in Sarah’s direction. He turned back at Eric. “You think I should tell Sarah about this?”

  “Hell no.” Romero said.

  “Nah, I would.” Eric said.

  “You would?” Angel asked.

  Romero shook his head, eyes closed. “Screw Dana! Why you gonna get Sarah all upset ‘cause of her?”

  Eric made a gesture looking around. “She’s gonna hear about it eventually. I guarantee it. Dana was loud, dude. They’ll probably add to it, too. I’m just saying, if it were me, I’d come clean. It’s not like you did anything wrong. Just leave the part out about her yelling that she slept with you. Sarah’s cool dude, she’ll get it. Just don’t make that big a deal out of it.”

  Angel eyed them both. There was no way either of them could know Sarah had almost broke things off because of Dana.

  Feeling like he’d swallowed a brick he turned to see Sarah walking toward him. She smiled and blew him a kiss. He managed to smile but damn he dreaded having another conversation about Dana with her.


  No one was home, when Sarah and Angel got to his house. Angel walked Sarah to the den and put his book bag down on the coffee table.

  “I’m thirsty,” He walked toward the kitchen. “You want something to drink?”

  “Yeah, I’ll take water or a diet soda if you have it.”

  Angel walked to the kitchen and grabbed a couple of waters out of the refrigerator. When he walked back into the living room Sarah was on her knees on the sofa looking at the pictures that sat on the shelf behind it. She picked one up to get a closer look. Angel saw her eyes brighten and knew immediately which one it was. He put the waters down on the coffee table.

  “Oh my God, is this you?”

  “Give me that.” He reached for it.

  Sarah pulled away. “You’re so cute.” She giggled.

  He tackled her on the couch, but she hid it behind her. He held her down trying to take the picture from her. She squirmed and laughed hysterically.

  “What a cutie you were with your little mullet.”

  “It’s not a mullet.” His arms were under her now searching for the picture. She could barely breath she was laughing so hard.

  “Okay, okay!” she shrieked. “You can have it.”

  Angel took it from her and put it back on the table face down. He leaned over her and kissed her. They made out for a while, and straightened out quickly when they heard something outside. It turned out to be nothing, and Angel laid right back against her.

  “What time do your parents get home?”

  “Different times.” He continued to peck her. “Depends how busy they are.”

  “So, they could get home any minute?”

  “Um hum,” He began to kiss her neck.

  “Then get off me.” She giggled, squirming and arching her back at the touch of his tongue on her neck. She pushed her hands against his chest. “Angel, I’m serious, if your parents walk in, I’d die.”

  He kissed her long and deep one last time, then sat up and straightened his pants. “I can’t stand for a while.”

  Sarah smiled looking at the tent in his pants. She sat up and rubbed his shoulder. “You’ll be okay.”

  “Oh yeah, just give me a few minutes.” He grabbed the remote and turned the television on. The first thing they saw was a heavy older woman being interviewed about her twenty cats on the news. “Okay, I’m good now.”

  Sarah gasped. Then immediately burst into laughter. “That is so mean.”

  He changed the channel, flipping around for a while and finally left it on an episode of a reality show about building motorcycles. He pretended to be into it. “I talked with Dana today.”

  Sarah pulled her arm off his shoulder, but he grabbed a hold of her hand. She’d told him that morning she didn’t need to hear the details about his talk with Dana, so long as he took care of it.

  “I’m only bringing up ‘cause you’re probably gonna hear about it.”

  She stared at him.

  “I’d already talked to her earlier in the day, and thought that would be it,” he said. “But I should’ve known better when she hadn’t said too much.”

  He could see Sarah searching his eyes. “She made a scene after practice.”

  “A scene?”

  “Yeah, a scene.” He hugged her and pushed her back gently on the sofa. “Sarah, it’s nothing I wouldn’t have even brought it up, but I didn’t want you to hear about it from someone else.

  “What did she say?"

  Angel tried kissing her, but she pulled away. “Sarah, let’s not do this again, babe. Seriously, the only thing that matters is that I straightened things out and she won’t be acting stupid anymore.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “No question about it.” He kissed her and hoped he was right.

  She stared at him for a few moments. “Okay.”

  Thankful it hadn’t turned into another dreaded discussion about his feelings for Dana; Angel groaned and buried his face in her neck. He pressed himself against her and his hands made their way down her body. He started putting his hand up her blouse when they heard someone at the door.

  Sarah jumped pushing Angel off her. It was Alex. Sarah pulled her notebook out of her book bag and Angel put a sofa pillow on his lap.

  Alex grinned. “Did I interrupt your studying?”

  Angel ignored him but smiled and drank his water.

  Sarah sat straight faced chin up. “As a matter of fact we are studying. Angel has a very important quiz tomorrow.”

  Alex had already grabbed the remote from the table and was flipping through the channels. “Well, you’re not doin’ it here,” He looked back at Angel. “The guys are gonna be here any minute, we’re watching the game.”

  Angel was confused at first then it dawned on him. Monday night football. He glanced at the TV "Don't tell me, Chargers are playing?”

  Sarah shot him a stern look. “You have to study, Angel. The quiz is tomorrow, no buts about it.”

  Alex tsked. “Sucks to be you.” He motioned Angel off the sofa. “Go in the kitchen. I told those guys they better not show up empty handed, and I’m ordering pizza. I’m gonna need this table."

  Angel and Sarah moved into the kitchen. They settled down on the counter in the center island. Sarah turned out to be a pretty tough tutor, not wanting to waiver from the task at hand. Although, Angel didn’t make it easy, with all his continual kissing and groping. She pulled away giggling from his ear nibbling.

  “Okay Angel, pay attention. This is easy stuff. Donde estan means where are.” They looked up and saw Romero come in the kitchen. He pulled his fingers across his lips to show his lips were zipped.

  Sarah continued. “You already know all the
se words,” She pointed at a list of words in the book. “So, Donde esta mis zapatos? Means, where are my shoes? Donde estan mis llaves? is Where are my keys? Now you try it.”

  Before Angel could start Sarah’s cell phone rang. “I’ll just send it to voicemail.”

  “Nah, get it.” Angel welcomed the break. “I’m gonna grab some pizza anyway.”

  She answered and stood up walking toward the patio door. The guys in the other room cheered loudly and she covered her free ear to try to hear better. She motioned to Angel that she was stepping outside. Angel nodded, barely paying attention.

  “Did they score?” he asked, turning his attention toward the den.

  “Sure did!” Romero said, walking toward him. He’d ran back out when the guys started cheering.

  They both walked over to the counter where the pizza was. “Hey, try this one,” Romero said. “Donde estan mis bolas?” Where are my balls?

  Angel laughed grabbing a slice and leaned against the counter.

  Romero shook his head, his face disgusted. He took a quick look out the window to make sure Sarah wasn’t listening. “Dude, you’re that whipped you’re missing the Charger game?”

  Angel smiled chewing his pizza. “I have to study, man. If I don’t do well on this quiz tomorrow, I sit out Friday’s game.”

  Romero shook his head still unconvinced. “Well, you’re missing a hell of a game.” He grabbed another slice before heading back into the den.

  Angel frowned and finished up his slice of pizza. He glanced out the window and saw Sarah still on her phone laughing. She saw him and stuck her tongue out. He smiled and walked away taking advantage of the time to watch a little of the game.

  He was just outside the kitchen when he heard the patio door open. He walked back in and saw Sarah standing at the door facing out. He caught the tail end of her conversation.

  “Of course not,” she said. “Don’t be silly, I’m thrilled for you. This is huge. You know me. If I was there I’d be jumping all over you, celebrating.”

  Angel’s eyebrow went up.

  “Yes.. yes.. I swear. Okay, talk to you later.”

  She hung up and turned around. She looked a little surprised that Angel was standing there. “That was Sydney.”

  Angel’s expression softened and he nodded, walking around the island to get another slice of pizza. “What’s going on with her?” he asked, without turning around.


  Sarah bit her lip wincing, thankful that his back was turned at the moment. She knew she had said the next time he referred to Sydney as a female she’d correct him, but somehow now didn’t quite seem like the right time or place.

  Something told her Angel’s studying would be shot and she didn’t want to be responsible for him not playing on Friday.

  By now, Angel had turned around and was facing her. Careful to not further the already growing lie she had to think about her wording. “Sydney accepted an early music scholarship to Columbia University, in New York.”

  Angel’s eyes narrowed a little. “And she didn’t think you’d be happy?”

  He walked over to join her. She’d already sat down where they’d been studying.

  “Well,” She cleared her throat. “I was quiet for a second when I heard Columbia ‘cause Syd had always said UCLA was the ultimate goal. So, Syd thought maybe I was upset because Columbia was so far. But I’m actually getting use to the distance between us. Besides with technology being what it is now. It’s almost like we’re not even apart. We talk so much on the phone.” As soon as she said that last part, she was wishing she could take it back. She kept forgetting Angel would eventually know about Syd, and little details like that would only make it harder for him to understand.

  “Yeah,” Angel nodded. “Then there’s e-mail. No matter how far away, I’m sure you two will keep in touch.”

  Sarah was getting nervous about the whole wording thing. She didn’t know how much longer she could keep doing it before Syd’s name being repeated so much began sounding weird. She tried changing the subject.

  She nodded her head in agreement. “I’m starving.”

  Alex and Eric walked in. Angel stood up and walked over to the pizza. “Is it over?” Angel asked.

  “No, it’s halftime.” Eric said

  Angel put two slices on a paper plate then grabbed another for himself. Alex and Eric were already eating their pizza leaning against the counter. Sarah was thankful for the interruption, but her relief quickly turned into dismay.

  Angel set the plate down in front of her then grabbed a soda out of the fridge.

  “So, Sydney’s a musician uh?” He handed her the can of soda.

  She took it and nodded, refusing to refuel the conversation. He came around and sat back down next to her. “What does she play?”

  She took a long drink of her soda and looked at Alex and Eric. They were both eyeing her. “Saxophone.”

  “Really?” Angel seemed surprised.

  “That’s a turn on.” Alex said, just as Romero walked in.

  “What’s a turn on?” Romero asked. He took a slice a pizza and stood next to Alex.

  “Her friend plays the saxophone.” Alex said.

  “Really?” Romero asked. “A girl?”

  She was about to shake her head, but didn’t get the chance. “Of course, ass.” Alex shoved Romero. “Like I’d say that about a dude.”

  Angel and Eric laughed. Sarah wanted to groan. The testosterone in the room was suffocating.

  “Really?” Romero said “A chick that really knows how to blow huh?”

  The guys all laughed. Sarah sunk in her seat. This was a nightmare, now they were all in on her lie. She felt Angel rub her back. He mistook her look of despair for annoyance. “Easy,” he said. “That’s her best friend.”

  Romero peered at her “Oh yeah? Well, introduce.”

  “She likes playing the saxophone Romero, not the piccolo Pete.” Alex grinned.

  Eric almost spit out his food and even Sarah had to laugh.

  “She’s in Arizona,” Angel said, getting up for more pizza. He looked through three empty boxes before finding one with any in it. “We’ve gone through three pizzas already?”

  Alex looked at him wide eyed. “You guys are fat. Those were extra large too. There’s only four of us.”

  “I had some too.” Sarah said, holding her hand up.

  Alex looked at her plate unimpressed. “Sweetheart, I had two slices before the pizza even made it to the kitchen.”

  Romero walked over and leaned on the sink in front of her. “Arizona, uh? Well, have her come down for a visit.”

  “Dude, get the hell out of here!” Alex said

  “What?” Romero protested.

  “No, I’m serious. Get out of here." Alex said.

  Angel laughed sitting back down next to Sarah. “Yeah, get out of here I gotta study.”

  Romero leaned over closer to Angel and looked at him very seriously. “Donde estan mis bolas?”

  This time it was Sarah that almost spit up her food. Angel rolled his eyes.

  Eric had already walked back to the den. “It’s back on!” he yelled.

  Alex and Romero each grabbed a slice to go. They weren’t even out the door when Angel was all over her again. She sat there kind of limp. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “You feeling tired?”


  Just underhanded and deceitful.

  He pecked her a few more times. “Maybe Sydney can come and visit sometime. We can all go out. Don’t worry I’ll handle Romero.”

  Sarah hoped he didn’t hear her thunderous gulp and forced a smile. “Yeah, maybe.” Not in a million years.