Read Forever Mine (The Moreno Brothers) Page 15

  Sarah got up to see if it was Valerie she’d heard; partly out of curiosity, and partly because she was sick of working on her paper.

  When she walked in the room she saw Valerie sitting on her bed going through her phone. She looked up and Sarah could see she’d been crying. Her eyes were all puffy and her nose was bright red. One side of her mouth went up in a sad attempt to smile, then she shook her head and wiped a tear that rolled down her cheek.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” Sarah walked over and sat next to her.

  Valerie leaned over and put her head on Sarah’s shoulder. “I’m done with Alex.”

  “Why? What happened?” Sarah rubbed Valerie’s back.

  Valerie wiped her face with the tissue in her hand.

  “I just can’t deal with it anymore. I was stupid to think that just ‘cause he’d admitted to being jealous and that he’d never been so before, it might mean something. Here I’m the one always preaching about guys being territorial. Well, hello! That’s all it was. He doesn’t give a shit about me.”

  Sarah patted Valerie’s knee, not knowing what to say. “Did something happen tonight?”

  Valerie nodded. “Well, not anything that hasn’t happened before though. I didn’t tell you because I feel stupid. But every time I’m with him his phone is constantly ringing, and he always sends it to voicemail. I never really say anything except maybe give him the look, ‘cause I know it’s all girls. He always just laughs and says ‘What? I have lots of friends.’ Oh, but God forbid my phone ring, and I not answer it. He always wants to know why? And if it’s a guy.” She stopped to blow her nose.

  “Anyway,” she continued, “his phone rang tonight like five freakin times in less than fifteen minutes. So, I told him to just answer it already. At first, he didn’t want to, but he knew I was getting pissed, so, he did, and sure enough, it was a girl. You should’ve seen the big smile on his face and the way he talked to her. It just made me sick. He hung up when he saw the look on my face, and I told him to bring me home. You know what he says?"

  Sarah shook her head. “You’re the one that told me to answer it!” Valerie used the stupidest guy voice she could make.

  Sarah fought the urge to smile, and felt guilty when she saw Valerie wipe another tear away. “So, you told him you’re not gonna see him anymore?”

  “Yeah, I told him I couldn’t deal with him anymore. He said I was being silly but when I asked if he’d be okay with me sleeping with someone else, he shut up real quick. Then turned it around, accusing me of having someone else I want to sleep with, and that’s why I was breaking things off.”

  “No way,” Sarah said. “What did you tell him?”

  “To go to hell, and I asked him how it could be that there was anything for me to break off when he was obviously still seeing other girls. He didn’t say anything. All the way home, though, he kept trying to convince me that I was overreacting and that he did care about me, only right now, with school and his football schedule, he can’t commit to anything. He said he still wanted to see me but I refuse. I’m done with him. It hurts too much.” Her eyes welled up again.

  “I did tell him though, before I got here that there were no hard feelings, in case I ran into him being that you and Angel are together and all. I don’t want things to be awkward.” She leaned against Sarah again.

  Sarah rubbed her back again, feeling terrible and partly responsible. She was the one that kept telling Valerie that there was a definite connection. But she really thought there was. She saw it in Alex’s eyes when they were together. Angel had tried to warn her, Alex was a heartbreaker. She should’ve listened and warned Valerie, instead of egging her on.


  Thanksgiving felt different this year. From the moment Angel woke up he was all nerves. Sarah would be spending the day with his family then he’d take her back to her aunt’s for dinner there.

  It’d worked out perfect because his family’s Thanksgivings were always more of a brunch with everything meticulously laid out by one in the afternoon at the latest, buffet style in the kitchen.

  He was worried about Sarah. He knew this would be her first Thanksgiving without her mom. The only time she’d mentioned the holiday at all, was a few days ago and only to ask him to please not be hurt that she wasn’t inviting him to dinner at her aunt’s. She wasn’t looking forward to being with a bunch of family members she’d never met, and she thought having him there might make her even more nervous.

  He did want to be there. Protect her from any unpleasantness but he respected her wishes and agreed.

  Angel had big plans for this evening. Depending only on if she was up to it, he wanted tonight to be the night. Tonight would be a night Sarah would never forget.

  While most boys his age were still dreaming about getting laid, Angel already had a good share of experience. From the time he was fifteen, the girls made it just too easy for him. But Angel had always been extremely careful, even passing politely the first several times girls literally offered themselves to him. Thanks to his older brother Sal’s lecturing, he’d been deathly afraid of disease and knocking someone up.

  Eventually, though, it’d become too much of a temptation and he’d given in. But in the beginning Sal’s words would ring in his head, rattling him every time just as he was about to do the deed.

  Think with your head, not your dick. ALWAYS use a condom, no means no, and don’t go sleeping with everything that moves unless you want to end up with something you can’t get rid of, like a disease or a baby. Remember condoms aren’t 100% effective. And the most endearing of all. Don’t be stupid.

  That was the main reason why he’d end up with Dana so often after parties and dances. The idea of switching partners so often made him nervous. But nothing compared to the nerves he was feeling now. Ever since Sarah told him she was ready he'd felt on the edge. Even with his experience, he knew this would be a first for him too. This was Sarah. Just being around her made him feel things he couldn’t even begin to describe. And now he was going to be making love to her. Not once had he slept with someone he cared about. And saying he cared about Sarah was an understatement.

  He eyed the front door of her aunt’s house, turning off the engine. The keys weren’t even out of the ignition when he saw her rush down the front stairs and toward the car.

  Angel had told her to not worry about dressing up. Thanksgivings at his house were anything but formal. Even in jeans and a sweater she looked amazing.

  The moment she stepped in the car and he touched her hand, he felt a tenderness that swelled his heart. There was something more beautiful about her than usual, and he loved the way her delicate scent always filled his car. She leaned toward him and brushed her lips against his, pausing to gaze in his eyes for a moment, then smiled.

  He always felt like an untamed animal around Sarah, but lately it was different. She was all he ever thought about now, and any time away from her felt too long. Angel closed his eyes and kissed her. Then the words came out without warning. “I love you, Sarah.”

  His eyes flew open and pulled back to see her expression. Sarah’s eyes were as wide as his felt. They were both stunned. But he knew he meant it. “Really?”

  “Yeah, really.” He took a deep breath, and leaned his forehead against hers. As absurd as it sounded he thought he felt it from the moment he kissed her that first night. But now he was certain. There were no two ways around it. He’d fallen for her hard.

  He searched her eyes for what she might be thinking. Then she smiled really big and hugged him hard. “That means so much to me.”

  Not exactly the words he’d hoped to hear, but he held her tight anyway. Saying it felt right and that's all that mattered.


  Brunch at his house went well with other members of his family meeting Sarah for the first time, including his oldest brother Sal. She was such a natural and everyone seemed to like her immediately. He’d hardly been able to keep his eyes off her the whole
time. He took her home as soon as they were done eating so she could get her dinner at home over as soon as possible.

  When he got back from dropping her off Eric was in the kitchen sitting at the bar with a plateful of food and Sofia was warming something up in the microwave.

  “Thought you were spending the day with your dad?” Angel asked as he walked to the fridge.

  Eric spoke with a mouthful of food. “Already ate with him.”

  Angel looked down at Eric’s abundant plate. “You’re kidding right?

  Eric didn’t flinch. “Nope. He’s watching some boring ass golf highlights DVD, so I thought I’d come over and see what you guys were up to.

  As if he couldn’t imagine. But Angel didn’t mind. He felt bad for Eric. Since Eric’s parents were divorced and he lived with his dad he rarely got a home cooked meal. That’s why he was over so much in the Moreno kitchen. As far as Angel was concerned both Eric and Romero were like family.

  Sofia pulled a plate with sliced apple pie on it from the microwave. She added a big spoonful of vanilla ice cream to the top.

  “Looks good, Sofi,” Angel eyed the pie as he pulled an energy drink out of the fridge.

  “Not for you.” She took the plate and set it in front of Eric.

  Eric grinned at Angel “Thank you, Sof.”

  “You’re a fat ass. You really gonna eat all that?” Angel leaned against the sink.

  “Shit, I’m gonna go get me some more of your mom’s kick ass mashed potatoes.” Eric said putting another spoonful in his mouth.

  “I made those.” Sofia beamed.

  “Sarah liked them too.” Angel smiled at Sofia. “You’re getting better every year, Sofi.”

  Sal walked in the kitchen. “Getting better at what?”

  “Everything.” Eric said.

  The comment threw Angel, and he thought he saw Eric and Sofia exchange a glance. Both Sal and Angel stared at him. Eric finished chewing and cleared his throat.

  “I mean I heard Sarah say she’s getting pretty fast in track.” He looked at Sal, “But Angel was talking about her cooking.”

  Sal turned to Sofia with a big smile. “That’s my baby sis.”

  Sofia started putting dishes in the dishwasher. “Not a baby, Sal.”

  Sal turned his attention to Angel. “So, I guess everyone is growing up around here. You brought a girl home to mom and pop, Angel? Really?”

  “He’s got it bad.” Eric grinned.

  Unamused, Angel shot him a look. “What’s the big deal?”

  He took a swig of his drink and hoped someone would change the subject. But he had a bad feeling. He saw it in Sal’s face. He walked in the kitchen with a purpose. Sal pulled a chair from the breakfast table and straddled it.

  “So, how long?” Sal asked.

  Sofia answered for him, “Three months and a few weeks.”

  That surprised Angel. He wasn’t even sure how long it’d been. He knew it’d been a few months, but that was it. “How do you know?”

  Her expression teased him. “Sarah and I talk about a lot of things.” She glanced at Eric, and then back at Angel. “She just mentioned it the other day.”

  “Wow.” Sal said. “So, tell me about it. What made you decide you wanted to be a one woman man?

  Knowing Sal wouldn’t let up until he knew everything, Angel decided to just give him a brief rundown of the whole thing.

  Very brief.

  Sal looked settled in for a full detailed account, but that wasn’t going to happen. Angel did his best to sound bored.

  “I met her in school. She was the new girl this year, didn’t really know anyone.” Angel shrugged for good measure, “I thought she was cool so we hung out, introduced her to the guys, and Sofi, and I’ve been hanging with her since. No big deal.”

  He wondered if anyone was buying it. Everyone had seen him tonight. Hell, he’d never made an effort to hide his affection for Sarah before. But tonight was different. Telling her he loved her had done something to him. He couldn’t figure it out. All he knew was that every time he kissed her, touched her, or even looked into her eyes, it ignited something in him.

  Sal looked satisfied. “She seemed nice enough.”

  “She is really nice.” Sofia agreed. “I like her a lot.”

  Eric groaned. “Oh, I ate too much. Sofi, why’d you feed me so much?”

  Glad they were off the subject, Angel took advantage. “Good, that’s what you get. So, we working out tomorrow?”

  Eric sat back in his chair with his hands on his stomach. The pained look on his face made Angel laugh.

  Without missing a beat, Sofia put a cup of fizzing water in front of Eric. “Here drink this.”

  Angel and Sal looked at Sofia. “What? That’s what dad drinks when he eats too much.”

  Eric did as he was told and downed half the concoction, stopping with a face of pure repulsion. “What was that?”

  “Seltzer water,” Sofia said. “Drink it all.”

  Angel was amused by how Sofia was really turning into a mother hen lately. He enjoyed her irritation when he called her his baby sister, but he was damned if he’d ever stop calling her that.

  His phone rang and when he saw it was Sarah, it immediately worried him. She hadn’t been at her aunt’s very long. He flipped it open. “Hey, what’s up?”

  “I’m ready.” She sounded fine.

  “How’d it go?”

  “Everything went good. I was pretty full from your place, so I just ate desert. Come get me. I’ll tell you all about it.”

  Just thinking of seeing her again made him smile. “Okay, I’ll be there in a few.”

  “Angel.” She whispered.


  “I said, I’m ready.”

  It took a moment for it to register. But when it did, he felt his heart speed up and a stir in his pants. Damn, she drove him crazy. “I’m on my way.”

  Angel didn’t realize until he hung up, but Sal was watching him the whole time.

  “You bringing her back here?”

  Angel flashed him a fat smile. “Nope.”

  “Yeah, well, just remember. Don’t be stupid.”

  With a wink, Angel grabbed his keys and was off.


  Aunt Norma had made it sound like there would be a lot of her mom’s relatives there. If Sarah knew how things were going to work out, she would have brought Angel over.

  She hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him saying he loved her the whole day. She’d wanted so badly to tell him she loved him, too, but how could she? How could she sit there and tell him she loved him when she would be leaving him soon and he knew perfectly well it was by choice? She just couldn’t do it. As much as hearing him say he loved her had been music to her ears, she almost wished he hadn’t. It only made the guilt that much harder to bear.

  “So, what happened?” They drove out of her aunt’s driveway. Angel put his hand on her lap and she wrapped both her hands around it.

  She took a deep breath “First of all, all that worrying was for nothing. Most of the relatives who showed up were from my uncle’s side and the few that did show up from my mom’s were very distant relatives. Apparently all their closer family members still live in Arizona. No one really seemed interested.

  “My aunt had to literally remind them that she had a sister. The adults ate in the dining room while…” she lifted her fingers to quote. “…us kids ate in the kitchen. It was actually kind of boring.”

  She left out the part about her step-uncle’s nephews flirting outrageously with her. It amazed her that both were the same age as Angel, and yet compared to him they were such immature goofballs.

  Angel smiled. “Well, that’s good. I was kind of worried when you called so early. I thought maybe something happened.”

  She leaned against him. “No, I just couldn’t wait to be with you again.”

  He squeezed her hand.

  At first when they drove up the alley to
the back entrance of the restaurant Sarah wasn’t even sure where they were. She glanced around a little confused.

  When they got inside she smiled. What could he have in mind? Surely he didn’t plan on making use of one of the booths, did he? They walked down a short hallway and through the small cluttered office. They went through another door that led to what looked like a break room.

  She knew about it but had never actually been in there. There was a counter with a microwave, a toaster, and a refrigerator against the wall, with cabinets above it. A table in the middle of the room and a small sofa next to the table facing a T.V. that was in the corner.

  Then she saw it at the end of the room. A bed, it was a small twin bed, with a dark bedspread nothing fancy, but it would do. She felt her heart speed up a little.

  Angel strolled over to the fridge, opened it up and pulled out a jug of wine.

  Sarah grinned. “Hey, my precious!”

  “I thought maybe you’d want to unwind a little first.”

  Were her nerves that transparent? He poured her a cup then went back to the fridge and grabbed a beer for himself. She chewed her lip when he tugged her by the hand toward the bed. She sat down feeling the swarm in her stomach go wild. She took a big sip of her wine as she watched him go back toward the counter. He opened cabinet above it, and took a small white plastic bag out. Then he came back and sat next to her.

  He smiled and took a deep breath. “I want you to know, that even though you’re going to be leaving, I still want us to be together.”

  Her eyes glistened. She’d thought about that so many times but dared not ask. It was way too much to ask of him. After all, it was her choice to go back. How could she possibly have the nerve to suggest it?

  Angel pulled a small box out of the bag, and handed it to her. Before she could open it, he put his hand over hers.

  “Sarah this isn’t gonna be easy, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes. I don’t care if I have to drive out there every weekend. Just ‘cause we’re so far doesn’t mean I plan on being a part time boyfriend. Do you understand what I’m saying? I want everything exactly like it is now. I won’t share you.”