Read Forever Mine (The Moreno Brothers) Page 23

  “Isn’t that the one Angel called a pervert?”

  Just hearing his name was enough to bring her spirits down and she frowned. “Yes, but he also calls you my boyfriend. So, what’s your point?”

  “I’m just saying that’s kind of weird that he’d take you home isn’t it?”

  “What was he supposed to do? I couldn’t walk,” Sarah tried moving her ankle a little and immediately regretted it.

  “Uh, hello, he could’ve had you call someone to pick you up.”

  “Why? When he could just do it himself and it was faster?” Sarah couldn’t believe Sydney was actually thinking like this.

  “Maybe because he had a team full of kids waiting to practice?”

  Sarah didn’t respond to that. She was getting annoyed.

  “Look Lynni, I don’t know, but most of the times when there are rumors like that about teachers, or coaches, there’s some truth to them. Maybe some stuff gets added in for a little more flavor but if you dig deep, the rumors started from something valid.”

  There was no way. Coach Rudy had never been anything but nice and encouraging to her. The people that started those rumors were idiots as far as she was concerned. Syd made her promise she’d be careful but she knew she had nothing to worry about. Coach Rudy was not a pervert.


  Seeing Sarah had been worse than Angel could’ve ever imagined. It was completely unexpected and he was in no way ready for the blow. He sat in class that first day for all of twenty minutes before he’d ducked out the back door.

  He almost went home but instead decided to go to the counselor’s office and switch his schedule around. He didn’t care what classes he got stuck with as long as he didn’t have to see her every day. It would kill him.

  Since then he’d done everything he could to avoid her. Sofia told him the first night that all Sarah told her was that there’d been a snag in her plans, but that it was only temporary she was still going back to Arizona she just wasn’t sure when. Sofia wasn’t happy that Angel had no intention of reconnecting with Sarah, much less hang out with her.

  The whole week had been a nightmare. The more he tried to not think about her the more nosey idiots asked him about her. It seemed the whole damn school was talking about it.

  To top it off, Dana was at it again. She conveniently mistook their little coffee outing over the break as an invitation back into his life. She’d gone back to hugging him every time she saw him. And he knew she was behind the rumors that quickly spread about Sarah cheating on him.

  The weekend was uneventful and he finally went a whole couple of days without anyone asking him about Sarah. Monday went by pretty fast but Angel wondered if he’d ever get over that tense feeling stalking him, worrying about seeing her.

  That evening he worked out with Alex in the backyard. They’d just finished when Sofia strolled out holding a bottle of water. Angel lay back down on the bench to rest.

  “Sarah got hurt today during practice,” Sofia sat down on one of the patio chairs.

  Angel sat up.

  “She’s still here?” Alex asked.

  “Yeah,” Sofia turned to look at Angel. “You didn’t tell him Sarah didn’t leave?”

  Angel shrugged. His thoughts were still on Sarah getting hurt.

  “No shit?” Alex smirked. “No wonder you’ve been so uptight all weekend.”

  Angel ignored him. Sofia hadn’t moved her eyes away from him. But he still couldn’t bring himself to ask anything about Sarah. Turned out he didn’t have to.

  “She twisted her ankle during one of the runs. It was pretty bad. Coach Rudy had to carry her to his car.”

  Alex wiped the sweat off his brow and laughed. “The perve?”

  Angel had a feeling Sofia’s coming out to tell them was not without reason. And if that reason was to piss him off it was working.

  “To his car?” Angel tried not to sound as disgusted as he felt.

  Sofia took a swig of her water and eyeballed Angel. When she was done she took her time putting the cap back on before she answered. “Well, yeah, she wasn’t gonna walk home.”

  “He took her home?” Alex’s bemused enthusiasm wasn’t helping Angel. He was trying hard to keep his cool. He had a feeling what Sofia was up to. But if it was all true it didn’t matter what she was up to he was still incensed.

  “Yeah, that’s why I’m home early. He called the rest of the practice off.”

  Alex sat down cackling. “Oh man. This is rich. So, now she’s dating the coach.”

  “Shut up, Alex,” Angel finally snapped.

  “Yeah,” Sofia jumped in. “You see that’s how rumors get started, he was nice enough to take her home and all of sudden they’re dating?”

  “I dunno, the guys slick. I know a few chicks that actually did date him.”

  “He can get arrested, you idiot. Lose his job,” Suddenly, Angel was defending the pervert’s intentions.

  “Nah,” Alex was still grinning “He knows what he’s doing. Sarah’s eighteen right? It’s legal.”

  Angel was beginning to wonder if Sofia and Alex were in on this together. Between the two of them they’d managed to irritate him to no end. He stood up.

  “Sarah wouldn’t do that,” Sofia said, and then added, “besides, she’s still not over Angel.”

  Angel stopped and looked at Sofia. “She said that?”

  Sofia’s expression went flat. “No, but-”

  “But nothing,” Angel walked past her. “She’s going back to Arizona because that’s where she wants to be, Sof. I just don’t know what the hell’s taking her so damn long.”

  “Did you know her friend Sydney has a girlfriend?”

  Angel stopped, but didn’t turn around to face her. “Is that a fact?”

  With all the damn rumors going around he didn’t know what to believe anymore.

  “Yep, a serious one. Sarah spent Christmas with them,” Sofia walked around to face him. Her expression was hopeful. “Does that change things?”

  Angel thought about it for a second and that image that he’d finally been able to stop seeing every time he thought of her assaulted him again. That dress. That damn dress she’d worn for Sydney the night she lied about where she was. And the way she was all done up. He’d never seen her that way before. Angel clenched his teeth.


  He took a long shower and took in everything Sofia dumped on him. Even if he did get past the dress thing, which he knew he wouldn’t, he’d never be okay with Sarah having so much affection for another guy. Never.


  Angel sat in his car waiting for Sofia to finish practice. He’d gotten there early and where he parked gave him a perfect view of the bleachers. He chewed his gum slowly as a calming technique when he saw Sarah make her way up the bleachers with her crutches and sit down. It had been four days since she’d hurt her ankle and from the looks of it, it hadn’t healed at all.

  This was the first time he’d seen her all week. He’d picked up Sofia every day that week except Monday when she got off early but Sarah hadn’t been there until now. Even from that distance he couldn’t keep his eyes off her. She wore her hair down. The wind picked up and she kept pulling strands of hair away from her face. She sat there consumed in the team practicing without her

  He thought of how different things would be if Sydney didn’t exist. He’d be sitting there with her now no doubt, moving the hair away from her face and taking advantage of the moment to kiss her each time.

  Something heated inside him when he noticed Coach Perv, walk out of the gym. The coach’s eyes were instantly on Sarah. He wrote something on a clipboard, glanced at the team a few times, then his eyes were back on Sarah again. Angel swallowed hard when Coach Rudy started walking toward her.

  The coach took a seat right next to Sarah and immediately his hands were all over her ankle.

  “What is he a fucking doctor now?” Angel muttered to himself.

  They talke
d and even laughed. The coach stood up a couple of times and yelled out a few things to the rest of the team practicing on the field but never once moved away from Sarah’s side.

  Angel pounded lightly on the bottom steering wheel over and over trying not to lose his patience. But the damn coach hadn’t stopped talking to Sarah since he sat next to her.

  Sarah shook her head to move the hair away from her face and then the coach reached over and tucked a strand behind her ear.

  Angel spit his gum out the window and got out of the car. He took a deep breath. The air was cool and it helped him cool off a little. Very little. He leaned against the car, his eyes on them the whole time.

  Don’t do it. Just stay here and wait for Sofia. She’s not your concern anymore.

  Angel glanced down at his watch. He couldn’t get over the coaches blatant disregard for the team. The rest of the week when he’d picked up Sofia he’d been out there riding them hard. Now he was so busy with Sarah he’d barely addressed them and practice was almost over.

  The coach said something that made Sarah laugh out loud. Angel looked around to see if anyone else had noticed their banter. Didn’t she realize people would talk? No one seemed to notice, but when the coach put his hand on her ankle again, Angel started walking.

  He had no idea what he was going to say or do, but even the voice in his head couldn’t stop him. Angel had made no secret of his relationship with Sarah last semester and the coach had seen them together plenty of times. Maybe just seeing Angel would make him back the hell off.

  Angel had made it halfway to the bleachers when the coach called everyone in. That’s when his eyes met Sarah’s. The smile on her face dissolved when she saw him and she looked away.

  He took slower steps toward the bleachers now as the coach gave his speech on what he thought they needed to work on. What a joke. He’d spent the entire practice chatting up with Sarah and now he was going preach to them?

  Angel reached the bottom of the bleachers when the coach was done. Everyone started on their way and Sofia came over to meet him. Sarah’s back was turned to him as she gathered her crutches.

  The coach held her by the arm when she lost her balance. Angel concentrated hard on relaxing. Sarah laughed when the coach called her a klutz and she almost lost her balance again.

  “C’mon, Sarah, you’re killing me,” the coach teased.

  “I got it now.” She giggled as she stood up straight.

  Her back was still to Angel. She hadn’t yet seen him move that close and the coach hadn’t noticed him in the crowd.

  “You need a ride home?” The coach asked. “I can drop you off.”

  “That’s alright, coach. She’s got a ride.”

  Both the coach and Sarah turned to look at him. Angel didn’t feel like he was talking to a coach at his school anymore. He was big but young and what Alex had said hit him in the gut. This guy was slick and Sarah was legal. The coach stared him down like a rival and looked back at Sarah.

  Sarah peered at Angel. “Really? Funny I wasn’t aware.”

  Her attitude surprised Angel but he didn’t back down. “Yeah, I’m taking you home.”

  Sarah stomped down the bleachers. Her crutches made every step louder than normal. The coach was steadfast behind her.

  “I’d rather walk,” Her eyes were ablaze.

  But Angel noticed a slight break in the heat when their eyes locked and took advantage. “Why?

  She glanced away quickly, and then stared at him again. Angel’s heart raced. She was so close he fought with himself to not take her face in his hands and kiss her like he had so many times before.

  “You haven’t even said hello to me since I’ve been back,” She stopped when her emotions betrayed her.

  Her rigid stare faltered. And when Angel saw her beautiful eyes well up he knew he’d made a huge mistake. “Don’t you even wanna know why I’m still here?”

  Angel panicked when he saw the tears line the sides of her cheeks. This was the last thing he’d imagined would happen. He could think of nothing else to do but shake his head. “I’m sorry,” Was all that he managed to get out.

  She stared at him incredibly and then leaned on her crutch to wipe the tears. In an instant she went from weepy to resolute. “Well, I’m sorry too.”

  She looked at Sofia “I’ll see you Monday.”

  Coach Rudy had backed away but was still close.

  “Does that offer still stand?”

  “Of course,” The coach smiled. “You’re on my way home.”

  Angel clenched his jaw but didn’t go after her. The coach turned casually to look at Angel one last time. There was something about the way he smiled then reached out and put his hand on Sarah’s shoulder as they walked away. Angel was sure of it this time. Rudy was challenging him.


  Sarah didn’t think there was any part of her heart left to break. She was so angry at herself for crying. Why did he still have so much power over her? It was pathetic the way her entire body went into a frenzy from just seeing him.

  Being that close to him had such an overwhelming effect on her. She couldn’t hold in what she was feeling but his obvious contempt for her now was undeniable. He didn’t even care why she was still here.

  She tried desperately to shake it off on the ride home. Talking to Coach Rudy about her mom was one thing but telling him about Angel would be quite another. Sydney would be the first to point that out.

  She was quiet most of the way and he finally asked. “Are you okay?”

  Sarah nodded but didn’t offer anything.

  “You don’t have to tell me about it,” he said. “Just hope you know, even though it feels like you won’t right now, you’ll get over him eventually. I promise.”

  He always knew exactly what to say. Sarah always thought it was just a coach thing. On the field whenever she questioned herself he always knew just when to say something that would make her feel better. But now even off the field, his words were so comforting.

  “I’m gonna go see my mom again.”

  They pulled in her driveway and he turned the engine off. “Really, when?”

  “On Sunday, but I leave tomorrow.”

  “Did you tell anyone?” He smiled.

  “Well, I’m telling you.”

  “Really? No one else knows?”

  He leaned against the door and for a moment he seemed much younger than how she usually perceived him. The way he was looking at her reminded Sarah of Angel when they used to park in their place and talk. Sydney’s words came to her. The rumors started from something valid.

  “Something wrong?”

  Sarah shook her head. “No, I’m sorry my mind was somewhere else. What did you say?”

  She felt stupid. Just because he was so young looking didn’t mean anything.

  “I said, am I the only one that knows you’re going?”

  Sarah chuckled. “No, everyone knows, even my mom this time.”

  “You taking the bus again?”

  “Yeah, and my friend is meeting me there.”

  He frowned. “That’s a long ride to take all on your own. Can’t your aunt or cousin go with you?”

  There was something about Coach Rudy. Maybe it was because she’d never had a father figure or any older siblings but his kind words and his worrying warmed her. She liked it.

  “Valerie gets car sick on long trips, especially in a bus. And my aunt has to work.” She smiled. “But I’ll be okay. I slept most the way last time.”

  “I’d offer to take you, if I didn’t have to work. It’s a beautiful drive. And,” he emphasized. “I’ve never been to the Grand Canyon.”

  Sarah scrunched up her nose. “You work on the weekends?”

  “Not every weekend. I ref youth soccer.”

  “Really?” He was so big, she never imagined him as a soccer player. “So, you play also, right?”

  “Well, I used to. Back in my day,” he laughed. “Now, I just r
ef. Too old to play. But it’s still fun.”

  “You’re not that old,” Sarah regretted the moment it came out of her mouth. It seemed inappropriate.

  “I could’ve still been playing in college, but I rushed the books to graduate early. Couldn’t wait to start teaching.”

  He smiled and again Sarah got that feeling that she wasn’t sitting there with a coach or teacher. She felt so comfortable. Like talking to Sydney.

  “So, any particular reason you’re going to see your mom? Or just because?”

  Sarah nodded. “Yeah, after seeing her last time I realized I should’ve been doing it a lot more often. Only reason I hadn’t was because she’d made it a point to tell me she didn’t want me to when she first went in.”

  “Well, maybe next time you go, I can take you.”

  Sarah knew that would sound weird to others. Maybe it was her long history with Sydney that made her believe you could actually care about someone with no ulterior motives. She decided he was a good guy. He showed genuine concern for her and she trusted him.

  Before she could respond he sat up a little. “Hey, ever been running at the Canyon?”

  “Yeah, the trails are awesome. I loved the work out,” Sarah smiled remembering all the times she’d raced Sydney there.

  “Ever been to Mount Soledad?”

  Sarah felt her stomach hollow as the memories of the picnic she had with Angel there and all the times they’d gone back later, supposedly to hike but always ended up sprawled out on a blanket somewhere. She managed a nod.

  “The trails are spectacular there also. I take a few of my students up there every now and then. Talk about a work out. Maybe when your ankle is better you can join us.”

  “Yeah,” Sarah bit her lip. “That sounds good.”

  It really did, going back to the park would be bittersweet, but she could see herself getting lost in a run in the beautiful trails.

  When she spoke to Sydney that night he surprised her again. She thought he’d be furious about Angel, instead he played devil’s advocate.

  “So, he didn’t like that The Perv was gonna drive you home? He’s Angel. Did his reaction really surprise you?”

  “Okay, Sydney first of all, can you please stop calling him The Perv?” Sarah walked around her room cautiously, her ankle was feeling a lot better. “And second, that’s not the point. The point is he expected me to just drop everything and jump in his car without so much as a hello or how’ve you been. Does he really think he has me that wrapped?”