Read Forever Mine (The Moreno Brothers) Page 27

  Sarah’s aunt couldn’t take the day off on such short notice so Angel made arrangements and drove Sarah himself. Her mom wasn’t being released until late in the afternoon and Sarah suggested they stop at Sydney’s to visit for a little bit, said Sydney had invited them. Angel wasn’t exactly looking forward to it but for Sarah’s sake he pretended to be fine with it.

  When they reached Syd’s place Sarah turned to him, “You sure you’re okay with this?”

  Not really but he may as well get it over it. As far as he was concerned, Sarah was a part of his life for good now, so if Sydney was part of hers he had to get used to this. “Yep, I’m good.”

  She leaned over and kissed him before getting out of the car. Angel walked around and met her at the sidewalk. Sydney was already standing on his porch with a blonde girl.

  He met them at the bottom of the porch steps, greeted Angel first and introduced him to his girlfriend Carina. Then he turned and greeted Sarah.

  “I missed you, Lynni.”

  Sarah let go of Angel’s hand to hug him. “I missed you too.”

  Angel watched as Sydney embraced her long and hard. “God, you look good.”

  He focused on not grinding his teeth too hard and tried not to frown. Sydney looked up and met Angel’s eyes even as he still held Sarah. “I guess happiness’ll do that to you huh?”

  Sydney’s mom made them lunch and they ate in the backyard under the patio. Sarah and Sydney talked about the track team she’d left behind in Arizona and she filled him in on the details of her mother’s early release. Angel glanced at Carina who, like him, hadn’t said very much, and wondered if she was as unsettled about their relationship as he was.

  They didn’t stay too long, and Angel guessed it was because Sarah sensed his discomfort even though he did his best to try not to cringe every time Sydney called Sarah, Lynni.

  Sydney hugged her just as hard when he said goodbye. This time Angel turned away casually, not wanting to see the way Syd’s hands caressed her back. He was thankful neither professed their love for one another or he may have snapped.

  Sarah squeezed his hand as they drove away, “Thank you for that. I know that couldn’t have been easy.” She brought his hand to her mouth and kissed it.

  “Why does he call you Lynni?” Angel didn’t want her to think he was angry but he couldn’t help asking.

  She shrugged. “From the moment I met him and I introduced myself as Sarah Lynn, his first remark was, you look more like a Lynn than a Sarah. After a while it turned into Lynni.” She kissed his hand again. “Does that bother you?”

  Angel decided to just be honest. “I hate it.”

  Sarah laughed. “Why?”

  He turned to look at her brilliant green eyes staring at him. “Sound’s too damn sweet.”

  Sarah told him about her mom not liking it either, but after years of trying to correct him she’d given up. Sarah was Lynni to Sydney and always would be. Great.

  When they got to the women’s detention center they were still early. Sarah’s mom wasn’t done being prepped and handling paper work. They sat on a cold hard bench in the lobby. Sarah leaned against Angel and he put his arm around her. He could tell she was anxious and he kissed the top of her head.

  “Almost, sweetheart.”

  She nodded. A good hour later her mom finally walked out and they stood up. Angel was surprised at the lack of resemblance. Her mom’s hair was light brown and she had very dark eyes. The one thing that she did have was Sarah’s smile.

  Sarah rushed to her and hugged her. After holding each other for a few minutes Sarah turned to introduce her to Angel.

  Angel reached out to shake her hand but her mother hugged him hard instead. When she pulled away she examined him thoroughly. “She was right kid, you are a doll.”

  “Never been called that before,” Angel smiled.

  He took the bags her mother carried and Sarah’s mom locked her arm in his, then locked the other in Sarah’s arm. All three began the walk down the corridor. “So, what do you say, kids? Let’s forget the past and go start our new lives in California.”

  Angel and Sarah glanced at each other and smiled. Yeah, Angel liked the sound of that.


  The musicians made their way through the restaurant taking requests. Sarah sat with her mom, aunt, uncle and Valerie in one of the bigger booths. Angel’s parents had thrown a graduation party so the restaurant was open to guests only.

  Sarah’s mom squeezed her hand and Sarah smiled. Her mom looked nothing like what she’d looked like when Sarah first visited her in jail. She’d gained weight and looked healthy and vibrant.

  Her mom was right there for her during the coach’s trial. After Sarah pressed charges several other girls stepped forward to accuse him of the same thing. All in all, he was tried on several different counts ranging from sexual molestation to attempted rape. But many others testified that he’d acted inappropriate with them as well. It took the jury only two hours to deliberate.

  He was found guilty and after all the counts were added up he’d be doing at least thirty years before he’d even be up for parole. Angel couldn’t have been happier. But Sarah couldn’t help feeling bad for the guy. So young and his life is ruined. She’d kept those feelings to herself though and celebrated along with everyone else.

  Sofia winked and smiled at her from where she was sitting with her parents, holding Eric’s hand. After Sarah helped convince Angel, Sofia and Eric doubled with her and Angel to the prom. When she turned seventeen a month ago, she was allowed to date. Of course Eric staked his claim the moment he found out.

  Angel and Alex did their best to not give them a minute alone. Sarah winked back and giggled. They’d never know just how sneaky little sister could be.

  When Sydney walked in with Carina, Sarah stood up to go meet them. She hugged Carina first then Sydney. His fingers ran through hers as they stood and talked. Sarah turned to see Angel walking toward them and quickly dropped Sydney’s hand. Old habits die hard.

  “How’s it going, man?” Angel shook Sydney’s hand and clapped his shoulder.

  Then he turned and hugged Carina.

  Angel asked them about the drive and pulled Sarah gently to him by the waist. He was getting better with the whole Sydney thing, but a lot had changed. It was inevitable. Sarah stopped calling Sydney her best friend. At least around Angel, and the calls dropped to once a week ever since their talk, Angel’s patience only went so far.

  Sarah only went back to Arizona the one time when they picked up her mom. But since then, Syd and Carina came out to visit several times and each time got a little better.

  They walked over to the bar to get drinks.

  “So, is your mom finally getting used to California?” Sydney asked.

  Sarah told him about her mom having a hard time adjusting. “Yeah, she is now, even got a job. Angel’s parents said she could work here at the restaurant. She starts next week.”

  “She won’t be doing the books though,” Angel smirked, handing her a soda.

  Sarah glared at him, appalled, and he kissed her. “I’m kidding.”

  Sarah rolled her eyes and continued. “We won’t be at my aunt’s very long, though. We’re getting an apartment real soon.”

  “Do you still baby-sit?” Carina asked.

  “No. The restaurant’s been real busy. I’ve been working here so much I just haven’t had the time.”

  “That’s right, Lynni told me business is booming,” Sydney turned to Angel. “You guys ever think of opening up another one?”

  Angel squeezed Sarah’s hand. He still hated to hear Syd call her that, but was beginning to accept that it wasn’t going to be changing.

  “Actually,” Angel said, “that’s kind of the plan. After school Sarah and I want to open up our own restaurant. My dad already said he’d help us, but not until we finish school,” He turned to gaze in Sarah’s eyes. “The wedding’s first, though.”

  Sarah and Angel would both be attending San Diego State in the fall. She had been so close to going to New Mexico for a time that Angel was beside himself. Just a few weeks ago though they got news of her scholarship to San Diego and now everything was perfect. She would stay in La Jolla and work at the restaurant part time.

  Sydney smiled. “Lynni told me if it were up to you you’d be married already.”

  Angel frowned. “Yeah, everyone jumped all over that one. It’s cool. I’ll wait 'til we finish school, but no longer than that.”

  The musicians started singing Sabor a Mi, a slow, romantic Mexican favorite. Sarah smiled at the sight of giant Alex next to petite Valerie. Those two were still going back and forth. Sarah didn’t get it. Alex looked at Valerie very much the same way Angel looked at Sarah, yet he was still doing the disappearing act on Valerie all the time. They’d go for a good few weeks being inseparable then he’d be gone with just a few short texts to check in with her and Valerie was certain he was with someone else.

  Some people got up to dance including Eric and Sofia. Angel tugged Sarah’s hand. She put her drink down and he led her to the dance floor. Angel bumped Eric hard before putting his arms around Sarah.

  “You’re an ass.” Eric chuckled.

  Sarah rested her head against Angel’s strong shoulder and closed her eyes. His grip tightened and he kissed her head. Never in all her wildest dreams as a little girl could she have imagined being this happy. She was finally home.

  * * *

  A note to my wonderful readers: Thank you for reading my book. I hope you enjoyed reading my characters as much I enjoyed creating them. Please take a moment to leave a review on the Amazon website.

  To get the latest information on my other works in progress and the next in the Moreno Brothers series, Alex and Valerie’s story “Always Been Mine”, please visit these websites:


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