Read Forever Starts Tonight Page 9

  “Oh, no,” Jace said, setting her down near the wall but keeping his hold on her. “No more touching for you. You’ve broken the rules now.”

  He took her wrists and raised them above her head. There were two handles with rubber grips attached by suction cups. Jace adjusted them for Evan’s height then slipped her hands beneath them.

  “Grab,” Jace said, using that stern voice that made Evan’s amused expression switch to one of anticipation.

  Evan wrapped her hands around the handles and gripped.

  Andre eyed the devices. “Give them a tug and make sure they’re fastened good enough. I don’t want you falling.”

  She did as she was told and everything stayed in place. Andre stepped back. God, did she look beautiful. All that creamy naked skin stretched out against the dark blue tile, breasts full and nipples swelling as his gaze traced over them. He wanted to devour her bite by bite. And Jace standing next to her, dripping wet and hard, tattooed arms glistening, had Andre’s brain going into overdrive even more. He’d just been fully satisfied out in the living room. He could’ve been happy to climb in bed and go to sleep. But now seeing his two lovers in front of him had his desire cranking up again and demanding another go.

  Jace’s focus slid over to Andre, his lips curling as he gave Andre a long once-over. “Let’s see if I can warm you both up.”

  Andre’s blood heated despite the lingering chill from that cold water. He loved being in the dominant role with Evan, cherished it. But he also couldn’t help but respond when Jace gave him that look of ownership. The guy was his best friend, his partner, and someone who could make him laugh like no one else. But that laid-back friend disappeared when Jace took over. When that switch flipped, all that fell away and Andre relished the surrender.

  Andre hadn’t always been comfortable with his reaction to being dominated by a man, and sometimes he still felt a snap of embarrassment at his response—which was part of the reason he hadn’t let Evan see the extent to which he would let Jace take him yet. He didn’t want her to see him as less of a dominant. So they kept any submissive stuff for him relatively light when they were all together, putting the focus on Evan. But there were rare times when it was just he and Jace that he let himself slide fully into that masochistic place, where he surrendered it all. He didn’t need it often. Dominance was what he craved most of the time. But every now and then it was a luxury to give all the power over and have the sense beat out of him.

  It was something he was still learning to accept about himself—being a switch. Like coming to terms with being bi, it was a process. He’d get there. He was eons ahead of where he’d been a year ago when he was silently pining for his best friend. When he’d finally admitted how he felt to Jace, how he sometimes ached for submission and pain, everything in their lives had shifted for the better. Jace had been primarily straight at the time, so Andre hadn’t known what to expect. It’d almost ruined their friendship for good. But when they’d finally let their guards down and given in to the attraction, there’d been no looking back. All that had been missing at the time was the woman they both had fallen in love with.

  Now they had it all.

  Andre’s gaze fell to Evan’s belly. Maybe even more.

  Jace turned a few more dials, filling the room with a gentler spray of water and lots of steam. He angled a few toward Evan, sending water streaming in rivulets over her skin. She closed her eyes and sighed into it, turning her body toward the spray like a flower seeking the sun.

  Jace went to a cabinet on the other side of the room and returned with a few bottles. He tossed one Andre’s way. Shower gel. “Let’s get our girl clean.”

  Jace and Andre soaped up their hands, and Jace took care of shampooing Evan’s hair while Andre got the privilege of running his soapy hands all over Evan’s body. Evan savored every moment, her soft, satisfied groans making him smile. Kinky or not, no woman could resist a rubdown.

  He paid extra attention to soaping her breasts, massaging them, and flicking his tongue along those pretty, pink nipples. And when he drew the bubbles down between her legs, he made sure he was slow and thorough and didn’t stop until her chest was rising and falling with choppy breaths.

  Jace made her turn around, adjusting her hold on the bars, and then they went to work on her backside. Jace’s fingers massaged her scalp, then the tipped her head back and let the water cascade over it.

  Andre rubbed slick hands over her hips, his dick going hard when he stroked his cock against the seam of her ass. She groaned and arched her hips. He chuckled against her ear and tucked his fingers along her crease, rubbing over her back entrance. “Insatiable girl.”

  Jace moved away to go to the cabinet again and returned before Andre could take things further. He handed Andre a small silicone plug. Jace angled the showerhead to rinse all the soap from Evan’s body, then moved the water away completely. The steady steam kept everything balmy and warm though. He grabbed a bottle of lube off the floor. “This should help.”

  Andre let Jace pour a little lube onto his fingertips, then he stepped close to Evan again. “Spread your legs, bella. Show me what you know you’re asking for.”

  She did as she was told and Andre smoothed the lube over her back opening, taking his time to get her good and slick. She gasped and shifted against his touch. And he took that opportunity to ease the plug in. Her body tried to resist at first, but Evan knew how to handle the automatic reaction, and made herself relax. When the plug was seated deep, the flared base flush against her, she let out a groan.

  But it didn’t compare to the noise she made when Jace slid between her and the wall, lowered to his knees, spread her with his thumbs, and put his mouth on her. Her hands slipped from the handles and Andre caught her around the waist, giving her support. She leaned into him and gave herself over to the pleasure Jace was providing.

  Andre peered down her body, watching Jace work her over, and it took every bit of self-control not to pull the plug from Evan and slide into her. But the tide had shifted. Jace was running this rodeo right now. Andre was answering to him. That look he’d given him had told him as much.

  So Andre held Evan, enjoying the view and playing with the plug to drive her to the brink while Jace’s tongue and fingers worked her. Before long, he could feel Evan’s heart pounding and her breath quickening. She went off with a gasp and tried to thrash out of his hold, the intensity of having an orgasm so soon after her other making her a little wild, but Andre held fast and helped her ride the release out until she was boneless in his grip.

  Jace sat back on his calves, cock standing proud between his spread thighs, and Andre eased the plug from Evan. Jace stood and helped rinse Evan off again, and then turned off everything but the steam, his movements efficient now. Andre guided Evan over to one of the benches, his arm supporting her, and Jace wrapped her in a fluffy white robe.

  “You okay, baby?” Jace asked, pushing her wet hair off her face.

  She nodded and looked between them, her blue eyes sleepy but satisfied. “I’m great. Sexy weekend for the win.”

  Andre smiled. “Ready for us to take you to bed?”

  Her focus slid to Jace. “No. Y’all can’t be done yet. You haven’t gotten any attention yet. And I was supposed to get a show.”

  Then she yawned like a lazy cat.

  Jace smiled and cupped her cheek. “We are done. You’re exhausted, and I’m not going to let either of us wear you down. This vacation is about rest, too.”

  She blinked, her eyes showing true concern. “But what about you?”

  Jace didn’t look bothered in the least. “Tonight was about you. I’m a big boy. I can handle it.”

  She pulled her legs up on the bench and sat her chin on her knees, her gaze full of sleepy mischief. “Or Andre can.”

  Andre’s eyebrows lifted.

  “I’ll go to bed. Because, honestly, I do feel wiped out. Y’all have wrung me out in the best way. But promise me if I go, you two will enjoy yourselves.
Just because I’m tired doesn’t mean you have to call it a night.”

  “Bella.” Andre didn’t like the idea of her going to bed all alone.

  She pushed to her feet and went to both of them, giving each a kiss. “Thank you for tonight. I can’t tell you how much I needed that. How much I needed you both. But now you have each other. And I’m good with that.” She gave one of Andre’s nipple rings a playful tug. “Two hot naked guys hitting the showers with a bunch of steam and lube? You’re stupid if you pass that up. And if I wasn’t dead on my feet, I’d be sitting my happy ass down for the show. Take pictures, okay? Mama needs those for her private stash.”

  Andre stared at her a moment, and he could tell when what she’d said registered by the way her expression went slack. Mama.

  “I mean—”

  Andre smiled and pulled her against him. “Come on, bossy girl, you’re not making the rules. Let’s get you to bed.”

  Jace stepped up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. “We don’t want to be anywhere else but with you tonight.”

  Chapter 9

  “I should’ve known. We leave you high and dry and you’re forced to resort to trawling for porn at four in the morning.”

  Jace looked up from his tablet, finding Andre standing in front of the fading embers of the fire, hair sticking up and track pants hanging low on his hips, like he’d tugged them on as an afterthought. Jace hit the button to turn off his screen. “I woke up and couldn’t fall back asleep.”

  “Guess I’m joining that club, then,” Andre said, sauntering over to the couch and tapping Jace’s legs to get him to move them so he could sit. “So what kind of deviant filth are you looking at?”

  Jace sniffed and stretched to put the tablet on the coffee table. “The real sick shit.”

  But before Jace set it down, Andre grabbed the iPad from him.

  “Hey.” Jace lunged for it, but Andre leaned out of his reach.

  Andre clicked the button, lighting the screen, and blinked for a few seconds as his eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness. Jace watched Andre’s expression change from playful to something else in the soft blue glow of the screen. He swiped through a few pages, then his gaze flicked to Jace. “What to expect when she’s expecting?”

  Jace shrugged. “We should at least be prepared, right? I mean, it’s not like I know anything about this stuff. And I read up on the pregnancy test thing. She might’ve taken it too early. They’re more accurate after a missed period and—”

  A slow grin crept onto Andre’s face.

  “What?” Jace asked, feeling defensive for some reason.

  “Nothing.” Andre shifted to stretch his arm over the back of the couch. “It’s just, earlier I was worried when you found out about the possibility on the plane today. You looked completely freaked out—not in a good way. I kind of figured you weren’t into the idea of a kid. Now I see I had it all wrong. You’re hoping it’s true, aren’t you?”

  Jace sighed and scraped a hand through his hair. Was he? He hadn’t been able to think about much of anything since. Even during their erotic evening, in the back of his mind, he’d constantly been worrying that they shouldn’t be putting Evan through any kind of scene. What if there were positions she shouldn’t be in? What if any kind of pain play could put too much stress on her body? He’d played it safe and kept things light. And though he’d been turned on, he’d been okay with ending the night early because at least once she was in bed, she was resting and safe.

  Underneath all that worry was also this little burgeoning flame, those thoughts of, What if there is a baby growing inside her? Their baby. The idea overwhelmed him. With fear. With hope. With a version of love and protectiveness he’d never experienced before.

  Jace tilted his chin at Andre. “What are you hoping?”

  Andre sent him a perturbed look, probably because he’d answered his question with a question, but he went on anyway. “Honestly? The practical side of me is all, Holy shit, how would this work? You know me, I think about stuff like health insurance and legal rights and how other people would treat our kid when they find out he or she has three parents who live together. I think about how the world is not set up for alternative family arrangements.”

  Jace gave him a wry smile. That was Dre, the solid, head-on-his-shoulders cop. He loved that about him. Jace’s tendency was to charge forward first, ask questions later, so Andre was a good balance for him. “And the non-practical side of you?”

  Andre rubbed a hand along the back of his neck. “Man, I won’t lie. I love our life. I love that we found each other and that this weird, wonderful thing works for us. But seeing Martine the other night, I can’t tell you that it didn’t make me wonder if there would ever be some intersection where the things I used to want and the things I love now could come together. I would’ve never been happy in some vanilla, traditional setup. God knows I made the right decision on that. No doubts there. But I also grew up in a big family and I love kids. I always pictured myself being a dad one day.” He set the tablet aside and met Jace’s gaze. “And what could be more amazing than having a child with you and Evan? Some little person who we created? I mean, fuck, that kicks me right in the chest. It makes me hurt.”

  Jace blew out a breath, relief moving through him. “Goddamn, I know exactly what you mean.”


  “Even if the test comes back negative, we all need to sit down and talk about this, be grown-ups about it. Yes, we collared her, but we’ve still been cruising along like a couple of college kids living for today and not worrying about the rest. Like we’re afraid if we poke too hard at the future, we’ll fuck up the present. But maybe that’s why the ground doesn’t feel solid beneath us yet. Maybe that’s why Evan was nervous to tell us she suspected she could be pregnant. Our roots feel shallow.”

  Andre gave a little nod. “Agreed. But what do we do?”

  “I have some ideas.”

  “Care to share?”

  Jace grabbed his tablet and shifted on the couch until he was next to Andre. Over the next half hour they discussed some options and came up with a few new ones as well. By the time they were done, the twitchy nerves that had kept Jace up half the night had settled. He leaned his head back against the couch and yawned. “The sun’s coming up. We should probably go back to bed.”

  “Mmm,” Andre agreed, stretching and sending his muscles flexing in Jace’s peripheral vision. “Probably.”

  Jace let his gaze slide over and drink in the view. Andre worked out regularly, keeping in shape for the police department, but it was more than the body that drew Jace’s eye. Jace had never been one to pin himself down with labels, but not until Andre had he ever seen a man as so damn fuckable. This guy had been his best friend for so long. He was his bro in every sense still, his fellow dominant. But there was so much more there now. Once Jace had acknowledged the attraction he’d been ignoring, had seen Andre’s submissive side, there’d been no turning off that desire. The guy made him hard. He made Jace want to do things he’d never craved before. And as Jace’s focus moved over that tanned skin and the trail of dark hair that disappeared beneath the band of Andre’s pants, he suddenly had a laundry list of cravings. He let his eyes close again.

  “Or we could wave the white flag, miss another hour of sleep, and get ready for the day,” Jace said, not opening his eyes, a mischievous smile touching his lips.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Ev was right about that shower. Would be a shame to waste it. And I could use a hot one right now.” He flopped his head to the side to look over at Andre.

  Andre’s smile was sardonic. “So you really were looking at porn when I came in.”

  “On my computer? No. In my head? It’s always there.” He reached out and slipped his fingers into the waistband of Andre’s pants. “And right now I’m thinking you slicked up with soap and tied down to one of those benches sounds way better than sleep or a cup of coffee. You game?”

?You asking or telling?”

  Jace leaned forward, letting his hand slide lower until he gripped Andre’s already half-hard cock in his hand. He gave it a squeeze, knowing the snap of discomfort would put Andre in the right state of mind. “I’m telling. Lose the pants and go get the water warm.”

  Andre’s dark eyes flared in the low morning light. “Yes, sir.”

  Jace moved his hand away and brushed his lips over Andre’s. “And thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For being so good to both of us. You’re an incredible man, Medina. And whenever the day comes, you’ll be an amazing father, too.”

  Andre tipped his face forward, touching his forehead to Jace’s. “And here I just thought you were letting me hang around because I was such a spectacular fuck.”

  Jace grinned. “Well, there’s that, too. Prereq for hanging out with me. But seriously, I’m glad that we’re all in this together. Because after reading a few of those websites, I can assure you I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing.”

  Andre leaned back and gave Jace’s thigh a squeeze. “We’ve got this, bro. Whatever happens, we’ve got it.”

  Jace nodded, and not for the first time, he thanked the universe for blessing him with not just one but two people who filled him up like this, who made everything feel right. He stood and cocked his head toward the hallway. “Get your ass in the shower and wait for me with a blindfold. I’ll be there in a minute.”

  Andre headed that way, and Jace went in the other direction toward the bedroom. The hazy morning light was just peeking through the blinds and Evan was curled under the puffy down comforter, dark hair splayed over the pillow, arms hugging a pillow as if she were missing their presence in the bed. He stood in the doorway, watching her for a long moment, his chest swelling with emotion. He could still remember what she’d looked like when he met her as a teenager. She’d been beautiful then, too, but so lost from having lived such a rough life for a young girl. Those blue eyes had held wariness and hurt. Now she’d grown into this strong woman, this stunning creature who made him laugh, made him think, made him love. And on top of all that, she could match him on the freak scale notch for notch, which was quite a feat.