Read Forever Us Page 13

  “I have hairstylists and makeup artists for each of us coming in to do our hair and make up for tonight.” I smiled.

  “Shut the fuck up!” Peyton screamed as she threw her arms around me.

  I grabbed my phone from my purse and looked at the time. “Okay, everyone, we have spa appointments in five minutes. We’re all getting the works. Massage, facial, manicures, and pedicures.”

  As we walked out of the suite, Mason looped his arm around me. “You sure know how to do it up, girl!” He smiled.

  We all changed into our luxurious robes and slippers from the spa. I realized that I had left my phone in the suite, and I needed to keep it on me in case there was an emergency with Julia.

  “I’ll be right back. I left my phone in the room,” I said as I got up and walked out of the spa.

  While I stood and waited for the elevator, I couldn’t stop thinking about Connor and how I already was starting to miss him. I was beginning to regret not telling him my plans, but I knew he wouldn’t approve of the nightlife with his safety issues and all. When the elevator doors opened, I gasped and I stood there, unable to move. The man inside of the elevator looked at me. I looked at him. As I swallowed hard, my heart began beating rapidly from the way he was staring at me. His mysterious eyes studied me as they looked me up and down.

  “Which floor, miss?” he asked.

  “Thirty-fifth, please.”

  “Spa?” he asked as he stared at the robe I was wearing.

  “Yes, I’m throwing a bachelorette party for my best friend,” I answered as I bit down on my bottom lip.

  The elevator stopped at the thirty-fifth floor and we both stepped out. “Have a good time at the bachelorette party. Hopefully, I’ll run into you again.” He smiled as I turned right and he turned left. I smiled and nodded my head as I thanked him and walked to my room. I took the key from the pocket of my robe and, as I slid it in, I turned my head and looked in the direction he went, only to find him six rooms down, staring at me. As I opened the door, I quickly stepped inside the room and shut it. Backing up against the door, I let out deep breaths as my heart pounded rapidly in my chest. What the hell is wrong with me? I walked over to where my phone sat on the table and checked it. There weren’t any messages from my in-laws or Connor.

  As I lay on the massage table, I couldn’t stop thinking about the elevator, the man in it, and the way he looked at me. My heart began to rapidly pick up pace just from the thought. My mind needed to snap back into reality if I was going to pull this party off. After all of us were finished with our spa appointments, we went back to the room and Peyton screamed when she walked in and saw two hot, buff men wearing nothing but little aprons, cuffs and bow ties.

  “Oh my God, Ellery! I fucking love you!”

  As I laughed at her reaction, Landon walked over to me. “Nice touch, Ellery.” He smiled.

  The buff butlers opened a bottle of champagne and handed each of us a glass. It wasn’t too long after that the stylists arrived. I pulled out a rhinestone studded, silver tiara that said “Bride to be” and handed it to Peyton’s hairstylist. While we were getting ready for our big night out, room service was delivered. The butler answered the door as the trays of sushi, and cheese, and crackers were delivered to the room. Taking the card from the tray, the buff butler handed it to me. It read:

  “A little gift for you and your girls.

  I hope you enjoy it.

  Regards, the man from the elevator.”

  “Who’s it from?” Peyton asked.

  “It’s just from the hotel staff,” I lied.

  “Butlers in the buff, bring those trays over here!” she said.

  I smiled as I read the note and, once again, my heart started racing at the thought of him. The mystery of him got under my skin. I couldn’t believe he sent the trays and that he was thinking about me.

  “Hello, Elle! What world are you lost in?” Peyton said as she snapped her fingers.

  I looked at her in confusion. “What?”

  “You looked like you were stuck in space or something. What’s going on with you?”

  “Nothing. I was just thinking about Julia,” I replied as I sipped my champagne.

  Once my hair and makeup were done, I stepped into my bedroom and took out the dress I had bought. As I slipped it on, I looked in the mirror. The low cut, short silvery beaded dress was perfect for tonight.

  “Look at you, hot and sexy mama!” Mason said as he walked into the room. “That dress is hot and your up-do hairstyle really complements it. I don’t think Connor would approve of you looking like that without him by your side.”

  “Connor’s not here, is he?” I smiled.

  “No, he’s not, but you better be careful because you’re going to have all the guys drooling on the floor.”

  I laughed as I put on my silver, high-heeled, Jimmy Choos. Everyone looked amazing. Before leaving the suite, I took out the white sash that was embellished with the words “Bride to be” on it and put it on Peyton.

  “There! Now your outfit’s complete.” I smiled.

  Peyton hugged me and there was a knock at the door. As I opened it, the bellhop handed me a piece of white paper. I opened it and it read:

  “I’m sitting at the bar in the hotel.

  If you can join me, even for a few minutes,

  I’d appreciate it.

  Regards, the man from the elevator.”

  My rapidly beating pulse was about to give away my nervousness as I turned to the group and told them I’d be right back, that the concierge needed to see me downstairs. As I grabbed my small clutch, I told them I’d meet them in the limo in about twenty minutes. I took the elevator down to the lobby and walked to the bar. As I saw him sitting on the bar stool, the nervous butterflies in my stomach were fluttering their wings like crazy. Why was I doing this? How could I do this? He turned his head and his eyes burned through me. I nervously walked over and sat down on the stool next to him.

  “I wasn’t sure if you’d show,” he said as he picked up his glass.

  “I wanted to thank you for the sushi and cheese trays you sent to my room. That was very nice of you, but you didn’t have to do that.”

  “I know I didn’t, but I thought you and your female companions would enjoy it. Did you enjoy it?” he asked as he stared into my eyes.

  “Yes, very much. Thank you,” I replied as my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest.”

  “Would you like a drink?”

  “No, thank you. I have to meet my friends in the limo in about ten minutes.”

  “Would you object if I told you how stunning you look?”

  “Thank you,” I said as I looked down.

  “I see you’re married,” he said as he looked at my ring.

  “Yes, I am, and I have a baby at home.”

  I glanced over at his hand to see if he was wearing a ring and he was. “I see you’re married as well.”

  He looked at me as the corners of his mouth curved slightly upwards. “Yes, I am. But that doesn’t stop me from looking at beautiful women. Apparently, it doesn’t stop you either because you’re sitting here with me.”

  I gulped as I got up from the stool. He reached over and placed his hand on mine as an electrical shock shot through my body. “Thank you for coming down and meeting me.”

  “I have to go. Thank you again for the trays,” I said as I walked out of there as fast as I could.

  Everyone was waiting for me in the limo. As the driver opened the door for me, I slid in next to Mason.

  “Are you all right? You look flushed,” he said.

  “I’m fine. Now let’s go and have a good time.”

  Chapter 26

  We arrived at the first club and had dinner up on the rooftop. I couldn’t stop thinking about the man from the elevator and how it had felt when he touched me. Needing to see if I had any missed calls or text messages, I pulled my phone from my clutch and saw nothing. I wondered what Connor was doing and I felt like
I needed to text him.

  “Hi, babe. I just want to make sure you’re having a good time.”

  A few minutes later, a reply from him came through.

  “Hey, baby. We’re having a great time. How about you?”

  “Yeah, I am. I just wanted to tell you that I love you,” I typed with guilt.

  “I love you too. Remember to stay safe.”

  “I will.”

  As I put my phone back in my clutch, I grabbed my glass of wine and drank it as fast as I could. I put all thoughts of the man from the elevator out of my mind so I could enjoy the evening that I had spent months planning. We ate, drank, and had a good time. But the fun didn’t really start until we walked into the club called X. It was a high-class strip club that was divided in half. One side of the club was male strippers and the other half was female strippers.

  We sat at the table, waiting for the show to start. Peyton was already drunk and so were a few of the girls. I needed a drink and didn’t want to wait for the waitress, so I excused myself and walked up to the large bar that was shared by both sides of the club. As the bartender approached me, I ordered a shot of Jack. He put the shot glass down in front of me and I threw it back, allowing the burning sensation to coat my throat. Suddenly, I was startled by a voice in my ear.

  “Well, isn’t this a coincidence seeing you here. It must be fate,” the deep voice whispered as his scent captured me and his hot breath warmed my neck.

  Once again, my heart started beating rapidly as the lower half of me started to ache. “Are you following me?” I asked without turning around.

  “I was just about to ask you the same question. Do you always come to strip clubs?”

  “No. I told you before that it’s my best friend’s bachelorette party.”

  “Ah, that’s right,” he said as he traced little circles on my shoulder with his finger.

  My skin started to heat up at his touch. There wasn’t anywhere I could go. He had me trapped between the bar and the stool. “Am I making you uncomfortable?” he asked.

  “Just a bit,” I answered nervously.

  “I apologize. You better get back to your friends,” he whispered as he leaned in closer to me and I felt his lips slightly touch my neck.

  I flinched and he moved his arm so I could get by. As I walked away, I turned around, even though every part of me said not to. But I did, because I could feel his burning eyes all over me. I sat back at the table just in time for the show to start.

  “Where were you?” Landon asked. “We were going to start a search party.”

  “The bar was packed. It took forever to get the bartender’s attention.”

  The show started and one male stripper walked onto the stage. Peyton started going crazy and yelling. I looked over at her and laughed because she was standing on the chair. I needed to use the bathroom, so I got up from my seat and told the group that I’d be right back. I was feeling a little tipsy from the Jack and coke I was drinking and then the champagne I had earlier. I couldn’t find the bathrooms, so I had to ask one of the waitresses. She pointed down the long hallway and said they were on the left. After peeing, what seemed like forever, I washed my hands and, when I opened the door, I was startled to see the line of people down the narrow hallway. When I stepped out of the bathroom and tried to make my way through the crowd of people, I felt two hands grab my waist. I turned around and it was him.

  “It’s okay; let me guide you out of here,” he said.

  As we were reaching the end of the hallway, two drunken girls stumbled and pushed us up against the wall.

  “Hold on. Let them pass,” he whispered in my ear.

  I gulped as the ache down below came back and my senses were heightened by his tantalizing scent; an unfamiliar scent to me. Once the girls passed by, he grabbed my waist and led me out of the hallway.

  “Don’t turn around, but hold out your hand,” he instructed.

  I did what he asked and I held my hand out in front of me. He put a piece of white paper in it and then he closed my hand.

  “Don’t let anybody see that. It’s only for you,” he whispered and then walked away in the opposite direction.

  I opened my hand and unfolded the piece of paper. It read:

  My room, tonight, after your party.

  Room 4709

  I’ll be there, waiting for you.

  As I stood there staring at the note, I heard someone call my name. I looked up and closed my hand tightly as Mason walked towards me.

  “What’s taking you so long?” he asked.

  “Look at the line,” I said as I took his hand and we walked back to our table.

  Our time at the strip club was finished and we needed to move on to the last club. As I helped Peyton into the limo, she wouldn’t stop talking about the lap dance she received from the stripper. Everyone was cracking jokes and having a good time. I was starting to get a bit worried that Peyton was too drunk to go to the next club, but she insisted she was fine. When I opened my clutch to pull out my phone, the white piece of paper fell onto the floor.

  “Oops, you dropped something,” Landon said as he reached down and picked it up.

  “No! I can get it,” I said in a sharp tone.

  Mason picked up the paper and handed it to me. “Wow, calm down, Elle, it’s only a piece of paper. “

  “I’m sorry,” I said.


  The club was packed. The music was blaring, and the floor was thumping. I tried to get my mind off of him, but I couldn’t. His tall stature and assurance were startling, but in a way that was to be desired. To distract myself from the thoughts of him that seemed to consume me, I lost myself in the music, dancing, drinking, and having a good time. When it was time to leave, Landon had to carry Peyton to the limo as the girls and I stumbled behind, laughing and practically falling on our asses. I pulled my phone from my clutch and there were no messages or missed calls from anyone. Not too long after we left the club, we were back at the Waldorf. Landon carried Peyton to the room and collapsed on the couch. I pulled the white piece of paper from my clutch and stared at the room number. It wasn’t the same room he had gone into earlier in the day. This room was on the top floor of the hotel.

  I took in a deep breath and stepped off the elevator. I knocked quietly on the door of Room 4709. Immediately, the door opened, and he stood there with a smile on his face.

  “Please come in,” he said. “I wasn’t sure if you’d show.”

  “I wasn’t sure if I would either,” I said as I stepped inside his room.

  “Would you like a drink?”

  “No, thank you. I’ve had way too much already.”

  The corners of his mouth curved up when I said that. “Is that so?” he said as he walked closer to me, took my clutch from my hands, and threw it on the chair. He stood in front of me, and as I looked down, he cupped my chin in his hand and lifted it up until I was forced to look at him.

  “Someone as beautiful as you should never be looking down.”

  As I took in a sharp breath, he took his finger and ran it across my jaw line. “You’re so stunning. From the moment I laid eyes on you, I wanted you. I know you felt it too. I could tell by the look in your beautiful blue eyes. Did you feel something?”

  I nodded my head lightly as his gaze held mine.

  “Say it. I want to hear you say that you felt something when you saw me.”

  “I felt something,” I whispered.

  He leaned closer to me, gently nipped my bottom lip, and then looked at me. “Do you want me to fuck you? Because I’ve wanted to since the moment I saw you,” he said as he traced my lips with his finger.

  The words wouldn’t escape my lips, so I nodded my head.

  His mouth crashed into mine as my lips parted slightly, allowing his tongue to explore my mouth. Once he had me against the wall, he cupped me below, feeling my soaked panties as his fingers pushed them to the side and he inserted his finger inside me.

  “I knew I turned you
on,” he said as his lips pursued my neck.

  While I ran my fingers through his hair, he took down both straps of my dress and let it fall to the floor. “I want you to leave your shoes on,” he commanded.

  His right hand kneaded my breast as his left ripped the panties right from me. I gasped as he dipped two fingers inside. He moved them in and out of me while he unbuttoned his pants with his other hand and took them down. My breathing was rapid and my moans became louder as he inserted himself into me. He was rock hard and so strong that each time he pushed deeper into me, he sent my body into convulsions. I wrapped my legs tightly around him as he held me up against the wall and continued to thrust in and out of me.

  “Oh my God, oh my God,” I yelled as my body shook and he brought me to an amazing orgasm.

  “That’s right. I want to feel your pleasure all over me,” he said as he forcefully pushed himself into me one last time and I felt him explode inside of me.

  With my legs still wrapped around him, he looked at me and kissed my lips. “Well played, Mrs. Black.” He smiled.

  “Touché, Mr. Black.” I laughed.

  I unwrapped my legs and he gently put me down. “Please say you’ll stay with me tonight instead of going back to your room. I don’t want to sleep alone.”

  “Of course I’ll stay here. I love you so much, Connor,” I said as I wiped the sweat from his forehead.

  “And I love you, Ellery.”

  We climbed into the luxury bed and Connor wrapped his arms around me.

  “Did you know I was here? I asked.

  “No. I had no idea you’d be here. I had a Vegas room set up in the suite for Henry’s party and one of the other guys arranged the strip club. When the elevator doors opened and I saw you standing there, you took my breath away, and I felt like it was my first time ever seeing you. That’s why I wanted to pretend that I didn’t know you, and when you played along, that’s when I decided to play it out.”

  “We should do this more often.” I smiled as I rolled over and his arms tightened around me.

  As he softly kissed my back, he whispered, “We’re going to have a little talk in the morning about that dress you were wearing.”