Read Forever Us Page 6

  “Harder, Connor,” she begged.

  I tightened the grip around her wrists and moved quickly in and out of her, smashing my mouth against hers in a passionate kiss. She swelled around me as her legs tightened and her body shook with ecstasy.

  “Christ, baby,” I yelled as I exploded inside her.

  As I collapsed on top of her, I let go of her wrists. She wrapped her arms around me and held me tight. I lifted my head and kissed her on the lips.

  “Do you realize that we made it through a full round of sex without one whimper from our daughter?”

  “I know. Wasn’t it wonderful?” She smiled.

  “It sure was, baby.”

  As my lips traced her jawline, we heard Julia whimper. We looked at the monitor and saw her stirring in her crib. I started to get up from the bed when Ellery grabbed my arm.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To check on Julia,” I said.

  “Why? She’s only whimpering. Maybe she’s having a nightmare about you chasing all her boyfriends away.”

  “Very funny, Ellery.”

  “It’s okay, Connor. She’ll be fine. If she starts to scream, then we’ll get her, but until then, she’s just probably trying to get comfortable.”

  I pulled on my boxers and lay back in bed. “You’re right, babe,” I said as I wrapped my arms around her and stared at my daughter through the monitor.

  Chapter 13


  One month later…

  Ashlyn’s trial had been going on for about three weeks, and Connor was under a lot of stress. Julia had started to sleep through the night, so that made things a little easier for us. Connor and I worked out at the gym every morning before he went to the office, and Mason watched Julia. He was so good with her, and it was easy to see how much he loved her. Landon confided in me that he was happy that we hired Mason as Julia’s nanny because all Mason had been talking about in California was adopting a baby, and Landon wasn’t ready for that kind of responsibility yet. So, taking care of Julia had kept Mason busy enough to get his baby fill.

  It was a typical morning. Mason was downstairs with Julia. I was putting on my workout clothes and Connor was getting his things together for work. He seemed really on edge this morning, and it was bothering me.

  “Don’t forget we have Camden’s birthday party this weekend at your parents’ house,” I said casually to him.

  “I don’t know if I can make it. With this trial and everything, I’m behind at the office, so I may have to work all weekend.”

  I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. “Camden will be crushed if you’re not there, and you’ve never missed anything.”

  He took a hold of my arms and removed them from his waist. “Don’t start with me, Ellery. I’ve got a lot going on right now.”

  “Excuse me, Connor!” I snapped.

  I sighed and walked out of the room. I didn’t want to start my day off with an argument, and I needed to get to the gym because I was meeting Peyton for fittings and lunch. I went downstairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed my bag and kissed Julia goodbye.

  “Mason, tell Connor that I already left.”

  “Umm, all right, Elle. Have a good day,” he said.

  I took the elevator down and when the doors opened, Denny was standing there.

  “Are you ready to go, Ellery? Where’s Connor?” he asked.

  “Who cares, and I’m taking a cab. Bye, Denny,” I said as I stepped onto the sidewalk and hailed a cab.


  I was on the treadmill in the gym, listening to my iPod, when Connor stepped on the treadmill next to me.

  “You never cease to amaze me. I hope you know that,” he said.

  “Sorry, can’t hear you. Music’s playing,” I said loudly.

  “Ellery, take out the damn ear phones.”

  I rolled my eyes and took them out. “There. Happy?”

  He shook his head as he ran on the treadmill. “Why the hell would you not wait for me?”

  “Because you were being an ass and giving me an attitude.”

  “All I said was that I didn’t think I was going to be able to make it to Camden’s party.”

  “You told me not to start with you in an irritated tone. So, I left because I didn’t want to bother you.”

  “Baby, you weren’t bothering me.”

  “And you’re not talking to me. I know you’re not telling me things, and it’s eating you up inside.”

  “I don’t want to discuss this any further right now, especially here,” he said.

  I shook my head, and I got off the treadmill. “Fine. I’m going over to the spin bike.”

  I walked across to the other side of the gym where a row of spin bikes sat. I knew Connor wouldn’t come over there because he hated the spin bikes. He was irritating me with his attitude and not wanting to talk about the trial. I could understand him being upset and trying to protect me, but he needed to understand that I didn’t need protecting. I was a big girl and I could handle it. What I couldn’t handle was him neglecting his family.

  I stayed on the bike for about forty-five minutes, and then I looked around for Connor. I went to his usual machines but he wasn’t around. I saw Toby, one of the personal trainers, and asked him if he’d seen Connor. He said he that he’d left already. My blood started to boil as anger shot through my body. I couldn’t believe that he left without saying goodbye. I stomped off to the locker room, grabbed my phone from my locker, and quickly sent him a text message.

  “You’re an asshole.”

  “If you say so,” he replied.

  I rolled my eyes. I didn’t have time for this. I needed to shower quickly and meet Peyton down the street in less than an hour. After I finished getting dressed, I packed up my bag and left the gym. When I walked out the door, I saw Denny leaning up against the limo. I couldn’t help but smile at this all-too-familiar sight.

  “Denny, what are you doing here?”

  “Just seeing if you need a ride home.”

  “Thank you, but I’m meeting Peyton down the street.” I smiled as I started to walk away.

  “Ellery!” Denny called out.

  I stopped, turned around, and looked at him.

  “You know that you and Julia are the things that matters most to Connor.”

  “I know that, Denny,” I said as I looked down.

  “He may not always be right, but he loves you more than his own life, and he would do anything to protect you.”

  Tears began to fill my eyes as I looked up to keep them from falling. I walked over to where Denny was standing, and I gave him a hug.

  “I love him more than life too,” I whispered in his ear.

  Denny kissed me on the cheek and smiled. “Go on and get out of here.”

  Smiling back, I turned away and walked down the street to the café where I was meeting Peyton. Upon arrival, I stepped inside and saw her sitting down at a table.

  “There you are. What took you so long?” she asked.

  “Ugh. I’ve had a bad morning, thanks to my husband,” I said as I dug for my phone in my purse.

  “What did he do? He’s too perfect to cause you to have a bad day.”

  “Hold on, I need to text him.”

  “I just wanted you to know that I don’t think you’re an asshole and I love you.”

  Within seconds, a reply from him came through. “I love you too and we’ll talk when I get home. See if Mason can watch Julia tonight and we’ll go out; just the two of us.”

  “Elle, what’s wrong? You look like you’re stressed,” Peyton said as she pushed a cup of coffee towards me.

  “Connor’s been under a lot of pressure with this trial, and he’s been uptight and irritable lately. I need to do something.”

  “What do you want to do?”

  I had the idea in my head that if I went to the jail and paid a visit to Ashlyn that maybe we could talk, woman to woman, and I could convince her to change her plea. I know
, wishful thinking, but it was worth a try.

  “Are you busy tomorrow?” I asked as I looked at Peyton.

  “No, why? What are you planning to do?” she asked with knitted eyebrows.

  “I want to go to the jail and pay Ashlyn a little visit.”

  Peyton’s eyes widened. “Are you fucking crazy?!” she voiced rather loudly.

  “Peyton! Keep your voice down!”

  “Sorry, but you’re crazy. Connor will kill you, Elle.”

  “I’ll handle Connor, and he won’t know anyway. I just want to pay a friendly visit, woman to woman.”

  Peyton kept shaking her head. I knew she didn’t agree with me, but she was the only person I could trust.

  “Whatever, Ellery. I’ll go with you, but I don’t agree.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled.

  We got up from our seats and headed to the bridal shop for our fitting. As I saw Peyton step out of the dressing room in her wedding dress, my eyes began to fill with tears. She looked stunning, and it reminded me of the day Connor and I were married. I hated the way we left things, and I needed to stop by Black Enterprises to see him. As the tailor was pinning my dress, I called Mason to check on Julia. I missed her terribly.

  “Hello, doll face. If you’re calling about the princess, she’s wonderful. We’re getting ready to go to the park.”

  “Hi, Mason. I’m calling to see if you could babysit her tonight while Connor and I go out.”

  “Of course I can. I’ll watch her at my place and then Landon can have some Julia time too!”

  “Thanks. I’ll be home in a while,” I said as I hung up.


  I told Peyton we needed to stop at Connor’s office for a minute because I needed to pick something up. She gave me a look of disbelief. I never could pull anything over on her. We stepped off the elevator and headed down the hallway towards Connor’s office. Valerie was sitting at her desk.

  “Hi, Ellery.” She smiled as she looked up at me.

  “Hi, Valerie. Is he in there?”

  “Yes, he is. Do you want me to tell him you’re here?”

  “No, I’ll surprise him.”

  “He’s in a mood today,” she said.

  “I know he is,” I said as I put my hand on the handle. “Peyton, I’ll only be a few minutes.”

  I slowly turned the handle and opened the door. Connor was looking down at some papers.

  “Valerie, I thought I gave strict instructions that I didn’t want to be bothered,” he said in an irritated tone without looking up.

  “Even for your wife?” I smiled.

  Connor looked up and a smile lit up his face. He got up from his desk and walked towards me. I subtly locked the office door and met him halfway across the room. As I approached him, he wrapped his arms tightly around me.

  “What are you doing here, baby?”

  “I just needed to hug you and tell you that I’m sorry for everything that happened today.”

  “Baby, there’s no need to apologize. I’m the one who’s sorry,” he said as he rubbed his cheek through my hair. “Where’s Peyton? I thought you had plans with her.”

  “She’s waiting outside the office. I told her I’d be quick.” I smiled as I started to unbuckle his belt.

  Connor’s smile grew as he looked at me. “Make up sex, eh?”

  “You bet, and I can’t wait until tonight,” I said as I unbuttoned his pants, took them down, and pushed him on the couch.

  He sat there staring at me as I did a little strip dance. “Oh, God, Elle.”

  As I smiled and climbed on top of him, he grabbed my hips and gently eased me down onto him.

  “You’re already so wet,” he whispered as he took my nipple in his mouth.

  “That’s what you do to me, babe. You don’t even have to touch me. Your looks are more than enough.”

  As I began to slowly thrust my hips back and forth, Connor threw his head back and a soft moan came from the back of his throat. He was so hard as I moved my hips around in a circular motion, slowly and fluently. He took his hand and reached down for my clit. I grabbed it as I looked at him and winked.

  “Put your hands behind your head, Mr. Black.”

  “You’re a bad girl, Ellery.”

  “I fully intend to be.” I smiled as I reached over.

  As I held onto his wrists, my breasts brushed up against his face. He moaned as he took turns sucking each nipple. Reaching one hand behind me, I softly caressed his balls as his body tightened.

  “That’s it, baby, I can’t hold it anymore,” he whispered.

  Suddenly, I felt a warm sensation shoot into my body as I dug my nails into him and released myself all over him.

  “Damn it, Ellery, you’re making me want to come again.” He smiled.

  As I buried my face into his neck and tried to catch my breath, he whispered, “You’re fucking amazing.”

  I looked at him and kissed him on the lips as I put my hands on each side of his face. “Now, I can go about my day.” I smiled.

  He laughed and shook his head as I got off of him. I stood up and quickly pulled on my clothes. As I walked to the door, I put my hand on the handle, stopped, and turned around.

  “I’ll bill you for services rendered.” I winked as I walked out the door.

  Chapter 14

  When I arrived home after my day with Peyton, I was surprised that Mason and Julia weren’t home from the park yet. As I pulled out my phone, a text message from Mason came through.

  “Princess and I made a Starbucks run. Be home in five.”

  “You better have an iced latte in hand when you walk through the door,” I replied.

  When I walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, I saw Denny on the phone, sitting at the table. He instantly hung up when he saw me.

  “Hi, Denny. What’s up?” I asked casually.

  “Not much, Ellery. How was your day with Peyton?”

  “It was fine,” I replied as I took a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

  He seemed to be nervous. Almost as if he had just gotten caught doing something or he was afraid that I had heard something while he was on the phone. When I heard the elevator doors open, I ran out of the kitchen and straight to Julia. I smiled as I unbuckled her and held her tight.

  “One iced latte for you, my dear.” Mason smiled as he handed me the cup.

  “Thank you, darling. How was Julia today?”

  “Glamorous and perfect, like always. You should have seen the people at the park going crazy over her.”

  “That’s because she’s her daddy’s girl.” I smiled as I held her and kissed her cheek.

  I told Mason that Connor and I would be dropping her off at his place around seven o’clock. He smiled, kissed her goodbye, and stepped onto the elevator. As I was walking up the stairs with Julia, Denny emerged from the kitchen.

  “Did you work things out with Connor?” he asked.

  “I sure did.” I winked.

  He rolled his eyes and smiled as he left the penthouse.


  I laid Julia down in the center of our king-sized bed as I got ready for my date with Connor. While I was in my closet looking for something to wear, I heard Connor walk into the bedroom. He walked over to the bed and sat down next to Julia. The moment she saw him, her little legs started moving all around.

  “Look at how excited she is to see her daddy.” He smiled.

  “I don’t blame her. I get excited when I see her daddy too.”

  “Elle, don’t say things like that,” he warned with a smile.

  I walked over to him. Julia had her hand clasped around his finger.

  “I’m still thinking about our little office romp,” I whispered as I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek.

  “God, baby, I am too.” He smiled as he turned his head and his lips brushed against mine.

  “Where are we going tonight?”

  “Anywhere you want to go,” he said. “I’ve been thinking
a lot about something lately, and I want to talk to you about it.”

  As I pulled my jeans from the drawer, a sick feeling overtook me because I was afraid to hear what he’d been thinking about.

  “I want to get a tattoo, and I was thinking we could go to the place where you got yours.”

  My eyes lit up as I turned around and looked at him. “Are you serious? What kind of tattoo do you want?”

  “I can see that you’re pleasantly surprised by the idea.” He smiled. “I want something with yours and Julia’s names on it, but leave enough room in case we have another child.”

  While pulling up my jeans, I stopped midway and looked at him. “Another child?”

  “Yeah, why not? Let’s make us a four-person family.”

  “We can talk about this again in about two years, Connor. I’m not ready to even think about having another baby yet, especially with the problems I had while I was in labor with Julia.”

  As I finished pulling up my jeans, he got up from the bed, walked over to me, and put his hands on my hips. “Don’t worry; I don’t want a baby now. I was just thinking in the future,” he said as he kissed me on the head.

  “How about if we go out to dinner first and then we’ll go see Jack about that tattoo you want to get.”

  “Sounds good, sweetheart. I’m going to take a quick shower and then we’ll go.”

  Julia started fussing, so I picked her up from the bed and took her downstairs. As I was warming up a bottle, I heard my phone chime. I picked it up from the counter and saw that I had a text message from Cassidy.