Read Forever Young The Beginning Page 12

  Hating himself he gathered her to his arms and held her as she sobbed hysterically. She couldn’t be comforted, collapsing even as she sobbed. He caught her and carried her into the villa.

  On the terraced portico with the stunning view, the only sound to be heard then was the wind in the trees and a songbird singing, blended with the sound of weeping coming from the villa.

  Chapter 22

  Ian walked in to the dining room and all at the table greeted him. Angus said “Laddie, I canna stay here too long or I won’t fit into my britches!” There followed a chorus of “Aye.” from Armando and Li.

  “Remember that we are all going riding this morning. Marie has over four thousand acres here and wants you to see as much of it as you can while you’re here.” Lowering his voice he said “We can talk more freely when away from the servants.” The three nodded in understanding.

  After breakfast Marie led everyone to the stables. Ian said “Before we ride, I’d like to show you something.” Picking up a saddle blanket he said “I want you men to watch and I want Marie and Cosette to peek out at me from time to time from behind this barn. I’ll wave this blanket each time I feel them looking at me.”

  He walked a hundred yards out and stopped with his back to the barn. Soon he felt a prickling and raised the blanket. It stopped. Again it came and again he raised the blanket. It stopped and he lowered the blanket. There were two more repetitions. He walked back to the group and all were amazed.

  “I thought that it was Cosette looking at me the third time and Marie the other three times.” Marie’s hands flew to her cheeks as her mouth dropped open even as Cosette smiled.

  Angus said “By Heaven, I wouldn’t have believed this if I hadn’t seen it!” Armando was flabbergasted too. Marie came and hugged Ian and said “this is a rare talent unheard of in vampires.

  Soon the group was riding their mounts along a trail that led into the forest. They continued along until about a half-hour later they wound their way to the waterfall where Ian and Cosette had gone swimming. Dismounting they let the horses graze on the abundant grass alongside the stream. Marie led them to a shady area and removed her broad-brimmed hat, as did Cosette.

  “Gentlemen, we are safely away from prying eyes. Now you may see a few things done here that are common among vampires.”

  “We swam here this morning, Marie.”

  “Then show our guests the quickest way to the top of that waterfall.”

  Cosette leaped onto a rock some twenty feet away, then to the opposite bank, then across the stream again, and in two more bounds was at the top of the waterfall. Ian then followed her example.

  The three men sat there dumfounded. Ian and Cosette sprang off and in a few leaps rejoined the group.

  “Uncle Angus, do ye see that maple tree yonder, across the stream?”

  “Yea, laddie.”

  “How far away is it?”

  “It is a good sixty feet.”

  “I can see the veins on each leaf, and I can see black ants crawling on the trunk.”

  Angus shook his head in wonder, and Ian said “Let me show you, Uncle. Come over here.” Ian scooped up Angus like he was made of straw and leapt across the stream, lightly landing on the other side and setting him down next to the tree. Angus looked at him in utter astonishment, and then looked at the tree.

  “There are black ants all over this tree lads, just as he said.”

  Ian again scooped up Angus and leapt across the stream again, depositing him on his feet next to the group. The men stood in silence, then Li applauded and smiled, then Armando joined in. Both were smiling broadly at Angus who stood shaking his head in astonishment.

  Marie spoke up, saying “Ian has demonstrated remarkable progress in his imprinting. So far he hasn’t had any problems whatsoever with direct sunlight.”

  “Will he have…..problems Marie?” asked Armando.

  “Vampires will burn to death if exposed to sunlight for even a short time. Some of us will burn faster than others. Adepts tolerate it better and take longer to catch fire, but we’ll burn to death in direct sunlight given enough time.”

  “Does sunlight affect your vision?”

  “We don’t tolerate reflections of sunlight well at all. It hurts our eyes whereas with humans, it just causes them to have to squint to see. Ian so far has shown no reaction to sunlight. I don’t know why this is, but it is a good thing. Come along now, we must show you more of the place. Oh, Cosette how long did it take you and Ian to travel back to the chateau from here this morning?”

  “We took two minutes or so to reach the pasture Marie, but that was because Ian was carrying the deer carcass.”

  “Two minutes?” exclaimed Armando in disbelief. Ian replied “Aye lads, if not for me, Cosette could have made it there in maybe a minute.”

  “By heaven that is miraculous!” said Angus shaking his head as Armando and Li nodded in agreement. The group then mounted and rode along behind Marie, continuing their animated discussion as they wound their way through the beautiful countryside.

  Dinner was a happy time of conversing and the men found their hostess to be dazzling in beauty and wit. They were charmed and won over. Angus said “Lads, it is my considered opinion that if this had to happen to Ian, he could be no better place than with these two lovely ladies.” Standing he said “I propose a toast to our lovely hostess, Lady Marie, and to our lovely Cosette.” Ian, Li, and Armando all stood, saying “Hear-hear!” as they drained their wine goblets.

  Turning and walking around to Marie at the head of the table Angus stopped. She stood and faced him. He then said “Marie, I’m moved beyond my poor means of saying it… how happy and grateful I am for your boundless kindness toward Ian. I will forever be in your debt Lady Marie.” He took Marie’s hands, kissing them both and Marie stepped close to him. They hugged warmly even as Ian said “I hear a coach, two horses.” Marie turned to Ian and said “Oh, Ian, you heard that when I did. That’s good. Those sound like our horses. My husband is home.” They all walked to the front veranda and waited for the carriage to arrive.

  No sooner had it stopped at the walkway than its door opened and out stepped a tall, handsome distinguished man with brown eyes, dark hair, and the slightest bit of gray hair at his temples. He appeared to be about forty years of age, yet seeing Marie he began to run to her like a young man as she ran towards him likewise. He caught her up and whirled her around while she laughed and kissed him repeatedly. “I’ve missed you so, cheri.”

  “And I’ve missed you mon cheri.”

  Ian’s heart warmed so to see it. He already loved Marie dearly, and to see her so well mated and so happy warmed his heart. Proper introductions were made all around. Marie told a servant to prepare another place at the table and ordered blackberry cobbler and apple pie to be served. Henri sat at the head of the table where Marie had sat, and she sat at his right hand. Every so often she would lean over to kiss his cheek or to hug him with one arm as they talked. He would stop eating periodically to return a kiss or hug. Sometimes their hands were clasped, fingers intertwined on the table. They were clearly in love with each other.

  “Armando said “You two look like newlyweds. If you don’t mind my asking, how old are you both?”

  Marie had a fan dangling from her wrist. Quickly looking about to be sure no servants were in earshot, she snapped it open. Then she held it up so that only her eyes were showing above it, fanning herself while peeking over the tip of her fan. “I’m barely 320 years old but Henri is 457 this year.” Then batting her beautiful eyes coquettishly, she said in a lower voice “I’ve always had a weakness for older men.” At this, everyone at the table threw back their heads and laughed uproariously. Angus slapped his thigh repeatedly as he roared in mirth. No one laughed harder than Henri who finally had to wipe the tears from his eyes. ”My God but I’ve missed you Marie!” He said, taking both of her hands and kissing them.

  Angus stood and said “A toast to the most marvelous host and hostess in all of France, and to the happiest couple I’ve ever seen.”

  Everyone else stood then as Ian said “Hear-hear!” Ian said “Three cheers for Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette.” Angus, Ian, Li, and Armando then stood and all said. “Hip-hip-huzzah! Hip-hip-huzzah! Hip-hip-huzzah!”

  After drinking the toast and seating themselves again Ian stood up and said “I have something to announce today.” Turning to Cosette, he took her hand and drew her to her feet. She stood facing him with a quizzical look. He then took both of Cosette’s hands in his and kissed them, and then releasing them, he stepped back from her. Reaching into his pocket he produced an exquisite diamond ring with a large stone. He knelt on one knee before her, saying “Cosette, I love you. Will you marry me?” Cosette’s hands flew to her mouth as her beautiful eyes widened. She slowly took both her hands from her face and smiling sweetly said “Yes, oh yes Ian! Oh yes, yes, yes!”

  Slipping the ring on her left hand, Ian stood and pulled her to him gently saying “You’re the center of my world, Cosette. I’ll do my best to love, protect, and to make you happy for as long as I live.”

  Everyone at the table stood and applauded. Henri and Marie went to Cosette and both hugged her and kissed her and then both hugged and congratulated Ian.

  Congratulatory hugs and handshakes were given all around and then Henri proposed a toast to the bride and groom to be, and immediately after that Marie cornered Angus to begin planning the wedding. She knew who to get for a bridal dress, and all arrangements to be made for readying the Chateau.

  Ian separated himself from Cosette a moment, leaving her to speak with Armando and Li. He came to Angus and Marie and said “I’ve spoken to Cosette, and we want to be married on board Elsie’s Cloud at sea. We want you to marry us Uncle Angus. We then want to have the celebration for our wedding here and we want to invite the crew, to attend. I’ll pay well for whosoever of the crew stays to stand watch while the rest of them are here.” Marie looked in Cosette’s direction to see her nodding her assent.

  “Then that’s what we’ll do. I’ll send couriers immediately and arrange everything. Angus, you only have to make Elsie available. If you don’t object, I would like to have a friend of mine decorate her for the occasion, maybe one or two days before the wedding? Oh, when is the wedding to be, Cosette?”

  Cosette stood smiling sweetly up at Ian, their fingers intertwined. Shifting her gaze to Marie, she said “Whenever you’re ready, Marie.” Ian nodded his agreement.

  “Oh, this is going to be marvelous, Henri! If Angus doesn’t mind, I’ll arrange to have a canopy erected over a sizeable area for the guests.” said Henri, as Marie nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, yes the ceremony won’t take long and then we’ll all be returning here to celebrate. Oh this is going to be such fun Henri. Our Cosette is getting married!”

  Marie led them into her parlor, walking arm in arm with Angus. She said “I opened a note meant for you this day.”


  “I get so many from our couriers; I just open them as they come in. I do apologize.”

  “Quite all right, Marie.”

  “Thank you. It was from a lawyer. It seems the father of one of the two girls you saved has not only made arrangement for a steady supply of delicacies and fine foods for the crew of Elsie, but he has retained an attorney should that scoundrel LeBlanc decide to pursue Ian in court for being so badly beaten.”

  “Hmmph! Let him. Decent of the man. Nice family. His wife had us over for dinner while we were in Barcelona. Good that you decided to not let Ian in on this, seeing how things have developed between him and Cosette. Best to let sleeping dogs lie?”

  “My thoughts exactly, Angus.”

  Henri played the harpsichord and Marie asked Ian to dance with her. Fortunately for him, his mother had insisted that he at least know how to dance a minuet.

  As they danced, he thanked her for the ring she had given him for Cosette. She said “I always wanted her to have it, Ian. No thanks are necessary.” she said, pulling his head down and kissing him on both cheeks.

  The planning and music went on into the night. Ian and Cosette slipped away to the caretaker’s house while all of the others were dancing and talking about the big day. Soon they had no cares but to please each other. The world outside of their room didn’t exist.


  Again night had fallen at Angel’s Care orphanage. The children had all settled into their beds in the large dormitories. As every night, the only sounds were the sounds common to institutions after daylight hours. An occasional cough, the faint skitter of a mouse within a wall, the call of an owl outside the dormitory. But tonight, there was a thump on the roof. Little Michelle heard it, and silently got out of her bed and crawled under it. She remembered a few nights ago hearing that, then the next day thinking it was only a dream. Soon a creaking sound was heard, seeming to come from one end of the dormitory. It came from high up on the gable end wall. A shadow dropped to the floor with hardly a sound. It froze in place, absolutely still for over a minute. It seemed that only its head moved, swiveling very slowly, eyes glowing, listening perhaps.

  Michelle barely breathed, and silently wet herself. The figure then seemed to glide rapidly to a bed near to the wall where it had descended. It froze, leaning over that bed, pausing there for nearly a full minute. Then stealthily, it produced a rag and suddenly grabbed and gagged the girl sleeping there. It rapidly tied her hands and feet, and then leapt straight up some twenty feet to a beam only some ten feet from the window it had come in. Then it leapt silently to the window with the figure of the little girl hanging over its shoulder, and seemed to melt through the opening.

  Michelle lay under her bed in stark terror, her hands over her mouth lest she betray her presence. She lay there until just before dawn and she could see well enough to know that the Bad Man was gone. She then got up and crawled into her bed, but couldn’t take her eyes from the gable window. It was pulled shut, and looked as if it had never been opened. Did she have the same bad dream again?

  She dozed then awoke. She had wet herself last night and was ashamed. But why were the sheets not soiled? Better to quickly put her nightgown and panties in the wash and just pretend she had slept naked. She was too embarrassed to tell anyone about it. Maybe if she kept quiet, no one would know. The bed wouldn’t be soiled at least. She slipped off to the laundry area and left her nightgown there in one of the soiled clothing baskets. Concluding that no one was missing she decided that she had once again only dreamt of the Bad Man.

  Naked but for a towel, she tiptoed back into her dormitory and pulled the covers over her head, feigning sleep and wishing it would come. Eventually her exhaustion won over her fear, and sleep came.

  Chapter 23

  In the dark of their room in the caretaker’s house Cosette asked “Ian, shall we go for a swim again this morning?”

  “Yes. Mmmmm… I have fond memories about swimming with you.”

  Her indescribable husky laugh warmed him in the intimate darkness as she said “I’ll go and get our rucksacks.”

  After the swimming and after they’d made love, they both vaulted onto their mounts and took an hour-long ride bareback. Cosette led him to places east of the chateau that he hadn’t seen. From a hill, he noticed an all stone house sitting on a small shady hill. He asked Cosette about it and she said it belonged to the Tremblay family and that the last surviving owner had died recently. They both admired the look of the place.

  Later at the Chateau Ian approached Henri and suggested that he consider allowing him to teach all of them the use of firearms. He was able to convince Henri by describing the details of how Cosette had saved him from the vampire attack. The thought of what could have happened to her was more than enough to convince the three of them to learn not only basic firearms and swordsmanship skills, but also hand to hand self-defense

  That day they practiced with the pistols, muskets, and wooden sabers. Ian had shown a remarkable skill at hitting pieces of firewood in mid-flight. He seemed to have natural talent for shooting accurately. Cosette, Marie, and Henri were very good by the time late afternoon came, which impressed the three humans greatly, especially being as the two women had never had instruction with firearms. Ian said “I’m more than pleased by what I saw today. A few days of this and you will all be skilled indeed. Tomorrow, Li and I will show you some basic moves in hand-to-hand combat.”

  They all had fresh apple cider, and then went for a horseback ride all around the estate, a different direction than before. Toward evening, they were all sitting in the parlor after supper, the servants having left for the night. Angus asked “does anyone know the origin of vampires?”

  Marie looked to Henri who nodded. She said “None of us are sure of that. There are legends. Henri and I have discussed this more than once. I think that the first of our kind were the result of the “fallen ones” referred to in the Bible.”

  “Fallen ones?”

  “Yes. The Bible says that there were giants in the land in the days before the flood and also afterwards. King David killed one centuries after the flood. The word “giants” is correct because some of their offspring were giants, but the Hebrew word “nephilim” also means ‘fallen ones’, being those angels which left heaven to follow Lucifer in the rebellion.”

  Angus spoke then saying “That is early in the book of Genesis.”

  “Yes. In that same part of Genesis the Bible describes the earth as ‘filled with violence and continual evil’ before the flood. I have come to believe that the first vampires were offspring of the original fallen ones who mated with human females descended from the line of Cain.”

  “That’s a fascinating idea, Marie.”

  “Remember, in the sixth chapter of Genesis the Bible tells us that the fallen ones, the sons of God, took wives from among humans and procreated.”