Read Forever Young The Beginning Page 16

  Ian’s mind went back to a disturbing memory of the raid. Earlier he and Henri had returned to dispose of the vampire remains out behind the house, leaving them in the open where the sunlight would consume them. The two heads had been taken to another place after sunrise. When Ian had pulled them from the bag to toss them out into the sunlight, he was horrified to see that both the eyes of each were open and that their mouths moved. He could have sworn that each looked at him as he tossed them into the sunlight. They had burst into flame a few seconds later. Henri had put a hand on his shoulder and had said “I ‘ve never quite gotten used to that.” The grim episode was past, and everyone was glad to be only concerned with the upcoming wedding.

  Marie had wanted to bring Celeste to their home to stay, but she and Henri were concerned about the danger of her learning too much just by being near them for an extended stay. They just didn’t know what to expect from her regarding her uncanny intuitiveness, and whether she would be willing to keep what she knew to herself either. They had two vampires in their imprinting phase to deal with and be responsible for. If there were any untimely public revelations concerning even the suspected presence of vampires, the Supreme Council would certainly make an inquiry. That was something to be avoided at all costs. Henri and Marie were undecided whether to have her come to the chateau for the wedding celebration. They had never revealed even the existence of the Supreme Council to Ian, Li, or even to Cosette. What might Celeste be able to learn if invited to the celebration?


  Alandra heard the lookout call out that the port of Almeria was sighted. She strained to make out details from the distance, and eventually could make out the faintest details of the city.

  Within an hour they were disembarking and the porters were busy carrying their belongings to the part of the wharf reserved for arrivals. Two carriages were hired and soon the Vasquez family was on their way to the home of the Rodriguez family

  The Rodriguez’s were a wealthy merchant class family whereas the Vasquez family was of a noble line, but a small and obscure one. They entered a grand driveway to a sumptuous villa, easily as large and opulent as Alandra’s home in Barcelona. There was a beautiful view to the south and the Mediterranean could be seen, occupying most of the southern horizon. The trees and all foliage were even more tropical in nature than in Barcelona. It was a splendid location for a home and Alandra was impressed. She felt herself lifted somewhat from her melancholy mood and actually anticipated seeing more of the place and even felt like eating as well. Maybe I’ll stop crying myself to sleep each night she thought.

  As they got to the villa, they saw that the servant staff were all assembled to greet them, standing behind Mr. and Mrs. Rodriquez and Philippe’. Warm greetings were exchanged and the staff bustled as they unloaded the considerable baggage that the Vasquez family had brought along. Celita and a valet had accompanied them on this occasion and Alandra was very grateful to have a girl both her own age and a dear friend there.

  As the servants took their bags and belongings to their quarters, the Vasquez family was escorted to a veranda offering a commanding view of the sea. Alandra’s father and Mother presented gifts to Philippe’s parents. Her father presented a finely crafted gold inlaid pistol to Philippe’s father and her mother presented an exquisite shawl, finely embroidered and with pearls attached along the edge of the garment. Both of the Rodriquez’s were very impressed and pleased with the gifts. Philippe’s father and Alandra’s father both loved firearms, and loved to shoot for sport. For his part, Philippe’ could hardly take his eyes away from Alandra. She felt her spirit lifted somewhat. Her manner and conversation never revealed though that her thoughts were memories of a simple Scottish seaman.

  Chapter 30

  The day of the wedding had come and Marie had gone early to Angel’s Care to get Celeste. She had brought with her a complete outfit for Celeste to wear. It had been but a small obstacle for Madame Marie Lafayette to have dresses made for Cosette and Celeste. A team of seamstresses had worked nights and days to finish both.

  When asked if she would like to participate in the wedding, Celeste’s hands had flown to her cheeks, and she began to jump up and down, saying excitedly “Yes, yes, yes, Madame Marie. Oh yes!”

  “Well then child, let’s tell the headmistress that we will be gone for two days or more, and we’ll be off.”

  “Oh, Madame Marie, thank you! I’ll have a chance to meet Louis, Mustafa, and Angus! Thank you so much!”

  Marie stopped and turned to Celeste, saying “Celeste, you seem to know a lot of things before they happen.”

  “Yes, Madame Marie. I’ve always been that way. Mama told me never to tell things to Papa.”

  They resumed their walk to the rented carriage and after they were on their way, Marie turned to Celeste again and said “It must have seemed strange that night when we came for you. You must have seen… strange…happenings.”

  “Yes Madame. I saw that Ian was as fast as the Bad Men and as strong too.” Turning to Marie and leaning toward her, she lowered her voice and said “It is good that they’re dead too.” Marie turned and fastened her eyes on the eyes of Celeste. “Do the other girls talk about this, Celeste?”

  “No Madame. They are afraid that they’ll have to go to another place not as nice as Angel’s Care. Mimi was in another place and said it was very bad. She ran away from it before you found her and took her to Angel’s Care. Everyone at Angel’s Care knows it is a good place to be.”

  “I’m so glad that you like it there, Celeste. Would you like to come to the wedding celebration this evening?”

  Again Celeste’s hand flew to her pretty face and she nodded rapidly saying “Oh my, yes Madame, yes! Then she leaned over and began to cry for happiness. As Marie took her in her arms she then wept freely as Marie held her until her tears had abated some.

  “Forgive me Madame, but I’m just so happy and it’s been so very long since I’ve had anything to be happy about. I had to be strong for the others and before that I lived not knowing from one day to the next what might befall me. Oh, you have made me so very happy Madame. Thank you!”

  They rode along, Marie holding Celeste close against her breast, her eyes brimming with tears. She thought what a lovely child! Would to God she was ours. She felt a pang then that only some childless women can ever truly know.

  They stepped aboard Elsie’s Cloud within the hour, and not long afterward, Elsie had been sailed out of the harbor and was out at sea. Angus had expertly dropped two anchors so that the entire area containing the front seats was well shaded. At a signal from the forecastle Armando stood and facing everyone, began to play a lovely Portuguese melody, a medium to slow tempo piece.

  Celeste appeared and walked slowly ahead of Cosette and Henri, scattering rose petals. Cosette and Henri followed, with Louis and Mustafa bringing up the rear, holding the train of her gown. She was radiant and the gown was breathtaking.

  Cosette approached Ian who was without his hat now. She was smiling radiantly, her gaze fixed on him only. Turning, she smiled and nodded graciously at Marie and the ship’s officers as she passed by. The carpenters had done a really good job of covering the steep stair-ladder that normally allowed access to the aft deck and substituted a more easily navigated staircase, even with a hand rail. She turned to face Henri and hugged and kissed him. Henri embraced her and kissed her cheek before he turned and went to his seat next to Marie.

  She never touched the handrail, but fluidly came up the steps to Ian. Mesmerized from the moment she had appeared, he thought his heart might melt at the sight of her. At last she was there at his side. The music stopped and Angus proceeded with the simple but moving ceremony.

  Ian kissed the bride then, bending her back rather far in a long lasting kiss, as the entire crew went “Ooooooo!” Then Ian and Cosette turned and faced everyone and waved. The entire crew, Marie, Henri, and everyone else stood and applau
ded long and loud.

  Angus then shouted “Let us go now and celebrate, lads. Unfurl all sails and set course back to the harbor!”


  Philippe’ and Alandra headed up a small group of people on horseback. Celita and Alandra’s mother rode behind the pair as chaperones.

  Alandra’s and Philippe’s fathers were out touring the vineyards in another part of the sprawling estate. The four rode for some two hours, stopping now and then to dismount and see some places of interest. Philippe’ was animated and happy. His good natured charm lifted Alandra’s spirits somewhat, making the day at least pleasant. There was to be a dance at the villa that evening. The musicians were even now arriving. The kitchen was bustling with activity as the staff prepared a sumptuous seven course meal. It was to be a gala occasion.

  Alandra appeared for supper with Celita, and both were beautifully dressed. The dinner went well with the parents getting along very well. They genuinely liked each other and were not just being polite to pass the time. Each was impressed with the offspring of the other couple and made no secret of it. Alandra’s younger brother was having a great time and she found herself being somewhat drawn into the spirit of the evening as it progressed.

  The dancing was very formal, traditional dances. The music was superbly done. Alandra exhibited impeccable behavior, but lacked any spontaneity. She did smile from time to time as the evening progressed. Her mind drifted back again to steering Tico with Ian standing close behind her as she thought what has become of you, Ian my love?


  The musicians had arrived and were playing when the guests arrived. Angus had spoken to all of his men aboard Elsie before the wedding. He had made it very clear that each one of them was an ambassador from Scotland this day and that he expected them to behave properly at the Lafayette’s home. “Remember now lads, ye can go back to Marseille for anything else you may have in mind. There is no curfew this night and ye are not expected aboard Elsie before suppertime tomorrow. Now let us go in and be the proper Scottish gentlemen we all can be when we want to.”

  The place had a staff on duty that numbered above thirty from what Ian could see. Marie had instructed the staff to ready the grand dining hall which accommodated the forty two diners. All took their place behind their chairs as Henri standing at the head of the table formally welcomed each one. Angus was asked to give thanks. He did so simply and elegantly, also giving thanks for Ian’s recovery and for the gracious treatment he had received at the hands of the Lafayettes.

  Dinner was served then and it was a sumptuous five-course meal. Most remarked that never had they eaten better. Ian and Cosette danced the first dance as all stood watching, then midway through; they stopped and bid the guests to join them.

  Celeste was wide eyed and positively glowing with excitement. She stayed with Louis and Mustafa, but did dance three times with Ian, receiving some basic instruction by him before they took to the floor. She was smiling radiantly the whole time, her eyes wide, taking in everything.

  The evening was two-thirds gone when Henri stood and rang a summoning bell until all stopped and looked to him. He gestured to all to make a bit of room in the center of the ballroom and then signaled the orchestra to take a pause.

  “This is a dance I learned from a Cossack. Any man who wants to may try it. It is called ‘Hopak’ and it originated in Ukraine. Here is how it goes.” Then Armando came forward and began to play his violin. It was a lively number. Henri crossed both arms and squatting suddenly began to throw out one leg at a time while balancing on the other. He kept perfect time to Armando’s music. The entire assembly began to clap in time with the music. Ian walked into the middle of the floor near him and started to join in. He nearly did a back somersault on his first attempt, sprawling on the floor accompanied by raucous laughter from all. Undeterred he tried again and after a couple of side-staggers, he settled into the rhythm of the dance. Eventually he moved towards Henri as he got more competent. Soon the pair was circling each other, Ian following Henri’s lead. Eventually Ian edged over to Henri and put one hand on his shoulder. Henri did the same and they danced side-by side, then broke apart and circled each other several times, their arms crossed on their chest. The crowd stamped their feet and clapped to keep time with the lively music. Finally Armando ended the song with a flourish. He knew only too well that the pair could dance until sunrise like that, but had to make the whole thing appear natural. For their part, Ian and Henri faked being out of breath. Henri told Ian in a low voice “I hope that no one noticed that we are not sweating even a little bit.”

  Armando began another lively tune of the same tempo and the crewmen began to do the Hopak dance. Some fell and some did well. The crowd again got involved. At this time Ian tugged Cosette and the two started to work their way towards the servants’ door to the ball room. When they were off in another part of the house, he made as if to take Cosette to the kitchen door, supposing they would spend the night in the caretaker’s house. Cosette smiled sweetly and said “Not tonight cheri. Come this way.” She led him to the grand foyer and out onto the veranda where he saw a carriage standing ready with a driver waiting. Cosette led him to it and after they started down the driveway, she turned to him and said “I have a surprise.”

  “What is it?”

  “You’ll see shortly. Just sit back for a bit.”

  They turned east and went a mile and then turned back to the north. As they progressed, Ian felt the carriage going up a slight incline. They stopped at a stone house with a steep slate roof. There were lamps lit inside in every room and lamps on the covered front porch lit as well. They waited until the coachman got down and opened the door and gave Cosette his arm to step down. Following her, Ian looked around, puzzled.

  “Welcome to our new home, cheri.”


  “Henri and Marie bought the old Tremblay place and have given it to us as a wedding gift.”

  Ian was speechless. He walked up the steps, looking around at everything. Cosette dismissed the coachman who drove off down the driveway.

  “Cosette, I don’t know what to think.”

  “Then don’t think tonight. Take me into our home, husband.”

  Ian scooped her up, carried her into the house and closed the door.


  “What?” roared Marcel Francoise. “Those girls haven’t arrived? Did you not tell me that delivery was assured and would be on time?”

  “Yes, my lord.”


  “LeBlanc says they didn’t arrive last night. A rider from Marseille said that they were never delivered by LeBlanc’s brother in Marseille. He left with the bad news as soon as he learned that they wouldn’t be delivered that night. Something has gone wrong.”

  “Gone wrong? Gone Wrong? I’ll have both of the LeBlanc’s heads on a pike if they’ve caused this.”

  “What shall we do, my lord?”

  Francoise paced restlessly, then sat down behind an oversized marble topped desk and grabbed a quill and ink. He folded the note then sealed it with wax using his own ring.

  “Give this to LeBlanc. It is to be delivered to that address. LeBlanc is to question his useless brother. This other man will investigate beginning with the King’s Gendarmes to see if there is any record of anything that could relate to this. He’ll use any means to get an answer for me. I will have answers for this!”

  Chapter 31

  Ian and Cosette were lying in bed the following morning talking. Cosette said “Did you notice how happy Celeste was last night?”

  “Yes. How do you think she knows what she knows?”

  “I have heard of people like that, but never have met one. It is a rare gift.”

  “We should spend the day at the chateau. Celeste might be returning to Angel’s Care today or this evening. Let’s go over there now. I would like to look this place over really good, but with Celeste
leaving soon that can wait.” They made and straightened their bed together at vampire speed and did the kitchen in a blur of motion.

  When they arrived at the chateau the kitchen was bustling with activity as there were around twenty guests still there. The staff was carrying food to the main dining hall in relays. Ian and Cosette walked into the dining hall and greeted everyone. Celeste got up and ran to Ian to hug him. He picked her up in a hug and swung her in a rapid circle three times as she shrieked with delight.

  After thanking Henri and Marie for their new house, all agreed that they would like a tour so within the hour, all of them set out to see it. Celeste was thrilled to ride behind Ian as some of the group took to horseback and some were taken there by carriages and even a large hay wagon.

  It was spacious with a goodly foyer, large parlor, a large dining room, a large kitchen, and a drawing room, all on the first floor. There were five bedrooms on the second floor. It was built of native stone and had a slate roof, featuring a huge hearth in the parlor, and one in the dining room and kitchen as well as in each bedroom. There was a full width covered porch in front and a large porch in back that the kitchen let out onto. Ian warned them not to ask questions about it since he had never been in it until last night.

  Armando quipped “Maybe he had something better to do last night.” which drew a lot of laughter from everyone.

  After about two hours they took to their mounts and took a trail into the woods. Some of the others took the carriage and returned to the chateau. Ian let Cosette guide them. They came at last to the waterfall and dismounted there, walking about a bit while the horses all grazed on the sweet long wild grass.

  “Cosette and I sometimes swim and fish here, Celeste.”

  She rolled her beautiful eyes up at him and giggled while covering her mouth.

  Ian thought that little scamp knows……something about us……swimming here naked or maybe making love here too, I’ll wager!

  After nearly two hours exploring the area around the falls, they mounted up and wound their way to the Chateau, where the staff had lunch ready. Everyone went to wash and then assembled in the dining hall. Henri asked a blessing and everyone ate.