Read Forever Young The Beginning Page 40

  “Thank you for explaining so much to me. I’ve hated myself for so long over this affair. I’ll consider what you’ve said. I saw a girl with Ian at Bern.”

  “That was Alyssa. She’s a fashion designer and I don’t know if she would be willing to give up that for Ian or if he’d ask her to.”

  “Does she know about him…about you?”

  “Yes. She only recently learned when he saved her life. She accepts him, and really, she loves him. She’s a protégé of mine, but she’s not one of us.”

  Anna nodded her understanding as Marie continued. “The thing about our existence that is so hard, Anna, is that we must lie daily to those humans around us who we love and who are our friends for their sakes. It’s a heavy burden for each of us that we can never put down.”

  Chapter 71

  Ian wore clothing that was normal and nondescript as he walked daily at the market/bazaar in Barcelona. He had grown quite proficient at cutting all of his hair off and shaving his head and beard every morning at the new inn where he’d taken a room. Of course his imprint caused it to grow back quickly after his next feeding, so it was a thing he repeated every two days.

  He’d grimace and punch a fresh hole in the same earlobe each morning and put a gold ring through it. His sun glasses and a broad-brimmed hat would complete his disguise to be off for a day of watching and waiting. After introducing himself he’d made an arrangement with Geraldo the florist to signal him if he saw Carlos Chavez.

  As patient as is any successful predator, a cold resolve now governed him. His quarry would eventually show himself. The tenth day after he had come to Barcelona he saw a group of five well-to-do young men ride into the market/bazaar area and tether their horses. They looked to be careless and wealthy, as if they owned the place, so Ian gradually edged closer to them.

  They were heading for a place that sold women’s scarves and other accessories. Ian edged closer and closer, all while appearing to be focused on other items in the area. He looked as if he was just another shopper casually looking at nothing in particular but everything in general. As he looked over at the florists’ booth, Geraldo Perez the cemetery groundskeeper/florist nodded and stretched his hand way above his head to indicate that it was the tallest one. This was the group and he thought he could already tell which one was Chavez.

  Just as the tall handsome man went to reach for a scarf to inspect, Ian placed his right foot behind the man and rudely reached across in front of him using his right arm. The combination of that and using his vampire strength judiciously resulted in the tall man being knocked flat on his back in front of his four friends and some thirty witnesses nearby. Ian then stepped on the man’s stomach as he struggled to rise and continued along the direction he had been going, appearing to ignore him and to be still looking at merchandise.

  Carlos struggled to his feet, his face beet red and contorted with anger. “Senor, you are a clumsy pig and someone needs to teach you some manners.” Ian turned innocently to face him, tilting his head to one side. “Pardon senor, but is the imbecile who was just flat on his back calling me clumsy?” There was a tittering of laughter from the onlookers nearby. Ian had refined his Spanish during the time he had been in Barcelona and now he sounded as if he had been born there.

  Carlos’ face grew bright red as he stepped forward and slapped Ian across his face, and then stepped back. Ian smiled mirthlessly and said “Oh my! He slaps like an angry little girl. What has angered you, senorita?”

  “I demand satisfaction senor!” said Carlos, his red face now becoming even redder if possible. He was livid and doing his best to control a tremor and to keep a genteel bearing in the face of this insolence.

  “Yes, I suspect that you do. You’ve never earned anything in your entire useless life so instead you demand everything, do you not?”

  “You have the choice of weapons, senor!”

  “Weapons? You use weapons senorita? What weapons? A fan perhaps or a kitchen spoon?” Laughter erupted from the now-growing crowd.

  Carlos shouted as loud as he could “Choose your weapon, Senor!”

  “You may choose my weapon, senorita. I see that you’re wearing a saber. Is that something that you really use senorita? If that’s what you use, then that’s fine with me.”

  “Sabers it is then. Dawn tomorrow, here.”

  “Dawn? Must I get up that early tomorrow when I’m here already? Do you not have cooking and cleaning to do tomorrow senorita? Can we not settle this now? I see that your friends all have sabers. Perhaps they could lend me one. You decide while I go have a drink.” He turned his back then and walked a few paces to the adjacent business. It was a place with tables arranged for drinking. He ordered two glasses of wine, tossing a silver coin on the counter top. By now a large crowd had gathered. They were hushed so as to hear every word spoken. A voice from behind him said “Here is a saber, senor. You have your wish.”

  Ian turned and it was one of Carlos’ companions holding out a saber and scabbard. Ian took the first goblet of wine and drained it without stopping. He reached and took the saber and picked up the second goblet of wine and followed the man back toward the others, who were moving toward the area of the fountain and pond. Ian followed them there. A man who had been watching since the beginning got closer to him as he walked that way and said in a low voice. “Senor, you should know that you’re fighting Carlos Chavez. He’s the finest swordsman in all of Spain.”

  “Is he? Will you be my second then, senor?”

  “Well, yes but…”

  “And what is your name senor?”

  “Hector, senor; Hector Ramirez.”

  They walked up to the waiting group, the large crowd following. There was the buzz of conversation as the crowd spread itself in a very large circle around the group.

  One of Carlos’ friends stepped forth “I am Senor Chavez’ second. Have you a second, senor?” he asked sarcastically.

  “Yes. Meet Hector Ramirez” he said, beckoning Hector to his side.

  The two shook hands and greeted each other. Carlos’ second then said “since we have no one to preside, we two seconds can do that if it is agreeable to you, uh Senor… I did not get your name, Senor.”


  “Very well, Senor …Piggy.” He gestured to Carlos who then came to stand beside Ian. There was a brief period of questioning each party to see if bloodshed could be avoided as required by custom. The two both replied that there was no avoiding bloodshed. So Carlos’ second spoke then. “A grievance has been declared which can only be settled on the field of honor. Senor Chavez is the grievant and Senor Piggy is the offender. Swords have been chosen. Please present your weapon to the other man’s second now, both of you.”

  The sabers were examined, pronounced satisfactory, and returned.

  “Senor Chavez, do you want quarter if quarter is asked?”

  “I leave that to Senor Piggy.”

  “Senor Piggy?”

  “The Senorita has no worry. I promise not to cut one of her breasts off.”

  “No Quarter then, Senor!”

  “Very well then; no quarter.”

  “You will now face each other. Neither of you will strike a blow until I give the command to begin. If either one strikes a premature blow the second for the other may shoot him down. Present the second’s pistols please.” Two pistols were brought forward by Carlos’s companions and duly inspected. Both confirmed that the pistols were acceptable. Before stepping away, Ian took a drink from his wine goblet and gave it to Hector saying “You may drop that pistol, Hector, but you may not drop my wine. Hold on to that because I’m going to want it soon enough.” He then walked until he was at the center of the circle created by the crowd which now numbered above four hundred.

  He faced Carlos across a distance of some twenty feet. Carlos took off his hat and gave a curt bow and tossed it to his second who had followed him out. Ian took
off his hat, bowing and displaying his bald head, sun glasses, and an earring in one ear to the witnesses. He then put it back on and drew the drawstring tight, cinching it.

  Carlos’ second said in a loud voice “Begin!”

  Carlos immediately launched a blistering attack. Ian merely fell back and matched it parry for stroke for some three minutes non-stop. Carlos stepped back and looked anew at his opponent. He again launched an attack, using different moves and weaving from side to side at times.

  Ian merely parried him stroke for stroke until finally Carlos got in really close and began to set up for a killing thrust. Knocking his blade aside and snapping his foot upward and planting it in Carlos’ stomach, Ian pushed him violently backward so that he fell.

  Ian skipped over to Hector with his arms sticking straight out from his shoulders and his sword dangling; looking like a child playing a game. He took the goblet and took a hasty drink and handed it back to Hector. Spinning away barely in time he fended off a murderous assault by Carlos that lasted for some six minutes. During this time, Ian put a small cut on Carlos’ right shoulder and then shortly he cut the even harder to reach left shoulder, finishing with a small cut on his face.

  Carlos stepped back accompanied by hard breathing. Ian again put his two arms out like a child and skipped over to Hector to take another drink of wine. He barely did give the goblet back to Hector again as Carlos renewed his attack once more. Instead of parrying him, Ian arched his back and managed to run ahead of Carlos in a circle, staying just out of reach of his glittering sword tip. All of the while he waved his sword wildly as if he was a child playing a game. Several times he shouted “Senorita! Catch me if you can!” The onlookers laughed each time he shouted it.

  He continued this for some four complete circles and then suddenly he pivoted and ducked very low, lightning quick under Carlos’ attack and cut him along his right side in passing. Carlos continued past until well out of sword range and put his hand on the cut. He drew his hand away with a bit of blood on it, looking murderously at Ian as he walked this time to get his wine goblet and take another sip. Handing it to Hector he turned once more as Carlos bored in murderously with great skill and power. Ian merely parried, but no longer gave any ground. He again flicked his foot up and shoved Carlos onto his back and again walked to get a sip of wine.

  There was no counter attack this time. Seeing that, Ian weaved as if he had a bit too much to drink and fumbling his sword, he dropped it with a ringing sound onto the cobblestones. He picked it up as Carlos panted, watching him. Ian had faked some labored breathing as the duel had progressed, but he in no way looked as tired as Carlos did by now. He allowed Carlos to catch his breath and merely stood with his head tipped to one side a bit. Then he began to walk toward Carlos to engage him. Allowing Carlos to parry every stroke he made, he even slowed his attack some to match his opponents’ now-faltering strength and speed. Appearing to tire he began to back away from Carlos then and Carlos gamely bored in with everything he had left. Ian whirled and ducked quickly under a murderous slashing attack and spun past, once more opening a cut on Carlos’ other side as he passed by. Waiting patiently for Carlos to catch his breath, he faked his breathing to look as if he was as tired as Carlos. Then he even backed away and sat down on the cobblestones, his sword lying at his side as his shoulders heaved.

  Carlos again scrambled to bore in, renewed in confidence at seeing his opponent so tired. Ian scrambled to his feet and parried him and gave ground for a bit until suddenly he reversed things and began to force Carlos back as he pulled his sun glasses down on his nose. Quickly he stepped in close and each grabbed the other’s sword arm. Face to face with him, Ian made his eyes glow brightly as he said in a very low voice “Philippe’ sends his regards, Carlos.”

  Carlos’ eyes widened suddenly in surprise and dread as he saw Ian’s eyes. Ian snapped his foot up to Carlos’ chest and pushed him away as he shoved his sun glasses back into place. He then mounted an attack that backed him to the edge of the pond. There was a glittering display of thrust and parry when suddenly Ian ran him through, flicking the blade free in an instant. He walked over to his second, Hector as Carlos collapsed into the pond, dark blood coming from his pierced liver. Ian took the wine goblet and drained it and handed it back to Hector with the borrowed saber. “Much thanks, Senor Ramirez. Via con Dios amigo.”

  He walked to Carlos’ horse and vaulted on to it, galloping away from the square on a road that led west even as the crowd parted to let him through. Running the horse at a dead gallop for about a half mile he dismounted, leading it into a brushy area alongside of the road and removing its saddle. After slapping the horse on its rump, he bounded away back toward town to a small gulley where he had hidden his monk’s robe. Abandoning the clothing there except for his boots and broad brimmed hat, he rocketed through the woods southward. Coming to a different road that led into town, he turned eastward and walked back into town on that road, tucking his hat into the folds of his robe.

  Coming to the market/bazaar area, he saw that the crowd was still sizable as he passed by unnoticed. At the inn he settled his bill after dressing in conventional clothing and left quickly, walking along until he came to an area of some heavy vegetation. Gliding into that he made his way along narrow streets until he was near a wooded area he had seen before. Ducking into that place he bounded away out of the city. Finding a creek he stripped, bathed and while sitting in the water, he savored it in grim satisfaction.

  Chapter 72

  Alandra puzzled over the note. It said it was from Ian but how could he know that Tom wanted that house? Tom had written to Lorn in Barcelona and now had sent word that he had been given a house and was going to ask Celita to marry him. Alandra and Tom both knew that she would accept, so he felt safe in telling both Lorn and Corinne to come to Barcelona. The wedding date would be soon after they arrived.

  Tom spent every spare minute at his house repairing the least thing that he thought needed it. He was very happy to get such a wonderful gift and wished that Ian could make the wedding. In fact, what he didn’t know was that who he took for a tall monk was actually Ian watching him that very day.

  Ian had seen Tom walk up to the hilltop after he left for the afternoon. He sauntered toward Barcelona House. Seeing Alandra’s carriage there, he knew that she was still there. As he neared the building, she came out to load packages into her carriage. Ian’s heart leaped at the sight of her. Alandra! Would that I had the courage to walk up to you and tell you everything that has befallen me! But then what? Ask you to marry me? Ask you to forego ever having children of your own? Ask you to give up your humanity and take up with a freak?

  He altered his direction so that it appeared that he was only passing by the place. Suddenly a man on a horse rode up excitedly. He spoke to her as he handed her a package, and Ian adjusted his hearing to try to hear what was said.

  “This is addressed to you, senorita Vasquez. Have you heard the news? Senor Chavez is dead. He was killed in a duel yesterday afternoon. They say a bald drunken man wearing dark glasses killed him at the seaside market! No one could believe it! The authorities are now looking for the man even though it was a duel.”

  “You’re sure of this?”

  “Yes, yes!”

  She lowered her head and leaned against the carriage for a short while. Then she thanked him and climbed in to drive away. Driving past Ian she glanced at him as she passed and then turned again and stopped the horses. She sat turned in the seat of the carriage, staring at Ian and he at her. They were about seventy feet apart and he had his monk’s hood drawn up over his head. Ian nearly called out to her, his heart yearning.

  She finally turned and started her team again, heading toward her home. Ian stood watching until she drove out of sight. His heart felt as lead in his chest. Walking slowly to the Inn he decided to pack and be ready to go to Madrid the next day. Until then, he thought to stay a
nd to see as much of the wedding as possible from a distance. Now he couldn’t wait to be away from Barcelona, and away from what he could never have. Dejected all of the way to the inn he sat in his room slumped in a chair, becoming angry at his cowardice in this matter. Finally he heaved a deep sigh and began to pack his clothing.


  Alandra told her mother and father as soon as she entered the house that Carlos Chavez had been killed in a duel. She had been so involved in trying to help Tom buy that house behind Barcelona House that she had not been out and about the city at all. Otherwise she would have known about it yesterday when it happened. Her parents expressed grim satisfaction and her father resolved to get a letter sent to inform Roberto that his son’s killer had been killed. He pressed Alandra for more, but she knew no more than that it was supposed to be a drunken bald man wearing dark glasses who did it. They did say something about him stealing Chavez’s horse and riding away.

  Alandra ate her supper and bathed, then putting on a nightgown and a robe she walked outdoors into the manicured garden area of the estate. Watching the moon rise over the Mediterranean she sat on a stone bench, tipping her head back and gazing up at the stars, thinking of the day that she had learned that Ian had married.

  Remembering how she had been angry afterward, and what she thought she would say to him if she ever saw him again; she had come to know that she would never say those angry words. Her anger had turned into a deep and abiding sorrow. It had faded over time and she had to admit that time was a great healer. How much time would it be though before she could ever know happiness again? Carlos’s death helped somewhat she supposed, sitting there lost in thought.

  As the cicadas and crickets sang, a mellow voice from behind her interrupted her reverie saying “If you look at the end of the big dipper there, you’ll be able to find the North Star.” Her heart leaped into her throat and she felt a thrill run through her body. Tingling all over she shot to her feet and whirled around. There not ten feet from her stood a tall black silhouette holding a hat in his hands. “Hello Alandra.”