Read Forever Young The Beginning Page 56


  “Aimee, tell me about your family.”

  Aimee sat with Jennifer holding one of her hands and told her about each member and some of their history.

  “So there are twelve of you, but five are human?”

  “Yes. It’s their choice. Some of us never had a choice. We were forced like you were.”

  “How can you live together, being so different?”

  “We love each other, Jennifer. They rescued me from a life in a horrible place where vampires fed on humans.”


  “We must have blood or die. We live on animal blood, and there’s plenty of that everywhere.”

  “So your…family helped you when they found you?”

  “Yes. They all helped me through my imprinting. Without them, I’d only be able to go out at night time and would know nothing about how to live or behave properly.”


  Aimee explained imprinting to her. “So I am imprinting right now?”

  “Yes. There is a lot to it if you are to become a successful Adept, Jennifer.”


  Aimee explained the concept to her.

  “Aimee, you talk like an adult.”

  “I only spend time with adults. I like children, but they’re so immature and foolish that I don’t want to be around them all of the time. Not to mention that they’re always fidgeting.”

  Jennifer laughed then and Aimee laughed with her.

  Chapter 99

  The day had been mostly fruitless, but Li came back with some good news. He’d found two different people who had seen a bald man with a tattoo on his arm around three-fourths of a mile to the northwest of where Jennifer had been taken. It was roughly two miles from where Aimee had been taken. The group decided to concentrate their listening talents there and just lurk about in that area until maybe a little after dark and then split up and go to the three taverns.

  Robert arrived with his wife Margaret, and three young Adept males. He introduced them to the group and caught up on what was being planned. The authorities hadn’t yet gotten a name on either of the two, but were looking quietly everywhere. They were watching the waterfront and were watching major roads in and out of London, of which there were only seven. Aimee’s description had been given along with the description of her two kidnappers, but her name wasn’t given.

  Robert had gotten three dozen pistols, shot and powder, and went to secure them with the horse and carriage. When he returned, Henri approached him saying “I didn’t think that Margaret would want to come.”

  “I was surprised myself, Henri, but she was insistent that she be included.”

  They all split up and went to walk about, look and listen in the targeted area.

  A little after dusk, they met again, having not turned up a thing that was new. They decided to put groups in each of the three taverns and hope to locate one of the two targets.

  Ian, Andre, and one of Robert’s Adept protégés entered the Hungry Eye Tavern. Ian spied Thomas Lawrence sitting alone at a table. The three of them exchanged greetings and sat down. Soon they all had a tankard of ale sitting before them as they settled in to watch the place.

  In the other two taverns similar groups of four sat down at tables. Each group had its designated runner to get the others if any group spotted a target.

  The evening became night and wore on. Around ten o’clock a fellow came in to the Hungry Eye. He sat down near the dart board. Tom said “Now that one’s not a regular.” Ian and Andre sauntered over to the dart board and began to chat idly and toss darts. Ian felt a prickling at the base of his neck and a cold chill went down his spine. He casually turned to see a bald man coming toward the table. Nudging Andre who nodded his recognition of the newcomer, he took his turn with the four darts, taking his time. Ian feigned being tipsy and made a bit of a fool of himself by dropping his drink. Then he stumbled and kicked the tankard over toward the table where the two were sitting. He overheard part of a conversation then that filled him with a cold hatred.

  “…… her yesterday. Hair like spun gold. Peaches and cream complexion. Well dressed ………. Frenchie. Beautiful………………. seven years old. I want two hundred Pounds Sterling and no bargaining.”

  The other man sat a while and took a drink. Ian stumbled to the table and reached down to get his tankard and bumped his head. He noticed a tattoo of a mermaid on the bald man’s forearm. Cursing he said “Scuse me gents.” as he fumbled and then picked up his empty tankard.

  The bald one turned and cuffed Ian alongside the head, saying “Be gone you drunken bastard.” Ian turned and suppressed the urge to twist his head from his body and instead he stood up straight and staggered a bit saying “Oh my, guvnor! Ain’t you the testy one now?” He turned then laughing foolishly again and said “Get that wench to get me another before I dry up here.” Then he laughed drunkenly, staggered, and sat down on the floor suddenly in front of the dart board, seemingly ignoring the men at the table, but listening to every sound they made.

  “You’ll have your two hundred then, Braddock. He wants her tonight so she’d better be worth it or you and your cohorts can sell your playthings elsewhere.”

  Andre made as if he was helping Ian up and when they got back to their table Ian sent the Adept to the other two taverns to let the others know that he had one target in sight. It was only a few minutes then and the two men settled their bill and moved toward the door. Ian had seen them getting ready to leave and with Andre had slipped out the door, leaving money with Tom to pay the bill. Tom paid and quickly went out the back way in case they went that way.

  Ian and Andre lurked on a rooftop across the street where they’d left their rucksacks and they didn’t have long to wait. The two came out the front and went to the stable adjacent to the Inn. Ian leaped down and stole silently to where he could see inside of the stable. They were just then getting into a small carriage with a single horse. He signaled to Andre who signaled to Tom. By their prearrangement, Tom would wait for the others to come and tell them what had happened. They would wait for Andre to return and guide everyone to the right place.

  The two easily followed the carriage off to the northwest through the darkened streets. A very light fog had now begun to form and Ian hoped it wouldn’t get worse. It was no more than a mile when they came to a district of large, but somewhat dilapidated houses. It had been a better place decades ago, but had deteriorated since then. They went to a large three story home with an extension in the back that was only two stories tall. Ian saw that the windows facing the street were boarded up, as was the door. The carriage went to the side of the house and stopped. Ian was in position where he could see the side of the house, having leaped to the top of an adjacent roof. The bald vampire got out and bounded up to the roof of the addition at the back of the house, and seemed to melt through one of two windows there.


  Jennifer had finished telling a condensed version of her life story to Aimee. It had been one of want and hard work. Through it all she said that she’d always held out hope that a better life awaited her if only she would keep working hard and not end up an unwed mother or a prostitute.

  “Aimee, I’m sorry you got caught and ended up here, but I’m glad I got to meet you anyway. I don’t know what I would have done had you not been brought here.”

  “If we’re separated I can still find my way back here. They’re selling me to a human. I’ll get away when we’re alone, and I’ll come back here with my family.”

  “Can you find this place?”

  “Yes. Hush now because one of them is coming down here.” She handed Jennifer her flask and whispered “This is for the next time you feel faint or sick. We’ll come for you.”

  The bald vampire landed at the foot of the steps and bounded in one jump to the cell door. Aimee had separated herself from Jennifer by a few feet. She sat rubbin
g her eyes as if she had been asleep. She faked a yawn and stretched a bit and then acted as if she was startled to see the vampire. He entered the cell and produced a short length of rope. She faked trembling and backed away from him. He bound her hands with it. He produced a gag and Aimee said “Bon jour, mademoiselle” to Jennifer before he gagged her and threw her over his shoulder.

  In a weak voice Jennifer said “Good bye little girl!” and then faked a cough and lay still, moaning.

  Shortly Aimee was in a carriage moving along the dark streets of London.


  Ian whispered “They have Aimee. I’ll follow them and get her.” He had already changed into his black suit and strapped on his short sword and dagger. Taking a flask he drained it, putting three more in his pockets, and leaving his rucksack with Andre’s. “You go back and bring the others. Tell them this is the home of the coven and that we don’t know how many are here. Have them wait if they can until I return.” He bounded off through the dark streets keeping the carriage in sight, but staying well back and to the deepest shadows for fear of the vampire aboard seeing him.

  The carriage went for some four miles, entering an area of posh estates, and then turned into a driveway with an iron gate. Ian hid and watched until he saw the bald vampire carry Aimee to the split in the driveway and then follow the driver toward a guest house over in a far corner of the back yard. The driver knocked softly at the door. A figure answered the door and they entered the guest house.

  Ian bounded silently to the building and edged silently to a window. He moved to another and yet another until he heard voices. “….pretty one indeed. You did well this time. Here is what you asked for. Jenkins, show him out please.” The driver escorted him to the gate and then went to his quarters in the carriage house.

  Ian knew that they were gone then and bounded silently to the door which he found locked. Pressing his elbow against the glass until it cracked, he reached through and unlocked the door, gliding silently inside. He had only his dagger and short sword, so he was very cautious, remembering the Francoise incident.


  Henri, Marie, and all of the others arrived at the coven house to find Andre watching it. They decided to take positions on the rooftops around the place in case members of the coven returned and found one of them. Soon the nine of them were positioned all around the building. It looked like a typical coven lair, being boarded up on the first two stories all around. There was a cellar entrance outside that was boarded up too. It was easy to see that the entrance was one of two windows at the back of the house above the roof of an addition.

  Li explored the entire area and came back to confirm that there was only the entrance on the second story. Deciding to wait to see if more coven members would return before daybreak, they settled in silently and got comfortable. Four vampires returned and entered within a half hour.


  Ian glided toward the sound of a voice in what would be the parlor of the place. He got to where he could see a large man standing before Aimee, speaking to her. “You are such a pretty thing, my precious. What is your name?”

  Aimee said “Parlez vous Francais, monsieur?”

  “So you are a little French flower as he said. How delightful!”

  Ian saw no others in the room and knew that the man was human so he held his rage in check to allow Aimee to do what she would.

  The man reached toward Aimee. Just as he would have taken hold of her, she snatched his finger in a blur of motion and snapped it, following with a lightning fast kick to his groin. He roared in pain and doubled over as she jumped astride his back. Clamping her legs around him she put her tiny arms around his fat neck and began to compress his carotid arteries. He roared, flailed and stumbled about the room, trying to dislodge her. She bit a piece of one ear off and spit it out as he tried to reach her, prompting a bellow of pain. But he was starting to lose consciousness. He lunged from side to side smashing her against the walls trying desperately to get her off of his back, all to no avail.

  Ian waited until he collapsed and then bounded to her side and reached down and put his arms around her while laughing, saying “Aimee, it’s me, Ian. Let him go, sweetheart, let him go now.”

  She turned and looked up, a snarl on her face and her blue eyes blazing ferociously. Suddenly she broke into a brilliant smile and released the man, opened her little arms and sprang up into his arms saying “Ian! Oh, Ian! I knew you’d come! I just knew you’d find me!”

  He held her close and kissed her, saying “Aimee, we’ve been so worried. I see that we didn’t need to worry so much after all.”

  “I did just as you taught me, Ian…just as you taught me.” She kissed his cheek repeatedly and hugged him tightly.

  “Indeed you did my little tigress! I’m more than pleased.” She wouldn’t let go and kept kissing him. Laughing then he said “All right sweetheart, you ride on my back then while I search for some rope.”

  She swung around and clung to his back like a monkey and laughed while kissing his neck several times as he looked about for rope. In the carriage house he found some and then he returned, securing the man and laughingly said “Now Aimee please get down so that I can carry this garbage somewhere safe.”

  Laughing she jumped down then and followed him out to the woods where he dropped the man in some bushes. Then he said “I have to get the driver. Climb on now. She stopped then and said “Wait please, Ian. There’s a nice girl in the cellar of that place. I can take you there. Her name is Jennifer and she’s just been bitten. She needs us to help her, Ian. I promised her we’d come back.” He tipped his head to one side then, digesting the information. “Did you help her?”

  “Yes, I gave her my blood and left her my flask.”

  “You did well then my little lassie. Is she young then, like you?”

  “No. She’s old, like all of you.”

  Laughing now he said “I’ll bring her to the estate.”

  “I can take you there now!”

  “Was she at the place you came from?”


  “Good. I know where that is. Let’s finish this business and get out of here.”

  She climbed on his back and he bounded to the carriage house and up the stairs in one leap. He set her down then and walked through the door. The driver was sitting at a small table having some tea. Ian was beside the table in a flash, knocking the man unconscious, gagging and tying him securely. He threw him over his shoulder and took him to the woods too. Turning to Aimee he took her in his arms again and tenderly kissed her once more. “I have really missed you sweetheart. Get around back now and hold on tight.”

  She slid around and clamped on to him tightly and he bounded away to the northeast. Within four minutes he had covered the four miles to the estate. He entered the foyer, calling “Ian here; and I have someone who wants to see all of you!” as he continued to walk into the parlor.

  The five came running from the kitchen toward them, all calling out her name “Aimee, Aimee! Oh Aimee we have been worried to death! Are you all right sweetheart?” Ian set her on her feet then. Liri, Celeste, and Alandra were on their knees beside her and they covered her face with kisses and were all hugging her. Mustafa and Louis patiently waited their turn, questioning Ian about what had transpired.

  After the greetings and tears had subsided somewhat, Ian drew Alandra to him and kissed her and then while still holding her he said “I have to leave now. We found their house and surrounded it. We’ll return when this business is finished.” He kissed her again, turned and bounded out the door without waiting for a response.

  Chapter 100

  From a rooftop Ian surveyed the site. He eventually saw Li and Sophia. Bounding twice he landed lightly next to them. “Aimee’s safe with the others now. What have you seen?”

  “Seven have gone in and none came back out.”

  “Let’s have a meeting the
n.” He stood up then and waved his arms and hooted like an owl. Bounding to the street in front of the house he was followed by Li and Sophia. In seconds the others joined him. He whispered and gestured. They moved quickly and silently down the street a bit.

  “Aimee’s safe with the others. Sophia tells me that seven went in?”

  Several said “Yes.”

  “I think we should wait an hour more to see if any more come back. That will give us an hour until sunrise to kill them and be gone. There’s a woman in the cellar that will need our help to imprint. She’s the one that Tom saw being taken. What do the rest of you think?”

  Robert spoke then and said “When this is done, I’ll go to my contact and call off the constables. Have you a plan, Ian?”

  “I think that we should put four or five at the two windows, but inside. There are likely to be two rooms there, one window for each. The windows should be closed after we’re in. That will help to keep people from hearing the pistol shots.

  “What can we expect?”

  They’ll try to escape from the third floor where they’re used to coming and going. You can kill them as they come. Just hide inside the two rooms on that end and wait. Close the doors and that way you’ll have a warning when they try to get away. Again, be wary now for a latecomer to try to enter behind you at one of the two windows! Any questions?”

  No one had a question, so he turned to Robert, Margaret, and the three young Adepts with them. “All right; you five will shoot for the brain. Get as close as you can. You want to hit them in the brain if possible. If not, then the spine. That will disable them for a bit and you can hack off their heads. If you get overrun fall back to one side and let them escape if they’re armed. They’ll want to get away and not fight. Margaret, don’t try to grapple or struggle with them. If you can’t cut them down with pistol or sword, let them go. I want to check everyone’s weapons now.”

  He went one by one and adjusted a scabbard here, a sash and pistol there as he always did, finishing with his own family. He looked at Margaret then and said “You don’t need to do this. We have enough help.”

  “I want to be here. I’ll stay close to Robert.” she said. Catching Maries’ eye, she winked at her and Marie smiled knowingly.