Read Forever Young The Beginning Page 60

  Within three days she was a prodigy who could skate backward and forward and took to jumping objects with Ian. He had leased a Sleigh and horse for the winter and they regularly went to Lausanne to eat or to skate there. He would let Aimee drive the team and she was in love with that almost as much as skating. Soon they had been remembered by the residents and everyone stopped whatever they were doing to watch little Aimee skate. Ian had cautioned her very strongly about showing off and true to form, she held herself in check. Ian told her that she could skate flawlessly as long as she didn’t go too fast nor do any jumps. When people would ask, she was told to say that she’d learned to skate in Amsterdam.

  One day when they were really snowed in and were both playing violin together, Ian said “Aimee, do you miss the others?”

  “Yes. I think that Jennifer would like skating and riding in the sleigh. She doesn’t miss me too much though.”

  Alandra said “Oh, I’m sure she does. Why do you say that?”

  Aimee rolled her pretty eyes as if anyone should know the answer. Then she said disgustedly “Because she and Andre are always making moon eyes at each other. Yuck!” At this Ian and Alandra laughed so hard that Aimee finally joined in, not having any idea what she had said that was so funny.

  Ian painted two portraits that winter; one of Aimee and one of Alandra.


  The winter flew by all too fast and they were on their way back to France. The trip back was uneventful. As they passed the ruins of the old Francoise mansion, Ian saw a foundation being built back behind the remains of the house, where the staff and caretakers lived. It looked like another building was going to be built among that group of structures that was well back behind the burned-out site of the original mansion. Everything else looked the same. There were no signs that the mansion was going to be rebuilt, and there was no one about in the fields, but they had been plowed and livestock were present grazing.

  Chapter 105

  At the chateau they all talked and caught up on everything that evening. Mustafa and Louis were both gone on banking business. Li and Sophia had just returned from Italy where they’d been looking after the property near Turin on the river. Both Celeste and Liridona were quite big by then. Their babies were due soon, so Ian and Alandra decided to stay until they both were born. Marie had already taken care to have an experienced midwife and her two daughters on hand at all times.

  Aimee had been with Jennifer ever since they had arrived. For her part, Jennifer was thrilled and happy when the three had arrived. She and Aimee had been talking and laughing and telling each other stories like two sisters might do. Jennifer was really anxious to hear about the skating and Aimee was only too happy to tell her

  Li had been teaching Andre about property management because Andre was soon going to be doing that. There was an extensive network of Lafayette properties to be cared for regarding collection of annual rent profits and paying of taxes. Li handled all of the commercial interests such as the facility in Dijon and the ceramics facility near Versailles. Andre would be doing mostly the many farms and apartment buildings around France owned by Marie and Henri.

  Ian took Aimee after she’d fallen asleep and carried her upstairs. While he was gone, Alandra beckoned to the women to join her in the kitchen. When they were all there, she said “I have something to tell you, but I want to surprise Ian.” The ladies were all ears then, waiting expectantly. She went on then “I’m crossing over when we join you in Zurich this summer.”

  Marie came to her first, hugging and kissing her. Sophia, Celeste, Liri, and Jennifer all hugged and kissed her too. Celeste asked “Why wait until then?”

  “I want to tell my parents first about Ian and a little of what I’ll be doing. I don’t want to keep all of it from them but I do so want to surprise Ian. Please don’t tell him. He’s been so patient and has never once brought it up to me.”

  They were all happy for her, and all agreed to keep her secret. The days that followed were filled with the usual chateau activities and spirits were all high with the expectation of the two new arrivals. The babies were born within hours of each other. Liri and Mustafa had a son while Celeste and Louis had a daughter. Both were healthy and the births were not especially troublesome for either of the women. The midwife had insisted on using old Hebrew-style birthing chairs in order for gravity to assist the birth. None there had ever seen the technique used, but it appeared to work quite well

  Ian and Alandra took little Aimee apart from the others after the two babies were born and counseled her. “Aimee, when humans have a baby, they become focused on the baby. That’s natural, and you’ll see that with Liri and Celeste. Their husbands will be the same way, focused on their baby. Over time this will modify a bit. But with these two babies here now, you have to be like their big sister and help any way that you are asked to.”

  “I understand.”

  “You may not always get the attention that you got before these babies came along. That’s only natural, but you mustn’t be upset or sad if it seems that way. It’s just that you’ll no longer be the youngest in the house, so you no longer get all of the attention that an only child would get. This in no way means that anyone in this house thinks any less of you. In fact, you will be more important than ever now.”


  Alandra took over then, saying “Yes. You’re to be a big sister to the two babies. Who else can do that? None of us can. We’re all too old, so it’s up to you. You’ll soon see what their mothers do and how they expect their babies to be fed, washed and cared for. You’re to learn all about that and to help out whenever you’re near. That’s what a big sister does. We’re so very glad that you’re a part of our family, Aimee. We need you now more than ever, and now the babies do too.”

  “I’ll be their big sister. I can do that.”

  Gathering her into his arms, Ian said “We knew we could count on you Aimee. You’re always so reliable and so good. We do love you so very much. We’ll miss you while we’re in Barcelona. But we’re coming to Geneva this summer to join you.”

  A few more days passed, filled with happiness for the two new arrivals. Ian had been like a proud father when he had seen Louis and Celeste’s gray-eyed baby girl. He wondered if the girl would grow up to have the same beautifully unique eyes as Cosette’s. When he held her, he felt somehow that she had some indistinguishable quality, and looking into her eyes he was reminded of Cosette. He idly wondered if she would be gifted with prescience as Celeste had once been. The dark-haired dark-eyed little boy born to Mustafa and Liri evoked the same love and he felt a pang of regret at never being able to father children of his own during this time, so his joy at the arrival of the two children was tempered.

  Soon it was time to depart for Barcelona. They said their goodbyes then and stayed at the Red Dolphin that evening. Having a nice visit with Lorn and Corinne, they told them all about the two new arrivals. They departed for Spain the next afternoon. It was a wonderful trip and the shipboard magic returned the very first night the two were in their cabin together. Alandra seemed to be even more passionate in her lovemaking if that was possible. She had a twinkle in her eyes as if she had a secret that she was bursting to tell him, but couldn’t. He puzzled over the thing, but was so delighted and not to mention busy much of the night and sometimes at midday that he didn’t concern himself about it. He hoped that whatever it was, it would never end.

  They got to Barcelona House and caught up with Tom and Celita regarding all developments there. They shared the news about Celeste and Liridona having their babies born the same day. Celita was pregnant then and told them. She was not showing yet, but was very happy and eager as was Tom. They spent the afternoon with the two, leaving only an hour before dark.

  Taking a carriage to their own house then, they visited the waterfall and took a long swim and bath. They made love there near the falls and Alandra quietly
cried for joy afterward. She hadn’t done that in a while and Ian puzzled at it but held her tenderly and stroked her hair and kissed her forehead.

  “Ian, I’m so very happy. You’ve made me the happiest woman alive. I thank God that you didn’t leave that night, but came to see me. It pains me to think what my life would be had you not come back to me. I love you so.”

  “Alandra, if I hadn’t come back, I don’t know what my life today would be but empty. You love me as I am and I’ll love you forever.” She dozed off after that and he lay there, pillowing her head on his chest. The sounds of the waterfall and the afternoon sun poking a few golden fingers of light through the leafy canopy overhead worked together to make the place seem magical. He wanted to absorb the whole scene then and preserve it forever.


  The thing was aware again of the new noises. They had returned after an indeterminate time of cycles of the sound of water trickling through its lair and periods of silence. The creature thought that the noises were louder or were nearer somehow. It pondered the thought of near as opposed to far and wondered where that concept had come from. It thought of louder as opposed to quieter and also wondered at the source of that thought, recalling that there had been similar noises before at some time which had gone away. The scurrying sound of insects had returned, but that was a normal sound to the thing. The occasional slippery, raspy sound of a passing serpent was also a sound that accompanied the scurrying sound. The thing didn’t know what caused those sounds, but it did know that the two went together. As the new noise kept coming back at intervals, it began to realize that it might become a regular thing along with the scurrying and raspy sounds, although those never ceased once started, but when they quit, it seemed to be a good while before they returned. It didn’t really comprehend day or night, or seasons, being that it merely existed. It was confidant in its lair and was not disturbed or afraid. It was as timeless as its surroundings and was at peace. Nonetheless it seemed that the clattering noises were changing somehow little by little. They were as random as ever, but were they nearer or just louder?

  Chapter 106

  Ian and Alandra rocked along in their open top carriage. The azure Mediterranean sparkled in the morning sunlight. Ian had his sun glasses on and had brought a broad-brimmed hat for the day, having already gotten back into the proper dress habits for sunny Spain. They chatted about how good it was to be home and to see how well Barcelona House was doing. Celita had told her that Esmeralda, the oldest daughter of King Charles III had sent a personal thank you note about the recovery of her niece from the Wasting Disease. She and Ian were talking about it when they rolled up to the kitchen entrance of Barcelona House. Celita and Tom were excited to see them. There had been a late delivery yesterday after they had gone to their home. King Charles III himself had sent a proclamation of thanks to Barcelona House and its directors for the fine job they’d done in the miraculous healing of his grandniece. They decided to have it framed and to hang it in the front vestibule.

  Tom had a question of where to put eight new beds and Alandra wanted to go see her parents. She had that mysterious twinkle in her eyes and told Ian to go and help Tom. He kissed her tenderly before she drove off, and even turned once to look at her as she drove out of sight. He remembered that several years ago that he was wearing a monk’s robe standing in that very same place when he’d seen her turn and stare at him from her carriage. She must have remembered too because she stopped at the exact same spot and turned to wave and flash him a smile as he waved back at her.

  Soon he was helping Tom move beds in the facility. Within a quarter of an hour, they’d just gotten the last one moved when Celita came running, crying. She couldn’t be comforted but sobbed and took both of their hands and pulled on them to come with her. As they exited the building, Ian could see a knot of people standing some good distance off at an intersection. More were running to that place so the three of them hurried there.

  Ian was anxious when he pushed through the crowd. A wagon load of cobblestone had lost control on the road intersecting the road from Barcelona House. It had crashed into a carriage and the stones had crushed the driver of that carriage. It was a terrible scene as a horse with a broken leg screamed in pain and thrashed on the ground wildly. Its mate was dead with a broken neck. The single horse pulling the destroyed carriage was threshing as it foamed at the mouth, moaning and making a terrible sound through the bloody froth. Its chest was punctured by a piece of the splintered tongue of the other wagon and blood poured from its mortal wounds. Suddenly Ian became sick to his stomach as he recognized the remains of the carriage. With unspeakable horror he realized that the hem of the dress of the driver who was buried under the tons of rock was Alandra’s!


  Everyone stopped talking at once as the one who’d cried out so loud sank to his knees and began to tear stone off of the woman beneath it at an unbelievable rate. The stones went flying willy-nilly in a blur as he tore his way down to her. Clearing away the last of them he saw the lifeless body of his beloved Alandra. Gently he picked her up and turned about and sat on the stone pile and wept unceasingly. He rocked her lifeless body back and forth and wept, and couldn’t be comforted.

  The crowd was silent at this display of grief. There was the sound of two horses screaming in agony, punctuated by two gunshots. Then there was only the sea breeze sighing through the ancient trees nearby, the hushed murmurs of the onlookers, and the distant sound of surf on the breakwater punctuated by the sound of a man weeping.


  Near Geneva in the grand chalet house Celeste nursed her baby girl. She hadn’t been in a hurry to name the child and had thought little of it as they had traveled there from the chateau in France. Liri was nursing her baby next to her at the same time. The two were chatting about various things that new mothers often talk about when Liri said “I wonder when Mustafa will return from Italy?”

  Celeste said in a matter of fact way “He’s already passed St Moritz, so it can’t be more than seven days.” Silence ensued then, and there was only the sound of the wind fluffing the curtains of the open window as Celeste’s baby began to laugh. She looked in astonishment at her baby “Little one, do you know where Mustafa is?” Liri looked questioningly at her. “What did you just say?” Celeste suddenly looked wide-eyed at Liri and said “Liri, it has returned! My God! It has returned!”

  “What has returned? And how can you possibly know where Mustafa is today.”

  “Liri, I used to know things before they would happen. It left me when I reached the age where I began to have my monthly cycle. Mustafa is well and will be here in seven days. She thought and what about you, my baby daughter. Do you know too? The baby gurgled and laughed as her tiny hands waved about. Celeste cried out “Everybody; come quickly! Come now!”


  The thing was aware of the clattering again. It was louder for sure, and maybe it was closer too. It noticed a different sound that was very faint, being a new sound to the thing. As time passed it seemed that the clattering and the newest sound both were getting louder. The thing grew more than casually interested at this development. It was supremely confident of its security in its lair. It knew on some level that it was a supreme predator and had no need to fear any sounds no matter what they were. It didn’t know how it knew that, but it knew that for certain. It had reached a different state than when it had first noticed the new sounds. It was a state of anticipation, but a relaxed one. It puzzled over that, but could come to no conclusion about where that had come from. It just knew.

  The sounds got noticeably louder and there was even some movement around the lair. The thing actually felt its surroundings move once, and the other newer noise came and went but was louder by far now, no longer faint. The air in the lair was suddenly not quite so dank. The creature’s anticipation was aroused. The noises were now clear and not muffled. The stra
nge sounds were voices. The thing didn’t know how it knew that, but it knew. There was definitely activity involving its lair and it had been aroused to a higher state of awareness. It was poised for the next level of intrusion, because it now regarded this as an intrusion into its lair. It might be threatened, so it was aroused to another plateau of awareness.

  The sounds ceased then. An indeterminate amount of time passed then and the thing sensed that it was getting darker, but it couldn’t see to know that. It just knew. The air had become drier. The thing didn’t understand it, but it felt it. Finally there was only the occasional sound of skittering of insects, a normal sound of the lair. The lair was secure for now it knew. But for how long would it remain secure? The thing sank into a lower state of awareness, but not as low as usual.


  The funeral for Alandra had concluded. Besides Ian, Tom, Celita and the Vasquez family, were all of the children at Barcelona House who could attend. There were over three hundred townspeople including the mayor and the three judges who presided in the Barcelona district as well as several Barristers.

  She’d been laid to rest in the place reserved for the Vasquez family, which wasn’t far from Philippe’s grave. Ian had held his peace until the priest was finished. He waited until many had dispersed and only the family, Tom, Celita and a few closer friends were still there, along with some two dozen of the children from Barcelona House. Standing and turning to them all then he spoke.

  “My Alandra was the most wonderful wife any man could ever want. I’m sure that her parents would say that she was a perfect daughter. Everyone in this city knows how she loved her work at Barcelona House and how she loved the children there. She accepted me as I am with my flaws and loved me truly anyway. I can’t tell you how much that meant to me.” Here he faltered a bit, getting control of himself as he continued.