Read Forever Young The Beginning Page 9

  Although in his room with the door closed, Ian heard Marie greeting a guest at the front door. I can hear things that I could never have heard before he thought.

  Chapter 14

  Coming downstairs Ian heard the two women speaking in the parlor. He entered and fastened his eyes on the newcomer, raising his eyebrows slightly and smiling a little. She was a beautiful petite brunette with large blue eyes, gazing intently at him, smiling sweetly while waiting for Marie to introduce them. Marie spoke in French and Ian who had been learning French while the tailor worked that afternoon, responded “Enchante’ Mademoiselle Alyssa.” Marie had introduced him as Adam MacRae.

  “I am so pleased to meet you Adam. Where have you been keeping this one Madame Lafayette?”

  “Adam is a close friend who is staying with us for a while. He has been traveling. May I get either of you some wine?”

  “Yes, thank you Marie” said Ian as Alyssa nodded in agreement. The wine being poured, Marie said “I’m going to bed. I have a headache. I bumped my head this evening” she said, with a wink towards Ian. “Ian, help me upstairs please, lest I fall.”

  On the way upstairs, Marie whispered “Ian your strength is greater than I had anticipated already. You must curb that strength and be human this night. I don’t want anything bad to befall Alyssa. She is a dear friend, impulsive really; a single girl who I’ve known for three years. She likes you. I can easily tell that already, so if you think you can’t do this, you must feign illness or something. Even send Alyssa to fetch me to make it more believable. Remember, the human controls the vampire in these circumstances. Above all, be passive.”

  “I…will do as you say, Marie. Good night and don’t worry.”

  Back in the parlor, Ian asked if Alyssa would like to take a walk. She demurely agreed and the two set out in the bright moonlight.

  “Madame Marie tells me that you’ve been to China, Adam. Do please tell me about it.” Ian told her about what he had seen while there, and that he had been a sailor on a merchants’ vessel. He told her about how he met Li Hong, of their becoming friends, and that Li had taught him to speak Mandarin Chinese. Alyssa wanted to know more about the orient and other places he had seen. They strolled about the pathways that criss-crossed the properties, arm in arm. She asked about his home and family. Ian gave a bit of sketchy family history with some real experiences and told her of Scotland and of his love of sailing. He spoke of seeing Africa and India as well as some experiences there, carefully omitting any references to subjects involving Elsie’s Cloud or her crew.

  She leaned her head on his upper arm as they walked and Ian had to admit that it was pleasant. They strolled about for some two hours just talking and getting to know each other. She sometimes held his hand and intertwined her fingers with his. Ian really liked her, and appreciated her finer qualities as well as her more obvious ones. She had a delightful laugh and an effervescent personality.

  They made their way back toward the house and on the front veranda, sat on a wrought iron settee. It was part of a finely crafted assortment of wrought iron furniture that occupied the broad covered veranda. She leaned her head on his upper arm once more and told him of her childhood.

  It was a sad story, one of poverty and want. She had been orphaned, and then forced into a brothel at the age of seventeen. By chance or God’s grace, a friend of Marie heard of it and money changed hands that very day. She was given a nice apartment in Marseille and did all manner of sewing in the shop below her apartment.

  Alyssa was happy with her new life, and hoped to one day design clothing to be seen and sold in Paris itself. She had regarded Marie as her mother ever since and would do anything for her. Ian knew from what she’d told him that Alyssa was impulsive with men. She had boyfriends whom she was intimate with from time to time, so when Marie had summoned her to meet Ian, she had simply closed her shop and returned with the carriage sent for her.

  Ian had slipped his arm over Alyssa’s shoulder while they talked on the veranda. It was a peaceful and beautiful night with cicadas and crickets singing. The scent of jasmine hung in the air. He reached and turned her face to his and gently kissed her lips. Parting then, Ian looked at her pretty features in the reflected moonlight. She reached and put an arm around his neck and pulled him to her. He gently kissed both of her eyelids, then continuing to kiss her cheek and around her jaw and neck. She turned and pressed into him more, responding with growing passion, even as she parted her lips. Their tongues met, each gently caressing the other. After only a few minutes she whispered to him “Adam, I’m on fire, mmmm……but I am so weak. Take me upstairs, cheri.”

  He rose and scooped her gently up in his arms and carried her inside and up the stairs. Coming to his bed, he gently stood her next to it. She eagerly undressed him, so he likewise undressed her. He gently kissed her shoulders, neck and lips. They sank to the bed and each was lost in the wonder of the other. She was eager and quite energetic so that his passivity was no problem.

  During the night as she lay sleeping, her head was resting on his chest. He lay thinking of all the things that had happened to him recently, his thoughts drifting from Alandra to Cosette, and then toward his family. Although melancholy a bit he reflected on the evening with Allyssa and the wonderful care he’d received at the hands of Cosette and Marie, realizing how fortunate he was. Resolving that he would forever forget Alandra for her sake he also resolved to make the best of this strange new life.

  Cosette and Marie had been nothing short of wonderful and he knew that he now could hope to at least see his family again. He would have to be careful of who he revealed his secrets to. It would be a burden to him. He wondered if he should adopt an alias or not, hating the idea.

  Twice during the night, Alyssa awoke and they made love again. Each time afterwards, she again pillowed her head on Ian’s chest and soon slept as a babe. Ian passed the night peacefully and if he slept, it was only to doze a bit. Twice he had the beginnings of seizures and quickly drank from a flask Marie had given him. He absently stroked Alyssa’s hair as she slept, kissing her forehead several times during the night. How strange my life has become! Who would believe all of this?

  Chapter 15

  Angus anxiously awaited the arrival of a longboat he saw approaching Elsie. He saw only one passenger, being a woman holding a large parasol and wearing a wide-brimmed hat. She was expensively dressed and wore long well-crafted gloves. She paid the man in charge of the longboat and gracefully sat in the boatswains’ seat that Angus lowered.

  Upon stepping onto the deck she introduced herself and said “Ian is well. I must speak to you, Armando, and Li in private. But first, may I see my brother?”

  “The lad is your brother?” She nodded and he said “Yes, yes lass.” Turning he directed his voice towards a crewman near the galley stairs “Fetch Mustafa and Louis right away!” Shortly the two boys came up out of the galley where they had been working together, cleaning it. Louis spied Cosette and crying out “Cosette, Cosette!” he ran to her and flung himself into her arms. They hugged and Cosette kissed him repeatedly as they talked together, in the French tongue. After a bit, Cosette turned to Mustafa saying “Mustafa?” He nodded. She hugged him too, and then turned to Angus saying, “I cannot thank you enough, Captain McCloud.”

  “You’re welcome. It was Ian who first stepped up for Louis when that blackguard struck him.”

  “I know. I saw the whole thing.”

  Angus regarded her, raising his eyebrows.

  “I’ll tell you everything in a moment. May Louis stay here for another few days?”


  Speaking in French again she said “Louis, you’ll stay here on this ship a few more days and then you’ll come to my new home. In the meantime, I want you to behave yourself and do as you are told by these men.” Louis agreed, nodding. She smiled and said “I must go to speak with these men. Be good and I’ll s
ee you soon.” She was introduced to Armando and Li as they walked to the stern of the ship.

  In Angus’ cabin Cosette began by saying “What I tell you now must never be repeated. You may talk about it among yourselves only. You would be placing your crewmates and your families in danger of death if this got back to the wrong……people. It makes no difference where you live, your loved ones can be found and could be all murdered should the words said in this cabin ever leak out. Do you understand?”

  They nodded in assent, and all said “Aye.”

  She said “I want each of you to repeat what I just said, starting with you, Captain McCloud.” Angus said “That’s not necessary, Cosette.” She fastened her gaze on him and said in a low flat voice “It is very necessary, Captain McCloud.” Angus sighed, and then he complied. Then Armando and Li did likewise.

  ‘Very well then I’ll tell you what has happened.” She told all three of them exactly what had happened to Ian. The three sat, mouths agape. Angus then said “Are you the woman who saved him and carried him away?”

  “I am.” She saw the doubt in the eyes of Angus and Armando. Rising she said “I’ll show you something that may convince you.”

  In a flash, she had snatched Armando’s dagger and was holding it at Li’s throat, with his head pulled back into her breast with her other hand, her eyes glowing brightly. Li felt as if his head and neck were locked in a vise.

  Angus exclaimed “My God! If I hadn’t seen that I’d never have believed it. Li is the best fighting man among us!” Armando just sat there stupefied, shaking his head in wonderment.

  Cosette returned Armando’s dagger and said “I have to do an errand while I’m in Marseille but I’ll return later. Because of what has happened to Ian he must stay with Madame Lafayette for at the very least three weeks. That is imperative. He wants to see you three. He also sent this note to you, Captain McCloud.” She flashed around the table to him and then produced the note, seeming to just appear at his side.

  Startled, but reading it, Angus nodded and said “Armando, you and Li see to this. I have to find MacCarr now.”


  Ian got up at dawn and went down to the parlor, sensing rather than hearing Marie. She said “Good morning. I think it went well last night?”

  “It did, Marie. Alyssa is a sweet girl, and a fine person. I’m wondering if you have thought of approaching her about crossing over.”

  “Let’s have breakfast before she’s awake.”

  Sitting in the kitchen, his morning drink of rabbit’s blood downed, and a breakfast of steak and eggs eaten, he ate his fourth sampling of fruit from the large bowl there. Marie said “Don’t forget to drink water too. Humans drink it all of the time.” He drank a cup of water then while Marie spoke.

  “On the subject of Alyssa, I have considered bringing her over. She would fit in well as one of us. I was waiting to see if she would marry, or would stay focused on a career in fashion. What do you think?”

  “I think she would be a fine one to bring across. She is twenty?”


  “Then it is only a matter of timing?”

  “Timing is not all of it. There is the matter of Cosette.”

  “Cosette? I don’t understand, Marie.”

  She’d been gazing out the large bay window of the kitchen and gave a long sigh. Turning back to him, she said “You men; so dense, yet so smart too in many things. I finally have awakened to the way she looks at you when you’re not looking. I also finally have awakened to the way you look at her when she’s not looking. I saw this only when you two were saying goodbye to each other. It has bothered me all night long. This is my mistake. Bringing Alyssa over now might bring grief to our family, Ian. Cosette is like my own daughter. I made a mistake in bringing Alyssa here for you so soon. This is my doing. I was so focused on seeing to it that you were to retain your libido that I failed to even consider Cosette’s feelings in this matter.”

  Ian sat pondering that awhile. He had been allowing Marie to guide his imprinting and hadn’t given much thought to what she’d said. “What do you want to do about this, Marie? I don’t want to bring trouble. I could leave here after my imprinting has ended. I can go to Marseille to take care of….. you know….. my lovemaking whatever.” He blushed. “Och Marie! I do want to travel to see my family anyway. Then you could approach Alyssa and bring her over with me gone. May I see all of you from time to time? I would have a hard time… I mean…. Marie, I hate the thought of being separated from both of you now. Is there a way to work this so that I can see all of you at least from time to time? Whatever you decide, I’ll do.”

  “Ian! I don’t want you to leave, ever. God forbid! I’ll send her to Paris. I have many wealthy friends there who owe me favors. Several can offer her work and a chance of recognition that she can’t refuse. I’ve already made inquiries toward that end weeks ago. She is talented and ambitious. I have a friend who will help her to get the polish that she needs to successfully enter the world of high fashion. I will purchase only her work, and that alone will help her fame grow. Alyssa has talent, so this is a natural thing. She’ll be told to hurry home this morning and to close her shop and to pack her clothes for Paris. She will live there. I already have a place in mind. In fact, we own the building. Once there and becoming entangled with her work and the wealthy contacts I will send her way, she’ll live there. In a few more years, we can again take up the subject of her being brought over. Is this acceptable to you?”

  Ian locked eyes with Marie and reaching across the table, gently took both of her hands in his, slowly raising them to his lips. He kissed the back of each gently then fastened his gaze upon her again, still gently clasping her delicate hands in his broad bronzed ones. “I trust you as I do my own mother. I think this is the best course for all of us including Alyssa. I’m grateful and blessed that my fate has fallen into your hands. Thank you again for all you are doing for me.”

  Marie’s eyes brimmed with tears. She stood then, as did Ian, and coming around the table to him put her arms around his waist and he her shoulders. She then said “Although I laugh and am happy most of the time, I have so longed for a son, Ian. With Cosette as my adopted daughter and now you in our lives, my joy is complete.

  “All of you will remain as my family when my human family passes from this world. I’ll try always to please you, and to make you happy Marie.”

  Stepping back from him then, she said “Then in that case do your teeth now Ian, our guest is awake.” He did as she said, but didn’t hear anyone stirring. He brushed and cleaned his teeth at vampire speed and was done even with taking the ground clove and cinnamon powder well before Alyssa came to the kitchen.

  “Good morning, Madame Marie. Good morning Cheri.” Smiling, she came to Ian standing near the back door and gave him a kiss on the lips, encircling his waist with her arms and leaning her head on his chest. As if on cue, Marie said “Alyssa, I have just gotten word early this morning from an inquiry I made in Paris. You are accepted to learn fashion design from none other than Madame Caryn Rochelle herself. You already have six wealthy customers waiting for you.”

  The effect was almost electrical. Alyssa whirled and threw both hands to the sides of her face and squealed with delight. “Oh Marie! Is this true? Please don’t joke with me!”

  “It’s true Alyssa.” she said with a genuine loving smile, coming to hug her. “But you must leave for Paris this evening. I have already arranged for travel. I will see to it that your shop is closed properly and that your home is kept waiting for as long as you like. You are going to be a famous fashion designer, Alyssa.”

  “Ooohhh” she said, all the while jumping up and down clapping her hands. Then she saddened visibly, looking across the kitchen at Ian. “But I don’t want to be away from you, mon cheri.”

  Laughing, Ian said “She said Paris, Alyssa, not America. We can come see you
and you can come see Marie and me anytime.”

  She brightened a bit, and then brightened more as she thought through the whole thing, with her pretty face tilted to one side. Then, smiling broadly she said, “I go today then.”

  “A coach will be here within the hour to take you home. I took the liberty of hiring one already. My courier arrived in the wee hours with the news, so I saw no harm in preparing.” She thought a small enough lie and it will help you to realize your dreams.

  When the coach had come, Ian carried Alyssa’s bags to it walking beside her. Handing them to the driver, he turned to her saying “You’ve made me very happy, Alyssa. I’m glad that you visited while I was here.”

  Alyssa threw both arms around his neck and pressed herself against him, and kissed him long and passionately, then drew back, and did it again. She whispered “Come away with me now, mon cheri.” Ian said “I can’t come at this time. I must stay here in this area for around a month.” With tears at the corners of her eyes, she said “Goodbye for now, Adam.” Turning to Marie she said “Goodbye Madame Marie, and thank you again.”

  Chapter 16

  By mid-morning of the following day, with MacCarr officially in charge of Elsie’s Cloud, the three boarded a longboat. A long crate had already placed in it before they boarded. Instructions had been left to notify the King’s Gendarmes and the harbormaster that Ian was found and alive, and that Louis’ sister had been found. Tom had been dispatched to find a ship bound for Barcelona. Ian’s letter from several days ago, before he was bitten, would get to Alandra. Cosette had returned as promised and a coach with four horses whisked them away towards the home of Marie Lafayette.


  The finely appointed coach arrived in the wharf district in an area reserved for dignitaries. A tall, well-dressed and distinguished looking Spaniard got out after the driver opened the door. He stood while two other men rushed to take his luggage and carry it towards a ship. Two officials were speaking of the heroes who had saved the ambassadors daughter. It seemed that one of the crew had been attacked by a wild animal in Marseille itself and had been the object of a large scale local search. The ambassador approached them wanting to know the story. When he introduced himself to the pair they were only too glad to share what they knew about the great sea battle by the Scottish hero, Angus McCloud. It was written that his nephew, second in command, had been the one to find Alandra Vasquez and her servant girl.