Read Forever Yours (#2) Page 1

  Forever Yours –Series

  By Deila Longford

  Part Two



  Author contact


  Email: [email protected]



  ~ Acknowledgements ~

  This book is dedicated to all of the fans and readers of my first three books.

  Without you there would be no reason me to write.

  Also dedicated to my family.


  I wake up in the morning and I scowl at the empty side of the bed, when I see that Dalton is nowhere in sight. I throw my head back down onto my pillow, in frustration and I cover my face with the sheets. I inhale the hot air that is forming under the covers and I gently smile, when I think back on last night. I slept incredibly well, once I closed my eyes. I lay awake for ages, just looking at Dalton as he stared out at my small, cluttered room. His eyes were soft and his breathing was gentle as he held me close to him. I felt safe and protected in his arms and I never wanted that feeling to pass. I wanted that night to last forever; I wanted to be in his arms, until I couldn’t breathe. His icy kiss has marked me forever and I absolutely refuse to believe that he doesn’t care about me. If my life meant nothing to him, then he wouldn’t have stayed with me last night, worrying that I was going to die and transition into a vampire. I slightly graze my neck wounds, as I remember the sensation of his fangs on my skin. I adored the feeling and the pleasure of him feeding on me and I basked in the satisfaction of helping him through his pain. All of those wonderful thoughts and memories are destroyed, because he has left me. I have woken up to him not being here and the excitement I had of that image, was the only reason that I gave in to my exhaustion. I reluctantly closed my eyes, knowing that I would have him next to me in the morning, but morning is here and he’s not.

  I shower and I get ready for work, hoping that I will be able to focus on work and not spend my entire day, thinking about Dalton. I throw on my jeans and I my red work shirt and then I tie my hair into a loose ponytail. I stare at my image in the mirror and then I push the fabric away from my neck, as I take in the sight of my wounds. Two little red marks are situated a few inches below my earlobe and I gently graze them, my mind flashes back to the sensation of Dalton’s feed. I close my eyes and for that moment, I give into the craving of those thoughts, but my eyes widen when my door thrusts open. I quickly place the collar of my shirt over my wounds and then I turn to see who has rudely entered my room. I let out a sigh when I see Rachel standing in the doorjamb, with her arms crossed over her chest and her hair grazing both sides of her face. She looks annoyed and I get the feeling that she has something that she would like to get off her chest. I brace myself as I have felt the wrath and the icy tongue of Rachel, many times before.

  “Have you no consideration for anyone but yourself?” She exclaims. I move closer to her and I stare at her in confusion –what have I done to upset her now?

  “What is your problem?” I say in a firm, annoyed tone. Rachel pouts her lips at me and then she throws her hands into the air. I don’t like her attitude or her crazy hand gestures, so I grab my bag from my bed and then I brush past her, slamming the door as I walk. I make my way along the narrow hallway and I roll my eyes, when I hear Rachel stomping after me in her high heels. I reach the kitchen and I see that my uncle and Jen are having their breakfast. I pull at the fabric of my shirt, making sure that my little wounds are covered as I enter the room. Jen smiles at me as she hands me a plate of bacon and eggs, I return her gesture, but I politely refuse her offer.

  “Thanks, but I’m not hungry,” I say as I place the plate down onto the kitchen counter. Jen’s smile has faded and she is looking at me with suspicion in her eyes. I quickly focus my eyes on George, as I don’t want to risk an interrogation from Jen. Rachel bursts into the kitchen, her eyes are raging as she rudely marches towards me. I shake my head at her pathetic behaviour and my actions have only seemed to annoy her more.

  “You’re so annoying, you know that?” Rachel shouts as she points a perfectly manicured hand in my face. I narrow my eyes at her –why is she so angry with me? Rachel and I don’t have the world’s best relationship, but she is never usually as abrupt as this, for no apparent reason. Usually, I know exactly what I have done to annoy her, but on this occasion, I absolutely have no clue why she is so mad at me. I move closer to her as I begin to question her on why she is so upset.

  “What exactly have I done to upset you?” I firmly say, as I fold my arms across my chest. Rachel edges closer to me and then she erupts.

  “I’m upset, because I have been waiting to go to the mall, all morning. He won’t take me until you’re ready and I have no idea why it took so long for you to get up. Do you ever think of anyone but yourself?” I shake my head at her pathetic reason for being at mad me.

  “Do you ever think of anyone but yourself? C’mon you’re the most selfish girl that I know.” My lips start to tremble as I my words ring the air. Jen looks uncomfortable as she sips on her coffee and Uncle George, isn’t impressed with what he is hearing. He lunges from the seat and he points his finger into Rachel’s face.

  “Now that’s enough, from both of you. Rose needs a ride to her work and as for you, the mall isn’t going anywhere. Now pack it in, or else you’re grounded!” I press my lips together and then I apologise for my behaviour.

  “I’m sorry,” Rachel rolls her eyes into the heavens at my words. My uncle smiles at me and then he grabs his keys from the kitchen table and kisses Jen before he heads out of the kitchen. I smile at Jen and then I follow George out into the hallway. Rachel pulls alongside me, snarling her bitter comments.

  “You’re such a goodie-two-shoes!”

  Uncle George drives me to the Wal-Mart supercentre –where I work and I thank him as I jump out of his truck.

  “Thanks for the ride,” he smiles at me and then gestures over in the direction of my beat up Chevy.

  “I’ll call the guys at work and get them to take a look at your truck.” I smile at him, shivering from the freezing temperature. I rub my hands together as I try to build the heat, and I as I walk over in the direction of the entrance, I can’t shake off my plaguing image of Dalton. I wonder where he is and why he left in such a hurry. I am frightened that he has gone for good –I couldn’t survive it if he has. I rush through the door of the supermarket and I head in the direction of Subway. The store is extra busy today as its Saturday and everyone seems to have the day off from work. I sigh at the noises of the store, registers beeping and children squealing out in excitement. I reach the Subway restaurant and I pull the fabric of my shirt nervously over my wounds as Ryan rushes towards me. His arms are extended and when he reaches me, he pulls me in for bear hug. His skin feels warm and so different to Dalton’s, but although I shiver every time he touches me, I still crave his icy touch. Ryan finally loosens his grip on me and his eyes widen at my appearance.

  “You look … nice today,” he says as he squints his eyes for a better view. I feel my face start to flush and then I clear my throat as I ignore his comment.

  “The stores busy, you know what that means?” Ryan pretends to fall asleep at my words and I shake my head and then I head in the direction of the workers lounge –with Ryan at my side. I brush into the room and I hang my coat onto the stand. I smooth out my shirt and I pull my ponytail over the right side of my neck, shielding my wounds from sight. Ryan reaches out and takes my hand in his and then he moves closer to me, staring into my eyes in the process. My heart begins to race at his affection and
I don’t want to offend him by pulling away, but with an image of Dalton in my head, pulling away from Ryan is exactly what I feel like doing.

  Ryan and I dated for six months, when I say dated, I really mean that we went to the movies and had a quick kiss in the front of his mustang. I feel that we were one of those couples, who were such good friends, that we owed it to ourselves to give dating a try. We were far from the perfect couple; we never spent any time alone. Charlene and Elliot were always around and what shocked me to the core, was that Ryan and I didn’t mind them being there. It never occurred to us to ask them for some privacy, I think deep down that neither one of us wanted it. Ryan was the first to say that he loved me and I said it back, out of obligation. As I think back on my time with Ryan, I can honestly say that I never loved him. I see him more as my lovable friend who I like to take the piss out of. He is rather charming and not hard on the eyes, and he always says that we will end up together. He feels that we are made for each other and that it’s our destiny to get married and have babies. I nod and play along with his unrealistic hopes, as I know for sure that what he is thinking, will never happen. I don’t look at him that way, and I can honestly say that I have never looked at Ryan in the way that I do with Dalton. My mind buzzes and my heart shatters into a million pieces, when Dalton flashes me his wicked smirk. As I stand frozen, looking up into Ryan’s dark eyes, I realise that he has absolutely no chance of getting me back, as I my heart now belongs to Dalton.

  My day at work has been busy and exhausting. I have worked from ten until six, with only one break. I am shattered and I all I want to do is, fall into my bed. I slide my coat onto my body and then I say my goodbyes to my co-workers. Ryan rushes up to me, with his phone lodged into his hand. He places his hands onto my shoulders and he holds me in place. His dark eyes are playful and his black shaggy hair is messy around his forehead. He stares at me and I slightly blush from his closeness. I feel bad for the guy, as I know that he hasn’t moved on from me, but at the same time, I don’t want to lead him on. I gently shrug my shoulders as I try to fight off his touch. He senses my intentions, so he pulls his hands away from me. I flash him an awkward smile and then I listen intently at what he has to say.

  “Tomorrow night is Charlene’s birthday, we’re going out on the town, and you gotta come, girl.” I sigh and then I nod in agreement. Charlene is my friend and I can’t miss her twentieth birthday, even though I am dreading the thought of a night out. I feel so drained and tired and my bed is all that I can think of –along with Dalton and his burning kiss.

  “I wouldn’t miss it,” I say as I head in the direction of the door. Ryan rushes after me, sliding his hand onto my back as we walk. I exhale at his touch, but I don’t offend him by fighting him off. Instead, we walk side by side to the exit of the store. We step out into the cold and my heart skips a beat when I see Dalton, parked into a space and leaning against his car. My eyes flutter at the sight of him, standing coolly in his dark blue jeans and white shirt. I march over in his direction and Ryan pulls me back.

  “My cars this way,” he says in a sarcastic tone.

  “Yeah, but Dalton’s this way,” my mouth runs away with me and my cheeks blush at my words. Ryan looks confused as he follows me over to Dalton. I reach him and he moves away from his car and lunges towards me. My eyes can’t adjust to his beauty and I am annoyed and mesmerised to see him. He reaches out and places his hand onto my cheek; I smile as his hands are warm. Dalton smirks at me and vivid memories of his astonishing kisses are flooding back to me. I gently part my lips as I hunger for him. I feel like wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him until I freeze. But with Ryan gaping at me, that isn’t an option. I stare into his deep blue eyes and anger rushes to my surface, I want to scream at him for leaving me. I felt alone, used and abandoned by his actions and I want to question him about his choices.

  “Why did you leave me?” I ask firmly. Dalton shakes his head at me and then he focuses his eyes on Ryan. His eyebrows push together as Ryan links his arm into mine. My heart is racing and I quickly pull my arm away from Ryan’s, as I don’t want either of them to get the wrong idea. Dalton narrows his eyes at Ryan and then he begins to interrogate him.

  “Who are you?” Dalton says in a dark voice. Ryan frowns at Dalton’s abruptness and then he quickly gives him a smart answer.

  “What’s it to you, huh?” Dalton lunges towards Ryan and my heart sinks at his actions. Ryan is unaware that Dalton is a dangerous vampire and I feel that he is picking the wrong person to fight with. Dalton could rip Ryan in half and what scares me, is that I feel that he would. I am terrified that Dalton’s eyes will flash red and that Ryan will notice and figure out his secret. I couldn’t survive if I were to lose Dalton, so I need to put a bullet in their quarrel.

  “Dalton, calm down, Ryan is my friend.” I say as I reach out and take his hand in mine. He stares at our hands clasped together and then he rudely pulls his hand away from me. Ryan snarls under his breath and his attitude is beginning to annoy me. I turn to face him as I alert him that he needs to leave.

  “I think you need to go,” I smile at him as I don’t want to hurt his feelings.

  “I’m supposed to be giving you a ride home, what’s with you, Rose?” I shake my head at his words –why is being so difficult.

  “Dalton will give me a ride,”

  “Yeah, I’m sure he will!” Ryan says in a sarcastic tone. Dalton lunges closer towards Ryan as his rude words ring in the cool air. I sense Dalton’s rage, as a loud hissing forms in his throat, so I jump in between the two guys as I try to reason with them.

  “This is crazy Ryan, please, go home, I will see you tomorrow.” Ryan stares at me for a moment and then he finally nods in agreement. I smile at him for understanding and I am little stunned and worried about Dalton’s reaction when Ryan scoops me into his arms. He squeezes me tightly as he stakes his claim on me. Dalton snarls under his breath and then he rudely strides over to his car. He falls into the driver’s seat and I jump when he slams the door shut. Ryan pulls back from me and my heart begins to race as I sense that he is about to pry.

  “What’s with that guy? Is he crazy or something?” I laugh at Ryan’s words and then I lightly touch his arm as I say goodbye.

  “I better go,” Ryan shakes his head at me.

  “Are you sure you don’t want a ride?”

  “Thanks, but I’m good.”

  I watch Ryan walk away and then once he is out of sight, I wander over to Dalton’s car. He senses me, so he leans over and pushes open the door. I slide into his car and when my ass hits the leather seats, Dalton’s hands are clasping my face. He pulls me towards him, violently, his fingers are digging into my cheeks and his lips are shaking as he stares into my eyes. His breathing is heavy and his eyes are red, he leans in and kisses me, soft and then harder. He pulls his lips away and then he leans in again, this time instead of kissing me, he runs his icy tongue along my lip. My heart does summersaults at his affection and my eyes close from the pleasure. He moves his lips onto my neck and he runs his finger along my collar bone, caressing my skin until it tingles. He leans in and gently kisses my earlobe, freezing, as he inhales my scent. My eyes jolt open at his touch and his blue retinas lock on mine. I can see the desire in his eyes, he wants to feed. His lips gently part and his eyebrows push together in a sexy move, my hand slides into his golden hair and I want him to feed on me. I want the pleasure that it brings and I want to satisfy him, by easing him of his desire. I clasp his head firmly in my hand and he kisses me again. His lips move like clockwork against mine, and I can hardly breathe from his sensual touch. He pulls back from me, gasping for air.

  “I need one taste,” my eyes focus on his and my heart beats too loudly. Dalton presses his hand against my chest as he feels my anxiety building. “You’re nervous, don’t be, I only need a few drops, enough to keep me going. I won’t hurt you like last time, I can control myself.” My head is rushing in a milli
on directions –is he using me as a blood bag? Is he being truthful when he says that he doesn’t care about me or is it a mask to keep me away? He is angry, selfish and utterly bonkers, but I am drawn to him like a moth to a flame. I want to please him, satisfy him and take away his pain. I don’t want him to see me as an easy feed, but I don’t want him to feed on anyone else. He isn’t my boyfriend, but if he fed on another girl, then I would see that as him cheating on me. I know that’s a crazy way to feel, but its how I am feeling. Dalton is mine, he feeds on me, and even if he doesn’t care about me, he can’t deny that he doesn’t need me. Without me, he would be starved and god only knows what he would resort to, to get his fix of blood. Innocent girls would be attacked and possibly killed at his hands; do I really want their deaths on my conscious? My heart rate slows and I smile at Dalton as I give him the green light.


  Dalton smiles at me and then he kisses me softly on my lips. He slides his lips away from mine and now they are caressing my neck. He is running his tongue across my collar bone and now his lips are on the left side of my neck. My heart races as I realise that both sides of my neck are going to be marked with his fangs. I brace myself for the sting, when I feel his mouth open against my skin. He briefly looks up at me as he prepares to bite, his eyes are a deep shade of crimson and I close my eyes at the sight. I can feel his cool breath against my skin and then his daggers tear into my neck. The sting is powerful and uncomfortable, at first. His fangs are tightly lodged into my skin and my body is crippled by the overwhelming pleasure that his feeding has brought. My head is rushing as he sucks on my skin, drawing blood and tasting my juices. My eyes jolt open and I grab onto his back from the pleasure, digging my nails into his skin. His breathing is shallow and he gasps when he pulls his daggers out of my neck. A little trickle of blood is dripping along his chin, so I trail my index finger along the stain and now the blood is dripping from my finger. Dalton’s lips part and I place my finger against his lower lip. His tongue extends, licking at the final drop of my blood. He pulls my hand into his and when our fingers intertwine, he leans in and kisses me softly.

  “Are you okay?” He mutters, I smile at him as I place my lips onto his –again. My lips move with his, rhythmic as if we were dancing to slow music. I grab his head as I reluctantly pull my lips away from his.

  “I’ve never been better,”

  Dalton loosens my grip and he slides his hand over to the glove box. He pulls it open and he takes out a slim, orange box. He places it onto my lap, I lift the box and it reads, ‘Hermes Paris’, I am not a fashion expert, but I know that this brand is expensive and sought after. I gently run my finger along the black ribbon that’s perfectly tied onto the bright orange box.

  “Open it,” Dalton urges. I smile at him and then I carefully slide the ribbon away from the box. I pull it open and inside there is a silk scarf. I run my fingers along the surface of the black and white, checked scarf, detailed with the letter ‘H’ and I beam –I thought that he didn’t care? Dalton reaches over and takes the scarf from the box. He pulls it into a single strand and then he pushes my hair away from my neck. He loosely ties the silk scarf around my skin and he gently caresses my cheek with his warm fingers.

  “Been drinking coffee, huh?” I say in a playful voice. Dalton presses a smile from his lips and then he leans in kisses my forehead.

  “Don’t take this off, okay?” My heart is racing at his stunning beauty and my senses are still tingling from his feed. I nod as I agree to his question, he smiles and then he roars the engine of the car. I slip on my seatbelt as I sink further into the leather seats. Dalton pushes his foot down onto the gas pedal and the car lunges forward. I grip the arm rest for support and I focus my eyes on the road ahead. Dalton reaches out and grabs my hand,

  “You’re special, you know that Rose?” I shake my head at him and then I pick wholes in his words.

  “You know when you say things like that; it makes it impossible for me to believe you, when you say that you don’t care!” Dalton rolls his eyes at me and then he pulls his hand away from mine. He doesn’t reply to my remark, instead he focuses on the road ahead. I shake my head at him as I feel that he is slowly letting his guard down. He feels something for me, but he is too scared to admit it. His lips are rosy from his feed and my heart is racing as I think back on the sensation. Those thoughts dominate my mind, until fear replaces it. I am scared that I am in denial about his feelings and that he really doesn’t care about me. What he if he just using me as his personal blood bag, disposable and replaceable. My heart aches from my fear, but my mind eases when Dalton reaches out and takes my hand, again. His warm fingers are gripping onto mine and there is a gentle moaning sound forming deep in his throat. He doesn’t say a word; he just holds my hand as we speed around the busy streets of Portland.




