Read Forever Yours (#2) Page 4

  Dalton drove me to AL’s garage –in silence. He didn’t utter a word, just huffed and puffed as he speeded around the streets of Portland. My anger level was through the roof at his silent treatment and when he dropped me off –without even so much as a goodbye, I felt like slamming my fist into the nearest wall. I don’t get why he has to be so cruel. If he didn’t care about me, then why won’t he spare me the pain of being around him? He should just leave and let me get on with my boring life. But I know if he did that, then I would have no life at all. When I look to my future, it’s him that I see. I know that’s crazy because he is an ageless vampire, and I am growing older every day, but it’s how I feel. I have never felt this way about anyone and my heart has shattered into a million pieces at his rejection. I have never had a broken heart before, but now it’s all that I have. My days are spent thinking about him, wishing that he would just admit that he cares. I lie awake every night, imagining how amazing it would feel to be with him –properly. To wake up every morning knowing that he was mine, to feel his cold hands on my cheek, to hear his captivating voice as he tells me that he loves me. A gentle tear falls from my eye at that crippling thought –I know that it will never happen. I will never have him, he will move on and live for another century or ten, where as I will, grow old, die and never have the happiness of true love. I don’t want to love –if it’s not Dalton then there is no point. No one could ever live up to him, not Ryan or any other guy who might come along. Dalton is who I love, he is what I want and I can’t just give up on him. I will fight with every fibre of my being to be in his life.

  My mind is rushing as I get ready for my night out –with Ryan and the gang. I have showered, styled my hair to the best of my ability and now I am rummaging through my closet, trying to salvage a suitable outfit. My floor is scattered with jeans, tank tops and sweaters, none of which is appropriate for a night out. As I look through my clothes –or my rags as Rachel sees them, my mind suddenly reminds me that I need to talk to her about Nicholas. With that thought, I jump from the floor and I make my way over to my door. I smile when I see pebbles lying sweetly on the tiered, brown carpet. I push open my door and I head in the direction of Rachel’s room. I take a deep breath as I knock and I jump when she pulls open the door. Her smile fades when she sees me, and she attempts to slam the door in my face, but I catch it and I push my way into her room. She slams the door and crosses her arms as she looks at me –waiting for me to explain. I nervously push my glasses further up my nose as I pick up the courage to speak.

  “I’m sorry about earlier, but we really need to talk.” Rachel presses her lips together and then she lets her hands fall to her sides. She doesn’t look happy, but not completely mad at me either. I feel that she might see reason, if I approach this the right way. I can’t fully come out and tell her that Nicholas is a homicidal vampire, but maybe I can scare her off, with a few home truths about him. I take a seat onto her perfect pink bed and I cross my legs as I inhale another gulp of air. Rachel wanders over and sits down at her, shabby chic dressing table. She raises her eyebrows as she encourages me to start the conversation.

  “You said you wanted to talk, so talk.” I nod at her and then I begin.

  “I know that you’re mad at me and that you think I’m trying to ruin your life, but I only asked you stay away from Nicholas because I care about you. Dalton has told me about things that he has done, evil things that would scare the hell outta you. I don’t want you to get hurt, so I’m asking you to please stay away from him.” Rachel narrows her eyes as she drums her fingers onto the glass surface of the dresser. I can tell that she is considering my words, but I also know that she will find flaws with what I am asking her to do. Rachel can be very inquisitive and pushy; I know that she won’t back down easily.

  “I don’t get it, what has he done, anyways?” Here it is –her questions. I take another deep breath –think Rose.

  “A long time ago, he forced Dalton into doing something that would change his life, forever.”

  “If it was long time ago, then why doesn’t Dalton just get over it?” I sigh –I am fighting a losing battle.

  “I guess some things are just too hard to get over. But, you have to trust me, Nicholas is bad news.” Rachel pouts her lips and she exhales. Her eyes soften –has she seen the light?

  “Fine, I’ll stay away from him, he’s far too old anyways.” I sigh in relief –thank god she agreed to stay away from him, its paralyzing to think what could have happened if she hadn’t.

  “Thanks, now can I borrow an outfit?” I ask as I flash a massive smile at her. Rachel presses her eyebrows together in a line and she scowls as she takes in my plain appearance. She lunges from the seat and she rushes over to her closet. She pulls open the doors and her hands gently graze her hips as she scans her clothes. Rachel pulls out a pink dress, that’s short and far too low cut. She holds it up to me and I shake my head as I decline her choice. Rachel rolls her eyes and she hangs the dress back onto the railing. She rummages for another few moments and then she pulls out a soft lavender mini dress. She walks over and hands me the dress.

  “This isn’t my kind of thing,” I say as I gently stroke the silky fabric.

  “Rose, just put the dress on!” Rachel exclaims.

  “Fine!” I shout back at her. Rachel laughs at me as I head over to the door. I smile back her and then I make my way back towards my room. I burst into the room and I instantly rush over to my dresser –my phone is ringing. My heart starts to pound, but it slows when I see that it’s Ryan who is calling me.

  “Hey Ryan,” I say as I hold the phone to my ear –undressing as I talk.

  “Hey girl, I was checking that you’re stilling coming tonight, you are still coming, right?” I laugh at Ryan’s words and then I reassure him that I will be there tonight.

  “Yes I’m still coming; I wouldn’t miss Charlene’s birthday.”

  “Good, now we’re meeting in the usual place, Tony’s at seven, okay?” I roll my eyes as the silky fabric collides with my skin and then I turn my attention back to Ryan.

  “Okay, see you soon,”

  “Bye babes,”

  I toss my phone onto my bed and I smooth out my borrowed dress. I apply a little coat of lip gloss and I pull my hair around both sides of my neck, shielding my wounds from view. I take a look at myself in the mirror, I press my lips together and then I grab my shoulder bag from my bed as I march over to the door.

  “Bye Pebbles,” I say as gently stroke the top of my cats head. She briefly meows and I smile and close the door on my way out. I glide down the stairs, being extra careful as I don’t want to trip in my borrowed heels. I reach the living room and I pop my head around the corner, smiling at my Uncle as I do.

  “You off out, bugs?” I laugh at my uncle’s silly nickname, I can’t remember how I got the name bugs, but it has seemed too stick. Everyone at AL’s garage calls me bugs and it can be a little annoying, especially when the younger guys who work there call me it as well.

  “Yeah, I might be late, is that okay?” I ask as I pull my hair across my neck. My uncle nods and then he smiles at me –agreeing with my question.

  “It’s fine, but be careful,” I nod, and then I rush out of the front door and into my beat up truck. I switch on the ignition and the engine lets out a tired roar. I push my foot down onto the gas pedal and my truck slowly pulls away.

  I reach the parking lot of the bar and I grab the gift bag and birthday card from the seat. I take a deep breath and I step out into the cold evening of Portland. I glide into the bar; Charlene, Elliot and Ryan are already here, so I walk over to their table. Charlene rushes to her feet when she sees me and I wrap my arms around her neck, wishing her a happy birthday. Charlene is dressed in a black dress, her jet black hair is flowing down her back and her dark eyes are sparkling. She pulls back from me –taking in my feminine appearance.

  “Don’t you look good,” she says as she twirls me around. I blush and t
hen I take a seat at the small round table. Elliot is dressed smartly in light blue jeans and a white and blue stripped shirt, his light brown hair is flicked in an Elvis like quiff and his grey eyes are glossed over –I think he is drunk already. Ryan is more causal in his appearance, he is dressed in a simple black shirt and dark blue jeans, his black shaggy hair is messy and his lips quirk up at the sides as he locks his eyes on mine.

  “You want a drink? I’m going to the bar?”

  “Yes, please,” I say, flashing him my awkward smile as she rises from his seat. Elliot reaches out and playfully kisses Charlene on the cheek, I smile at their affection and then my heart breaks –again. I wish that I had that type of relationship with Dalton; I wish that we could hold hands and playfully kiss each other. I wish that he would just snap out of his delusion and tell me that he cares. I shake my head –I must not think about him, it’s too hard. I make a pact with myself, for the rest of the night I will not let Dalton enter my head. Oh crap how am I going to do that when he is all that I think about? Alcohol –that’s what I need. Ryan walks back over to the table, carrying a tray of beers and tequila shots. He places the tray down onto the table and I instantly grab a shot, I tilt my head back and the liquor pours down my throat. Ryan laughs at my actions and Elliot has a smart comment.

  “Look who’s suddenly fun!” Charlene playfully slaps Elliot and then I grab the beer, downing it in one massive sip. The taste is bitter, but I want more, I want to numb the pain of my broken heart.

  Two hours and nine beers later, I am drunk and dancing wildly. The music is loud and I can’t stay still at the beat. My hips are shaking with the music and everyone is flashing, green, blue and pink. The disco lights are bright and my head is beginning to pound from the noise, but I ignore it as Ryan grabs me by the waist. He spins me around and flops me low against the floor, leaning in and trying to kiss me in the process. I pull back and push him forward, pretending that I didn’t notice his attempt. He smiles at me and then he pulls me close, sliding his hands across my stomach and then reaching up and running his fingers through my loose and messy hair. My eyes are blurry and the heat in here is torture, I pull my hands free from Ryan and I lean in and tell him that I need a break.

  “I need some air,” Ryan nods and then he pushes me forward as he begins to walk –he has misunderstood me, I need air, but I need it alone, away from you. I turn to face him and he looks annoyed that I have bumped into him. I awkwardly pull back from him, tripping in the process. I am now lying on the dance floor, my head is resting against the hard wood and I burst out laughing at my clumsiness. Ryan kneels down and gives me his hand; I carry on laughing whilst Ryan picks me up off the floor. He places his hand onto my back and he quickly ushers me out of the bar. The cool air hits my face and suddenly my laughing stops. The night is cold, dark and beautiful. The night sky is dominated by shining stars and a full moon. I gaze up, wondering and dreaming about Dalton. My body is bursting with alcohol, but it still isn’t enough to numb the pain of being apart from him. I miss him and I need him –where is he?

  It’s as if god has heard my prayers –Dalton is walking across the parking lot, with his dark blue jeans and black leather jacket fitted onto his perfect body. My eyes can’t adjust and I can’t control my desire for him. I run as fast as my feet will carry me, towards him. He sees me and for a brief second, a smile comes to his face. I rush up to him, wrapping my drunken arms around his neck. I squeeze him and he inhales my scent.

  “You smell like beer,” he says as he pushes me away from him –I am stunned. He looks mad at me and now my anger is building. I let out a squeal and Dalton edges closer to me, locking his red eyes on mine. I jump back from him, but I am not scared, I am just mad at him.

  “What’re you doing here?” I snap. My face is hot and my lips are shaking –I want to kiss him, but I am mad at him, remember Rose?

  “I’m here because you can’t be trusted to be alone.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Dalton runs his fingers through his hair and he lunges forward and grabs my arm. I struggle and I try to pull my arm free, but his grip is too powerful and I can’t move him. He looks angrier than I have ever seen him before and I don’t know why. Surly he isn’t mad at me, I haven’t done anything to offend him or have I? My mind is foggy and I can’t even remember why I was so mad at him in the first place. I try to bring my mind back to when we were in the diner, but my mind doesn’t want to let me remember. I close my eyes, hoping that it will trigger some memory, but it doesn’t, my mind is just a haze. Dalton is staring at me, with his white lips and red eyes. Is he mad because he is hungry?

  “You know that Nicholas is dangerous and that he was furious with us, so why have you insisted on coming here tonight?” Now I know why he is mad.

  “It’s … my friends … birthday,” I say, my words are slurred and I can hardly keep my balance. I fall against Dalton’s chest and a deep moaning sound is forming in his throat. He wraps his arm around me and he drags me into the bar. My eyes focus on the dance floor and at the flashing lights, Charlene and Elliot are dirty dancing and Ryan is talking to some girl –thank god he’s found a new toy. Dalton sits me down at a small table at the back of the room. The disco lights are still flashing and my head flops down onto the surface of the table as I can no longer stare at their dizzying speed. Dalton pulls my hair away from my face and he leans down and looks into my eyes.

  “I’m going to get you a drink, stay here.” I let out a groan and he gently laughs. I turn my head so that I can watch him walk away into the busy crowd. He reaches the bar and he pushes past all of the other customers. I frown at his forwardness and then I gently smile as I see him walking back over to me. He has a tall glass of water in one hand and scotch in the other. He arrogantly pulls the chair from its place and he falls down onto it. He reaches over and lifts up my head, he hands me the water and I instantly glug it down. Dalton pours the scotch down his throat and then he rests his arms onto the table. He looks mad at me, but why? I haven’t done anything to him; if anyone should be mad then it should be me. I have made no secret of how I feel about him, but he has been a blank canvas. Refusing to open to up and let me into his head. I don’t understand why he feels that he can’t love, when I look into his eyes, I see that he cares. If only he could admit it to himself.

  “So what are you doing here, huh?”

  “We’ve discussed this,” Dalton says in an annoyed tone. I finish the rest of my water and then I slam the glass down onto the table. I push back my chair and it screeches against the wooden floor. I stand –stumbling at little to find my balance. Dalton stares at me with those blue eyes and he looks mad at me, when I stomp away from the table and him. I push my way through the sea of drunken people and I smile when I see Ryan, standing alone in the middle of the dance floor. I march over to him and I begin to shake my hips as I reach out and place his hands onto my waist. Ryan can’t hold back his happiness at my actions and he takes full advantage. The music plays loud –some black eyed pea’s song, and Ryan is moving me in a sexy manner to the beat. He slides his hands all over my body, caressing every part of me. My head is spinning, but I continue my out of character behaviour. The song finishes and a slow one starts, Ryan pulls me closer, sliding his hands onto my backside. I feel uncomfortable –we never had this type of passion before. He tugs my dress, pulling me into his muscular body, my face flushes and then my heart stops when he leans in and kisses me. His lips are warm and so different to Dalton’s, he kisses me harder and my stomach begins to flip. I don’t like his kiss, I wish that he was Dalton, but I force myself to maintain my affection. If only I could love Ryan then my life would be so much easier, deep down I am hoping that by letting him kiss me, it will change my mind. Ryan pulls back from me, gasping for air as he does. I feel guilty, like I have done something wrong. My head begins to spin as the music slides into another beating song. Ryan holds my hands and he shakes me with the music. He looks ecstatic and I feel horrible
–I have just used my friend. I wanted a distraction from Dalton, someone to make me forget about him, but I wasn’t successful. His blue eyes and stunning good looks are dominating my thoughts and I feel awful that I have given Ryan false hope. Ryan’s hands are griped onto me as he spins me around. My hair falls over my face and when he spins me, I catch a glimpse of Dalton. He is still at the table, but now he looks furious with me. He sees that I am with Ryan and he lunges from the seat, flying his way through the crowd, but everyone is too drunk to notice his speed. I wrap my arms around Ryan’s neck as I need the support, Dalton reaches us and he arrogantly pulls Ryan away from me.

  “What’s your problem, man?” Ryan says as he stumbles backwards, into a large gentleman. Dalton grabs me by my arm and I gently squeal from the pressure. His eyes are flashing red, but he manages to compose his desire as Ryan barges up to him. Dalton hisses and he shoots Ryan a scolding look.

  “Having fun?” Dalton says in firm tone. I try to pull my arm from his grip, but his hold is too strong. I stomp my foot against the floor in anger and Dalton gently smiles at my poor attempt to annoy him.

  “As a matter of fact I was, until you ruined everything!” Ryan says, shouting over the loud music. Dalton pulls me closer and then he wraps his arm around my waist –what is he doing? I thought that he didn’t care, so why he is so jealous of Ryan? I struggle and I try to break free from him, but he holds me firmly at his side.

  “I bet you were, tell me man, do you make a habit of taking advantage of drunk girls?” Ryan lunges forward at Dalton’s words and Dalton laughs in his face. “Stay away from her, you got that?” Ryan looks devastated and I am beyond annoyed. Who does Dalton think he is? He has made it clear that I am not his girlfriend, so what makes him think that he has the right to tell me what to do? I wriggle again and this time I manage to loosen myself from Dalton’s grasp. I take a few steps back from Ryan and Dalton –as they stand face to face. I shake my head –look what I have done. Ryan is my friend –ex-boyfriend who clearly still has feelings for me and yet I used him to make Dalton jealous. I let him kiss me and dirty dance with me, right under Dalton’s nose. Now he is mad, furious in fact and I don’t know what he is capable of. I see Dalton as the love of my life, the one person that I can’t live without, but somewhere between my love and his beauty, I have forgotten that he is a vampire. I have the wounds to prove it and now I have put Ryan’s life in danger, all because I was selfish and wanted Dalton to admit that he loves me. I feel horrible, but I know that I deserve to feel this way. My mind and my heart has been taken over by Dalton, I am obsessed with him, I love him and I don’t want to lose him. I can’t accept that he doesn’t care about me, it’s too hard and I can’t stay here and watch as Ryan gets hurt. I take another few steps back from the guys and then I push my hair over both sides of my neck. I look up from the floor and I lock my eyes on Ryan’s and I whisper.

  “I’m sorry,” Ryan looks confused, but he nods at my words. I spin around and push my way through the sea of people. I reach the bar and Charlene rushes over to me. I rest my arms on the bar, scanning the crowd to see if Dalton has followed me. Charlene reaches me, and she senses that I am upset. She places her hand onto my shoulder and then she asks me what’s wrong.

  “Babe, what’s wrong?” Tears are now flowing from my eyes and I feel stupid. “Sweetie, what is it?” Charlene urges.

  “Everything, Ryan, Dalton, it’s just a mess.”

  “Dalton, is he here?” I nod.

  “Yeah,” Charlene automatically scans the room, looking for Dalton. She turns to me when she doesn’t spot him.

  “Where is he?” She asks. I shrug my shoulders –where is he? I am mad at him, but I still want him to follow me and to try and encourage me to forgive him. Maybe I am being too selfish –again.

  “He was over there,” I say as I point to the back of the room. Charlene ducks her head around the drunken men, who occupy the bar and she can’t hold back her smile when she sees him.

  “I’m guessing that Dalton is the really hot guy who is heading our way?” I jump in my seat. I spin my head and there he is, gliding over to me in all of his vampire perfection. “He’s like a younger, hotter Ryan Gosling, oh my, he’s gorgeous,” Charlene gushes. I roll my eyes at her and my heart pounds when he reaches us. He stands in front me; holding is hand out for me to take it. I ignore his offer and I turn my head away from him. Charlene shakes her head at me, flashing me a cold look.

  “Rose,” Dalton says as he leans in and whispers in my ear. Every sense I have is tingling and screaming for me to spin around and lock my lips onto his. But I ignore my nagging senses –I am not going to cave in, keep telling yourself that Rose. “Rose, please look at me,” Charlene is scolding me with a dirty look and she can’t hold her tongue any longer.

  “For heaven’s sake Rose, just talk to the guy!” I hear Dalton laugh and then Charlene giggles. I exhale and then I give in. I turn around to meet Dalton’s stare and I lose my breath. He is so breath-taking that it paralyzes me, I need help. I reluctantly place my hand in his and he pulls me from the bar stool. Charlene smiles at me, with lust for Dalton in her eyes. He leads me across the dance floor and towards the exit. My heart is pounding when we step out into the cold night. Dalton walks me to a wooden bench that sits between two small trees. He sits me down and he takes the seat next to me. He deeply exhales and then my heart jumps when he begins to talk.

  “I’m sorry for … everything, okay?” I tap my fingers against my leg –I need to hear more than sorry from him.

  “That’s not enough,”

  “Then what do you want from me!” Dalton shouts, his eyes are flashing –he’s hungry.

  “I want you!” I scream. Dalton holds his head in his hands; he looks vulnerable, defeated and lost for words.

  “That’s the one thing that I can’t give you,” tears fall from my eyes –this can’t be it? I need him, I want him, and he needs to tell me that he wants me too. My life would be over if I didn’t have him, I can’t lose him.

  “Why? I don’t buy your excuse that you have no feelings because you are a … vampire. Just tell me the real reason, am I not good enough for you? Do you find me repulsive and not your type? C’mon what is it, am I not pretty enough for you?” Dalton hisses under his breathe –he’s mad at me.

  “You really think that you repulse me? It’s the opposite of that, I think that you’re the most beautiful, smart and loving girl that I have ever met. You make everything worthwhile. I can stand the constant desire for your blood, because being around you is worth fighting my nature for. All my life I have tried to fight my feelings. So many times I wanted to be numb and not care, but you came into my life and you ruined all of that.” I smile –finally he’s telling me what I want to hear.

  “Then don’t fight your feelings, be with me,” I move closer to him, reaching out and grabbing his hand as I do. He snarls at me and he pulls his hand away, my heart sinks at his actions.

  “You still don’t get it. I can’t be with you; I’m not the person that you think I am. Whatever we had is over!” I fall against the bench –it’s over? How can it be over? I love him, doesn’t he see that? Dalton looks sad, angry and desperate, I can’t sit here, I need to get away. I leap from the bench and I run as fast as I can back into the bar. I rush through the crowd and into the nearest bathroom. I lock myself into one of the cubicles and my head drops into my lap. I can’t breathe and my tears are streaming from my eyes. Dalton means everything to me and now he’s telling me that it’s over. We weren’t together in the first place, so how I can lose something, I never had? I hear the door of the toilet burst open and heavy footsteps fill the air. I peek out from behind my frizzy, tear soaked hair and I wonder who’s there. The footsteps grow louder and then there is a gentle nock on the door. I don’t answer –fearing that it’s Ryan. I really don’t feel like facing him right now and I am so upset that I am scared that I would only hurt him more. There is another knock, but this tim
e there’s a voice along with it.

  “Rose,” the voice says, I scramble to my knees, my hearts in my mouth –what does he want? “I can hear you breathing; I know that you’re in there. Come out, we need to talk.” I bite into the flesh of my arm –please make him go away. I don’t need to hear him rejecting me all over again. “I can easily pull open this door, I’m giving you one last chance, come out!” Dalton’s voice is urgent, scary and commanding. I pick myself up from the floor and I wipe away my tears –he doesn’t need to see my crying as well. I push open the door and Dalton is there, looking down at me with those intense blue eyes. He reaches out his cold hand, but I ignore his gesture, and I push past him. I make my over to the sinks and I run the water. I splash some cold water onto my cheeks and I exhale when I feel Dalton’s hand on my back.

  “Maybe I should get some garlic!” Dalton laughs at my remark.

  “Funny, but it wouldn’t work, garlic is just a myth!” I roll my eyes –of course it is. I shut off the water and I rest my hands onto the sink –taking the weight from my feet. My eyes close when I feel Dalton’s hand slipping through my hair –what is he doing to me? He slides his free hand onto my stomach and he gently squeezes me. His lips move onto the back of my head as he inhales my scent. My lips are shaking with desire and I know what he wants. His icy fingers pull my hair away from my neck and I can see him in the mirror –another myth I presume. His eyes are red with hunger and now his cool lips are onto my neck. He gently runs his tongue along my skin and my eyes jolt from the pleasure. A deep snarling is forming in his throat and I know that he is about to bite. My heart is aching for him, but my head leaps into action. I am not going to be his blood bag; I don’t exist purely for him to feed on. If he doesn’t want me, then he can’t have my blood. I pull away from him and he falls against the sink. I rush over to the other side of the toilet and stand with my back against the wall. Dalton spins and he looks at me, confused and hurt. I smile –now he knows what it feels like. He runs his fingers through his hair and I notice that his eyes are still red from his desire. He lunges over to me, pinning me against the wall. My back is cold from the icy brick wall and my heart is pounding out of my chest. Dalton is looking down at me, cold and confused.

  “What was that?” He snaps. I wriggle under his presence, but he lifts my arm and holds it firmly against the wall. “I said what was that?” He snaps again.

  “You think I’m just going to let you feed on me, we’re over, remember?” Dalton eyes flash red –a deep shade that I have never seen before, he must be starving. I smile, I like this. I want him to be in pain, the same pain that I am in. If the only way I can cause him that grief is by not letting him feed, then that’s exactly what I am going to do. I am not his puppet; I can’t be his food source when he clearly knows that I love him. He is just taking advantage of me and I am not going to let it happen anymore.

  “I don’t need your permission to feed on you,” he snarls. My heart pounds –is there still hope? He has said many times that he wouldn’t hurt me, so let’s test that theory. I maintain my blazing composure and I don’t flinch as he stares at me with those eyes –red and burning for the taste of my blood. He scowls at me and he leans in towards me. My heart is racing and I know that he can hear my rising anxiety, but somehow I don’t move when his lips touch my neck. His icy hands are holding me in place; this is it, he’s going to feed –without my permission. His lips harden around my neck and my eyes close, fearing the sting. I am shocked when his lips move away from my neck and my eyes open to see him staring at me. He rests his forehead against mine and he whispers.

  “What are you doing to me?” I remain still whilst he pins me to the wall. He looks defeated and he can’t deny what’s right in front of him –he cares. His lips scorch mine and his hands move into my hair. He pulls me closer, still kissing me firmly. My head is rushing with a million emotions all of them lead to one conclusion, I want him. It’s as if he can read my mind as he pulls me closer, kissing me like there’s no tomorrow. His hand slides onto my thigh, pulling up my lavender dress in the process. My hands slide onto his cold back, sinking my nails in. Our bodies join with an electrifying jolt and I squeal from the impact. Dalton pulls back and he gently laughs, then his lips melt back into mine.

  I fall against the floor, exhausted and mesmerized. Dalton lies next to me, panting for air. He looks at me and he pulls me into his chest, I rest my head and I need to say this.

  “I love you, Dalton!” He sighs and then lunges up from the floor, pulling his shirt over his head in the process. I fix my dress and I sit up, looking at him in confusion.

  “Don’t say that! You can’t love a monster!” He screams. I jump to his side.

  “You’re not a monster, I love you, please let me be with you.” I plead. Dalton laughs and runs his fingers through his hair. He pushes me back from him, disgusted at my words.

  “What kind of future do you imagine having with me?”

  “I don’t know, but I know that you’re all that I want. I know you feel the same, why won’t you just admit it?” Dalton shakes me.

  “Rose,” he screams. “What’s the point of admitting it? I can never be with you!” My head is spinning –he doesn’t make sense. He has just shown me that he cares, he could have fed on me, but instead he showed me love. I am confused, why is he toying with me? Does he like to see me in pain?

  “I don’t understand if you want me to see what you’re seeing, then you need to explain it better to me.”

  “I’m ageless, frozen in time, and you grow older every day. What’s the point of me telling you that I care; our lives are different, too different. You’re a human and I am vampire, we being together can never work. Do you understand what I’m saying?” Of course why didn’t I think about this before –me being human is what’s holding him back. I understand what he’s saying, we can never be together. My heart is racing, my head is spinning from our passion and the amount of alcohol that I have consumed, but I know what I want. Dalton is everything to me; he is the air that I breathe. The reason I get out of bed every morning, the light and the happiness at the end of my day. I’ll never want anything more than him, I need him and I know what I have to do. I fill the gap between us with a few strides and I take his hand in mine. I move closer so that our bodies are almost touching. I look up into his eyes and I clear my throat, I take a deep breath and then I let out those words that I have been longing to say.

  “Turn me!”




  Rose and Dalton’s story continues in,

  ‘Forever Yours –Part Three’

  Coming soon on Amazon,

  For more information on any of my books please email me,

  [email protected]

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