Read Forevermore Page 5

  The buzz restarted immediately and grew to excited whispers and not so discreet speculations as the six of them took their places behind a table on the platform, but Ava wasn’t hearing any of it.

  She suddenly felt nervous. If she’d violated ethical standards, it wasn’t intentional. She’d had no idea he was connected to the hospital in any way. If she had known she never would have kissed him. Yet her mouth tingled with the memory of his kiss and already longed for a new one, even while butterflies came to life in her stomach.

  From her vantage point in the first row, Ava could see that Aleksander’s handsome face sported a tense jaw. Although his navy suit was immaculately pressed and his shirt was pristine white, he looked like he hadn’t slept the whole night. And then, her eyes fell on a book he was clutching in his hand as if it were his lifeline. A book that too closely resembled one of the journals she had just seen on Olivia’s bedside table a few minutes ago.

  Oh, dear Gud! He can’t possibly be…Olivia’s father. She blinked and turned to Sydney, needing confirmation. “Is that one of Olivia’s journals?”

  But before Sydney could answer, Dr. Wang’s no-nonsense voice resonated to all four corners of the room. “Okay, people, please settle down. The sooner we get things started, the sooner everyone can get back to work. Doctor Cullen has a very special request to make of you.”

  Microphone in hand, Dr. Cullen stood up and walked to the front. “I want to thank all of you for coming today.”

  Sydney whispered, “As if we had any choice.”

  Ava elbowed her. “Hush.”

  “You all know Mr. Aleksander Maximilian, I’m sure.”

  He is her father. What have I done?

  “He has a request he’d like to make concerning his daughter’s palliative care at home. When we offered him referral resources, he declined. He’s of the opinion that his daughter is getting the best care possible right here, and if at all possible, his wish is to continue with members of her present care team…for as long as possible. Be assured that if you choose to accept his offer, your place here will be guaranteed.” He shifted sideways and pointed to the red-haired pregnant woman and the businessman flanking Aleksander. “Now, some of you already know Mr. Blackthorn, one of our sponsors, and his wife, Hannah, who volunteers with us.”

  A bumble of whispers went through the room at the mention of the Blackthorn name. Ava could bet almost everyone there knew the Blackthorn Corporation was a source of huge yearly donations, as she did, but she couldn’t figure out what Aleksander did to drag the face of the Blackthorn corporation to a hospital meeting.

  Sydney whispered, “I knew Mr. Maximilian was wealthy but, wow—”

  “Shh!” Ava shushed her, not wanting to call any attention to herself. “This is not the time.”

  “We’re intent on helping Mr. Maximilian in whatever way we can, so please listen up with an open heart.”

  Dr. Cullen waved his hand, motioning Aleksander to the front of the stage.

  “Isn’t he a hunk?” whispered Whitney when Aleksander got up and walked in firm strides to take Dr. Cullen’s place.

  Sydney answered, “Such spectacular masculinity would make Michelangelo weep.”

  Ava just pressed her index finger against her lips hoping it would quiet the excited nurses, because her heart was about to explode in her chest. Discreetly, she did some yoga breathing to calm the mix of emotions wrecking her. Control your body; control your breathing. Mind over matter; mind over everything.

  “Hello, everyone,” Aleksander began. “All of you probably already know that my daughter, Olivia, is not doing well.”

  The room went totally silent.

  “Everything has been tried—and I am forever grateful for all that you’ve done for her—but Olivia’s cancer is, unfortunately, inoperable…still.”

  Ava’s eyelids shut for a moment as compassion and grief swelled inside her.

  “I was told that Olivia should go home, and she has asked me if…” He coughed into his fist trying to disguise the evidence that his emotions were out of control and making it difficult for him to speak. “Olivia asked me if she could spend the holidays at Lake Tahoe. You see, we—Olivia and me, and her late mom—used to spend the holidays at our cottage and she loved it there. As you know, Olivia doesn’t ask for much…and I very much want to grant this wish of hers.”

  Ava pressed her fingers against her trembling lips, swallowing the lump that had risen in her throat. Sydney sniffed beside her and someone else blew their nose.

  “But I can’t do it alone…” He cleared his throat and took a deep breath. When he spoke again, his voice was stronger. “Dr. Wang suggested four professionals, divided into pairs: one resident doctor and one nurse on a rotating scale of fifteen days each, under the weekly supervision of Dr. Follett.”

  Aleksander waited for the conversations to die down before continuing, “You’ll stay in our house in Lake Tahoe and help me give Olivia the perfect holidays she’s wishing for. The first team must be ready to leave tomorrow.” He cleared his throat again. “What I’m asking for is two, three months of your life.” Maybe less. “You’ll be handsomely compensated for it and all expenses, such as appropriate clothes, plane tickets, et cetera, will be on me, of course.”

  Ava could feel his desperation radiating in waves when no one immediately volunteered.

  Looking crestfallen, Whitney rose and announced, “I wish I could help, Mr. Maximilian, but I already have plane tickets to take my children to Disney for Thanksgiving. But I’m willing to be in the second team…if that’s alright?”

  “Thank you, Nurse Mobutu,” Dr. Wang said, motioning for her to sit while Dr. Follett made notes in his infamous notebook. “Please, present yourself to Dr. Follett’s office when we are finished here.”

  Sydney elbowed Ava. “Why don’t you offer?”

  Why? Because my tongue was inside his mouth and his hands were all over me. Ava shook her head and whispered back, “Why don’t you?”

  From the corner of her eye, Ava could see a few residents slipping away from the auditorium in what they hoped was a stealthy way but she was sure their names were getting written down in Dr. Follett’s notebook.

  “Come on, Ava, it’s Olivia,” Sydney insisted.

  From her other side, Whitney encouraged, “And he’ll no doubt pay extremely well.”

  “I know the period is long and many of you not only have professional commitments, but also family plans, especially for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s, but I promise you won’t regret choosing to help my daughter and I.” Aleksander continued on with more details and finished, “If there are any other considerations, or anything I can do to make it possible for more of you to assist me, please let me know. I’m willing to do whatever it takes.”

  Rubbing her moist palms against her light-orange medical coat, she whispered, “I can’t, I…”

  Ava’s mind was still trying to find a reasonable excuse, when Sydney snorted, “Oh, pooh.” and stood up.

  “I am almost free to start the first rotating scale, Mr. Maximilian but I’m scheduled to work on Thanksgiving. And I wish I could stay for the next, but I’m supposed to work on Christmas Eve,” Sydney lamented, “and a double shift on New Year’s.”

  “Mr. Maximilian, you have your nurses, Nurse Campbell and Nurse Mobutu.” Dr. Wang then turned to the room and asked, “Who can take Nurse Campbell’s hours? Any volunteers?”

  Suddenly it was raining excuses from everywhere from, “My parents are flying in,” to “My sons are coming home,” and “I’m hosting a party.”

  “Okay, people. Hold it!” Dr. Wang’s voice cut through the throng. “I don’t normally schedule half-shifts because they turn my life into a nightmare. But for Olivia to have the holidays of her dreams, I’m willing to bend the rules. Who’s willing to take a few hours?”

  Slowly, volunteers were found to cover all the hours Sydney had been scheduled to work.

  “Now we are missing just the doctor
s, people!” Dr. Wang announced.

  No one stirred.

  And then Sydney whispered something to Whitney behind Ava’s back and both pushed Ava up, who had to steady herself on her legs to keep from stumbling forward.

  “Ah, Dr. Larsen, you would be an excellent fit as head of the team,” said Dr. Follett as Ava controlled herself not to give Sydney and Whitney the evil eye.

  “But…” I just can’t! “Dr. Wang, I’m on the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s shifts and—”

  “You’re excused from them,” answered Dr. Wang, quickly cutting any excuses Ava might be concocting. “I’ll personally take your shifts, if necessary.”

  “Ah…I’d be honored to help, then.” Not knowing how, Ava saw herself saying, “And I can stay for the entire duration, if no one volunteers for the other team.” In for a penny and all that.

  Dr. Wang looked at Dr. Follett, who in turn looked at Dr. Cullen.

  Aleksander had to control himself and not react when he saw the doctor who had stood up and volunteered. The prospect of having someone he approved of on a person level caring for his daughter appealed to him—and at the same time, disgusted him.

  Aleksander was not the sort of man prone to melancholy. He was not given to brooding or the writing of dark poetry late in the night. Nor was he the type given to searching his soul even if, on occasion, his conscience might bear further examination. No, on the contrary, he considered himself a straightforward man, somewhat a friendly sort in his private life. He hid no deep secrets, no skeletons in his closet. Indeed, he was very much an open book sort of person.

  Life, he had firmly believed, was a pleasant adventure.

  Until it wasn’t anymore.

  And right now, the prospect of having the stunning woman he kissed last night living under his roof, for months in a row, didn’t look good.

  If there was the slightest crazy chance of reviving his comatose love life as his brother was urging him to do, this was the worst time. Having Ava as the head of Olivia’s care team, could really complicate things.

  But then, she was the only doctor who had volunteered.

  “It’s not as if she’d be taking care of dozens of patients without a break,” Dr. Wang said to Dr. Follett. “Plus, she’ll have the aide of two nurses who have been attending Olivia since the beginning of her treatment.”

  Dr. Follett and Dr. Cullen talked in hushed tones for a minute and then nodded their approval.

  “Thank you, Dr. Larsen, that settles it then,” Doctor Wang said with a warm smile, grateful she had managed to form a stellar team and please two of the most powerful men in the United States. “Present yourself to Dr. Follett’s office.”


  Chapter 5

  “Both shifts? Way to go, Ava. You screwed two doctors with one stone.”

  She bristled when an angry voice stopped her. She turned around to see Brian standing there shaking his head. “I’m sorry, Brian. I couldn’t have anticipated this and you know—”

  “No need. I understand. You scored points with the dragon queen and maybe there’ll even be fringe benefits staying at Maximilian’s house.”

  “What are you insinuating? If you think I took this assignment…” She trailed off when Brian turned around and walked away, still shaking his head dismissively.

  Spoiled, rich brat.

  She didn’t bother to follow him to explain herself further and continued straight to Dr. Follett’s office where the team would be meeting.

  She took a moment to gather herself, inhaling and exhaling two steady yoga breaths, then knocked on Dr. Follett’s office door, squashing the butterflies that still fluttered within her, as she followed the command to enter. The last thing she needed was a case of immature stutters and blushing before him and all her peers.

  Her eyes found Aleksander immediately and he stared at her a bit longer than necessary as well. Breaking their gaze, Ava took a seat in one of the extra chairs that had been pulled into the office.

  Sydney and Whitney were already seated. Their somber expressions mixed with the tightly restrained grief on Aleksander’s face gave the room a depressing mood. Mrs. Blackthorn sat beside Aleksander, her round belly adding to her sophisticated beauty, and Dr. Follett sat behind his desk, wearing his usual down-to-business expression.

  “Now then, since we’re all here, we’ll discuss the particulars,” Dr. Follett started, and went on to tell them about their stratospheric salaries—which if they had been known before, would have had doctors fighting each other to be on the care team—their free hours, and he explained some of the technicalities of their working contract, and finished with, “Our legal team and Mr. Maximilian will be drafting the contracts based on the ones you initially signed when you started work here. Of course, the same safety and ethical rules apply.”

  Involuntarily, Ava glanced towards Aleksander. Their gazes collided before she returned her attention to Dr. Follett, who was saying, “I will have them for you to sign shortly.”

  Ava shifted uncomfortably in her seat, wondering what was going through Aleksander’s mind, because hers was spinning in circles with so many questions. The memory of his touch was electric on her skin and she straightened to stifle the butterflies that threatened to let her secret out.

  Dr. Follett finished the meeting after a lengthy and careful explanation of the medication prescription, the exams and procedures, and all the other medical necessities Olivia would need for her stay at Lake Tahoe, saying, “I’ll visit once a week—more if necessary, but I have faith in you. Would you like to ask or add anything, Mr. Maximilian?”

  “I think you’ve covered everything, Doctor Follett. Thank you so much for your time,” he said, grateful for the effort the medical staff gave to make sure Oliva was taken care of.

  “I’ll have the paperwork ready to sign shortly so make sure to stop by my office before you leave today.” Dr. Follett stood, with a satisfied smile, and wrapped up his part of the meeting, “Now, Mrs. Blackthorn and Mr. Maximilian will continue with you.”

  After Dr. Follett shook hands and said his goodbyes, Hannah Blackthorn proceeded with explanations about flights and schedules and other benefits associated with the assignment, with Aleksander inserting a comment here and there. Less than an hour later, it was all done and they were shaking hands.

  “Dr. Larsen,” Aleksander said, with her hand still in his.

  Ava looked up into his eyes when he dropped the handshake.

  She hated the way he said her name, somewhere between a question and a summons—though she could not say she didn’t want to be summoned before him.

  For Kristus’s sake! “Yes?” she answered, maintaining her professional tone, even though he was unraveling her fast, and it took everything in her power to stay in control. Don’t you dare give anything away. Think of Olivia. Think of your career.

  “I am trusting you with my most precious treasure, doctor, and I very much need this holiday to be successful. Are you sure you can handle the…situation?”

  “You can trust me, Mr. Maximilian.”

  His lips parted slightly as if to say something, but the words didn’t make it out. He cleared his throat and turned to Hannah, “Is that all?”

  Hannah smiled and stood, “I think we’ve covered everything. Thank you all again for agreeing to take care of Oliva and give her the best holidays she could ask for.”

  After tying everything up and passing on her patients to doctor Leslie Carter, Ava went to Joseph Cumber’s office to explain why she wouldn’t be able to cover him for New Year’s Eve.

  Under the circumstances, he was understanding and assured her he’d find alternative coverage, wishing her good luck on her assignment. Relieved that he wasn’t upset, she headed to Dr. Follett’s office to formalize her assignment with Olivia Maximilian.

  Part of her felt guilty for even thinking of Aleksander in any way other than her patient’s father, but another part felt even more guilty for taking on the assignment witho
ut telling Dr. Follett about the situation.

  She had been debating with herself all day on whether she should mention her relations with Aleksander, though she feared it could get her kicked off the team, and Ava wanted very much to remain its lead doctor, not only because Olivia was an adorable girl, but it would also be an incredible experience which would help her career. And it went without saying that Aleksander was a bonus, even if she would just be looking at him.

  With a sigh, she knocked on Dr. Follett’s door.

  As soon as Ava entered his office, Dr. Follett expressed his appreciation for her volunteering and in the same breath wished her good luck.

  “It’s nothing. Anyone would be happy to help,” she said, genuinely modest.

  “I’m afraid that’s not true. As you saw for yourself, many in fact, did not volunteer.”

  “Well, yes, but with the holidays, and everything…”

  Dr. Follett raised his palm in dismissal and waved for her to sit. Ava quietly took a seat in front of his desk as he set several sheets of paper side by side on the end of his desk nearest Ava. He explained what each one was as she signed the various waivers, leave of absence, guarantee of employment, and to her dying shame, ethical procedures for teams working in residences.

  She only half-listened though, pre-occupied as she was with Brian’s allegation and how it touched too closely on what she felt she was unethically hiding.

  “Well, that’s that, Dr. Larsen. You’re all set legally, and as much as we’ll be looking forward to your return, we can’t help but wish for an extended absence for Olivia’s sake.”

  “Of course. But I’d prefer a miraculous cure and a quick return, if I had my way,” Ava replied.

  “As would I,” he said, then made a small show of returning his Mont Blanc to its place and looking at his computer screen, and taking hold of his mouse. He looked back at her and said, “Thank you again, Dr. Larsen. Please come see me as soon as you return. There’ll be paperwork we’ll need to do on the other end.”

  “Yes, doctor. I will,” she said, but still made no move to leave, or even get up.