Read Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga) Page 6

Chapter 5

  The Norse All Father had Ethan move and sit in the center of the room, which he didn’t object to. The Gargoyles spread themselves out, but Kiroq stood and held Gungnir when offered and popped his knuckles as if readying for battle. “Alright, Lad, now we can safely let the sparks fly. You sure did a warm display outside for the first time. And do not fear, you cannot harm anyone in this room. Tell me how it felt.”

  Ethan knew this man wanted facts, direct ones. “Well… I remember a tingling sensation…”

  “Good. Manifested Spirit Energy does that. Did it feel like when your leg goes to sleep and it’s like ants crawling under your skin?” Odin asked as if he’d done this thousands of times. Ethan knew at least that was common for a man of his age.

  “Yes, Sir. Exactly like that. It was odd… then an image of my hand on fire just popped into my head and I wanted to see what it was like and then suddenly my hands were really on fire. When I saw it I well… freaked out.”

  Odin laughed and put a hand casually on his sword. “Aye, it was damn funny. Stop, drop and roll! I nearly wet myself.”

  “But something’s weird, Odin.” Ethan blanched as he tried not to laugh as well when he thought about how childish it sounded for a man to yell that.

  “Oh? How so? Speak up, Lad.”

  “Well it was the flames… I couldn’t really feel any heat.”

  “No heat ya say? Hmm…” Odin stroked his beard thoughtfully. “Well you control fire so it wouldn’t be good to burn yourself alive. I sure felt your heat though. The Gargoyles restricted the flames well enough with their bodies topside, but it was right crispy from where I stood. If your immune to fire, as it seems, then no heat will affect you like the rest of us. Fate said you come from the States, Florida I believe?” he got a nod of confirmation. “Been there and hate the summers. Think back, did you get overheated after you came back to life?”

  Ethan thought of yesterday’s walk home and his eyes widened. “Now that you mention it, no. I got warm, but my shirt wasn’t soaked as it would have been. It was a bit sweaty from the long walk, but I didn’t need to stand in the shade and cool off like usual and when I fell down outside from you slapping my back, the road wasn’t anywhere near as scalding as it should have.”

  “Then only when you work up a sweat you heat up. Warm to hot atmospheric conditions won’t affect you. Later we’ll see if ice or boiling water works.” Odin leveled his eye. “What? Just because I’m old doesn’t mean I’m inarticulate. I adapt to the world, Lad. Now focus on the task. You know you won’t burn yourself from your first accident.” He began the lesson. “All beings have energy, even demons. Spirit Energy come from those with souls. Our power manifests as a tingling sensation and each being has different limits. Your ability is potentially among the most powerful, if history is any indication to a human’s limits. I fought a Fire Elemental once and killed him, but I had to regenerate nearly a thousand times before Gungnir could skewer the fool. It was by far my most painful week of life. He was so hot even the Gargoyles couldn’t approach and they can withstand temperatures up to nearly three thousand degrees Fahrenheit or sixteen hundred Celsius, whichever you prefer. But it’ll take a while for you to learn that kind of control.”

  “Besides immortality, do you have any other powers?” Ethan asked while he had the chance since the man seemed busy.

  Odin nodded as it was only fair. “I no longer sleep except one week each year. The Odin’s Sleep. Also I’m slightly stronger than when I was a true human with no talent to mold my Spirit Energy. And over the years I’ve picked up a few spells from our casters. But only Gungnir and my sword are my main methods of vanquishing foes. No matter where I am, I can call upon them to fight at any time.” The Viking’s one blue eye focused. “Now that you felt the sensation of your Spirit Energy, remember it and do as before, but no jumping around.”

  “Won’t happen again, Sir… I mean I’ll try my best. Catching on fire intentionally is still hard to take in.”

  Ethan went silent and looked at his hands while remembering what it felt like. A whole minute passed, but he gasped as he didn’t realize he held his breath. It didn’t work, but then he remembered his emotions at the time and saw his hands go from healthy pink to angry red. As before, his hands ignited and he stepped back from just how quickly the flames burst, but he recovered before a Gargoyle needed to step in. He then smiled while saying “Cool!” and watching as the flames engulfed his hand like a glove doused in gas, but without the feeling of heat or the smell of the flammable liquid. He turned his hand this way and that, taking everything in.

  Suddenly a large hand grabbed his and there came an instant sound of sizzling skin and burnt hair. Ethan gasped as Odin had silently came close and grabbed on. Appalled to hurt the man, the flames seemed to shift a moment before dying instantly. Odin took his hand away. “Are you okay? Let me see your hand.”

  Instead, Odin held up a calloused hand had that instantly bubbled and burned, but Ethan watched as the skin repaired itself in seconds. If not for the profuse sweat and momentary pain in the one remaining eye it would seem the man was immune to physical pain. The man balled his fist as if nothing occurred before saying “A moment before your flames died I found you can chose who and who not to burn. Do it again, but this time think about not hurting me.” The flaming hands reappeared much more easily the second time and Odin grabbed the flame without pause. “See? You control the fire and how it reacts. Like any tool it is all about intent. I does not burn me, but I still feel the heat it gives off everywhere except for my hand.”

  A moment later Ethan said “It won’t stop the radiant heat. Last time it took just a thought to not burn you. It isn’t going to work. For some reason I just know it.”

  Odin released his hold and stepped back. “Expected as much. You control fire, but the heat it produces is much more difficult to stop. Now that you can chose who and who not to burn alive, try keeping only one hand lit.” A thought was all that was needed to succeed. “Well done. See if your clothes can resist the flames.”

  His hand went to his abdomen with the intention of not burning and Ethan let out a whoop of joy when what was left of his shirt remained. He then knew it was ruined so he told the fire to spread all over his body and the flames obliged. His intention to keep his pants good and not his shirt, immediately vaporized. “Oh, this is so cool!”

  The others chuckled as they watched his whole body lightly aflame. The room’s temperature started rising, but only Odin seem must uncomfortable. When the new guest realized this he made the flames go away. They quickly vanished with a ‘whoosh’. “I knew you would learn quickly. Now try to see if you can extend the range of your flames. Shoot a stream of fire at the logs.”

  Fire shot from Ethan’s palm for over ten feet like a human flamethrower. It was too easy a task. In seconds all the wood was blaze.

  Once it sustained itself he was forced to make it die and again it was as simple as putting out his hand. Odin walked him through every method conceivable. Next he merely told the logs to relight without fire shot from a hand and in seconds it flared out of seemingly nowhere. It was also proven exterior fire was useless as he grabbed a random log completely burning on its own and other than a soft warmth, he felt nothing other than the flames tickling.

  After an hour of tests from both Odin and Kiroq to see the extent of his abilities the leader of the First House asked one of the Gargoyles to go find a glass of water. It opened the thick steel door silently and left to shut it. Meanwhile he said “Ethan, it is abundantly clear now you are aware of your powers and how to safely execute them. We will not start combat training till tomorrow, but prepare yourself.” Odin warned. “You can take and withstand great temperatures, but I’m going to make it cold in here.” He then pointed a finger in the air and started drawling invisible lines with a faintly glowing fingertip, but Ethan knew something was up.

  The warm and comfortable feel of the room bottomed out. It dropped ten degrees per second and w
ithout a shirt Ethan felt it more so. The Gargoyles might have been naked, but they were a hearty race and could instantly adapt unlike other beings. Frost started forming on the floor, walls and ceiling and crept faster and faster. Soon Ethan felt himself shivering, but Odin, as the invoker of the power, was unaffected. It went below zero and continued till Ethan knew he could withstand no more.

  Summoning his newfound powers, flames shrouded his body in a protective cocoon of self-preservation. Stark white skin over his entire cold body became bright red. It was so cold he could barely think, but his instincts saved him and in moments the shivering stopped as his blood warmed. His mind cleared and violent shaking ceased, but he retained the protective flames. When Odin didn’t stop, Ethan figured it was yet another test. The flames covering his body, as he imagined, were like Johnny Storm’s from the Fantastic Four, but he could be seen through the blaze and flying was beyond impossible. He tried in the privacy in his mind, but failed. Focusing, the flames grew larger and hotter. Odin nodded for him to continue while his finger kept air-writing.

  Heat doubled and soon the frost began to recede in the war of climate. It got hotter and hotter till the room returned to balmy. “Enough!” Odin said and Ethan ended his flames a moment before the All Father stopped what he was doing. “You just defeated the strongest ice spell I can create. I’m by no means a master as a natural born Wizard, but that display was evident you are susceptible to cold as any person, but can protect yourself from a strong enemy. Fire truly is the strongest element. How did it feel?”

  “Easy as breathing once I warmed back up. I felt I could have gone much hotter.”

  “You are not yet ready to go to such extremes.” Odin decided. “You show remarkable talent with your gift, but precise control still eludes you. Do not tempt it.” The door opened and the Gargoyle returned with a full glass of water. “You will need much practice, but at least now I do not need to fear my people getting accidently set on fire. There are many skills an Elemental can use that even I am not aware, but you are on the correct path.” He took the glass offered up and said “Thank you.” The Gargoyle bowed and resumed his place. “Ethan, now we need to see if it’s actually just warmer temperatures you are immune to. Take this and bring it to a boil.”

  He took the glass and hesitantly brought it to a rolling boil in seconds. Then he quickly stuck a finger in and quickly removed it. He blinked as the visibly hot water felt little warmer than a hot bath. He brought it to his lips and prepared to burn his mouth, but nothing happened. He drank, but his stomach didn’t react in any way. He was startled from his mental muteness by Odin’s clapping.

  “Wonderful, Lad. Heat doesn’t harm you whatsoever. No wonder the other House heads want you. Your potential is just astounding, but now we must decide on an issue.”

  “Issue? What did I do now?”

  Odin ginned manically. “I know recently your life has been worse than most in so short a time and you made honest mistakes, but what I’m referring to is where your quarters will be and what occupation will best suit you before your ready to help defend against Chaos.”

  “Oh!” Ethan blushed in embarrassment as he made yet another wrong conclusion. “Well where is there a lacking need you think I might fit in?”

  Odin knew the best place, but he would give options as he had promised. “Until you can earn your keep in combat I would suggest… oh helping to shoe the Pegesai, create new bows for our archers through fire hardening, clean the main house since it does require much maintenance, aid Cook with the dishes, help our blacksmith forge new weapons, tend the yard and make sure all is trim and orderly, maintain our arsenal of close and ranged weapons…”

  “Wait what was that about forging weapons?” Ethan interrupted.

  Suddenly all the Gargoyles howled in laughter, but Odin said “Don’t mind them, Lad.”

  “What did I say? That one hit the floor and is rolling around he’s laughing so hard.” Ethan pointed to one who went into another fit of laughter.

  “I repeat, Lad, pay them no mind. Actually I was hoping you would consider that option. Our resident Forgemaster is working as fast as she can, but it takes more than two weeks just to produce a simple sword that might last for a century or two before its useless and until we get a new Enchanter to immortalize the weapon we’ll need more swords, lances and other tools with the greatest quality. She is a bit… picky who she allows into the business and if you can win her over you’ll find your place here quickly. You’ll find no better master than her anywhere in the universe.”

  “Well when I played Dungeons & Dragons I always preferred dwarves as my character since they were always known to be excellent smiths. And since I can’t be burned it would be a great skill to learn… If she allows it. Sir, if it doesn’t work out I can try other things, but if I’m to fight, working as a smith might help me shed a few pounds.” Ethan said optimistically. “Any advice on how to get on her good side though?”

  “Not that I know of, Lad. She is a right piece of work, that one. Storm-shadow will take you to her tonight. She usually sleeps during the day as it is easier to see the metal and work it in the dark.” To the others Odin gave a silencing look which wiped the smirks from their muzzles. “Let us return to the surface and give a proper introduction.”

  “Sir, I think I’ll need a shirt if you’re going to parade me around.”

  “Here, take my pelt and return it after you change.” Odin tossed the white wolf skin over and revealed there to be more muscles than one could imagine.

  As Ethan gave thanks and slid it on he said “Odin, did dwarves forge Gungnir like the myths say?”

  The old man in a middle age body shook his head. “No, Celestia, our Forgemaster, you’ll meet after the evening meal is who created Gungnir for me when Fate granted me mortal immortality. Dwarves are imaginary tales and were simply small humans with a genetic quirk. Rumors grew, but were false. Come, let us rejoin and welcome you properly.”

  On the way back through the room and while Ethan was tugging the wolf pelt around, he felt less self conscious with something on, but knew he would never fit the style as well as the old Viking who probably killed the poor animal, skinned and treated it into clothing. Then he was surprised yet again as Odin asked “So did it feel good to land a blow on Fate?”

  “Hurt like punching a stone wall.” Came the answer after a pause of consideration. “As a test he set an apartment on fire that would have killed all the tenants, my ex and brother among them.”

  Odin’s expression hardened and he nodded. “Aye, I’d punch him for even thinking of harming my kin for a trial. So, what happened?”

  “I threw a spirit egg into the blaze and stopped it. I don’t think anyone was really hurt. My brother and my ex got out…”

  A large hand against his chest stopped Ethan cold. “Fate gave you a spirit egg?”

  “Yes, Sir. That was the test he gives those for a second chance. If I had held onto it, it would have hatched and eaten my soul and destroyed it.”

  Odin shook his head slowly and started climbing the stairs. “Good thing the little bastard doesn’t hold much of a grudge. I’ve also landed a blow on Fate and it’s as you say, hitting a wall. From the way you spoke of your kin and former mistress, I take it your parting didn’t go well.”

  “How would you take it if you caught your brother nailing your girlfriend?”

  “Personally? I would have beheaded him or given him the blood-eagle. But all the lovers I’ve had over the years… well I’d be killing too many if I still stuck to the old ways. And my children would get mad at me. But Ethan, is your brother with the woman who you want and cannot have?”

  “Not even close. Jenny can’t even hold a candle to her. We met only recently, but I won’t ever find anyone as special as her. Every time I close my eyes to blink I see her. I can’t get her out of my mind… But enough about me for now. I’m curious about what you said earlier about your… well lifestyle. You and Floa have kids, but are they half Pi

  “Hardly.” Odin chuckled as Kiroq opened the front and outside sunlight streamed in.

  “ODIN!!!” came a small but chiming voice as Floa flew down the tunnel and flitted to his muscled shoulder. “My nose itched. Were you talking about me?”

  The Viking laughed. “Actually Ethan was curious about our children and wondered if they are half Pixies?”

  Floa twinkled a laugh as if that was the funniest joke of all before turning her tiny face in Ethan’s direction. “You have so much to learn, but no. Interspecies couplings are quite common in all but the Centaur race. As for all of my babies, all females are Pixies like me, but my sons take after whoever their father is. Pixies are all female, like Nymphs. We can breed with any creature with a stiff rod. But out of all my lovers Odin is by far the most handsome.” She smile and pat his bearded cheek. “Nymphs are the same way. All Nymphs are female, but their sons reflect their father… I just visited all our daughters who still live here and they all want to meet Ethan. How did his training go?”

  “Show her.” Odin prompted the Elemental.

  Deciding on how to surprise Floa best, an evil grin spread on Ethan’s face. Without any warning Floa and Odin’s entire shoulder was enshrouded it flame. The Pixie screamed and instinctively took off and escaped to pat her fair green skin down and circle in the air to see if her wings were on fire. Ethan canceled the flames when she saw she was unscathed.

  Hands on her tiny round hips, Floa said “That wasn’t nice! But at least I didn’t get burned. I know you can control actual flame and not simple illusions because the heat is still prickling my wing-scales… Still if you do it again you bastard I hope you can fly or you’ll suddenly disappear and find yourself a thousand feet from the ground without a parachute.” She flitted back down to Odin’s shaking shoulder as he resisted another laugh. “So what is next, Handsome?”

  They all stepped outside and onto the relatively empty road just before the entrance automatically dropped and became hidden among the rest of the ground. “Actually I would like to ask if you could go to wherever you stashed the lad’s belongings and bring him a tunic. While I’ve got you here and all.”

  “Be right back.” She chimed and clapped her hands to disappear. While she was gone Kiroq told the other Gargoyles to fly to the Nymphs and tell all is safe and to meet in the main hall after. Odin though shouted loudly for Storm-shadow who was grazing far away. In a minute she reappeared on one of her many lovers’ shoulder again, struggling to hold a silver long sleeve shirt Ethan recognized instantly. With all the strength her tiny body could hold she grunted.

  Ethan reached out and took it while saying “Thank you, Floa.” She sighed and lounged on Odin’s collarbone as if it were a seat while Ethan took off the pelt and returned it to its rightful owner. He quickly pulled it on and felt much more comfortable around everyone.

  “A few hours still remain before the evening meal.” Kiroq mentioned while looking at the position of the sun. “What would be best, Odin?”

  “I’ve already allowed the entire House a day of leisure for Ethan’s arrival. Many wish to meet him and the sooner he learns his comrades and they learn to trust, we should immerse him so his initial impression doesn’t make the rest of the House think he’ll be a hindrance. We need to correct the misunderstandings.” Odin and the others looked up when a sleek black Pegasai swooped around and down to walk over. “Good timing, Storm-shadow. We were just heading inside. Please take Ethan to your stables while everyone comes in. I’m going to invite all who wish to come and greet out newest arrival, but find Tattoo and Gra to meet Ethan in private first and explain how we run the house.”

  Storm-shadow bowed his head. “It will be done, Lord Odin. Come along now, Ethan.”

  Never in so short a time had Ethan been dismissed so many times before, but his curiosity could wait. These were important people who all had a lot on their plate. As Ethan walked off with the stallion he glanced over his shoulder as the Viking, Gargoyle general and Pixie spoke in hushed toned. He so wanted to hear what was said, but so far he had been treated with open honesty. The single road was lined with ancient trees that made a canopy overhead like some kind of open tunnel as it led straight to the gigantic castle’s primary entrance. After getting out of earshot Storm-shadow asked “How did you manage? Did you learn to use fire?”

  “See for yourself.” Ethan lifted a hand which grew red in an instant and burst into a flame glove. Enjoying Storm-shadow’s reaction, Ethan said “And I can control it so easily. Just a thought of intention and I can even select what I want and don’t want to burn. Watch.” He quickly stepped over to the edge of the road and collected two blades of grass. Both fit between his thumb and forefinger before being surrounded by flame. Though the twin blades were side by side, only one charred before turning into ash. “Cool huh?”

  “No, it is hot.” The stallion responded directly. “I’m glad you found your skill effortless to use in so short a time. Tell me what else you know how to do.”

  Ethan was all too eager to resist and went in detail on all he tried and learned of his newfound power. Storm-shadow was highly attentive and asked questions, some were unanswerable, but the Pegasai has a relaxed and sagely personality.

  Along the way Ethan spotted tiny faces of Pixies in the trees and when he waved they giggled like little girls and disappeared. Well they were little women, but that wasn’t the point. Also Ethan got a closer view of the provocatively clothed Nymphs when one was lounging on a tree limb and sang to a group of birds. The Nymph had mossy green hair that draped down her back in ringlets, but long pointy ears stuck out like an Elf. She had creamy olive tone skin and bright green eyes. For clothes she wore a carved bark top to hold well endowed breasts threaded with vines to act as a natural bra while a thong made of some leafy fabric rode up between her butt cheeks while also covering enough of her front to not be considered naked. But on her skin were faint scars earned through years of combat, but her entrancing birdsong proved her spirits remained high. She didn’t bother to look down as they passed her perch.

  Each step brought them closer to the giant southern main entrance. It wasn’t even near the mountainous Spirit World palace’s front entryway, but the front entrance stood over a hundred feet in the air. Pixies and Pegesai zipped in and out of the opening while many others who were land based did the same. Now that they got closer Ethan noticed a moat that presumably encircled the entire hill the castle occupied. More like a river. They walked to a drawbridge made of wood so thick that whole mature trees of some kind were used. Foot thick circular chains were angled and bolted into the lowered bridge and the end disappeared through a hole to either side of the stone wall. Slightly hanging was an open portcullis that could be dropped to prevent anyone from entering in an emergency. All around it were protective runes, on the walls, wood, chains and even on the portcullis.

  Ethan poked his head down towards the crystal clear moat and gasped as a pair of slit green eyes the size of a boulder looked back. The eyes were attached to a giant snake with a flicking tongue scenting the air and was twice as long as Storm-shadow. He gasped and jumped back. “What is that?!” He demanded and though the snake’s head couldn’t be seen, the exceptionally long body in clear water was. “It’s a colossal freaking cottonmouth!”

  His surprise drew heads from three nearby large male Centaurs, four Pegesai and two Pixy before they looked into the moat and started laughing.

  Storm-shadow snickered while the giant snake in question reared its neck up and out of the water to fix those mesmerizing green eyes on the tiny human creature and its white mouth opened to reveal two tucked fangs and rows of curved teeth that would never release its prey and hissed like a roaring tidal wave. Big, fat drops of water tinkle off its shiny dark orange and black striped scales. “I am Jormungandr, the World SSSnake. Who are you? I know not your ssscent.”

  “Sorry, I do not think I can pronounce your name, but I’m sorry for insulting you. I’m Ethan Volorum, uh
… the Fire Elemental.”

  Jormungandr came closer and Ethan stepped back in fright. Storm-shadow whispered “Hold still. You are not an enemy so do not fear him.”

  Fighting against every screaming instinct to run for it, Ethan shook yet held his ground, but then the giant surprisingly said “Jormun is assseptable. SSSo you are what the houssse isss ssso alive for today. SSShow me your flamesss.”

  Not bothering to try the super-sized snake’s patience Ethan burst completely in flames out of sheer terror. Storm-shadow leapt away in surprise and the other creatures stared with wide eyes. Only the World Snake’s eyes didn’t show fear. Its giant head nodded as if this reaction were just as he believed. “Good. Elementalsss tassste bad and alwaysss gave me indigessstion. I didn’t mean to frighten. I protect the houssse from all large threatsss. In winter I will likely call for your asssissstanccce.” Jormungandr then lowered his scaly head into the water as he finished speaking and all that came next was crashing waves till the water settled.

  The fire vanished and Storm-shadow returned when the heat dissipated. Nothing of Ethan was harmed, but he had been deeply rattled. “Are you well?”

  Instead came the question “Didn’t the myth say Thor and… uh Jormun? were to fight in Ragnarok, the end of days? That was one topic I remember in mythological studies.”

  “That was a bit of an exaggeration. Actually Thor and Jormun like to play-fight every time they see each other. A mortal mistakenly saw them playing a thousand years or so ago and the rumor turned into an exaggerated myth. Thor heads the Fifth House just so you know and yes, Odin sired him. His mother was a Naga and is the only one alive to carry both traits after he hatched and his strength is second only to Odin himself.” Storm-shadow informed.

  “How could anything fight” Ethan almost said ‘that’ but thought better of it and went with “him? Jormun just scared the living hell out of me. How can a snake get so big?”

  “Come, I will explain along the way.” The stallion moved forward. All other beings moved back after seeing Ethan’s fiery display. “It is told that in Odin’s earlier years in Order that he was almost eaten by a powerful dragon, but Jormun was like any other snake at the time and bit the dragon, delivering all his venom. The effects slowed the dragon enough for Odin to pierce its heart, but it fell on Jormun, flattening him. Odin pleaded that the snake be spared since it saved him and the Spirit King actually intervened to change Jormun into what you just saw. Ever since, he has been the moat monster that has been faithful to Order. But he loves fighting dragons and eating smaller demons who foolishly get close. He’s actually a good being to know, once you learn to look past his immense size and appearance.”

  “I’ll keep my fear thank you. It seems to be all that is keeping me from getting killed… again.”

  Storm-shadow laughed at that. “Ethan, you might be a foal to the rest of us, but in reality, we are more fearful of you.”

  “Doubt that.” Ethan shivered while looking over his shoulder to the undulating river-moat.

  “Blake! Just the Naga I was looking for!” Storm-shadow snickered as they finished crossing the enormous drawbridge.

  Ethan looked at the Naga approaching. At a distance it looked like a man, but up close it wasn’t close. Snakelike scales covered every inch of Blake’s six and a half foot height. A long articulating tail maintained balance, but he wore black pants without shoes. Three clawed fingers and a thumb were on either long arm. His scales were a dark brown except for the pearly white of his chest, just like a snake’s underbelly. Slit eyes were a bit disconcerting, but were open and honest. His thin lips were pulled up in a smile, but revealed small, sharp teeth. Hanging from either hip were long bladed katanas while a baldric crossed over the shirtless chest carried a broadsword strapped to his back. “What can I do for you, Storm?” the speckled brown and gold reptilian eyes looked between them.

  “I would like to introduce Ethan, our newest ally and my companion. He is doing well considering, but Odin says Tattoo and Gra need to speak with him. Can I ask for you to find them and ask they meet at my stable?”

  “I’m not doing anything, Old Friend. Sure!” Blake then turned his attention and took in the newest recruit. “So you’re the new famous Elemental? Quite the entrance earlier. From what I saw it was your first time riding?” he got an embarrassed nod. “Figured. Well you’ll learn quickly enough. Never a dull day. While I’ve got you here, have you considered a combat instructor?”

  “Not really…”

  Blake cut him off with what would be a dazzling smile to a Naga. “Great, you’ll be my pupil starting tomorrow morning. Meet me here on the bridge at eight in the morning.”


  “Ethan,” Storm-shadow interrupted and spoke directly. “take his offer. The Naga are all masters of the sword and Blake is of the best who ever lived. His records are indisputable. I would insist Blake tend to your lessons because if Gra hears you require a teacher she’ll send one of her elite Amazons. Believe me when I say you’re better with Blake for if an Amazon is selected your bruises will be greater and you’ll learn far slower for they teach weaker males to either kill them or be killed. Amazons teach males for only four months and challenge them to a death match, rarely do both walk out and that only happens if the male forces surrender from her lips or grants mercy.”

  “Then I’ll be here in the morning.” Ethan decided and Blake nodded before walking off to go find Tattoo and Gra.

  “Now we go to my stable and I introduce my mate while we wait.” They walked inside.”

  Wonders continued humbling Ethan as he looked deep into the castle. The long hall was filled with dozens of exceptionally long tables that were each no less than two hundred feet long and had accommodating sections for each being’s needs. There were benches where humanoid beings could sit while pallets filled with soft looking pillows where Centaur and Pegesai could lay down at the table. Along the walls flickered glass orbs, each containing one phoenix feather. Running down the center of the expansive hall was bright tile with three burning hearths where smaller tables merrily basked in the flames and Ethan noticed a blue-skin Ogre clinking a glass of wine with a Nymph that seem to enjoy each other’s company. A group of Nagai were all passing around a new sword imbued with expensive gems while a Pixie played tricks on what could only be an Amazonian woman.

  Ethan didn’t expect Storm-shadow’s words to come true to his imagination, but these women were unmistakably body builders, but by how relaxed they were it was clear they didn’t need to do much to remain so frightening. If Amazons were regular human woman they would each need to work out for hours each day and would make even a young Arnold Schwarzenegger feel pitiful. But Kanade once explained that Amazons were stronger than any living male human as their supernatural power lay in superior strength. He could now see Amazons earned their fearsome reputation. His sweeping gaze found dozens more tall and muscular women and their style wasn’t as revealing as a green haired Nymph, but each Amazon had a similar style of dress, a two piece metal bikini or wore a chainmail bra. Just like most others, they too carried a deadly weapon, either a lance, sword, dagger or bow.

  A small herd of Centaur women, all females seeming to have a white horse half while males were either ebony or chestnut colored, were merrily washing dishes in a modern sink and watched fondly as their foals galloped and played over in an open section. Many of the half human/horse men watched Ethan very closely and seemed to naturally put themselves between him and their foals, but didn’t seem rude about it.

  The castle though seemed to have blended ancient ways with some modern technology. A group of Pixies and two bare chest female Nagai sat in front of one of over a hundred flat screen TV’s and watched some romantic chick-flick. Like humans, female Nagai also have a pair of breasts, but without a nipple.

  Around all these strange and amazing creatures Ethan noticed a few humans, mostly women in colorful dresses. Many carried a book, likely of spells which made them some kind of W
itch. Several men of varying ages carried a staff etched with runes Ethan began to associate with magic. One man though was followed by a pack of six Timberwolves and looked like a Wildman himself.

  Ethan knew that certain species had usually a particular trait and power, but human’s could have any power imaginable, if they were blessed to see beyond the veil of the supernatural by either Fate’s plan or through some immense traumatic event which would bring forth their hidden power to protect themselves. Casters though were born from bloodlines and weren’t like normal people. Least not entirely. He himself was proof for though he could control fire, he couldn’t do things that other humans he looked at would be capable.

  But then Ethan’s heart stopped when he saw a large pair of feathery wings, but then the muscle restarted when the color wasn’t right. Off towards the wall stood an eight and a half tall Spirit Guide woman with bright blue wings, matching long hair and brown eyes. She had a haze around her as a spiritual being has, but she spoke with a club toting Ogre with a polished horn as if they were old friends.

  “Daydreaming won’t get you to my stable any sooner, Ethan.” Storm-shadow said to break the Elemental’s reverie and smiled as he forcibly closed his mouth.

  “Sorry… it’s just so much…”

  “No apology necessary. In time you will adapt and so far you are doing quite well.”

  “Storm-shadow, introduce us to your new friend.”

  They turned to a silky feminine voice to see a voluptuous woman in her early to mid twenties stepping closer. She stood no taller than five foot, but her proportions were developed to say the least. She wore a fiery red dress that was extremely too thin and emphasized her luscious curves. The neckline plunged all the way down to her navel and provocatively allowed the world to see much of her ample bosom, but hid the important parts. And the dress’s cleavage proved she didn’t wear a bra and couldn’t in such an outfit. A lone slit ran all the way up to the top of a round hip and showed off expensive, ruby red high heel shoes. Her fingernails were manicured and painted like her dress. Silky brown hair was piled atop her head expertly and just the right amount of makeup touched her beautiful face and dazzling smile. She was clearly a supermodel and belonged on a runway or photo shoot for a famous magazine.

  At her hip hung a thick tome instead of a purse.

  “Us?” Ethan asked as she stood alone.

  “Great, another throwback dumbass. Just what we need, another fool.” Came a male voice.

  “Who said that?” Ethan asked and looked around again. The voice of derision was male, but no one was near and the other beings either looked at him curiously from afar, whispered about him or were too busy in their own little worlds to look his way.

  The woman suddenly punched the thick book hanging from her shoulder. “Ken, how many times have I told you to keep that bigot filled trap of yours shut!”

  “Bite me, Slut!” The book responded snidly. Instead she dropped the book and slammed her stiletto heel on the book’s aged leather face. “Ow!” She drove the heel deeper. “Fine! Bitch! Damn! Stop it, I apologize!”

  “Be sincere, Ken!” Ken, the book was silent. She worked her heel back and forth. “Say it!”

  “What? That you need to wear underwear, because I Pussy… Ow!”

  “Ethan,” Storm-shadow began as he shook his large head. “This is Kira Penbrooke, one of our Witches. She comes from a long line of powerful Scottish Witches and is of our most powerful female casters. Her most famous ancestor was Isobel Gowdie. And that bright ray of sunshine under hoof is Ken.” His golden shoe gestured to the tome getting stomped on by Kira. “Ken is her spell book that had his soul trapped as eternal punishment for siding with Chaos, was captured by his family and is forced to serve his descendants for the remainder of time. The problem is to getting him to shut up.”

  “Why not get him Barbie? Ken always needs a Barbie?” Ethan remarked.

  Kira’s bright green eyes and Storm-shadow’s brown turned to him and started laughing. The Witch took her heel off the leather-bound book and smiled. “You’re going to fit in well around here. You just made Ken go silent. That is a greater feat than most can manage. I look forward to getting to know you… intimately. There are so few human men around here.” She purred.

  Ethan blushed at the insinuation and couldn’t stop his eyes from glancing at her breasts and it made her grin more deeply and make him feel more uncomfortable. But because of his reaction, she had to take a step back and fan her face. “Good to know there is a hot blooded man beneath that calm exterior. Look me up.” She flicked her wrist and there magically appeared a business card between her fingers. She handed it to him and he read ‘H-3-306 For a night to remember!’

  “Uh, I don’t get it.” He admitted as Kira picked up the strap off the ground and lifted Ken back to his original place at her hip. The book was quiet, but Ethan felt waves of hostility rolling from it. “What does H, three, three oh six mean?”

  Kira gestured along the hall and stopped at a large archway with the carving of a Pegasai in flight etched in stone was, the same one Storm-shadow was leading them to. “This is the Pegesai hall that lead to their rooms. Over there are the Centaur quarters. H stand for human quarters, the first number three stands for the third floor and three oh six is my room number. Where is your room and floor?”

  “I don’t know. Odin said I first need to talk with someone called Celestia the Forgemaster after dinner before getting a room.”

  His response brought all who heard up short. Kira recovered first. “Did you just say Celestia? Odin wants you to meet her? What for?”

  “Well I want to try my hand as a blacksmith… Why are you looking at me like that? Kiroq and the Gargoyles laughed when I said I wanted to try. What am I missing? Is she really so fearsome?”

  “If Odin has his reasons for you going to her then I’m not going to question.” Kira saw Storm-shadow give her a look that said ‘shut up’ and she did. “When things settle I look forward to getting to know you.”

  “If you survive that long.” Ken, the book added with a sneer. Kira punched the surface, turned around and left.

  “Know this, Ethan,” Storm-shadow began. “Kira is the strongest Witch at this House and once she sets her mind to something, nothing will stop her. Be careful to not give her your heart or anything else for she makes Pixies and Nymphs seem celibate by comparison.”

  “Kind of got that impression.” With the card in hand, Ethan crushed it in his palm and blasted it with a short burst of fire which reduced it to a fine white ash and moved to a trash bin to wipe it off. Kira’s sauntering exit didn’t turn around. Storm-shadow nodded that that was the best idea.

  They moved to the Pegasus archway and Ethan asked “Do all races have to be split up? It is segregated? If it is, I’m not comfortable with that. What are the rules regarding where and where not to go?”

  The hall was long and lit with more phoenix feathers sealed in glass and went to reveal a cavern where over a dozen levels for over a half mile opened for Pegesai to fly up to their homes or could take stairs if needed. “Only closed minded and religious fools believe themselves superior. Here, we are who we are and aren’t determined by our looks… The only restricted section is the tower. Anyone may go wherever they choose and visit whomever they will, so long as the room’s occupant is welcoming to the idea. To enter without authorization is forbidden and is punishable by pulling duties I care not to mention.” Storm-shadow’s hooves loudly echoed through the cavern as they made way for the nearest steps. “Forced entry is likewise forbidden and theft will cost a limb. We of Order are honorable and that punishment hasn’t been dealt for more than four decades. You may couple with whomever you wish, but do not make an enemy out of a spurned lover for when attacked, we cannot afford distractions.”

  “Don’t worry about that for me. I want only one, but cannot have her. I cannot see myself with another, least of all Kira, if that is what you are aiming for.”

  “I’m simply
trying to help ease your transition.” The black stallion continued ahead past the second level. “This House is quite relaxed, but for one hour each day our warriors, who take the oath of protection, must all do combat so our abilities remain honed. You will have it harder since Blake will teach you for six. It is his way, not mine so do not ask. We all work to benefit one another and offer aid to the struggling. And it is required that once every six months that all warriors be part of a demon hunt. Groups offer safety, unless you are on a punishment hunt and must do so alone and fulfill a quota determined by the severity of the infraction. I will later get you the house rules and punishments if you prefer?”

  “Please. I feel like I’m drowning with information.” Ethan huffed with exertion.

  “Then it shall be done… here, the fourth level is mine.” They turned off to a long stretching platform that was thirty feet wide and every hundred or so feet was a pillar supporting the level above. The pillars were artfully carved in a spiral pattern while Ethan could nearly see his reflection on the cool and polished granite below his feet. To his right were large doors and a wedge of stone with a circular center where a horseshoe impression was cut into stone. Ethan looked at one in passing and it reminded him of an access keypad the rich have to access their own homes, but these were meant for hoofed creatures. “This is my stall.” Storm-shadow proved Ethan’s assumption by placing his right hoof onto the impression, gave a twist and stepped back as a set of stone double doors with the number 403 carved into them began to swing open. As they silently parted there came a faint odor of oats and molasses. The aroma was clean and fresh, but that wasn’t all. Classical music from a piano flowed out.

  Inside, Ethan was once again surprised for instead of Phoenix feathers for light there was electrical lights, a turned off TV in front of a large round bed with a gigantic remote with buttons a Pegasai’s hoof could press. The walls were somehow painted of a realistic landscape of an oceanic view from the point of some cliff. There was a door just past the entrance with a plaque that read ‘Bathroom’ and it also had a raised section for a hoof to open it too, but instead of stone, this door was made of aged, but sturdy wood.

  The classical music led them into a large living room and came from an expensive sound system and to the center of the large room is where Ethan spotted a beige Arabian Pegasus mare with her hindquarters facing them. “One minute husband, I cannot seem to restart the hearth. The tender won’t catch spark.” She swung her head and there came a striking sound and she dropped a piece of flint held by metal and wood made in a ring so her teeth could hold it. “Please find someone with… Oh!” She turned her head and noticed her mate brought someone. She turned around and fluffed her wings. At her chest was a ruby nearly identical in size and shape to Storm-shadow’s. “Forgive me, I wasn’t expecting company.”

  “Ethan, this is my life and soul mate, Star-bolt.” Came the introduction. “Star-bolt, Tattoo and Gra will be arriving shortly to speak privately with Ethan here until the evening meal.”

  Star-bolt shot her mate a cold look for she wasn’t expecting company.

  To ease the room’s tension, Ethan looked over to a circular ring inlaid with stacks of wood and stuffed with hay and shredded newspaper. The interior was blackened from years of fires and ten feet above on the ceiling was a cone that would funnel out all the smoke. He offered “I can start that… if you’d like, Ma’am?”

  The mare blinked and remembered just who stood there and quickly nodded. “It would be a great help. The castle gets cold quickly and I was too far today and forgot to feed it before leaving this morning.

  Ethan looked at the hearth and willed its heart to warm. Smoke began rising and when flames were seen he stopped using his power. Star-bolt seemed impressed and said “Thank you. Unfortunately I have nothing to offer in return. It is rare for anyone other than my foals and grand-foals to visit. Few of your kind visit our stable.”

  “I wouldn’t mind taking a breather over on one of those cushions. So much has gone down today that a few minutes of peace and quiet are in desperate need.”

  “By all means, go ahead.” She allowed.

  The two Pegasai watched as the Elemental moved over to a large pillow where the winged horses would lay and watch TV. For Ethan it was more like an overlarge bed, but he groaned in pleasure of the softness contained within and looked at the painted ocean scene. It was so easy to relax with the soft piano music while staring at the majestic wall. When his spinning mind struggling with all that’s happened in the past few hours began to still and organize itself, he looked at his hand and gently created a soft flame that danced between his fingers. He was grateful to have such a wonderful skill and that his hosts left him alone and spoke quietly by the hearth.

  This is so cool! Ethan thought as he stared at the flames playing around his hand. I always enjoyed a campfire as a kid and would stare at it for hours and feel at peace. Now I can summon fire whenever I choose, and no one will get hurt.

  He smiled contentedly at the yellow and orange flames.

  All too soon there came a chiming sound from a doorbell that Ethan hadn’t noticed, but Storm-shadow got up and moved to the entrance, put his hoof into a recess and the double doors opened. “Good, you both made great time getting here.” The stallion said as his hooves clicked loudly on the stone floor.

  “Blake said you needed us by orders of Odin. We came.” Said a deep man’s voice.

  “I want to meet this Elemental.” Said a strong female voice that had a ring of command to it.

  “Come in then.”

  Ethan killed the flames, stood and after Storm-shadow entered he was immediately followed by a seven foot tall woman etched with power dominating muscles. Out of all the Amazons he’d seen, this woman outranked them all. Gloves with metal spiked knuckles surrounded large hands while she carried a belt of a dozen sheathed daggers. Strapped to her back were twin swords sticking above either shoulder. She wore soft leather pants, steel toed boots and a chainmail shirt that didn’t hide her womanly figure at all, nor her watermelon size breasts. But unlike the other Amazons who were more masculine than feminine, she was a beauty with long auburn hair and a creamy dark tan. But upon her brow sat a gold circlet.

  After her was a man in an unexpected situation for he rolled in on a wheelchair. The man had a short, trimmed beard, very few strands of grey hair sprouted from brown of a human man in his mid thirties and striking black eyes. He was seated in a highly mobile manual wheelchair whose tires squeaked on the slick floor. His arms were large and being in a chair would mean that anyone who got that close would be crushed. Long black pants couldn’t hide frail legs that haven’t walked in decades, but within those black eyes were a man not to be underestimated. Along every inch of his arms were vibrant and realistic tattoos of animals and when he turned his head, his neck was also covered. A wooden board lay across his lap and draped behind the short back of the chair was a pack filled with something. The wheelchair man smiled to say “Hello there. You must be Ethan, our newest ally?”

  “It is a pleasure. You must obviously be Tattoo?” Ethan offered a hand.

  Tattoo took it and gave a firm grasp, but not like Odin’s forearm clutch. “That I am.” He then looked up from his ever present seat. “And this is my wonderful wife, Gra, queen of the Amazons here at the First House.”

  Ethan and Gra shook hands, but he gave her a quizzical look. “Is something the matter, Recruit?” She asked while looking him up and down like some new object and is gauging its worth.

  “Sorry, but I didn’t know Amazons got married. If I remember correctly they only consort men every five years for children and keep their daughters and if they have a son, they get rid of them and do not care if they survive. And no offense, I thought Amazons chose only strong men to mate with.”

  Tattoo burst out laughing while Gra’s eyes narrowed, but she didn’t detect anything malicious in his honest inquiry. She then laid a hand over her love’s shoulder to explain and clear the misunde
rstanding. “The myths, as I’m sure you’ve discovered, are stretched too thin. My subjects are only fertile for a week every five years. That is where the myth stems from. And the only way to permanently bond with a man, we have to be forced in submission through combat. Do not let my husband’s condition fool you, he is Second of the House for a reason. Only he has ever in all of Amazon history had a first queen become his wife. None of my sisters are stronger than I, but a man has made me his.”

  “Would you like a demonstration of my powers?” Tattoo asked.

  “Wouldn’t mind.”

  The chair-bound man applied the levers to either wheel as brakes to hold him still and lifted a sleeve tattooed arm. Ethan saw a wrapped snake head inked into the man’s palm and spiraled its way around his wrist like a diamondback rattlesnake. There were spiders wrapping his fingers, insects dotting the tips and dozens of more animals covering every square inch of the limb. “Over eighty five percent of my body has been tattooed with thousands of animals and my power is to bring life to the creations.”

  Ethan stepped back as suddenly the rattlesnake’s went from a realistic body art and turned into a real snake. Skin moved as it reared its head from Tattoo’s large palm. Its forked tongue flicked in and out and stared at Ethan in a frightening way. It rose out and uncoiled itself from his wrist and made its segmented tail rattle warningly. It slid onto the lap table and coiled itself into a ball. Left behind on Tattoo’s skin was no remaining ink, just unblemished flesh. “Does it have venom?”

  “It does. All of my illustrations have the exact same quality as real animals. This is my power. Just because I’m physically incapable of combat, when I release my power few can defeat me.”

  “Do they retain the same size as the ink or do they grow realistically?”

  “Excellent question.” Tattoo smiled, liking how the Elemental thinks. “They become as large as their species is. I have a small bull elephant on my right shoulder who, when released, becomes as big as an African bull that is completely under my control. The only limit to my power is singular to the ink, meaning I cannot create duplicates of the same creature.” Tattoo grabbed the snake’s head and it wrapped itself back around his wrist and sunk back into flesh as if nothing happened. “It took two wolves, an anaconda and an elephant to hold Gra down and accept the proposal to be my wife.”

  The Amazon queen smiled tenderly. “It proved to everyone just how much he loves me. And we have been together for forty years.”

  “Forty?” Ethan gasped. “How can that be? Tattoo, you don’t even look forty and you Gra barely look twenty. Aren’t you both human…ish?”

  “His knowledge is severely limited.” Storm-shadow said. “We have two and a half hours to speak. We should all get comfortable on the bedding in the main room.”

  The two newest arrivals agreed and without any hesitation Gra picked her husband up out of his chair as if the man weighed nothing and sat down beside the stallion, sitting Tattoo in her lap. Ethan could see how much they loved each other and wished for something, even a sliver of what they had. Ethan sat a comfortable ways away as Star-bolt also laid down with her own winged equestrian husband.

  Gra began once her love sat comfortably and snaked an arm around her lower back. “Ethan, the quicker you learn, the less trouble you’ll find. If you had spoken ill of my husband in front of my sisters I would have challenged you for a dishonorable question.”

  “Well that would have been foolish, Ma’am.” Ethan set his hands on fire and the Amazon queen was actually startled. “I might not survive a physical confrontation, but my flames won’t let you get that close.”

  “Very good, my sisters respond to power.” Gra recovered.

  The flames vanished and he scratched his head from embarrassment. “Actually Kanade, a Spirit Guide, told me that I should never back down in front of an Amazon. Otherwise they’d chew me up and spit me out. It was a bluff.”

  “A good one, Elemental. Fire is a great deterrent, but there are ways around it. This Spirit Guide knew what would happen to weak men. No man can outmuscle my sisters, but we do not have powers outside our bodies.” Gra explained. “But since we speak privately I do not feel the need to inflict pain on your honest ignorance, but after we leave for the evening meal you will be more prepared and educated. I will not tolerate such questions afterwards.” Ethan could only nod beneath her penetrating gaze. “You ask how we can be married for so long and look as we do, but you forget, laws are different here.

  “Some beings are immortal, but some are not. Pixies, Pegesai, Nymphs, Ogres, Gargoyles, Jormungandr and Casters do not die a natural death. We Amazons age in what some might call reverse dog years. If the average mortal death for a woman is around eighty just multiply that by seven. You get five hundred or so years my kind naturally live. I do not know the name of the Witch who created it, but she made a potion that lengthens the human lifespan similar to we Amazons. It is good because humans who serve Order are usually only good for thirty years in terms of combat. With the potion, that number becomes four centuries. Tonight, Odin will give you the potion so you may live longer. It is mandatory humans drink it, especially when taking the Warrior’s oath. The potion does not affect me or my sisters.”

  Tattoo added “It might not look like it, but I’m really sixty four years old. Gra is sixty.”

  “Do not tell him my age, Love.” She said. “You still see me as a woman, no? Women never expose their age.”

  “You can spank me later.” Tattoo teased.

  “I’ll do more than that.” She bumped his shoulder with her chainmail covered breast. Tattoo grinned in anticipation.

  “So why are you in a chair?” Ethan blurted out. “And how did you get up those stairs? I didn’t see a ramp or elevator in this part of the castle.”

  The inked man leveled his black eyes to ask “And just how does my condition concern you, Ethan? Isn’t it a taboo subject to ask such questions so openly?”

  “Would you rather I made up an assumption? Besides, it doesn’t bother me. My mother was a quadriplegic in a swimming accident when she was sixteen. She died about five years ago, but she always told me to ask questions, even if they sound stupid. There are no stupid questions, just answers.”

  “Wise woman.” Tattoo responded. “Well I had a bit of a confrontation with an Elf when I was twenty six and didn’t know about any of this, like you. The Elf shot me in the back with a bow when I got between him and one of our Centaurs. The action and pain caused me to see beyond the veil. The Centaur died trying to save me and the Elf knew my time was short and just waited for me to die slowly so it could eat my soul, but my fear caused my first wolf tattoo to come alive and rip the throat of the demon out. It sure wasn’t expecting that to happen.

  “Just when I was about to die, Gra and a few of her Amazon handmaidens were hunting nearby and saved me. The damage had been done for when I first used my ink to come alive, it prevented Witch healing magic from properly fixing my spine and ever since I’ve been a low level paraplegic.” Tattoo felt his wife lovingly stroke the spot where he had been wounded. “As for getting up here, Gra carried me and my chair. Such weight is nothing to even her pinky finger. This wing of the castle is the only one without an elevator access and is next on my list to be outfitted. Everywhere else I’ve modernized. Speaking of…” Tattoo stuck out his left arm and out jumped a chimpanzee who walked over to the chair and deftly brought over the large pack, sat it down and then started shrinking to return to its original location. Gra held him up as both his arms opened the zipper and he removed a book with what looked like a credit card as a bookmark along with a thin tablet computer. “Ethan, these are for you.” He handed both over. “The book will be everything you need to know about the house and how it works. I wrote it myself just incase anyone was as clueless as I was. You aren’t the first in need of it and the castle and grounds have full wireless coverage for the tablet. If you need anything from the outside world, I created an icon that you can use to contact m
e and I’ll order whatever you desire if it can’t be automatically delivered, if your account has enough points to buy the item. The card is like debit, but the points can be exchanged for any earthly currency as payment if you buy something from the outside world of humans. Dollars, Euros, Pounds and so on you can pay with points. Every room has free electricity supplied from a fusion drive I invented down below the dungeons. And the answers are all in the book, if you’re wondering.” Tattoo grinned.

  Ethan stared dumbfounded at the information overload, but more so that a man who looks like a broken biker was actually a fucking genius. First he had to ask “Account? Points? How does that work?”

  Gra instead answered while her husband zipped up his bag. “Everyone gets points depending on your job and what you can complete on quests or hunts. If you become a hunter you’ll find demons are categorized and have values. The filthy, hairy Goblins are about five points each which will buy you a can of soda, but if you drop a dragon you can buy the factory the drink was made from. Order has businesses all over the world we own and our members get the very best. A tradeoff for the danger we must face. Booze, gadgets, clothes, hookers or whatever you are into that are outside these grounds, that you want, my husband can procure if you cannot… for a fee of course. Nothing other than food is free here, not even our weapons. If you want a better weapon, especially forged by Celestia, you better have plenty of points. But since you are a Fire Elemental, you’ll likely not need to get so close to vanquish your prey…”

  “Ethan is going to visit Celestia after the meal ends. He wants to learn from our Forgemaster.” Storm-shadow stated.

  The room silenced, but Ethan saw he still wouldn’t get answers other than what he already knew.

  “So Ethan,” Tattoo began to end the silence of the last statement “what kinds of things are you into… so that I can keep my eyes open and maybe procure until you start earning points?”

  Ethan sat down the book an state of the art tablet. “Well this morning I was stupid enough to make an assumption and sold my most valuable collection of action figures and memorabilia because I thought I was going to need cash…” He sighed and shook his head. “Oh well, it was time I got rid of them… Actually I like comics and games. What I really need to make my marvel Spider-man collection complete is the Amazing Fantasy number fifteen, first introducing Spider-man.”

  Tattoo split into a grin while Gra rolled her eyes and shook her head. “You’re a comic junkie too? I have just that issue in mint triplicate, but you’ll need thirty two hundred thousand points to get it off me… or we can trade if I find something you might have… if you collect?”

  “Most of my belongings are packed comics and games… if I can ever find them. Floa sent them somewhere and I don’t know if someone is rummaging through them or not. I don’t like people going through my stuff.”

  “I don’t know any Floa,” Tattoo admitted. “but your personal effects are likely safely tucked in an empty vault our Pixies guard. When you find a room to your liking they’ll send it all there. It is standard procedure so any new recruits aren’t overburdened hauling their belongings everywhere. Don’t fret, your things are safely tucked away and untouched.”

  Yes, except Floa had to dig around to find me this shirt. Ethan thought. “So what are the basics I’ll need to look forward to in the hall tonight? I get the feeling Odin is going to do more than make me take a mandatory magical potion to prolong my suffering”

  Gra and the other three laughed. “You’re learning. Good. You will need to display your powers, drink the potion for longevity and choose a combat instructor.” She grinned prettily. “I know a few sisters who would love to teach a fire thrower. I could make introductions if you’d like?”

  Storm-shadow gave Ethan a pointed look and he said quickly “Thanks, but, uh… I found a trainer. A Naga named Blake wants to teach me at eight tomorrow morning.”

  Gra’s excitement faltered and Ethan shot the stallion a look of gratitude before she said “Blake… well he is highly skilled. You will learn well. His students usually survive longer than other Naga taught disciples. And if Celestia approves to take you on you’ll find a good role around here.”

  “Don’t be disheartened, Love.” Tattoo pat her hand. “I don’t want you to see a sister killed if Ethan turns up the heat. Few can match an Amazon’s prowess and his command over fire will be ill matched. Even broken and bloody he is going to overpower near everyone in Order quite soon.”

  “Oh, I hadn’t thought of that.” She admitted.

  “Probably because I’m male and Amazons truly do dislike men.” Ethan responded and earned her narrowed eyes and a flex of a bicep.

  “It’s not that we dislike men, we dislike weak men. Enough of this talk, I want to see your capabilities as an Elemental. I’ve only ever seen a Water, Air and Earth before. Prove you are stronger.”

  “It will wait, Gra.” Storm-shadow decided. “This is my stall and I can tell you he personally impressed Jormun. His heat is too much and my home isn’t protected from flames or explosions. You and Tattoo are here to teach Ethan of the House and our most strict rules that cannot be broken.”

  Ethan sat still because the command in his tone challenged Gra’s orders and her tanned expression reddened, but she said “Very well, Prince Storm-shadow. We are your guests.”

  “Thank you.” The stallion replied.

  “Prince?” Ethan asked.

  Star-bolt answered at her mate’s side. “Yes, Storm-shadow was sired by none other than Pegasus himself, the most famous Pegesai in all of history. His deeds are where our name as a species originates. Pegasus is king of the herds and it is he who sent you my mate as companion. Pegasai often pair with another rider with powers who cannot fly, to combat demons who can. Until one of you die and go to Spirit World, you shall fight as a team.”

  “Really?” he had to ask.

  Storm-shadow nodded. “It is how things are. Many among Order die all the time, but to lessen the risk, you and I will be partners. I just have not gotten around to speaking of it yet. Other than Pixie magic of gateways, Pegesai are the fastest ways to travel. I promised my sire that my only partner would ever be an Elemental and until you arrived, I had no companion.”

  “I want to hear more later, Storm-shadow, but, Gra, do you have a companion Pegasus?”

  “She is my rider.” Star-bolt announced. “I only allow queens to ride me. I carried Gra’s mother and grandmother before her and she is by far my favorite.” Gra smiled at her winged friend. “We have fought many glorious battles together.”

  Tattoo looked into grey eyes. “Ethan, start the computer and come over here and hold me up so I can walk you through the most vital information you’ll need tonight.”

  “But…” The Amazon queen began.

  “I’ll be alright, Gra. You just got back a couple hours ago from your latest challenge. You need to rest. Ethan said he had a mother in a worse situation than mine and he looks plenty strong to keep me sitting properly.”

  To Ethan she said “Make sure his legs are straight. They’ll break if bent and turned to the side. He’s still recovering from knee surgery after a foolish stunt. If his legs break, so will yours.” She promised.

  “Understood, Ma’am.”

  “Your highness.” She corrected as she eased her husband to the pillow and off her muscular thighs.

  “Yes, ma’am… I mean your highness.” He caught himself and moved over to the seated man, grabbed the back of Tattoo’s bull neck and held him up. Gra nodded as Ethan held him well enough and that both of the man’s legs were straight. Tattoo turned on the fast tablet and pulled up a three dimensional diagram of the First House’s entire grounds to begin quickly pointing out areas of interest before going in detail of the castle’s structure. Ethan watched the screen moving along while listening to every word and holding the man up.

  The Amazon and Pegesai moved away to give them privacy and spoke in hushed tones. Ethan tried eavesdropping, but couldn
’t make out anything of interest.

  Next thing Ethan knew there was a chime that seemed to vibrate from the very castle itself. The melody was refreshing and had a soothing quality that put ones focus aside. Tattoo closed the tablet and handed it over before Gra scooped up her husband and placed him back in the wheelchair. He saw the Elemental’s confusion and said “It’s six. Time for dinner. The castle makes the sound that pushes aside your concentration in a gentle way to let you know it’s time to eat. Sometimes we get so busy that we forget time. It helps everyone keep a healthy schedule. You hungry?”

  Ethan’s stomach rumbled.

  “Best answer I ever heard!” Tattoo roared with his wife.

  The Amazon queen properly placed her love in his rolling throne as Ethan tucked the computer and book beneath an arm and stood beside Storm-shadow. Star-bolt though said “Stop by anytime, Ethan. And be sure my husband returns early tonight. Much needs to be done before morning.”

  “No promises. I can barely keep from tripping over myself. If I try to rush, your husband will likely be too busy covering my ass.” She smirked in a horse-like way at the response.

  The four exited the room and watched it close almost seamlessly. Ethan marveled as the area was clopping with hundreds of hooves on stone or the beat of wings. Now that Ethan was able to think more clearly and not feel so utterly overwhelmed he watched the flying Pegesai. What he didn’t notice before was how they actually flew. He wondered how so large, powerful and heavy beings could ever lift off the ground. He could now see Pegasus magic allowed them to actually run on air as if solid ground and their wings were solely used to alter flight. Flapping made them rise, outstretched glided gently and tucked dropped. If he looked closely, Ethan found he could see a tiny disturbance in the air as each Pegesai ran through it. It lasted just a moment, but that is all they needed.

  Gra gently wheeled Tattoo to the stairs and then bent over to grasp the left wheel while lifting to put the right on her hip. Neither a grunt or grimace revealed itself as she effortlessly lifted her love and carried him down the steps while being followed. Ethan also noticed how other winged horses gave a quick bow with their head whenever they saw Storm-shadow and further proved the newest member of Order just how fortunate it is to be led by none other than the prince of all Pegesai herds.

  It wasn’t long before they entered the rapidly filling hall. Many Centaur, Nymph and Nagai walked briskly through the castle entrance while Gargoyle, Pixie and two Spirit Guides flew above the crowding front.

  A familiar little form fluttered over and Floa huffed “Thought I’d never find you four. You kids must be Gra and Tattoo? I’m Floa. Odin wants all four of you to meet him by his throne with Pegasus and the other house leaders.”

  “My sire returned?” Storm-shadow asked in surprise.

  “About ten minutes ago. Hurry up, Odin wants to show off Ethan and start the ceremony so we all can eat.” Without anything else to tie her there any longer, Floa shot off like a bolt.

  “Ethan, follow me along the side.” Tattoo said as he pushed his wheelchair near the wall. Despite his handicap, every being who was in his way moved and gave a kind wave. Tattoo seemed well liked and Gra seemed happy how everyone moved out of his way. It wouldn’t be healthy to insult the queen’s husband, especially since he got everyone whatever they wanted.

  The noise level continued to grow as more and more entered and took a seat at one of the many long dining tables that lined the hall. Ethan wondered when they were ever going to find the end and eventually got his wish.

  The hall ended about a half mile from the main entrance to a huge wall where a set of stone steps spiraled up into the floor above, but to either side were stainless steel doors that could only be elevators due to a panel off to the side with buttons to either go up or down.

  In front of the wall was a long table sitting perpendicular to every table in the massive hall where a video camera pointed to the leaders of the First House. Sitting in a gold throne, dead center, was none other than the massive one eyed Viking Odin himself. To his right was by far the largest Pegasus wearing an ornate necklace unlike any others. Sky blue eyes contrasted with a pure black coat. It could only be the Pegasus, since none other stood as tall as a Clydesdale as he did. Beside him was a wild looking old man who took the crazy Wizard outlook to an art form. Beside him was a sensual woman wearing a crown, but when the Wizard said something inappropriate she flicked a red fingernail and a small spark of lightning shot from it and hit him in the back of his head. He stopped to smile at the woman who shook her head. Beside the crowned Witch was a massive Centaur and his mate who was just as fearsome. Next to the pair was a huge Naga to say the least. His scales were by far the most prominent and bony as he had two long swords resting against the table. To the right of Odin sat Kiroq, the Gargoyle general. There was an empty space, then a wood vacant throne and then a human sized Pixie with a crown of reeds and her lighter black hair was flipped down the left side of her chest. Beside her was a Nymph with a blue ribbon holding her green hair pulled back and shared a seat with an Ogre with a seven inch long horn growing from the center of his forehead, by far the longest one Ethan has seen.

  Tattoo rolled straight up to his empty spot between Kiroq and Gra as she took her own throne. Their arrival didn’t go unnoticed as the area hushed rapidly.

  “Ah, Ethan, good of you to come, Lad!” Odin’s voice called out loudly as if everyone’s eyes and silence didn’t bother him. Likely nothing does any more. Ethan thought when the head stood from his throne. Odin moved around the table and motioned him forward. “I will give introductions.”

  When the Elemental stood with the immortal Viking the latter said “This is Morom, Magistrate of the Ogres. Edda, Priestess of the Nymphs and his wife. Chillie, the Pixie princess. You already met Gra, Queen of the Amazons, my second Tattoo and General Kiroq. This is Pegasus, High King of all Pegasai and my ancient companion. Next to him, I am not exaggerating, but they’ve gone by many names yet these will be most familiar,” Odin grinned and slapped Ethan’s back. “High Wizard Merlin and his wife the High Witch Morgane Le Fay.” Odin whispered in the lad’s ear. “Close your mouth, Lad, it isn’t polite to gawk.” He then went on as Ethan’s jaw snapped closed. “These are the Centaur leaders Coolu and Mia. Beside them is Criat, Naga High Champion.”

  “It is a pleasure to meet all of you.” Ethan bowed uncomfortably under all their penetrating stares. “I’m Ethan Volorum.”

  “Come boy, show us some flames!” Merlin excitedly bounced in his chair.

  “Caution would be in my best interest, Wizard.” The Nymph priestess Edda said. Her Ogre mate coolly wrapped a protective blue hand around her shoulder.

  “Agreed.” Morgane flicked her wrist and suddenly Merlin’s seat came alive and bound him still. The wily Wizard grinned and whispered something that made Morgane blush and shake her head at the same time. Something about bondage.

  “Lad, before we begin, did Tattoo explain you’ll be televised to every TV all along this hall?” He got a headshake as no. “Well the hall is just too big to scream out our lungs for an introduction to the whole house. The past few years of technology really helped speak to everyone at once.”

  “But I thought the spell hiding the supernatural would also prevent technology from picking us up?” Ethan said as he remembered a similar lecture.

  Morgane Le Fay herd this and said “Quite true, but I crafted a spell that can peer through the veil with technology. If by some chance mortals got their hands on one that can they too would be able to see us, but that won’t happen. Another spell will destroy the object. The camera will begin recording so all in the hall may see and hear us equally.”

  “Okay.” He looked up towards Odin. “Let’s get it over with before I lose what few nerves I still retain.”

  “Soon, Lad. Soon.” Odin promised. “Wait while everyone takes a seat. It won’t be for five more minutes at the latest.” The man walked back to reclaim his throne.

bsp; While he waited, Ethan listened to the growing chatter and excitement building. Storm-shadow went to speak with his father to pass the time when Ethan looked as if he needed a moment alone.

  Disconcerted is the mildest word Ethan felt as he took a seat at a padded wooden bench that sat at a long table beside a small Pixie ogling him up and down. He couldn’t help noticing all the attention he received by everyone, especially the unattached females. There were many children flitting about, but their parents restrained them from getting too close to the elemental. Curiously though, Ethan noticed one Nymph cradling a rather large acorn and showing it off. It then clicked when he remembered Kanade’s explanation by how Nymphs gave birth to acorns that when planted will grow into a Nymph or if it is a boy will look much like whoever the father is. And Nymphs gave birth to a seed rarely and never lose their figure like human women. The thoughts turned back to Kanade and he relaxed at their brief day together.

  All too soon there came a hush after a thump that reverberated throughout the entire castle as Odin slammed the balled end of Gungnir into the floor. Almost instantly the chatter of the hall went deathly quiet. The camera in front of the table of leaders turned on and every flat screen throughout the hall changed channels to the most powerful leaders at the First House. Storm-shadow took his place at Ethan’s side by touching the ruby at his chest which changed the bench section into a palate where the Pegasai could fold his long legs and lay.

  Odin rose from his throne and his voice retained its command quality, even through the echoes of the TV’s. “I hope your day of respite was well spent, My Family. It has been many months since we’ve had one. The occasion is as the rumors have spread. Today, as many have witnessed, a new arrival and celebrity has risen. A man who died and was granted a second life through selfless deeds. His power alone, I can attest, is greater than my own, but is so awkward I do not fear his humbleness a threat.” Over all the TV’s there came a groan and Ethan realized it was him as suddenly the camera automatically zeroed in on him with his appalled head buried in his hands. He was so embarrassed he turned three shades of red, and when the hall began to laugh he earned a fourth shade. “Aye, Lad, the truth cannot be disputed.” Odin chuckled. “Come forth.”

  Ethan felt as if a puppet having his strings pulled to stand and awkwardly be followed every embarrassing step by the transmitting camera to stand beside the chiseled Viking. He earned another backslap while hearing “For a man returned to the living for little more than a day, he is doing well and not breaking down like most men who find the universe a bit more unique than once believed. Yesterday I heard he has control over none other than the rarest of all known mortal powers. Not only is it rare, it’s power alone is greater than any other human’s be they Wizard or Witch. He is an Elemental and more than that, a Fire Elemental.” A brief burst of whispering filled the hall. “As leader of the First House I chose to claim him. His power is too great to squander and our House is the oldest and most powerful.” There was a loud roar of feeling at this statement. “Today I and the Gargoyles learned much of Ethan’s powers and my opinion is that he will be a great asset in our never ending war with Chaos. He also vowed to Fate and will soon take the Warrior’s oath. With him as our newest warrior, more of our hunts and battles will see our brothers, sisters, parents, children and lovers returned safely while he quite literally lights a fire under their arses!” another roar filled the room from everyone agreeing. “And if you are skeptical of his power I have a great demonstration for everyone.” Odin turned his eye to the High Witch. “Morgane, if you would please?”

  The ancient Witch stood and started tracing a delicate finger in the air as the very tip glowed with a blue/white power. A moment later there came a chunk of square stone out of nowhere. A cube about three feet high in each direction. Kiroq jumped from his seat to glide over on his wings to sit his naked backside down on the stone cube. He held something hidden in his clawed hand.

  “Now Ethan, melt the stone and not Kiroq.”

  “Are you nuts?!” Ethan returned, flabbergasted.

  Odin grinned and the room burst out laughing along with everyone at the table, none louder than Tattoo. The All Father said “Little bit, but General Kiroq chose this demonstration.” To the camera he continued. “The rock has been sampled and it will take no less than twenty five hundred degrees to even begin to melt. Earlier, not even High Wizard Merlin could create a flame potent enough to make its surface reach nineteen hundred. Ethan begin.” He said it with a smile, but the Elemental heard the direct order in the silencing room.

  He sighed while saying “Fine, but if I screw up and deep fry Kiroq, just know it wasn’t intentional.” The Gargoyle seemed unconcerned.

  Ethan rounded the table with all eyes glued to him and noticed that for over fifty feet there wasn’t anything combustible and hoped he didn’t make a mistake. Kiroq sat and crossed his legs along with his arms over a wide chest. His pointed ears and pink/brown skin seemed relaxed. He didn’t want the Gargoyle to feel any heat whatsoever, but he had a task to fulfill. In his mind he wanted to work from the inside first and felt the pins and needles tingle crawling over his face. He felt the heat begin rising in the cool castle and so could everyone nearby. No hearth could put out near the heat they felt. Kiroq though smiled and showed his fangs.

  “Where are the flames?” Crait the Naga High Champion voiced.

  Edda, the Nymph priestess commanded “Turn out the lights!” A group covered the nearest burning Phoenix feathers while another flicked a switch that ran electrical lighting. When darkness mostly plunged the near area she said “Look, he heats it from within. It glows red and has not even been half a minute.”

  “Fire Elementals should show fire.” Crait grunted.

  “By your wish.” Ethan calmly said as he could feel his own power under complete control. He felt how the stone reacted and how he could increase output of his power or decrease it.

  His hands turned an angry red an instant before being engulfed in a halo of fire. He aimed his palms as it felt completely natural and two roaring streams of pure flames slammed into Kiroq, but Ethan’s control contained any stray sparks. The fire was so bright and hot that everyone other than Ethan and other Gargoyles could look without pain, but the general could no longer be seen inside the inferno.

  Through the blinding flames, Ethan’s power for the second time fed an image to his mind, but this one showed the stone melting and he could feel it doing so. He was in full control and could now see what his eyes couldn’t. Only a black void in Kiroq’s exact shape was outside the image, but the elemental learned that as he chose to not allow flames to hurt the Gargoyle, the flame ignored him as the darkness in a bright flame.

  Calmly there came a voice in the fire “That is enough, Ethan.” The fire winked out and it revealed a standing Kiroq in a molten soup of stone. It retained a white hot glow, but clawed feet were tolerant. The general of the Gargoyles stepped out and approached the table saying “Edda, touch my hand.”

  “No.” She said flatly to the closed fist. “The power to melt stone would set me afire and you sat in there.”

  “Do it and you’ll understand.” She didn’t seem convinced until Odin fixed her in his lone eye.

  “Your skin is barely warm!?” She shouted as she gently sat the tip of her index finger on top. Light returned to this section of room as she reached over and gripped him. “How can this be?” Kiroq then opened his hand and the Nymph gasped for he held a baby squirrel in his palm and it looked at her before scurrying away. Edda stared dumbfounded.

  Kiroq turned to the camera that had somehow survived to state “Unlike those who use magic to create flames, Ethan’s control is superior. Only he can choose what and what not to burn. I sat in his flames with an animal who would have been cooked alive if it were any other flame used. I and the squirrel weren’t touched by a single tongue and nor will he harm anyone unless he decides. This is the true benefit and power of a Fire Elemental.” Clawed hands gestured to Eth
an. “His power over flames is absolute and the demons will soon learn their sole dominion over fire has just met its match.”

  Great cheer filled the giant hall.

  Odin stood from his throne again as the Gargoyle general flew back to his seat. Another hush settled the room. “Ethan, come stand before me.” There wasn’t any hesitation since he knew what came next and especially after his show of power gave a little boost of much needed confidence. The camera rose from the ground on a pole from some mechanism beneath, so its aim could peer over the table. In a tone so serious and heavy Odin said “Ethan, Fate has allowed you to be taken under my care. Everyone at the First House is my family, kin or not. We support each other to oppose Chaos’ corruption. In Order, we strive to make the world a better place and limit our influence, so it may progress naturally. Fate said you vowed to be a champion and I will see it come about. Kneel before me to take the Warrior’s oaths.” He did so and thanks to Tattoo’s coaching he didn’t feel so lost in this moment. “Today will be the beginning of yet another new life, but always there is a cost. We all fight, if in different ways. Many die in our service to Order. None under my influence are here against their will and have sworn to me their fealty. Do you swear to place your honor to me and all of us, even at the cost of your very life?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Ethan said.

  “Do you swear to uphold that honor no matter the cost and endanger yourself to save another?” he got the same answer. “And do you swear to never harm another out of malice except only in self defense?”

  “Yes, Sir!”

  “Then rise.” Ethan did so and saw Odin holding a silver chalice that looked ancient, but retained a luster and shine that would last for all time. “This drink is an elixir created by Morgane Le Fay which will extend your natural life so that your honored service lasts longer in the hopes that others will be saved in the future with your rare and powerful gift. By accepting the elixir you will be a Warrior of Order till your very last mortal breath.”

  Reverently the chalice came in his possession. Ethan looked at the liquid that was as clear as water, but had a slight syrupy consistency. It didn’t have any smell at all, but Tattoo was quite clear that it be downed all in one go. “Bottoms up!” he said and raised the drink.

  Ethan’s eyes widened as the drink shot down his throat and choked. It hit his stomach, burning the whole way down like molten lead. Not even boiling water could match the burn blossoming in his stomach. “Sonofabitch!” he shouted and looked for another cup. Snickering grew to a chuckle at his reaction which turned again into side-splitting laughter. “It burns!” he hopped up and down, clutching his throat and gut that was wrenching with cramps. “Water! Milk! Anything!!!”

  “Here, Lad.” Odin pulled out a cows horn full of mead from somewhere.

  Ethan drank and before he knew it he didn’t know which drink burned worse. “Are you trying to kill me again!?” he then started stuffing the collar of his shirt in his pie hole to wipe his tongue. The burn was so hot actual flames shot from his mouth by accident.

  The room roared and some laughed so hard they fell out of their chairs, Merlin somehow escaped his confining chair and was among those on the floor rolling around. It somehow got louder when Odin slapped Ethan’s back and said “Now you are a man!”

  Chillie, the Pixie princess in an enlarged form of five feet tall sauntered over with a clear glass of milk and handed it over. “Thank you!” he shouted and chugged after a sip. He didn’t risk a third drink like the first two. The fire down his esophagus and stomach settled marginally, but anything was better than before.

  “Go take a seat with your companion, Lad.” Odin grinned.

  “Gladly, but what do you want me to do about the rock soup?”

  The All Father looked at the still heated mess. “Pay it no mind. It will be cleaned.” To the camera Odin said “We may now eat!”

  Ethan hurried back to Storm-shadow’s side and wondered where to get the food, before he could ask there suddenly appeared a green orb, like a soul, but this one had a single violet eye staring at him. Less surprised at something new and unexplainable he listened as the ball spoke with a feminine quality. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Ethan. What would you like to eat this evening?”

  “Who? Or should I ask, what are you?” He blurted.

  The purple eye twinkled merrily as it hung in front of his face, above his empty plate. “My name is Cook. I am a Dimpthum, a Will-O-Wisp you can call me if preferred. I feed the First House whatever they desire. It is my gift along with separating myself so all may eat together. So, what will be your pleasure?”

  “Anything I want?” he asked.

  The mouth-less orb replied “Anything edible.”

  “Then may I have spaghetti with venison meatballs, a glass of mild sweet wine and garlic bread sticks?”

  “Enjoy!” the Wisp lowered to the plate and with a green flash of light there sat a full course meal steaming of heat. Red sauce was artfully poured over the pasta with six hearty meatballs bulging within. The empty glass now was filled with a decadent ruby liquid and six thick breadsticks lay beside a napkin. She waited as he picked up the fork and took a bite. Cook watched attentively as his eyes widened and watered. “What’s the verdict?”

  He swallowed and gushed “Cook, that is by far the best food I’ve ever tasted! The flavors are awesome! Where did it come from? Did you make it? If you feed me like this I’m glad to have already died to get here.”

  “Flattery will get you everywhere, Cutie!” Cook’s eye sparkled and the green coloring seemed to brighten with pride. “What you are tasting is a proper meal. There isn’t even the scent of preservatives, food coloring or artificial chemicals. The meat comes from animals who Fate chooses to die at just the proper time. The soul is carried away while the Houses get the carcass. You’ll never find fresher food than what I make. You taste real food and is packed with all the nutrition you’ll ever need. Not even pesticides touch my ingredients. And yes, I made it just now. My magic prepares raw food from storage and instantly makes it perfect. I’m glad you like it. I will see you in the morning.” With that she disappeared.

  Ethan ate as if he starved, noting Cook’s presence in front of dozens more all at the same time. There was another flash and then food appeared before the individual. Beside him, Storm-shadow loudly crunched on a huge carrot with a plate filled with crisp vegetables and juicy fruits. Ethan was too absorbed to notice others and when he saw everyone eating and enjoying one another, he dug in. He finished all too soon and sipped on the glass of wine and nearly choked as Odin picked meat off two whole chickens, had a hearty soup bowl, three more horns of strong mead and an assortment of other things. He held up a leg in salute when he noticed Ethan’s gaze. The Elemental shook his head.

  Just as Storm-shadow finished his last carrot there came a deep yet soft voice. “My foal, Odin says to take Ethan to Celestia before it gets dark.” They looked up to see the giant black stallion Pegasus himself looking down at them. “Kiroq persuaded the other heads that until he can protect himself physically as well as he can use fire he is not to be in danger during the night as a precaution.”

  The smaller, but no less amazing stallion stood and bowed. “It shall be done. Will you be staying? It has been a fortnight since you returned.”

  Pegasus shook his head slowly. “Sadly I cannot. I am still tracking a greater demon dragon that is responsible for hospital destruction down in Afghanistan that needs to be put down. The humans still believe it to be terrorist attacks from zealots, but soon not even the veil will cover up all the true evidence.”

  “Do you need assistance?” Storm-shadow wondered.

  “Unnecessary. When I catch his scent Odin, a contingent of Gargoyles and I will eliminate the threat. When it is over I expect to see how you and your partner have progressed. Tell your brothers, sisters and my descendants I give my love.” The great Pegasus received another bow and left.

  Storm-shadow stood from his seat, to
uched the ruby and the bedding transformed back into a padded bench. “Come Ethan, we leave for the Forgemaster before nightfall. Please grab my plate along with all of your dishes.”

  Ethan collected all the dirty dinnerware, neatly stacked it all together and stood. Others were also finishing up and leaving to do whatever it is they normally perform. Storm-shadow led the way to a reasonably large square hole in the wall and found it was where all the dinnerware was deposited. Inside was a slow moving conveyer belt which carries the objects to be washed and cleaned for the next meal. He put everything inside and watched it disappear down a dark tube behind the stone wall.

  Along the way down the mostly empty wall to avoid traffic in attempt to leave the area Ethan felt it time to ask “So what is the deal with you as my companion? What is that all about?”

  The winged prince looked to his side as Ethan kept pace. “It is a longstanding benefit to my kind to work together with other warriors. For many millennia humans, Nymphs, Ogres, Amazons and some Nagai have benefitted with we Pegesai for mutual benefit. We get better protection and hands to close or staunch wounds that would kill us while our companions get swift transportation, aerial advantage and some measure of safety to kill our enemy using distance. Also it helps to fight off winged demons, having a partner fight while we evade. Yes, my kind can fight demons, but your limbs are more adept at slaying. A sword kills more quickly than stomping a demon to death.

  “Until one of us dies, we will fight as one. I accept you as my only rider while you protect me.”

  “So in essence… We’ll have a symbiotic relationship?”

  “Indeed. It also means you will need to learn how to mount and dismount from my back often till the skill is natural.” Storm-shadow smiled slightly with his large, flat teeth. “It will do no good to be seen as clumsy. Discord will result among the House if you cannot show them you can be trusted to watch their flanks.”

  Brushing the comment aside, Ethan asked “Your father is the most renowned Pegasus in history, but I thought he was only ever ridden by Bellerophon?”

  Storm-shadow whinnied with amusement. “Odin is Bellerophon! Odin, as have many of these more elder beings, have carried many names, and during his time in Greece he took that other name because Romans detested the Norse and English. My sire has only ever accepted Odin as his companion. None other has ever ridden him in eighteen hundred years. Fools have tried, but any Pegesai’s honor demands to kill any who try and ride us so long as we are partnered.” Those dark brown eyes bored into grey. “Only you have the right to climb. I’ll never carry another, even if someone else is dying.”

  “Why is that? Aren’t you the good guys?” They still walked.

  “You misunderstand. It’s not that I won’t, I cannot. This goes beyond honor, Ethan. This afternoon when you first touched me, I accepted you as my sole rider. My power can only extend to a lone individual. I cannot fly with another on my back. I can run, yes, but flight won’t happen for another. It is an unbreakable magical contract of my kind. Many have tried, but none succeeded.”

  “Hmm.” Ethan said through his nose.

  They didn’t say another word as the information had to settle.

  The half mile hall sped by quickly and Ethan stopped when he realized they neared the castle’s entrance. “Storm-shadow, where are we going?”

  “To Celestia.”

  “Doesn’t she live somewhere in this giant castle?”

  “Not at all.” Storm-shadow’s hooves changed sounds from stone to the wood of the giant drawbridge. “Celestia resides in the only other surface built dwelling that is lived in. It will take near an hour to reach it at this pace, but if we fly it’ll take no more than five minutes.” The answer was clear, especially as only a ball of sun could be seen sitting over the treetops at distance.

  “Practice makes perfect.” Ethan said as armed warriors began leaving the castle. Some even disappeared when he noticed Pixies clapping and teleporting warriors wherever he didn’t know.

  A leather saddle reappeared on Storm-shadow’s back. Ethan stretched his foot into the stirrup behind the extended wing and grunted with effort. He laughed as he successfully threw his leg over and hooked his other foot into the other stirrup. “Made it on the first try!”

  “So I see.” Came the pleased response. “That was almost flawless. Now we go.” Storm-shadow began a quick run before extending his wings and running through the air. In moments the stallion rose above the castle and veered to the East, up and above the castle and growing trees on its roof. The question as to why was answered “Because during the summer the trees offer shade and a fresh supply of sticks for our archers. The trees on the roof also serve a purpose in the castle’s defense, especially for Nymphs who rear their seedlings in safety.”

  The bright orange sky before twilight made Ethan wonder if this landscape was the same he had first seen outside in Gairlochy for nothing other than the castle seemed similar. It still remained a majestic place to be sure, everything having a proper place and natural beauty that seemed so right. They flew over a clear lake where several Pegesai were drinking their fill, but Gargoyles and several other races were moving quickly to the perimeter to watch over the land and kill any demons who might come since Tattoo explained that demons all knew about the Fifty Houses and usually there was an attack or two each night, but the skirmishes were small and dealt with quickly with minor injuries. Few ever died, but those were accidents. It was also why Spirit Guides always remained on the premises so that if the unfortunate occurred, the fallen warrior’s soul could be taken safely away rather than eaten.

  Past several sections of orderly forests, pastures and lakes there came a large home sized two story dwelling. It was just two stories tall, but made of black granite. The ground was flat and cobbled with flat stones and even from a distance Ethan could see countless scorch marks. Racks hung outside a large arched door with unfinished weapons, shields and armor dangling. Large cords of wood were stacked to the side of the building beside a large box of coal. The upper floor was dark, but below there was a flickering orange glow escaping the floor as one of three bricked chimneys billowed smoke into the cool Scottish air. The other two were still. Surprisingly though there was a small satellite dish on the roof.

  Storm-shadow began a slow spiraling descent and just before the Pegasai touched down there came a loud hammering sound of metal clearly being worked. The sound was muffled thanks to the closed iron door, but no other sound could mistake metal being worked by hand.

  Feeling a surge of excitement, Ethan forced himself to slow and carefully take his leg off and slowly land before removing his death grip on the saddle’s horn. His other slid right out. “I’m getting better.” Ethan joked and received a toothy horse smile from his new friend. “Can’t wait to get started.”

  Ethan crossed a dirt path and quickly made way onto the stone ground to stop as the familiar ‘Clop, Clop’ of Storm-shadow’s hooves were silent. Not even the hammering sounds would have hid his golden shoes. “Storm-shadow? You coming?”

  “I cannot.” The stallion replied, drawing his head back regally. “This is the task you have selected, not me. I shall wait here for one hour. If you do not return I’ll know Celestia has accepted you and have your belongings sent to the assistant’s room and be here at five thirty in the morning to retrieve you. Few in history have ever apprenticed under Celestia so prove yourself. She will expect complete dedication and hard work. Do not show weakness or you’ll fail like many who come to her. Go now and prove you have what it takes to be taught by the best Forgemaster to have ever to exist.”

  “Then I’ll see you in the morning. I do not plan of failing.”

  “Good luck then.” Storm-shadow watched Ethan turn around and approach the thick iron door. He paused a moment to look at the unfinished weapons and decided to lift a blackened short-sword by the bare handle where a grip hilt had yet to be created. He didn’t say a word, but it did make him wonder.

  Ethan held
the heavy blade and pounded his fist on the door. The hammering continued so he waited for a strange hissing sound and then tried again. “DO NOT BOTHER ME! I’M BUSY!” came a sharp feminine chirp with a rich English accent that was instantly irritated at the disturbance.

  “Miss Celestia, My name is Ethan Volorum and I come here to learn from you! Odin says I can ask to be a student.” he shouted back, but didn’t open the door.


  “I’m coming in!”


  Opening the door wide, Ethan heard the threat too late and could barely gasp instinctively as a wall of bright orange fire slammed into him standing in the open entrance. The power of the blow knocked him back several steps. A stream of fire in the shape of the arch shot outside like the engine of a jet using afterburners.

  For a moment Ethan feared being burned alive and died again, but the shock faded as he realized there was no discomfort. As a Fire Elemental the flames brushed harmlessly against him. His clothes were also immune to the flames and the warmth knocked off the chill he got during the short light from the castle.

  Then the flames died and Ethan looked inside to see who tried killing him. The greatest Forgemaster Celestia wasn’t as expected.

  Celestia was none other than a Phoenix!