Read Forget About Me Page 2

  “Here we are Madame. Please enjoy your visit.”

  “Thank you, O’ and here, this is for you.” She said reaching into the brown bag pulling out a five dollar bill.

  “Thank you Madame, you are most kind. Please enjoy and let me know if I can be of any further assistance.”

  She stood at the entrance in front of the ‘Wait to be seated’ sign.

  “Table for one Madame?” asked the maître d'.

  “For two, I’m expecting someone.”

  “I see, and do you have a reservation code, a word perhaps?”

  Heather couldn’t figure out what he meant at first. She just stared at him for a moment. Then it hit her.

  She leaned in close to the maître d' and whispered “Zydeco?”

  “Of course, I see we have your reservations right here and you now have been confirmed. I’ll have two cups of French Chicory brought to your table. Peter, will you please escort Miss Mellencamp to table number three? Thank you.”

  The fine china, silverware, and linen table cloth is nothing like she has ever experienced in her life. For the first time in her life she felt respected. She never knew complete strangers could be so kind and caring. Peter brought over the coffee.

  “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure, enjoy.”

  She took two sips of the deep dark coffee and sat quietly taking in the beauty of the café when she heard someone say her name.

  “Hello Heather, I’m Amanda. I’m glad you made it. Would you like something to eat?”

  Heather looked up at Amanda. She’s a tall strikingly beautiful woman with dark brunette hair, soft green eyes, a pretty calming smile, wearing a black and white one piece Chanel, with pearl earrings and matching necklace.

  “Hello Miss Amanda. I, I’m at a lost for words. I can’t believe I made it. I can’t believe I’m here. Really I can’t” she said through the warm tears that started streaming down her face.

  “Now, now, what’s important is that you’re here honey and you’re safe now.”

  “But he’ll find me, I just know he will, and when he does he’ll…”

  “Trust me, he won’t.” She said with a scowled look on her face. “He’ll never lay another hand on you again, ever.”

  Chapter 9 – “Yeah, I saw her.”

  It’s the afternoon of day three as Daryl and Jake pull into the parking lot of the Black Dog bar. They have spent two days driving from small town to small town trying to find Heather.

  “Where in the hell could she be hidin’ Daryl? We’re almost out of time. Shit.” Said Jake in disgust.

  “The hell if I know. She ain’t never been gone this long before. I’ve had enough for the day, let’s go inside and have a few drinks.”

  They pushed open the door and walked up to the bar and began looking around for Mister Bowman.

  “Thank God he ain’t here.” Said Daryl.

  “Hey you two, what can I get ya?” asked Shelly the bartender.

  “Heather.” Said Jake shaking his head. “Two Bubs’ and Whiskey.”

  “What about her?”

  “We’re just looking for her that’s all.”

  “Two Bud’s and two Whiskies, I’ll be right back.”

  She returns with their drinks and looks intently at Daryl.

  “So, ya’ll lookin’ for Heather? I remember seeing her about five days ago.”

  “What!” they both shouted out at the same time in disbelief.

  “Yeah, five days ago at the Trailways bus terminal. I was there picking up my sister-in-law around 11:30 that night. She was sittin’ by herself in a corner with a red Bama hoody pullover with the hood pulled low over her head wearin’ shades. I almost didn’t recognize her at first. Did you beat on her again Daryl, cause she didn’t look so good.”

  “Never you mind about my business, do you know where she was goin’?”

  “I don’t really know. My sister-in-law showed up just as I was about to go over and talk to her. But I did see that she got on bus number eleven. That’s the number I saw on the back of the bus.”

  “Damn it girl, never mind about the damn number, what city, what city was she goin’ to?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t see the front of the bus, just the number on the back. But I bet if you go down to the terminal and look up that number you might be able to find out what city it goes to.”

  “Got damn girl, you’re a freakin’ genius, come on Jake.”

  They both took off running to the truck then sped off heading for the bus terminal. Shelly kept looking at the parking lot until she was certain they had left, then walked over to a table in the far back corner of the bar. She could see a match light up and then a plum of white smoke as she got closer.

  “How did I do Mister Bowman?”

  “Just fine darlin’, just fine. Now fetch me two shots of shine would you please?”

  “Yes Sir Mister Bowman, right away.”

  “Nate, Billy, you two head on down to New Orleans and keep an eye on those two and come back with my money.”

  “Yes Sir Mister Bowman.”

  Chapter 10 – “You’re with us now.”

  “Where are we?” asked Heather looking around the room of the lobby. She could see other women there of all ages all around. Some talking with one another at a posh bar, others are just sitting and reading books. She could see a restaurant down one corridor to her left and could hear music coming from a blues bar to her right down another corridor.

  “Welcome to The Court Of Four Sisters, Amanda. Here, you are safe. You will never have to go back and more importantly, he’ll never find you.”

  “Thank you, thank you so much.”

  “You have what we call Guardians watching over you that made it possible.”


  “Yes, Guardians that made a special request for you be sent here to us. Most of the women you see here have Guardian wishes that have been granted.”

  “But who are they?”

  “We can never reveal that to you. Only that you are free to leave whenever you want but never return.”

  “I would never leave here, that is, if I could stay. I’m a hard worker, I won’t cause any trouble, I promise. I got money, lots of it, see.” She said holding out the brown bag filled with cash.

  “That won’t be necessary. We have plenty of money. All of it is donated by the Angel foundation. All of this was started by the late great Miss Barbara Jean Thibodeau. This is her portrait.”

  Heather looked up at the huge painting resting in a golden gilded frame.

  “She was once in a relationship like you and all the others you see here. Pushed to the edge, she left her husband and everything behind except her pride and dignity. Over the years prior to leaving him, she stashed away a great deal of money. She also had very powerful women friends that were in her same position but couldn’t or wouldn’t leave, but vowed their solemn support.

  She and three others left together and came to New Orleans and bought this mansion. They decided to name it The Court of Four Sisters. We now have mansions all over the world supported by very wealthy woman and believe it or not some men. Come; let me introduce you to some of the others.”

  Chapter 11 – The Purple Alligator

  Daryl and Jake arrived in New Orleans the next morning after driving all night. They checked in at a Motel Six then headed to Bourbon Street to search the bars and clubs for Heather.

  “I’m figurin’ a bar would be the only job she could get here, don’t you Jake?”

  “Hell yeah, she ain’t got no skills for anything else.”

  “Let’s go over to Boyd’s bar first and see if he can give us some places to check first. It’s just a few blocks that away.”

  The Purple Alligator is filled with tourist and locals when they arrived. It’s one of the most popular bars in the French Quarter. It boasts a live band stage, three bars, and a large outdoor patio in the back.

  “Damn, will you look at the size o
f this place? Shit you could put three Black Dog bars in here.” Said Jake as they weaved their way to the center bar.

  “Yep, it’s pretty damn big. I see Boyd over there in the corner. Come on.”

  “Well, look what the cat drug in, howdy boys.” Said Boyd looking up at Daryl then shifting his gaze to Jake.

  “Howdy Mister Boyd.”

  “You brought more shine Daryl?”

  “No sir. We was wonderin’ if you can help us find somebody.”

  “Who might that be?”

  “It’s my girlfriend Heather. She’s about 5’8”, slender, blondish hair, and green eyes.”

  “Hell son, you’re describin’ nearly half the women in my place right now and in New Orleans, why you looking for her?”

  “Well, I, I’d rather not say if you don’t mind sir.”

  “I don’t mind. Whatever it is, you’ll have your hands full looking for a pretty girl like that around here. You got a picture?”

  “Yes sir, right here. You can keep it. I’ll check back with you later on tonight.”

  “Sure, sure, no problem, I’ll pass it around to my waitresses. Why don’t you boys go have a few drinks and a meal on the house on me before you head out.”

  “Thank you kindly. We sure do appreciate it.”

  Chapter 12 – Three Forks

  “How did you like your room?”

  “Miss Amanda it’s beautiful. I ain’t never slept in such a comfortable bed before and had such good tastin’ food.”

  “Well I’m glad you like it and please, call me Amanda.”

  “I’ll try; it’s just the Southerness in me that just keeps comin’ out.”

  They walked over to the bar on the north side of the mansion which faces out toward Bourbon Street. It’s called Three Forks. It has a main bar, a café bar, and a coffee bar.

  “Well, being that you have had retail experience, which one of the bars would you like to work in?”

  “O’, I don’t know Miss Aman… I mean Amanda. I only ever worked at the Dairy Queen.”

  “Well, that’s retail. You know how to meet people, serve food and drinks, make change, and look at that smile.”

  “Do you really think I would be good at workin’ in one of these fancy bars?”

  “Of course I do. Come on, I’ll introduce you to Lola over at the main bar. She’ll tutor you. Just follow her lead and you’ll do just fine. Lola honey, this Heather our newest arrival.”

  “Hi Heather, I’m pleased to meet you.”

  “Me too.”

  “Well, I’m going to leave her in your very capable hands Lola, and Heather don’t hesitate to ask for me if you need anything okay?”

  “I will Amanda.”

  Chapter 13 – “I’m somebody you don’t ever want to meet twice.”

  It’s 9pm and the main bar (Madame Thibodeau’s) is packed. Patrons are waiting in a long line halfway down the side of the building along Bourbon Street. The DJ is playing the latest mix of dance music, the dance floor is packed, and the bar is stacked two people deep wanting for drinks

  “This is wild; I’ve never seen anything like this.” Heather shouted out at Lola as they handed out drink after drink to waiting hands.

  “It’s like this every night. Our shift will be over shortly, you want to hang out together afterward?”

  “Sure! I can’t wait!”

  The bouncers at the door are checking ID’s and turning away people too drunk to party any more.

  “You and you can come in. You, come back later when you sober up.” Said one of the enormous bouncers checking ID’s. A drunken business man keeps trying to get in.

  “I said when you sober up, now get out of my line now. Don’t let me have to tell you again. Trust me, I’m somebody you don’t ever want to meet twice, you hear me!”

  He repeated himself posturing like a silver back gorilla stepping into the drunken man’s face. The man quietly staggered out of the line then faded into the street crowd. “Punk ass, next!”

  Lola and Heather went up to their rooms, quickly changed and met back downstairs in the lobby.

  “You ready?” asked Lola touching up her makeup one last time then closes her compact.

  “Ready.” Beamed Heather. “How do I look?”

  “Look at you; you got it goin’ on girl. Now let’s go work it Miss thang.”

  “You are too funny Lola. I think we’re gonna have us a good time.”

  “You know it!”

  They entered the bar, got themselves drinks then went out to the dance floor. They danced together like two teenage girls at a sock hop. Just as they were leaving the dance floor a tall guy with a baseball cap turned backward, skinny leg jeans, wearing a black ‘Tap Out’ T-shirt, tapped Heather on the shoulder and asked her to dance.

  “Hey, come dance with me.” He said looking her up and down.

  “No thank you, I’m out with my friend.”

  “Come on, one dance. I’ll buy you a drink afterward.”

  “No, no thank you.” Panic began to wash over her as she watches Lola fade away from her sight on the dance floor.

  “Come on, just one little dance.” He asked again now pulling on her arm.

  “I said no! Let me go!” she said jerking her arm away from his grip

  “I won’t bite, just one dance cutie.”

  Just as she was about to scream a large shadow from the overhead lights loomed over both of them, then a huge muscular arm reached pass her and grabbed the guy by his arm and jerked him backwards.

  “Step the fuck back now before I rip off your arm!”

  The bouncer yanked the guy so hard his drink fell out of his hand.

  “Hey my drink!”

  “That’s the least of your problems. You’re coming with me.” He said as he dragged him through the crowd like kid with a rag doll towards the front door.

  “Now get out and stay out of my club. Don’t let me have to tell you again.” He said tossing the guy out into the street. The huge bouncer went back into the club and over to Heater and Lola.

  “You okay miss?” he asked in a deep gentle voice.

  “Yeah, he just scared me a little. I’m okay, really, I’m okay. Thank you.”

  “My pleasure, trust me he bother you again.”

  “Thank you, you are so kind. What’s your name?”

  “I’m Brady R. Johnson, but everyone around here calls me Bubba. I prefer Bubba.”

  “Thank you Bubba. You’re my knight in shinning armor.”

  “Heck, it wasn’t nothin’. I throw out that kind of trash all the time.” He said with a blushing smile feeling protective of her. “Ain’t no one ever called me a knight before.”

  “Well Bubba, you’re my knight, my knight in shinning armor.”

  “Really it was no big deal Miss?”

  “I’m Heather and this is Lola. I’m new here. I’m glad to meet you Bubba.” She said holding out her slender hand. He smiled and grasped her little hand between his thumb and fingers. Her hand looked like an infant’s in his.

  “Well, you two go on and enjoy yourselves and don’t worry about anymore trouble tonight. I’ll keep an eye on ya.”

  “Thank you Bubba.”

  He walked back to the front door, put back in his security earpiece and slipped on his dark shades.

  “Next, ID’s please.”

  Chapter 14 – “You’re looking in the wrong place.”

  It’s nearly midnight and after searching bar after bar, Daryl and Jake went back to The Purple Alligator. Boyd sees them come in and waves them over.

  “Well now, judgin’ by your faces, it doesn’t look like you found what you were looking for.” he said handing each one of them a beer.

  “Much obliged for the beer. No sir, we didn’t find her anywhere.”

  “Well, I did do some checkin’ around and if your girl ran away or something like that, there may be one place you could check.”

  “Where Mister Boyd?”

  “Well this is s
econd hand information mind you, but try The Court of Four Sisters.”

  “Court of Fours Sisters? We didn’t see any place like that.”

  “Well then maybe you boys have been looking in the wrong place.”

  “It sounds like a real fancy place. She ain’t no fancy girl. She’s country.” Said Daryl after taking another long draw on his beer.

  “Yeah, country as cornbread.” added Jake.

  “I’m just sayin’ it might be a place you want to check out. You haven’t had any luck looking in the places you have been. But, suit yourself.”

  “Now hold on Mister Boyd, we’ll take your advice. Where is this place at?”

  Boyd reached into his top pocket and pulled out a slip of paper.

  “Here you go. Now, you didn’t get that from me, you hear me?” he said cutting his eyes to each of them.

  “No sir, we didn’t get this from you.” Daryl said while reading the address.

  “How do we get there from here?”

  Boyd turned the paper over and drew out a small map to its location then gave detail instructions.

  “Much obliged Mister Boyd; we’ll head over there right now!”

  “Well, good luck to you both. Be sure to let me know how things turn out.”

  They finished off their beers then left immediately. Boyd pulled out his cell phone and presses a speed dial number.

  “They’re on their way over there now.”

  Chapter 15 – “This is the place!”

  Heather and Lola went back to the bar and ordered drinks.

  “Well, looks like you have a new friend.” Said Lola looking over at Bubba then back at Heather.

  “I’m thankful he came over and saved me from that idiot.”

  “Bubba has been here a long time. He’s was an orphan you know?”


  “Yeah, his mother was a crack head. When she died of an overdose Amanda took him in and raised him like her own. He’s fearlessly loyal to her and everyone here. I’ve seen him in action and let me tell you, you don’t want to be on the losing team.”

  “I know what you mean. I thought he was going to crush that guy like beer can.”

  “That’s nothing compared to what he’s like when he’s really pissed. This is New Orleans, and when people come here, they get drunk and do things they wouldn’t normally do anywhere else.”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean. Kind of reminds me of the bars back where I came from.”

  “Speaking of which, what’s your story?”

  “I’d really rather not talk about it if you don’t mind.”